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- Graphics Gems vol. 1-5
- Master Table of Contents
- (ver 1.0; March 6, 1995)
- Derived from source material created by
- David Kirk, Paul Heckbert and Alan Paeth
- Notes: some titles have been truncated;
- page numbers must be rechecked.
- ===========================================
- Graphics Gems I (Andrew Glassner, Editor)
- ===========================================
- Vol Txt Code Auth Title
- 1 Preface
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Mathematical Notation
- 1 Pseudo-Code
- 1 Contributors
- 1 I. 2D Geometry
- 1 3 Glassner Useful 2D Geometry
- 1 12 Trigonometry Summary
- 1 13 Glassner Useful Trigonometry
- 1 18 Paeth Trigonometric Functions at Select Points
- 1 20 Goldman Triangles
- 1 24 649 Turk Generating Random Points in Triangles
- 1 29 651 Shapira Fast Line-Edge Intersections on a Uniform Grid
- 1 37 Anti-Aliasing Summary
- 1 38 Thompson Area of Intersection: Circle and a Half-Plane
- 1 40 Thompson Area of Intersection: Circle and a Thick Line
- 1 43 Thompson Area of Intersection: Two Circles
- 1 47 Thompson Vertical Distance from a Point to a Line
- 1 49 654 Paeth A Fast 2D Point-on-line Test
- 1 51 656 Shaffer Fast Circle-Rectangle Intersection Checking
- 1 II. 2D Rendering
- 1 57 Paeth Circles of Integral Radius on Integer Lattices
- 1 61 657 Heckbert Nice Numbers for Graph Labels
- 1 64 660 Cychosz Efficient Gen. of Sampling Jitter Using Look-up Tables
- 1 75 Scan Conversion Summary
- 1 76 662 Morrison Fast Anti-Aliasing Polygon Scan Conversion
- 1 84 667 Heckbert Generic Convex Polygon Scan Conversion and Clipping
- 1 87 681 Heckbert Concave Polygon Scan Conversion
- 1 92 Wallis Fast Scan Conversion of Arbitrary Polygons
- 1 98 Line-Drawing Summary
- 1 99 685 Heckbert Digital Line Drawing
- 1 101 686 Wyvill Symmetric Double Step Line Algorithm
- 1 105 690 Thompson Rendering Anti-Aliased Lines
- 1 107 Ritter An Algorithm for Filling in 2D Wide Line Bevel Joints
- 1 114 Wallis Rendering Fat Lines on a Raster Grid
- 1 121 694 Spoelder,Ullings Two-Dimensional Clipping: Vector-Based Approach
- 1 129 G.Lee,Penk,Wallis Periodic Tilings of the Plane on a Raster Grid
- 1 III. Image Processing
- 1 143 Anti-Aliasing Filters Summary
- 1 144 Pavicic Anti-Aliasing Filters that Minimize "Bumpy" Sampling
- 1 147 Turkowski Filters for Common Resampling Tasks
- 1 166 Olsen Smoothing Enlarged Monochrome Images
- 1 171 711 Paeth Median Finding on a 3-by-3 Grid
- 1 176 713 Hawley Ordered Dithering
- 1 179 Paeth A Fast Algorithm for General Raster Rotation
- 1 196 Schumacher Useful 1-to-1 Pixel Transforms
- 1 210 Thompson Alpha Blending
- 1 IV. Frame Buffer Techniques
- 1 215 Glassner Frame Buffers and Color Maps
- 1 219 Paeth Reading a Write-Only Write Mask
- 1 221 715 Morton A Digital "Dissolve" Effect
- 1 233 718 Paeth Mapping RGB Triples onto Four Bits
- 1 246 Heckbert What Are the Coordinates of a Pixel?
- 1 249 719 Paeth Proper Treatment of Pixels as Integers
- 1 257 Glassner Normal Coding
- 1 265 720 Heckbert Recording Animation for Progressive Temporal Refinement
- 1 270 Schumacher 1-to-1 Pixel xforms through Color-Map Manipulation
- 1 275 721 Heckbert A Seed Fill Algorithm
- 1 278 Fishkin Filling a Region in a Frame Buffer
- 1 285 Wallace Precalculating for Fast Fills, Circles, and lines
- 1 287 Gervautz,Purgathofer Color Quantization by Octree Quantization
- 1 V. 3D Geometry
- 1 297 Glassner Useful 3D Geometry
- 1 301 723 Ritter An Efficient Bounding Sphere
- 1 304 Goldman Intersection of Two Lines in Three-Space
- 1 305 Goldman Intersection of Three Planes
- 1 306 Mapping Summary
- 1 307 Paeth Digital Cartography for Computer Graphics
- 1 321 726 Bame Albers Equal-Area Conic Map Projection
- 1 326 Boxes and Spheres Summary
- 1 327 Montani,Scopigno Spheres-to-Voxels Conversion
- 1 335 730 Arvo A Simple Method for Box-Sphere Intersection Testing
- 1 VI. 3D Rendering
- 1 343 733 Wyvill 3D Grid Hashing Function
- 1 346 Hultquist Backface Culling
- 1 348 M.Lee Fast Dot Products for Shading
- 1 361 Thompson Scanline Depth Gradient of a Z-Buffered Triangle
- 1 364 Glassner Simulating Fog and Haze
- 1 366 Glassner Interpretation of Texture Map Indices
- 1 376 Glassner Multidimensional Sum Tables
- 1 VII. Ray Tracing
- 1 385 Ritter A Simple Ray Rejection Test
- 1 387 Ray-Object Intersection Summary
- 1 388 Hultquist Intersection of a Ray with a Sphere
- 1 390 735 Badouel An Efficient Ray-Polygon Intersection
- 1 394 A.Wu Fast Ray-Polygon Intersection
- 1 395 736 A.Wu Fast Ray-Box Intersection
- 1 397 Pearce Shadow Attenuation for Ray Tracing Transparent Objects
- 1 VIII. Numerical and Programming Techniques
- 1 403 Root Finding Summary
- 1 404 738 Schwarze Cubic and Quartic Roots
- 1 408 787 Schneider A Bezier Curve-Based Root-Finder
- 1 416 743 Hook,McAree Using Sturm Sequences to Bracket Roots of Polynomials
- 1 423 Distance Measures Summary
- 1 424 756 Lalonde,Dawson A High-Speed, Low Precision Square Root
- 1 427 758 Paeth A Fast Approximation to the Hypotenuse
- 1 432 Ritter A Fast Approximation to 3D Euclidean Distance
- 1 434 Thompson Full-Precision Constants
- 1 435 Thompson Converting Between Bits and Digits
- 1 436 Wyvill Storage-free Swapping
- 1 438 Glassner Generating Random Integers
- 1 440 Ritter Fast 2D-3D Rotation
- 1 442 Shoemake Bit Patterns for Encoding Angles
- 1 443 759 Shaffer Bit Interleaving for Quad- or Octrees
- 1 448 763 Fishkin A Fast HSL-to-RGB Transform
- 1 IX. Matrix Techniques
- 1 453 Thompson Matrix Identities
- 1 455 Rotation Matrix Methods Summary
- 1 456 Thompson Transforming Axes
- 1 460 Thompson Fast Matrix Multiplication
- 1 462 Hultquist A Virtual Trackball
- 1 464 765 Raible Matrix Orthogonalization
- 1 465 Pique Rotation Tools
- 1 470 766 Carling Matrix Inversion
- 1 472 Goldman Matrices and Transformations
- 1 476 770 Cychosz Efficient Post-Concatenation of Transformation Matrices
- 1 X. Modeling and Transformations
- 1 485 Greene Transformation Identities
- 1 494 773 Turkowski Fixed-Point Trigonometry with CORDIC Iterations
- 1 498 775 Maillot Using Quaternions for Coding 3D Transformations
- 1 516 778 Cunningham 3D Viewing and Rotation Using Orthonormal Bases
- 1 522 Turkowski The Use of Coordinate Frames in Computer Graphics
- 1 533 780 Wallis Forms, Vectors, and Transforms
- 1 539 Turkowski Properties of Surface-Normal Transformations
- 1 548 785 Arvo Transforming Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes
- 1 551 Constructing Shapes Summary
- 1 552 Hall Defining Surfaces from Sampled Data
- 1 558 Hall Defining Surfaces from Contour Data
- 1 562 Glassner Computing Surface Normals for 3D Models
- 1 567 Bloomenthal Calculation of Reference Frames along a Space Curve
- 1 XI. Curves and Surfaces
- 1 575 Glassner Planar Cubic Curves
- 1 579 Rasala Explicit Cubic Spline Interpolation Formulas
- 1 585 Gomez Fast Spline Drawing
- 1 587 Goldman Some Properties of Bezier Curves
- 1 594 Wallis Tutorial on Forward Differencing
- 1 604 Goldman Integration of Bernstein Basis Functions
- 1 607 787 Schneider Solving the Nearest-Point-on-Curve Problem
- 1 612 797 Schneider An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
- 1 Appendix I: C Utilities
- 1 629 Graphics Gems C Header File
- 1 633 2D and 3D Vector C Library
- 1 643 Memory Allocation in C
- 1 644 Two Useful C Macros
- 1 645 How to Build Circular Structures in C
- 1 646 How to Use C Register Variables to Point to 2D Arrays
- 1 Appendix II: C Implementations
- 1 647 code starts
- 1 808 References
- 1 822 Index
- 1 833 last page
- ===========================================
- Graphics Gems II (James Arvo, Editor)
- ===========================================
- 2 Foreword
- 2 Preface
- 2 Mathematical Notation
- 2 Pseudo-Code
- 2 Contributors
- 2 I. 2D Geometry and Algorithms
- 2 3 Introduction
- 2 5 Rokne The Area of a Simple Polygon
- 2 7 473 Prasad Intersection of Line Segments
- 2 10 Morrison Distance from a Point to a Line
- 2 14 Rokne An Easy Bounding Circle
- 2 17 Rokne The Smallest Circle Containing Two Circles
- 2 19 Rokne Appolonius' 10th Problem
- 2 25 477 Musgrave A Peano Curve Generation Algorithm
- 2 26 485 Voorhies Space-Filling Curves and a Measure of Coherence
- 2 31 487 Steinhart Scanline Coherent Shape Algebra
- 2 II. Image Processing
- 2 49 Schumacher Image Smoothing and Sharpening by Discrete Convolution
- 2 50 502 Schumacher A Comparison of Digital Halftoning Techniques
- 2 72 509 Thomas,Bogart Color Dithering
- 2 78 Schumacher Fast Anamorphic Image Scaling
- 2 80 Ward Real Pixels
- 2 84 514 Yap A Fast 90-Degree Bitmap Rotator
- 2 86 516 Holt Rotation of Run-Length Encoded Image Data
- 2 89 Glassner Adaptive Run-Length Encoding
- 2 93 Paeth Image File Compression Made Easy
- 2 101 Max An Optimal Filter for Image Reconstruction
- 2 105 Schlag Noise Thresholding in Edge Images
- 2 107 525 Bieri,Kohler Area, Circumference, and Genus of a Binary Digital Image
- 2 III. Frame Buffer Techniques
- 2 115 Introduction
- 2 116 528 Thomas Efficient Inverse Color Map Computation
- 2 126 X.Wu Statistical Computations for Optimal Color Quantization
- 2 134 536 Musgrave A Random Color Map Animation Algorithm
- 2 138 Hall,Lindgren A Fast Approach to PHIGS PLUS Pseudo Color
- 2 143 Paeth Mapping RGB Triples into 16 Distinct Values
- 2 147 542 Martindale,Paeth Television Color Encoding and "Hot" Colors
- 2 159 Meyer An Inexpensive Method of Setting the Monitor White Point
- 2 163 Musgrave Some Tips for Making Color Hardcopy
- 2 IV. 3D Geometry and Algorithms
- 2 169 Introduction
- 2 170 Goldman Area of Planar Polygons and Volume of Polyhedra
- 2 172 Shaffer Getting Around on a Sphere
- 2 174 Paeth Exact Dihedral Metrics for Common Polyhedra
- 2 179 Glassner A Simple Viewing Geometry
- 2 181 550 Bogart View Correlation
- 2 191 Glassner Maintaining Winged-Edge Models
- 2 202 Montani,Scopigno Quadtree/Octree-to-Boundary Conversion
- 2 219 563 Maillot 3-D Homogeneous Clipping of Triangle Strips
- 2 232 571 Thalmann,Thalmann,Minh InterPhong Shading
- 2 V. Ray Tracing
- 2 245 Introduction
- 2 247 575 Haines Fast Ray-Convex Polyhedron Intersection
- 2 251 577 Cychosz Intersecting a Ray with an Elliptical Torus
- 2 257 Voorhies,Kirk Ray-Triangle Intersection Using Binary Subdiv.
- 2 264 Kirk,Arvo Improved Ray Tagging for Voxel-Based Ray Tracing
- 2 267 Haines Efficient Hierarchy Traversing in Ray Tracing
- 2 273 581 Pearce A Recursive Shadow Voxel Cache for Ray Tracing
- 2 275 Pearce Avoiding Incorrect Shadow Intersections for Ray Tracing
- 2 277 Lee,Uselton A Body Color Model: Absorption through Translucent Media
- 2 283 Lee,Uselton More Shadow Attenuation for Ray Tracing Translucent Objs
- 2 VI. Radiosity
- 2 293 Introduction
- 2 295 583 Chen Progressive Radiosity with Provided Polygon Display Routines
- 2 299 Beran-Koehn,Pavicic A Cubic Tetrahedral Hemi-Cube Algorithm
- 2 303 598 Tampieri Fast Vertex Radiosity Update
- 2 306 Shirley Radiosity via Ray Tracing
- 2 311 Sillion Shadow Boundaries for Adaptive Meshing in Radiosity
- 2 VII. Matrix Techniques
- 2 319 Introduction
- 2 320 599 Thomas Decomposing a Matrix into Simple Transformations
- 2 324 Goldman Recovering the Data from the Transformation Matrix
- 2 332 Goldman Transformations as Exponentials
- 2 338 Goldman Matrices and Transforms: Shear and Pseudo-Perspective
- 2 342 603 K.Wu Fast Matrix Inversion
- 2 351 Shoemake Quaternions and 4x4 Matrices
- 2 355 606 Arvo Random Rotation Matrices
- 2 357 608 Arvo Classifying Small Sparse Matrices
- 2 VIII. Numerical and Programming Techniques
- 2 365 Introduction
- 2 366 Shoemake Bit Picking
- 2 368 Shoemake Faster Fourier Transform
- 2 371 610 Paeth, Schilling Of Integers, Fields, and Bit Counting
- 2 377 Schlag Geometric ... Interpolate Orientation with Quaternions
- 2 381 Paeth The Joys of the Halved Tangent
- 2 387 612 Musial An Integer Square Root Algorithm
- 2 389 Capelli Fast Approximation to the Arctangent
- 2 392 613 Ritter Fast Sign of Cross Product Calculation
- 2 394 Shoemake Interval Sampling
- 2 396 615 Ward A Recursive Implementation of the Perlin Noise Function
- 2 IX. Curves and Surfaces
- 2 405 Introduction
- 2 406 Moore,Warren Least-Squares Approx. to Bezier Curves and Surfaces
- 2 412 Shoemake Beyond Bezier Curves
- 2 417 Schlag Curve Interpolation with Variable Control Point Approx.
- 2 420 Lindgren Symmetric Evaluation of Polynomials
- 2 424 Seidel Menelaus's Theorem
- 2 428 Seidel Geometrically Continuous Cubic Bezier Curves
- 2 435 617 Musial A Good Straight-Line Approximation of a Circular Arc
- 2 440 Paeth Great Circle Plotting
- 2 446 X.Wu Fast Anti-Aliased Circle Generation
- 2 Appendix I: C Utilities
- 2 455 Graphics Gems C Header File
- 2 458 2D and 3D Vector C Library -- Corrected and Indexed
- 2 467 Hollasch Useful C Macros for Vector Operations
- 2 Appendix II: C Implementations
- 2 473 code starts
- 2 621 References
- 2 635 Index
- 2 643 last page
- ===========================================
- Graphics Gems III (David Kirk, Editor)
- ===========================================
- 3 Foreword
- 3 Preface
- 3 Mathematical Notation
- 3 Pseudo-Code
- 3 Contributors
- 3 I. Image Processing
- 3 4 411 Moller fast bitmap stretching
- 3 8 414 Schumacher general filtered image rescaling
- 3 17 425 Schumacher optimization of bitmap scaling operations
- 3 20 429 Bragg a simple color reduction filter
- 3 23 Moore,Warren compact isocontours from sampled data
- 3 29 432 Feldman generating iso-value contours from a pixmap
- 3 34 Salesin,Barzel compositing black and white bitmaps
- 3 36 Scoffield 2-1/2-d depth of field simulation for computer animation
- 3 39 441 Furman a fast boundary generator for composited regions
- 3 II. Numerical & Programming Techniques
- 3 47 Introduction
- 3 48 446 Hill IEEE fast square root
- 3 49 448 Hill A simple fast memory allocator
- 3 51 452 Hanson the rolling ball
- 3 61 454 Rokne interval arithmetic
- 3 67 458 Paeth fast generation of cyclic sequences
- 3 77 Paeth a generic pixel selection mechanism
- 3 80 Shirley nonuniform random point sets
- 3 84 Goldman cross product in 4-dimensions and beyond
- 3 89 460 Badouel,Wuthrich face connected line segment generation in n-d
- 3 III. Modeling and Transformations
- 3 95 Introduction
- 3 96 461 Morrison quaternion interpolation with extra spins
- 3 98 Goldman decomposing projective transformations
- 3 108 Goldman decomposing linear and affine transformations
- 3 117 463 Arvo fast random rotation matrices
- 3 121 Dana issues and techniques for keyframing transformations
- 3 124 465 Shoemake uniform random rotations
- 3 133 468 Elber interpolation using bezier curves
- 3 137 472 Barr physically based superquadrics
- 3 IV. 2D Geometry and Algorithms
- 3 163 Introduction
- 3 164 478 VanAken,Simar a parametric elliptical arc algorithm
- 3 173 480 Rosati a simple connection algorithm for 2d drawing
- 3 182 487 Srinivasan a fast circle clipping algorithm
- 3 188 491 Shaffer,Feustel exact computation of 2d intersections
- 3 193 496 Miller joining two lines with a circular arc fillet
- 3 199 500 Antonio faster line segment intersection
- 3 203 Sevici the problem of appolonius and other related problems
- 3 V. 3D Geometry and Algorithms
- 3 213 Introduction
- 3 215 Lopez-Lopez triangles revisited
- 3 219 502 Chin partitioning a 3d convex polygon with an arbitrary plane
- 3 223 511 Georgiades signed distance from point to plane
- 3 225 512 Salesin,Tampieri grouping coplanar polygons into coplanar sets
- 3 231 517 Tampieri newell's method for the plane equation of a polygon
- 3 233 519 Georgiades plane to plane intersection
- 3 236 521 Voorhies triangle-cube intersection
- 3 240 527 Wanger,Fusco fast n-dimensional extent overlap testing
- 3 244 534 Moore subdividing simplices
- 3 250 Moore understanding simploids
- 3 256 536 Lischinski converting bezier triangles into rectangular patches
- 3 262 Lindgren,Sanchez,Hall curve tesselation criteria thru sampling
- 3 VI. Ray Tracing & Radiosity
- 3 269 Introduction
- 3 271 538 Sung,Shirley ray tracing with the BSP tree
- 3 275 547 Cychosz,Waggenspack intersecting a ray with a quadric surface
- 3 284 Cychosz ... eliminate ray-object intersection calculations
- 3 288 551 Musgrave a panoramic virtual screen for ray tracing
- 3 295 555 Trumbore rectangular bounding volumes for popular primitives
- 3 301 X.Wu a linear time simple bounding volume algorithm
- 3 307 562 Wang correct direct lighting for distribution ray tracing
- 3 314 569 Bian Hemisphere Projection of a triangle
- 3 318 Max,Allison linear approx using vertex-to-vertex form factors
- 3 324 575 Beran-Koehn,Pavicic delta form factor for cubic tetrahedral alg.
- 3 329 577 Tampieri accurate form factor computation
- 3 VII. Rendering
- 3 337 Introduction
- 3 338 582 Woo the shadow depth map revisited
- 3 343 583 Cheng fast linear color rendering
- 3 349 586 Cheng edge and bitmask calculations for antialiasing
- 3 355 594 Grace fast span conversion: unrolling short loops
- 3 358 597 Hollasch progressive image refinement via gridded sampling
- 3 362 599 Fleischer-Salesin poly. scan conversion using half-open intervals
- 3 366 Glassner darklights
- 3 369 Glassner anti-aliasing in triangular pixels
- 3 374 606 Snyder,Barzel,Gabriel motion blur on graphics workstations
- 3 383 Arvo,Scofield shader cache: a rendering pipeline accelerator
- 3 C Utilities
- 3 393 Glassner Graphics Gems C Header File
- 3 396 Glassner 2-D and 3-D Vector C Library -- Corrected and Indexed
- 3 405 Hollasch Useful C Macros for Vector Operations
- 3 Appendix: C Implementations
- 3 411 code starts
- 3 611 References
- 3 625 Index
- 3 631 last page
- ===========================================
- Graphics Gems IV (Paul Heckbert, Editor)
- ===========================================
- Below is the table of contents for "Graphics Gems IV". This table also
- serves as an index to the code in the FTP collection. Note that every
- article has text that appears in the book but not in the FTP archive,
- and some articles contain no C or C++ code.
- file or book chapter title and author
- directory chapter
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- centroid.c I.1 Centroid of a Polygon
- Gerard Bashein and Paul R. Detmer
- convex_test/ I.2 Testing the Convexity of a Polygon
- Peter Schorn and Frederick Fisher
- ptpoly_weiler/ I.3 An Incremental Angle Point in Polygon Test
- Kevin Weiler
- ptpoly_haines/ I.4 Point in Polygon Strategies
- Eric Haines
- delaunay/ I.5 Incremental Delaunay Triangulation
- Dani Lischinski
- vert_norm/ I.6 Building Vertex Normals from an Unstructured Polygon
- List
- Andrew Glassner
- I.7 Detecting Intersection of a Rectangular Solid and a
- Convex Polyhedron
- Ned Greene
- collide.c I.8 Fast Collision Detection of Moving Convex Polyhedra
- Rich Rabbitz
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- II.1 Distance to an Ellipsoid
- John C. Hart
- dist_fast.c II.2 Fast Linear Approximations of Euclidean Distance in
- Higher Dimensions
- Yoshikazu Ohashi
- outcode/ II.3 Direct Outcode Calculation for Faster Clip Testing
- Walt Donovan and Tim Van Hook
- sph_poly.c II.4 Computing the Area of a Spherical Polygon
- Robert D. Miller
- II.5 The Pleasures of `Perp Dot' Products
- F. S. Hill, Jr.
- II.6 Geometry for N-Dimensional Graphics
- Andrew J. Hanson
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- arcball/ III.1 Arcball Rotation Control
- Ken Shoemake
- III.2 Efficient Eigenvalues for Visualization
- Robert L. Cromwell
- inv_fast.c III.3 Fast Inversion of Length- and Angle-Preserving Matrices
- Kevin Wu
- polar_decomp/ III.4 Polar Matrix Decomposition
- Ken Shoemake
- euler_angle/ III.5 Euler Angle Conversion
- Ken Shoemake
- III.6 Fiber Bundle Twist Reduction
- Ken Shoemake
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- data_smooth/ IV.1 Smoothing and Interpolation with Finite Differences
- Paul H. C. Eilers
- IV.2 Knot Insertion using Forward Differences
- Phillip Barry and Ron Goldman
- IV.3 Converting a Rational Curve to a Standard Rational
- Bernstein-Bezier Representation
- Chandrajit Bajaj and Guoliang Xu
- curve_isect/ IV.4 Intersecting Parametric Cubic Curves by Midpoint
- Subdivision
- R. Victor Klassen
- patch_conv.C IV.5 Converting Rectangular Patches into Bezier Triangles
- Dani Lischinski
- nurb_polyg/ IV.6 Tessellation of NURB Surfaces
- John W. Peterson
- IV.7 Equations of Cylinders and Cones
- Ching-Kuang Shene
- implicit.c IV.8 An Implicit Surface Polygonizer
- Jules Bloomenthal
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- V.1 Computing the Intersection of a Line and a Cylinder
- Ching-Kuang Shene
- ray_cyl.c V.2 Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder
- Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr.
- vox_traverse.c V.3 Voxel Traversal along a 3D Line
- Daniel Cohen
- multi_jitter/ V.4 Multi-Jittered Sampling
- Kenneth Chiu, Peter Shirley, and Changyaw Wang
- minray/ V.5 A Minimal Ray Tracer
- Paul S. Heckbert
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- VI.1 A Fast Alternative to Phong's Specular Model
- Christophe Schlick
- VI.2 R.E versus N.H Specular Highlights
- Frederick Fisher and Andrew Woo
- VI.3 Fast Alternatives to Perlin's Bias and Gain Functions
- Christophe Schlick
- VI.4 Fence Shading
- Uwe Behrens
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- VII.1 XOR-Drawing with Guaranteed Contrast
- Manfred Kopp and Michael Gervautz
- VII.2 A Contrast-Based Scalefactor for Luminance Display
- Greg Ward
- dyn_range/ VII.3 High Dynamic Range Pixels
- Christophe Schlick
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- emboss.c VIII.1 Fast Embossing Effects on Raster Image Data
- John Schlag
- coons_warp.c VIII.2 Bilinear Coons Patch Image Warping
- Paul S. Heckbert
- convolve.c VIII.3 Fast Convolution with Packed Lookup Tables
- George Wolberg and Henry Massalin
- thin_image.c VIII.4 Efficient Binary Image Thinning using Neighborhood Maps
- Joseph M. Cychosz
- clahe.c VIII.5 Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
- Karel Zuiderveld
- mrsfoley.im VIII.6 Ideal Tiles for Shading and Halftoning
- Alan Wm Paeth
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- IX.1 Placing Text Labels on Maps and Diagrams
- Jon Christensen, Joe Marks, and Stuart Shieber
- graph_layout/ IX.2 Dynamic Layout Algorithm to Display General Graphs
- Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- trilerp.c X.1 Tri-linear Interpolation
- Steve Hill
- interp_fast.c X.2 Faster Linear Interpolation
- Steven Eker
- vec_mat/ X.3 C++ Vector and Matrix Algebra Routines
- Jean-Francois Doue
- GraphicsGems.c X.4 C Header File and Vector Library
- GraphicsGems.h Andrew Glassner and Eric Haines
- ===========================================
- Graphics Gems V (Alan Paeth, Editor)
- ===========================================
- Pg Author(s) Title
- -- (Glassner) (Forward)
- -- (Paeth) (Preface/Afterword)
- 1 I. Algebra and Arithmetic
- 3 Herbison-Evans Solving Quartics and Cubics for Graphics
- 16 Turkowski Computing the Inverse Square Root
- 22 Turkowski Fixed Point Square Root
- 25 Shoemake Rational Approximation
- 33 II. Computational Geometry
- 35 Van Gelder Efficient Computation of Polygon Area and Polyhedron Volume
- 42 Carvalho/Cavalcanti Point in Polyhedron Testing using Spherical Polygons
- 50 Glassner Clipping a Concave Polygon
- 55 Hanson Rotations for N-dimensional Graphics
- 65 Buckley Parallelohedra and Uniform Color Quantization
- 72 Hill Matrix-based Ellipse Geometry
- 78 Paeth Distance Approximations and Bounding Polyhedra
- 89 III. Modeling and Transformation
- 91 Alciatore/Miranda The Best Least-Squares Line Fit
- 98 Hill/Roberts Surface Models and the Resolution of n-Dim. Cell Ambiguity
- 107 Arata Tri-cubic Interpolation
- 111 Miller Transforming Coordinates from One Coordinate Plane to Another
- 121 Chin A Walk Through BSP Trees
- 139 Blanc Generic Implementation of Axial Deformation Techniques
- 147 IV. Curves and Surfaces
- 149 Goldman Identifies for the Univariate, Bivariate Bernstein Basis Fcns
- 163 Goldman Identities for the B-Spline Basis Functions
- 168 Turkowski Circular Arc Subdivision
- 173 de Figueiredo Adaptive Sampling of Parametric Curves
- 179 Ahn Fast Generation of Ellipsoids
- 191 Bajaj/Xu Sparse Smooth Connection between Bezier/B-Spline Curves
- 199 Gravesen The Length of Bezier Curves
- 206 Miller Quick and Simple Bezier Curve Drawing
- 210 Shoemake Linear Form Curves
- 225 V. Ray Tracing and Radiosity
- 227 Shene Computing the Intersection of a Line and a Cone
- 232 Schlick/Subrenat Ray Intersection of Tessellated Surfaces: Quad vs Triangle
- 242 Moller Faster Raytracing using Scanline Rejection
- 258 Leipelt Ray Tracing a Swept Sphere
- 268 Marton Acceleration of Ray Tracing via Voronoi-diagrams
- 285 Zimmerman Direct Lighting Models for Ray Tracing with Cylindrical Lamps
- 290 Feda Improving Intermediate Radiosity using Directional Light
- 295 VI. Halftoning and Image Processing
- 297 Purgathofer/Tobler/Geiler Improved Threshold Matrices for Ordered Dithering
- 302 Wong/Hsu Halftoning with Selective Precipitation & Adaptive Clustering
- 314 Eker Faster Pixel-Perfect Line Clipping
- 323 Doue/Rubio Efficient and Robust 2D Shape Vectorization
- 338 Hsu/Lee Reversable Straight Line Edge Reconstruction
- 355 Sharma Priority-based Adaptive Image Refinement
- 359 Cross Sampling Patterns Optimized for Uniform Distribution of Edges
- 365 VII. Utilities
- 367 Schlick Wave Generators for Computer Graphics
- 375 Green/Hatch Fast Polygon-Cube Intersection Testing
- 380 Bouma/Vanecek Velocity-based Collision Detection
- 386 Vanecek Spatial Partitioning of a Polygon by a Plane
- 394 Narkhede/Manocha Fast Polygon Triangulation based on Seidel's Algorithm
- 398 Karinthi Accurate Z-buffer Rendering
- 400 Paeth (et al) A Survey of Graphics Libraries