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- /*---------------------- main() - test_scallops.c ------------------------
- * This main program tests the scallop (i.e. an envelope of circles) generating
- * function by drawing filled circles with a "fill_circle" function and then
- * using an "erode" function to reduce them to their outlines or scallops.
- * It allocates a small frame buffer and asks the user to choose the number
- * of circles desired, their centers, and their radii. The circles are drawn
- * and filled in sequence. A simple "printf" to the standard output displays
- * the upper left corner of the frame buffer. The "erode" function is then
- * applied to the frame buffer, leaving only the outlines of the filled
- * circles (scallops) with their interiors refilled by an erosion replacement
- * value. Again the upper left corner of the frame buffer is displayed with
- * the results of the eroding the filled circles to scallops.
- * When the erosion replacement value is the same as the background, only the
- * outlines (the value used for circle filling) will be shown.
- *
- * Author: Eric Furman
- * General Dynamics/ Convair Division
- * San Diego, California
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define XMIN 0 /* limits of the frame buffer */
- #define XMAX 63
- #define YMIN 0
- #define YMAX 63
- #define STRIDE 64 /* width of frame buffer (XMAX - XMIN + 1) */
- #define MIN(j,k) (j)<(k) ? (j) : (k)
- #define MAX(j,k) (j)>(k) ? (j) : (k)
- unsigned char *Pt_Frame; /* Global pointer to start of frame buffer */
- main()
- {
- int xc, yc, r, ny, nc, k, j;
- unsigned char val_fill, val_erode;
- void fill_circle(), erode();
- /* Values (i.e. VLT index) for filling the circles and erosion replacement. */
- val_fill = 8;
- val_erode = 1;
- /* Allocate space initialized to zero for the test frame buffer: */
- ny = YMAX - YMIN + 1; /* number of rasters */
- Pt_Frame = (unsigned char *)calloc(STRIDE * ny, sizeof(unsigned char));
- /* Obtain user input and loop through circles filling each one. */
- printf(" Number of circles: ");
- scanf("%d", &nc); /* try: 3 */
- for(k=0; k<nc; k++) {
- printf(" center (x,y) and radius: ");
- scanf("%d%d%d", &xc, &yc, &r); /* try: 5 5 6, 15 12 7, 28 6 5 */
- /* Check for total clipping before filling circle: */
- if(xc+r < XMIN || xc-r > XMAX || yc+r < YMIN || yc-r > YMAX) {
- printf("Circle x,y,r: %d %d %d total clip.\n", xc, yc, r);
- }
- else {
- fill_circle(xc, yc, r, val_fill);
- }
- } /* end for loop through circles */
- /* Print the Upper Left corner of the buffer after filling circles: */
- printf("UL corner of filled buffer.\n");
- for(k=0; k<23; k++) {
- printf("%2d: ",k);
- for(j=0; j<35; j++) {
- printf("%2d", *(Pt_Frame + j + k * STRIDE));
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- erode(val_fill, val_erode); /* erode the filled circles */
- /* Print the Upper Left corner of the buffer after eroding filled circles: */
- printf("UL corner of eroded buffer.\n");
- for(k=0; k<23; k++) {
- printf("%2d: ",k);
- for(j=0; j<35; j++) {
- printf("%2d", *(Pt_Frame + j + k * STRIDE));
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- free((char*) Pt_Frame); /* free the frame buffer memory */
- }
- /*--------------------------- fill_circle() ----------------------------
- * A midpoint circle generating/filling algorithm using second order partial
- * differences to compute cartesian increments. Given a circles center
- * point (xc,yc), its radius (r), and a fill value (value); this will
- * draw the filled circle.
- */
- void fill_circle(xc, yc, r, value)
- int xc, yc, r; /* center & radius */
- unsigned char value; /* filling value */
- {
- int x, y, d, de, dse ;
- void raster_fill();
- x = 0;
- y = r; /* initialization */
- d = 1 - r;
- de = 3;
- dse = -2 * r + 5;
- while(y >= x) { /* thru 2nd octant, others handled in raster_fill() */
- if(d < 0) { /* only move +x in octant 2 */
- d += de;
- dse += 2;
- raster_fill(xc, yc, y, x, value); /* rasters in octants 1-4 & 5-8 */
- }
- else { /* move +x and -y in octant 2 */
- d += dse;
- dse += 4;
- raster_fill(xc, yc, y, x, value); /* rasters in octants 1-4 & 5-8 */
- raster_fill(xc, yc, x, y, value); /* rasters in octants 2-3 & 6-7 */
- y --;
- }
- de += 2;
- x++;
- } /* end while(y >= x) */
- }
- /*------------------------ raster_fill() ---------------------------------
- * Rasters filling for octants 2 to 3 and 6 to 7. x and y will be reversed in
- * the calling sequence for octants 1 to 4 and 5 to 8.
- * Requires the global pointer to a frame buffer (Pt_Frame), the defined
- * parameters for the frame extents (XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX), and the defined
- * parameter for the frame width (STRIDE).
- * Called by the fill_circle function.
- */
- void raster_fill(xc, yc, x, y, value)
- int xc, yc, x, y;
- unsigned char value;
- {
- int xl, xr, yt, yb;
- register int k;
- register unsigned char *ptb;
- xr = MAX(xc + x, XMIN); /* raster(s) x limits */
- xl = MIN(xc - x, XMAX);
- /* if raster segment on frame in x, get y values of top and bottom raster */
- if(xr >= xl) {
- yt = yc + y;
- yb = yc - y;
- /* if raster segment on frame in y, point to its start and fill segment */
- if(yt <= YMAX && yt >= YMIN) {
- ptb = Pt_Frame + yt * STRIDE + xl;
- for(k=xl; k<=xr; k++) *ptb++ = value;
- }
- if(yb != yt && yb <= YMAX && yb >= YMIN) { /* if on & not same raster */
- ptb = Pt_Frame + yb * STRIDE + xl;
- for(k=xl; k<=xr; k++) *ptb++ = value;
- }
- } /* end of if(xr >= xl) */
- }
- /*-------------------------- erode() ------------------------------------
- * Erode the filled circles to their envelope (scallops) only. Erases existing
- * val_filled pixels to val_erode when all 4 nearest neighbor pixels are also
- * set to val_filled.
- * Requires the value used to fill the circles (val_filled) and a value to
- * which their interiors will be eroded (val_erode).
- * Also requires the global pointer to a frame buffer (Pt_Frame), the defined
- * parameters for the frame extents (XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX), and the defined
- * parameter for the frame width (STRIDE).
- */
- void erode(val_filled, val_erode)
- unsigned char val_filled, val_erode; /* filled and erode to values */
- {
- int k, j;
- unsigned char *buf0, *buf1, *buf2, *b0, *b1, *b2;
- int n;
- unsigned char val4, *ptl, *ptr, *ptb, *ptt, *ptc, *ptf;
- val4 = val_filled * 4; /* for nearest neighbor sum test below */
- /* Allocate space for working raster buffers were erosion test/evaluation will
- * be performed. These include a one pixel border beyond the frame buffer. */
- buf0 = b0 = (unsigned char*)malloc((STRIDE+2) * sizeof(unsigned char));
- buf1 = b1 = (unsigned char*)malloc((STRIDE+2) * sizeof(unsigned char));
- buf2 = b2 = (unsigned char*)malloc((STRIDE+2) * sizeof(unsigned char));
- ptt = buf0;
- ptc = buf1; /* set center, top, and bottom buffer pointers */
- ptb = buf2;
- /* Initial buffer values to drawing value for one pixel border at top: */
- for(k=0; k<STRIDE+2; k++) *ptt++ = *ptc++ = *ptb++ = val_filled;
- /* Initialize first working raster buffer from the Frame buffer */
- ptf = Pt_Frame;
- ptb = buf2 + 1;
- for(k=0; k<STRIDE; k++) *ptb++ = *ptf++;
- /* Working through the Frame buffer raster by raster with line counter n: */
- for(k=YMIN, n=0; k<=YMAX; k++, n++) {
- ptf = buf0;
- buf0 = buf1;
- buf1 = buf2; /* roll pointers for circular buffering */
- buf2 = ptf;
- ptb = buf2 + 1; /* "new" buffer line to fill */
- if(k == YMAX) { /* if below frame, use filled values */
- for(j=0; j<STRIDE+2; j++) *ptb++ = val_filled;
- }
- else { /* else on frame buffer, so load from frame */
- ptf = Pt_Frame + (n+1) * STRIDE;
- for(j=0; j<STRIDE; j++) *ptb++ = *ptf++; /* add next raster */
- }
- /* Doing erosion by moving across the three raster buffers by pointers to
- * the nearest four neighbors, the center pixel, and the output raster: */
- ptl = buf1; /* left of test point */
- ptr = buf1 + 2; /* right */
- ptt = buf0 + 1; /* top */
- ptb = buf2 + 1; /* bottom */
- ptc = buf1 + 1; /* center */
- ptf = Pt_Frame + n * STRIDE; /* output */
- for(j=0; j<STRIDE; j++) { /* across buffers pixel by pixel */
- if(*ptc++ == val_filled) { /* is center pixel value filled */
- if((*ptl + *ptr + *ptt + *ptb) == val4) *ptf = val_erode;
- }
- ptl++; ptr++; ptt++; ptb++; ptf++; /* increment pointers */
- } /* end for j loop across raster buffers */
- } /* end for k loop thru frame buffer rasters */
- free((char*)b0);
- free((char*)b1);
- free((char*)b2);
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/