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- #include "GraphicsGems.h"
- #undef ON
- /* Comparison macros */
- #define LEFT -1 /* value to left of (less than) another */
- #define ON 0 /* two values equal */
- #define RIGHT 1 /* value to right of (greater than) another */
- typedef struct endpoint
- { /* An a priori endpoint */
- short x, y;
- typedef struct segment
- { /* A priori line segment with integer endpoints */
- ENDPOINT first, last; /* defined to be ordered from "first" to "last" */
- typedef struct param
- { /* Parameterized description of an intersection along a SEGMENT */
- long num, denom;
- } PARAM;
- typedef struct subsegment
- {
- SEGMENT apriori; /* The a priori segment this subsegment falls on */
- PARAM ParOne, ParTwo;/* Parameterized description of intersection points */
- typedef struct intpoint
- { /* Intersection point returned by SegIntersect */
- PARAM par[2]; /* par[0] is on the first segment, par[1] on the second */
- long a, b, c, d; /* storing these allows fast computation for direction of
- crossing */
- /* All a priori endpoints must have coordinates falling in this range */
- #define PointRange(X) (((X) > -16384) && ((X) < 16383))
- #define SHORTMASK 0xffff /* Used by mult64 */
- /* TRUE iff A and B have same signs. */
- #define SAME_SIGNS(A, B) (((long)((unsigned long)A ^ (unsigned long)B)) >= 0)
- /* Return the max value, storing the minimum value in min */
- #define maxmin(x1, x2, min) (x1 >= x2 ? (min = x2, x1) : (min = x1, x2))
- /* *********************************************************************
- Below are two utility functions for implementing exact intersection
- calculation: SubsegIntersect and SideOfPoint. SubsegIntersect uses
- SegIntersect to do the bulk of its work.
- ********************************************************************* */
- /* *********************************************************************
- Compute the intersection points between two a priori line segments.
- Return 0 if no intersection, 1 if intersects in a point,
- and 2 if intersecting lines are colinear. Parameter values for
- intersection point are returned in ipt.
- Entry: s1, s2: the line segments
- Exit: ipt: the intersection point.
- ********************************************************************* */
- int SegIntersect(SEGMENT *s1, SEGMENT *s2,INTPOINT *ipt)
- {
- long a, b, c, d, tdet, sdet, det; /* parameter calculation variables */
- short max1, max2, min1, min2; /* bounding box check variables */
- ENDPOINT p1, p2, q1, q2; /* dereference a priori endpoints */
- p1 = s1->first; p2 = s1->last;
- q1 = s2->first; q2 = s2->last;
- /* First make the bounding box test. */
- max1 = maxmin(p1.x, p2.x, min1);
- max2 = maxmin(q1.x, q2.x, min2);
- if((max1 < min2) || (min1 > max2)) return(0); /* no intersection */
- max1 = maxmin(p1.y, p2.y, min1);
- max2 = maxmin(q1.y, q2.y, min2);
- if((max1 < min2) || (min1 > max2)) return(0); /* no intersection */
- /* See if the endpoints of the second segment lie on the opposite
- sides of the first. If not, return 0. */
- a = (long)(q1.x - p1.x) * (long)(p2.y - p1.y) -
- (long)(q1.y - p1.y) * (long)(p2.x - p1.x);
- b = (long)(q2.x - p1.x) * (long)(p2.y - p1.y) -
- (long)(q2.y - p1.y) * (long)(p2.x - p1.x);
- if(a!=0 && b!=0 && SAME_SIGNS(a, b)) return(0);
- /* See if the endpoints of the first segment lie on the opposite
- sides of the second. If not, return 0. */
- c = (long)(p1.x - q1.x) * (long)(q2.y - q1.y) -
- (long)(p1.y - q1.y) * (long)(q2.x - q1.x);
- d = (long)(p2.x - q1.x) * (long)(q2.y - q1.y) -
- (long)(p2.y - q1.y) * (long)(q2.x - q1.x);
- if(c!=0 && d!=0 && SAME_SIGNS(c, d) ) return(0);
- /* At this point each segment meets the line of the other. */
- det = a - b;
- if(det == 0) return(2); /* The segments are colinear. Determining
- colinear intersection parameters would be tedious and not instructive. */
- /* The segments intersect since each segment crosses the other's line;
- however, since the lines are not parallel, either a or b is not
- zero. Similarly either c or d is not zero. */
- tdet = -c; sdet = a;
- if(det < 0) /* The denominator of the parameter must be positive. */
- { det = -det; sdet = -sdet; tdet = -tdet; }
- ipt->a = a; ipt->b = b;
- ipt->c = c; ipt->d = d;
- ipt->par[0].num = tdet;
- ipt->par[0].denom = det;
- ipt->par[1].num = sdet;
- ipt->par[1].denom = det;
- return(1);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Returns the number of intersection points (0, 1 or 2) between line
- subsegments ss1 and ss2. Note that 2 intersection points would
- represent the endpoints of overlap between two colinear line segments.
- If there is a single intersection point, it is returned in ipt.
- Entry: ss1, ss2: the line subsegments.
- Exit: ipt: the intersection point (if exactly one).
- ********************************************************************* */
- int SubsegIntersect(SUBSEGMENT *ss1, SUBSEGMENT *ss2, INTPOINT *ipt)
- {
- int i; /* Number of intersection points */
- /* intersect a priori segments */
- i = SegIntersect(&ss1->apriori, &ss2->apriori, ipt);
- if(i != 1) return(i); /* either no intersection or colinear */
- /* one intersection point - check if it falls outside of subsegments */
- if(LessThan(&(ipt->par[0]), &(ss1->ParOne)) ||
- GreaterThan(&ipt->par[0], &(ss1->ParTwo)))
- return(0); /* A priori segments intersect, but subsegments do not */
- if(LessThan(&ipt->par[1], &ss2->ParOne) ||
- GreaterThan(&ipt->par[1], &ss2->ParTwo))
- return(0); /* A priori segments intersect, but subsegments do not */
- return(1);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- 64 bit multiplication function.
- Multiply two long integers in1 and in2, returning the result in out.
- ********************************************************************* */
- void mult64(long in1, long in2, unsigned long out[2])
- {
- unsigned short *x, *y, *z;
- unsigned long temp;
- x = (unsigned short *) &in1; y = (unsigned short *) &in2;
- z = (unsigned short *) out;
- temp = x[0] * y[0];
- z[1] = temp >> 16; z[0] = temp & SHORTMASK;
- temp = x[0] * y[1];
- z[2] = temp >> 16; z[1] += temp & SHORTMASK;
- z[2] += z[1] >>16; z[1] = z[1] & SHORTMASK;
- temp = x[1] * y[0];
- z[2] += temp >> 16; z[1] += temp & SHORTMASK;
- z[2] += z[1] >>16; z[1] = z[1] & SHORTMASK;
- z[3] = z[2] >>16; z[2] = z[2] & SHORTMASK;
- temp = x[1] * y[1];
- z[3] += temp >> 16; z[2] += temp & SHORTMASK;
- z[3] += z[2] >>16; z[2] = z[2] & SHORTMASK;
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Comparison primitive to test par1 <= par2.
- Return LEFT if par1 < par2; return ON if par1 = par2;
- return RIGHT if par1 > par2.
- ********************************************************************* */
- int CompPrim(PARAM *par1, PARAM *par2)
- {
- unsigned long r1[2],r2[2];
- mult64(par1->num, par2->denom, r1);
- mult64(par2->num, par1->denom, r2);
- if(r1[1] != r2[1]) { if(r1[1] < r2[1]) return(LEFT); else return(RIGHT);}
- if(r1[0] != r2[0]) { if(r1[0] < r2[0]) return(LEFT); else return(RIGHT);}
- return(ON);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Helper function for all parameter comparisons.
- Returns LEFT if par1 < par2, ON if par1 = par2, and RIGHT otherwise.
- Denominators must be positive.
- ********************************************************************* */
- int CompHelp(PARAM *par1, PARAM *par2)
- {
- PARAM tpar1, tpar2;
- tpar1 = *par1; tpar2 = *par2;
- if(tpar1.num < 0)
- {
- if(tpar2.num >= 0) return(LEFT);
- tpar1.num = -tpar1.num; tpar2.num = -tpar2.num;
- return(CompPrim(&tpar2, &tpar1));
- }
- if(tpar2.num < 0) return(RIGHT);
- return(CompPrim(&tpar1, &tpar2));
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Returns TRUE if par1 < par2 and FALSE otherwise;
- ********************************************************************* */
- boolean LessThan(PARAM *par1, PARAM *par2)
- {
- double x1, x2;
- x1 = ((double)par1->num) * par2->denom;
- x2 = ((double)par2->num) * par1->denom;
- if(x1 != x2)
- if(x1 < x2) return(TRUE);
- else return(FALSE);
- return(CompHelp(par1, par2) == LEFT);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Returns TRUE if par1 > par2 and FALSE otherwise;
- ********************************************************************* */
- boolean GreaterThan(PARAM *par1, PARAM *par2)
- {
- double x1, x2;
- x1 = ((double)par1->num) * par2->denom;
- x2 = ((double)par2->num) * par1->denom;
- if(x1 != x2)
- if(x1 > x2) return(TRUE);
- else return(FALSE);
- return(CompHelp(par1, par2) == RIGHT);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Returns TRUE if par1 = par2 and FALSE otherwise;
- ********************************************************************* */
- boolean Equal(PARAM *par1, PARAM *par2)
- {
- double x1, x2;
- x1 = ((double)par1->num) * par2->denom;
- x2 = ((double)par2->num) * par1->denom;
- if(x1 != x2) return(FALSE);
- return(CompHelp(par1, par2) == ON);
- }
- /* *********************************************************************
- Determine if a given point is to the left of, right of,
- or on segment s1. The point is defined as the position (inpt)
- along a line segment (in). Returns LEFT, RIGHT or ON respectively.
- Entry:
- in: line segment defining intersection point
- inpt: intersection point parameter along "in"
- s1: segment to check on which side of
- ********************************************************************* */
- int SideOfPoint(SEGMENT *in, PARAM *inpar, SEGMENT *s1)
- {
- PARAM par; /* build a fraction for use in comparison against inpar */
- long delx, dely; /* multiplications must be done as longs */
- short *x1, *x2, *y1, *y2, *x3, *x4, *y3, *y4; /* alias names */
- x1 = &s1->first.x; y1 = &s1->first.y; x2 = &s1->last.x; y2 = &s1->last.y;
- x3 = &in->first.x; y3 = &in->first.y; x4 = &in->last.x; y4 = &in->last.y;
- delx = *x2 - *x1; dely = *y2 - *y1;
- par.denom = (*y4 - *y3) * delx - (*x4 - *x3) * dely;
- par.num = (*x3 - *x1) * dely - (*y3 - *y1) * delx;
- if(par.denom > 0) return(CompHelp(&par, inpar));
- else if(par.denom < 0) /* switch signs and compare */
- { par.denom = -par.denom; par.num = -par.num;
- return(CompHelp(inpar, &par)); }
- else if(par.num > 0) return(RIGHT);
- else if(par.num < 0) return(LEFT);
- else return(ON);
- }