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#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define PI 3.141592653589793324
#define GeoZeroVec(v) ((v).x = (v).y = (v).z = 0.0)
#define GeoMultVec(a,b,c) do {(c).x = a*(b).x; (c).y = a*(b).y; (c).z = a*(b).z; } while (0)
#define Geo_Vet(a,b,c) do {(c).x = (b).x-(a).x; (c).y = (b).y-(a).y; (c).z = (b).z-(a).z;} while (0)
typedef double Rdouble;
typedef float Rfloat;
typedef struct _GeoPoint { Rfloat x, y, z; } GeoPoint;
/*========================= Geometrical Procedures ======================= */
Rdouble GeoDotProd ( GeoPoint *vec0, GeoPoint *vec1 )
return ( vec0->x * vec1->x + vec0->y * vec1->y + vec0->z * vec1->z );
void GeoCrossProd ( GeoPoint *in0, GeoPoint *in1, GeoPoint *out )
out->x = (in0->y * in1->z) - (in0->z * in1->y);
out->y = (in0->z * in1->x) - (in0->x * in1->z);
out->z = (in0->x * in1->y) - (in0->y * in1->x);
Rdouble GeoTripleProd ( GeoPoint *vec0, GeoPoint *vec1, GeoPoint *vec2 )
GeoPoint tmp;
GeoCrossProd ( vec0, vec1, &tmp );
return ( GeoDotProd( &tmp, vec2 ) );
Rdouble GeoVecLen ( GeoPoint *vec )
return sqrt ( GeoDotProd ( vec, vec ) );
int GeoPolyNormal ( int n_verts, GeoPoint *verts, GeoPoint *n )
int i;
Rfloat n_size;
GeoPoint v0, v1, p;
GeoZeroVec ( *n );
Geo_Vet ( verts[0], verts[1], v0 );
for ( i = 2; i < n_verts; i++ )
Geo_Vet ( verts[0], verts[i], v1 );
GeoCrossProd ( &v0, &v1, &p );
n->x += p.x; n->y += p.y; n->z += p.z;
v0 = v1;
n_size = GeoVecLen ( n );
if ( n_size > 0.0 )
GeoMultVec ( 1/n_size, *n, *n );
return 1;
return 0;
/*========================= geo_solid_angle =========================*/
Calculates the solid angle given by the spherical projection of
a 3D plane polygon
Rdouble geo_solid_angle (
int n_vert, /* number of vertices */
GeoPoint *verts, /* vertex coordinates list */
GeoPoint *p ) /* point to be tested */
int i;
Rdouble area = 0.0, ang, s, l1, l2;
GeoPoint p1, p2, r1, a, b, n1, n2;
GeoPoint plane;
if ( n_vert < 3 ) return 0.0;
GeoPolyNormal ( n_vert, verts, &plane );
WARNING: at this point, a practical implementation should check
whether p is too close to the polygon plane. If it is, then
there are two possibilities:
a) if the projection of p onto the plane is outside the
polygon, then area zero should be returned;
b) otherwise, p is on the polyhedron boundary.
p2 = verts[n_vert-1]; /* last vertex */
p1 = verts[0]; /* first vertex */
Geo_Vet ( p1, p2, a ); /* a = p2 - p1 */
for ( i = 0; i < n_vert; i++ )
Geo_Vet(*p, p1, r1);
p2 = verts[(i+1)%n_vert];
Geo_Vet ( p1, p2, b );
GeoCrossProd ( &a, &r1, &n1 );
GeoCrossProd ( &r1, &b, &n2 );
l1 = GeoVecLen ( &n1 );
l2 = GeoVecLen ( &n2 );
s = GeoDotProd ( &n1, &n2 ) / ( l1 * l2 );
ang = acos ( max(-1.0,min(1.0,s)) );
s = GeoTripleProd( &b, &a, &plane );
area += s > 0.0 ? PI - ang : PI + ang;
GeoMultVec ( -1.0, b, a );
p1 = p2;
area -= PI*(n_vert-2);
return ( GeoDotProd ( &plane, &r1 ) > 0.0 ) ? -area : area;
/* ====================== main ========================== */
int main ( void )
FILE *f;
char s[32];
int nv, j;
GeoPoint verts[100], p;
Rdouble Area =0.0;
fprintf ( stdout, "\nFile Name: " );
gets ( s );
if ( (f = fopen ( s, "r" )) == NULL )
fprintf ( stdout, "Can not open the Polyhedron file \n" );
exit ( 1 );
fprintf ( stdout, "\nPoint to be tested: " );
fscanf( stdin, "%f %f %f", &p.x, &p.y, &p.z );
while ( fscanf ( f, "%d", &nv ) == 1 )
for ( j = 0; j < nv; j++ )
if ( fscanf ( f, "%f %f %f",
&verts[j].x, &verts[j].y, &verts[j].z ) != 3 )
fprintf ( stdout, "Invalid Polyhedron file \n" );
exit ( 2 );
Area += geo_solid_angle ( nv, verts, &p );
fprintf ( stdout, "\n Area = %12.4lf spherical radians.\n", Area);
fprintf ( stdout, "\n The point is %s",
( (Area > 2*PI) || (Area < -2*PI) )? "inside" : "outside" );
fprintf ( stdout, "the given polyhedron \n" );
return 1;