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- /*
- Hemispherical Projection of a Triangle
- Buming Bian
- UT System---Center for High Performance Computing
- Austin, Texas
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "GraphicsGems.h"
- #include "GraphicsGems.c"
- #define HOMON 4
- #define PONPATCH 3
- #define ERR 1.0e-10
- #define ONE 1 - ERR
- /* types of structures */
- typedef struct {
- Point3 pt[PONPATCH]; /* Vertices coordinates */
- double ref; /* Reflectivity of the patch */
- double trs; /* transmittance of the patch */
- } Patch;
- /* return a patch normal. */
- Vector3 *patchnorm(suf)
- Patch *suf;
- {
- Vector3 *vt1 = NEWTYPE(Vector3);
- Vector3 *vt2 = NEWTYPE(Vector3);
- Vector3 *norm = NEWTYPE(Vector3);
- vt1 = V3Sub(&suf->pt[1], &suf->pt[0], vt1);
- vt2 = V3Sub(&suf->pt[2], &suf->pt[0], vt2);
- norm = V3Normalize(V3Cross(vt1, vt2, norm));
- free(vt1); free(vt2);
- return(norm);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- * Compute the form factor. Homogeneous transformation is applied to the two *
- * input Patches such that the center of patch suf1 located at origin with *
- * its normal coinciding with z axis. A hemisphere is constructed above the xy*
- * plane, patch suf2 is projected on the hemisphere to form a spherical *
- * triangle. This spherical triangle is again projected on the xy plane and *
- * the projected area is the form factor of patch suf2 to patch suf1. *
- ******************************************************************************/
- double hemisphere(suf1, suf2)
- Patch *suf1, *suf2;
- {
- int i;
- double out, hm[HOMON][HOMON], projectarea();
- Vector3 *vect[PONPATCH];
- void patchtransf(), ghmgn();
- /* use patch suf1 to form the homogeneous transformation matrix */
- ghmgn(suf1, hm);
- /* apply the transformation to patch suf2 */
- patchtransf(hm, suf2);
- /* represent the vertices with vectors */
- for (i = 0; i < PONPATCH; i++)
- vect[i] = V3New(suf2->pt[i].x, suf2->pt[i].y, suf2->pt[i].z);
- /* Normalize the form factor so the all sub-total of the form factor */
- out = projectarea(vect);
- for (i = 0; i < PONPATCH; i++)
- free(vect[i]);
- return(ABS(out/PI));
- }
- /* Calculate the form factor by adding up all the ellipse sectors formed by two
- * neighbor points */
- double projectarea(vect)
- Vector3 *vect[PONPATCH];
- {
- int i;
- double out= 0, twopntarea();
- for (i = 0; i < PONPATCH; i++)
- out += twopntarea(vect[i], vect[(i+1)%PONPATCH]);
- return(out);
- }
- /* Calculate the area of the ellipsoid triangle */
- double twopntarea(vect1, vect2)
- Vector3 *vect1, *vect2;
- {
- double a, b;
- double sum, cos_sita, halfsita, halfa, d1, d2;
- double arccos(), arctan();
- Vector3 *major, *norm, *v;
- /* Find out the normal vector of the great circle */
- major = V3New(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- norm = V3Duplicate(vect1);
- v = NEWTYPE(Vector3);
- norm = V3Normalize(V3Cross(norm, vect2, v));
- cos_sita = ABS(V3Dot(major, norm));
- if (cos_sita < ERR){
- /* if the normal vector is perpendicular to z axis, form factor is zero */
- sum = 0.0;
- free(norm);
- free(major);
- return(sum);
- }
- halfsita = cos_sita / 2.0;
- halfa = PI * halfsita;
- if (cos_sita < ONE){
- /* project the great circle on to the equatorial plane and calculate the form factor */
- major = V3Normalize(V3Cross(major, norm, v));
- norm->x *= -1; norm->y *= -1; norm->z = 0;
- d1 = sqrt(V3Dot(vect1, vect1));
- d2 = sqrt(V3Dot(vect2, vect2));
- a = V3Dot(major, vect1) / d1;
- if (ABS(a) > 1.0) a /= ABS(a);
- b = V3Dot(norm, vect1);
- sum = arccos(a, b);
- a = V3Dot(major, vect2) / d2;
- if (ABS(a) > 1.0) a /= ABS(a);
- b = V3Dot(norm, vect2);
- sum -= arccos(a, b);
- }
- else{
- /* if the normal vector is parallel to z axis, form factor is maximum */
- sum = arctan(vect1->x, vect1->y);
- sum -= arctan(vect2->x, vect2->y);
- }
- sum *= halfsita;
- free(norm); free(major); free(v);
- if (sum > halfa) sum -= 2.0 * halfa;
- else if (sum < -halfa) sum += 2.0 * halfa;
- return(sum);
- }
- double arccos(x, y)
- double x, y;
- {
- double angle;
- angle = acos(x);
- if (y < 0) angle = 2 * PI - angle;
- return(angle);
- }
- double arctan(x, y)
- double x, y;
- {
- double angle;
- angle = atan2(y, x);
- if (y < 0) angle = 2 * PI + angle;
- return(angle);
- }
- /* Derive the homogeneous transformation matrix for the given patch */
- void ghmgn(suf, hm)
- Patch *suf;
- double hm[HOMON][HOMON];
- {
- int i, j;
- Vector3 *v1;
- Point3 *pnt = NEWTYPE(Vector3);
- double d;
- double tt[HOMON][HOMON], tr1[HOMON][HOMON];
- double tr2[HOMON][HOMON], rr[HOMON][HOMON];
- void mtxprd();
- pnt->x = (suf->pt[0].x+suf->pt[1].x+suf->pt[2].x)/PONPATCH;
- pnt->y = (suf->pt[0].y+suf->pt[1].y+suf->pt[2].y)/PONPATCH;
- pnt->z = (suf->pt[0].z+suf->pt[1].z+suf->pt[2].z)/PONPATCH;
- for (i = 0; i < HOMON; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < HOMON; j++)
- if (i == j){
- tt[i][j] = 1.0; tr1[i][j] = 1.0; tr2[i][j] = 1.0; }
- else{
- tt[i][j] = 0; tr1[i][j] = 0; tr2[i][j] = 0; }
- v1 = patchnorm(suf);
- tt[3][0] = -pnt->x; tt[3][1] = -pnt->y; tt[3][2] = -pnt->z;
- free(pnt);
- d = sqrt(SQR(v1->y)+SQR(v1->z));
- if (d > ERR){
- tr1[0][0] = 1;
- tr1[3][3] = 1;
- tr1[1][1] = v1->z/d;
- tr1[2][2] = v1->z/d;
- tr1[2][1] = -v1->y/d;
- tr1[1][2] = v1->y/d;
- }
- mtxprd(tt, tr1, rr);
- tr2[0][0] = d; tr2[2][2] = d; tr2[2][0] = -v1->x; tr2[0][2] = v1->x;
- free(v1);
- mtxprd(rr, tr2, hm);
- }
- /* Transform a given patch */
- void patchtransf(hm, suf)
- double hm[HOMON][HOMON];
- Patch *suf;
- {
- int i;
- void pnttransf();
- for (i = 0; i < PONPATCH; i++)
- pnttransf(hm, &suf->pt[i]);
- }
- /* Transform a given point */
- void pnttransf(hm, pnt)
- double hm[HOMON][HOMON];
- Point3 *pnt;
- {
- double hi[HOMON], ho[HOMON];
- void transform();
- hi[0] = pnt->x; hi[1] = pnt->y; hi[2] = pnt->z; hi[3] = 1.;
- transform(hm, hi, ho);
- pnt->x = ho[0] / ho[3]; pnt->y = ho[1] / ho[3]; pnt->z = ho[2] / ho[3];
- }
- /* Transform a given vector */
- void vecttransf(hm, vect)
- double hm[HOMON][HOMON];
- Vector3 *vect;
- {
- double hi[HOMON], ho[HOMON];
- void transform();
- hi[0] = vect->x; hi[1] = vect->y; hi[2] = vect->z; hi[3] = 0.;
- transform(hm, hi, ho);
- vect->x = ho[0]; vect->y = ho[1]; vect->z = ho[2];
- }
- /* Transform a given vector */
- void transform(hm, hi, ho)
- double hm[HOMON][HOMON];
- double hi[HOMON], ho[HOMON];
- {
- int j, k;
- for (j = 0; j < HOMON; j++){
- ho[j] = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < HOMON; k++)
- ho[j] += hi[k] * hm[k][j];
- }
- }
- /* Multiple two matrices */
- void mtxprd(h1, h2, h3)
- double h1[HOMON][HOMON], h2[HOMON][HOMON],h3[HOMON][HOMON];
- {
- int i, j, k;
- for (i = 0; i < HOMON; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < HOMON; j++){
- h3[i][j] = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < HOMON; k++)
- h3[i][j] += h1[i][k] * h2[k][j];
- }
- }