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- /*
- * Name (person to blame): Andrew Woo
- * Gem: Article 7.1, "The Shadow Depth Map Revisited"
- * Affiliation: Alias Research, Style! Division
- */
- #include <math.h>
- /***********************************************
- Reeves' SampleShadow code using BIAS
- ************************************************/
- #define REEVES_APPROACH { \
- inshadow = 0; \
- for (i = 0, s = smin; i < ns; i++, s += ds) { \
- for (j = 0, t = tmin; j < nt; j++, t += dt) { \
- iu = s + Rand()*js; /* jitter s, t */ \
- iv = t + Rand()*jt; \
- \
- bias = Rand() * (Bias1 - Bias0) + Bias0; /* pick bias */ \
- if (iu >= bbox->r_umin && iu <= bbox->r_umax && \
- iv >= bbox->r_vmin && iv <= bbox->r_vmax) \
- if (z > depthMap[iu][iv] + bias) inshadow++; \
- } \
- } \
- }
- /***********************************************
- New SampleShadow code with no BIAS and doing
- integer comparisons for depth values first.
- ************************************************/
- #define NEW_APPROACH { \
- register int integerZ = (int) z, intDepth; \
- register float depthValue; \
- inshadow = 0; \
- \
- for (i = 0, s = smin; i < ns; i++, s += ds) { \
- for (j = 0, t = tmin; j < nt; j++, t += dt) { \
- iu = s + Rand()*js; \
- iv = t + Rand()*jt; \
- if (iu >= bbox->r_umin && iu <= bbox->r_umax && \
- iv >= bbox->r_vmin && iv <= bbox->r_vmax) { \
- /* do integer comparison first */ \
- depthValue = depthMap[iu][iv]; \
- intDepth = (int) depthValue; \
- if ((integerZ > intDepth) || \
- (integerZ == intDepth && z > depthValue)) \
- inshadow++; \
- } else { \
- /* boundary case error */ \
- inshadow++; \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- }
- /* Start of Reeves' code in Siggraph 87 paper */
- float ResFactor = 3;
- float MinSize = 0;
- float Bias0 = 0.3;
- float Bias1 = 0.4;
- int NumSamples = 16;
- int MinSamples = 1;
- #define MAPRES 256 /* I tested the code at 256x256 */
- float depthMap[MAPRES][MAPRES];
- #define CLAMP(a,min,max) (a<min?min:(a>max?max:a))
- float Rand();
- typedef struct {
- int r_umin, r_umax;
- int r_vmin, r_vmax;
- } TextureRect;
- float SampleShadow (s, t, z, sres, tres, bbox)
- float s, t, z, sres, tres;
- TextureRect *bbox;
- {
- int i, j, inshadow, iu, iv, ns, nt, lu, hu, lv, hv;
- float smin, tmin, ds, dt, js, jt;
- /* convert to coordinates of depth map */
- sres = MAPRES * sres * ResFactor;
- tres = MAPRES * tres * ResFactor;
- if (sres < MinSize) sres = MinSize;
- if (tres < MinSize) tres = MinSize;
- s *= MAPRES; t *= MAPRES;
- /* cull if outside bounding box */
- lu = floor (s-sres); hu = ceil (s+sres);
- lv = floor (t-tres); hv = ceil (t+tres);
- if (lu > bbox->r_umax || hu < bbox->r_umin ||
- lv > bbox->r_vmax || hv < bbox->r_vmin)
- return (1.0); /* error in Reeves' code at boundary cases */
- /* calculate number of samples */
- if (sres*tres*4 < NumSamples) {
- ns = sres + sres + 0.5;
- ns = CLAMP(ns, MinSamples, NumSamples);
- nt = tres + tres + 0.5;
- nt = CLAMP(nt, MinSamples, NumSamples);
- }
- else {
- nt = sqrt(tres*NumSamples/sres) + 0.5;
- nt = CLAMP(nt, MinSamples, NumSamples);
- ns = ((float)NumSamples)/nt + 0.5;
- ns = CLAMP(ns, MinSamples, NumSamples);
- }
- /* setup jitter variables */
- ds = 2*sres/ns; dt = 2*tres/nt;
- js = ds*.5; jt = dt*.5;
- smin = s - sres + js; tmin = t - tres + jt;
- /* decide which version you want... */
- #ifdef OLD_WAY
- #else
- #endif
- return (((float) inshadow) / (ns*nt));
- }