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- #include <math.h>
- #include "GraphicsGems.h"
- /* ---- intell - Intersect a ray with an ellipsoid. ------------------- */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* Description: */
- /* Intell determines the intersection of a ray with an */
- /* ellipsoid. */
- /* */
- /* On entry: */
- /* raybase = The coordinate defining the base of the */
- /* intersecting ray. */
- /* raycos = The direction cosines of the above ray. */
- /* center = The location of the center of the ellispoid. */
- /* radius = The radius of a bounding sphere. */
- /* Q = A 4x4 coefficient matrix representing the quadric */
- /* surface. */
- /* */
- /* On return: */
- /* rin = The entering distance of the intersection. */
- /* rout = The leaving distance of the intersection. */
- /* */
- /* Returns: True if the ray intersects the ellipsoid. */
- /* */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- boolean intell (raybase,raycos,center,radius,Q,rin,rout)
- Point3 raybase; /* Base of the intersection ray */
- Vector3 raycos; /* Direction cosines of the ray */
- Vector3 center; /* Base point for the quadric */
- double radius; /* Bounding radius */
- Matrix4 Q; /* Quadric coefficient matrix */
- double *rin; /* Entering distance */
- double *rout; /* Leaving distance */
- {
- boolean hit; /* True if ray intersects quad. */
- double qa, qb, qc, qd, qe, /* Coefficient matrix terms */
- qf, qg, qh, qi, qj;
- double k2, k1, k0; /* Quadric coefficients */
- double disc;
- Vector3 D; /* Ray base to ellipsoid base */
- double d; /* Shortest distance between */
- /* ray and ellipsoid */
- /* Compute the minimal distance between the ray and the center */
- /* of the ellipsoid. */
- V3Sub (¢er,&raybase,&D);
- d = V3Length (&D);
- V3Normalize (&D);
- d = d * sqrt (1. - V3Dot(&D,&raycos));
- hit = (d <= radius);
- if (!hit) return (hit); /* If outside of sphere */
- qa = Q.element[0][0];
- qb = Q.element[0][1] + Q.element[1][0];
- qc = Q.element[0][2] + Q.element[2][0];
- qd = Q.element[0][3] + Q.element[3][0];
- qe = Q.element[1][1];
- qf = Q.element[1][2] + Q.element[2][1];
- qg = Q.element[1][3] + Q.element[3][1];
- qh = Q.element[2][2];
- qi = Q.element[2][3] + Q.element[3][2];
- qj = Q.element[3][3];
- k2 = raycos.x * (raycos.x*qa + raycos.y*qb) +
- raycos.y * (raycos.y*qe + raycos.z*qf) +
- raycos.z * (raycos.z*qh + raycos.z*qc);
- k1 = raycos.x * ((raybase.x*2.*qa + raybase.y*qb + raybase.z*qc) + qd) +
- raycos.y * ((raybase.x*qb + raybase.y*2.*qe + raybase.z*qf) + qg) +
- raycos.z * ((raybase.x*qc + raybase.y*qg + raybase.z*2.*qh) + qi);
- k0 = raybase.x * (raybase.x*qa + raybase.y*qb + raybase.z*qc + qd) +
- raybase.y * ( raybase.y*qe + raybase.z*qf + qg) +
- raybase.z * ( raybase.z*qh + qi) +
- qj;
- disc = k1*k1 - 4.*k2*k0;
- hit = (disc >= 0.0);
- if (hit) { /* If ray hits quadric */
- disc = sqrt(disc);
- *rin = (-k1 - disc) / (2.*k2); /* entering distance */
- *rout = (-k1 + disc) / (2.*k2); /* leaving distance */
- }
- return (hit);
- }