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- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- BoardFlg db 0 ;0 roland 1 for adlib
- mode_flag db 0 ;0 for music.. 1 for fx
- Rsong_number db 0
- Asong_number db 0
- loop_flag dw 0
- curr_fx dw 0
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Roland LAPC-1 macros
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SnCmd MACRO b
- mov al,b
- call TxLACom ;send a command to LAPC-1
- SnDta MACRO b
- mov al,b
- call TxLAData ;send data to LAPC-1
- mov dx,LADataPort ;receive data from LAPC-1
- in al,dx
- mov si,offset p
- call SendLAPCChange ;write sys-ex MIDI string to LAPC-1
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;hardware definitions
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LADataPort equ 330h
- LAComPort equ 331h
- LAStatPort equ 331h
- LADSR equ 80h
- LADRR equ 40h
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LAIntAddr dw 0
- LAIntSeg dw 0
- LAPCNoInts dw 0
- MIDIStatus db 0 ;running status
- MIDIChannel db 0 ;channel
- MIDIChanCount dw 16 dup (0)
- MIDIDataSiz dw 0
- MIDIDataSizes db 0 ;0 look up table
- db 0 ;1
- db 0 ;2
- db 0 ;3
- db 0 ;4
- db 0 ;5
- db 0 ;6
- db 0 ;7
- db 2 ;8 ;note off
- db 2 ;9 ;note on
- db 2 ;A ;note after touch
- db 2 ;B ;control change
- db 1 ;C ;program change
- db 1 ;D ;channel after touch
- db 2 ;E ;pitch wheel
- db 0 ;F ;sys ex
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;some patches etc.
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LAABass equ 1 ;group 1
- LAEBass equ 4 ;gr 1
- LAStr1 equ 48 ;gr 0
- LAStr2 equ 49 ;gr 0
- LAStr3 equ 50 ;gr 0
- LAVio2 equ 53 ;gr 0
- LAPiano equ 1 ;gr 0
- LAElPi equ 3 ;gr 0
- LAHkTk equ 7 ;gr 0
- LAChor equ 34 ;gr 0
- LAAtmos equ 37 ;gr 0
- LAIcRn equ 41 ;gr 0
- LAGtr equ 59 ;gr 0
- LASax equ 15 ;gr 1
- LATromb equ 26 ;gr 1
- LATuba equ 30 ;gr 1
- LABrs1 equ 31 ;gr 1
- LABrs2 equ 32 ;gr 1
- LAVibe1 equ 33 ;gr 1
- LASnBr2 equ 25 ;gr 0
- LASnBr3 equ 26 ;gr 0
- Part1 db 03h,00h,00h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh ;set part 1 to 24, 1 octave down,fine tune,bender,assign,reverb
- Part2 db 03h,00h,10h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part3 db 03h,00h,20h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part4 db 03h,00h,30h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part5 db 03h,00h,40h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part6 db 03h,00h,50h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part7 db 03h,00h,60h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- Part8 db 03h,00h,70h,0,0,0,50,12,0,1,0,100,0FFh
- SetVol db 10h,00h,16h,100,0FFh ;set card to max vol.
- SetUpLAMIDI db 14,16,16,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0FFh ;set up MIDI channels 0-7
- MusicPlayFlg db 0
- RecordFlg db 0
- DonePlay db 0
- MIDIBuffer db 16 dup (0)
- MIDIInBytes dw 0
- TimeOver dw 0
- PlaySeg dw 0
- PlayPtr dw RecBuffer
- PlayLength dw 0
- StartPtr dw 0
- RecBufSiz equ 16
- RecBuffer db RecBufSiz dup (0)
- RecPtr dw RecBuffer
- fx_number db 0
- Tempo dw 0 ;in beats per min
- fx_flag db 0 ;interrupt to use fx driver
- int_flag db 0 ;disable interrupt routine
- csb1 db 0 ;current status byte
- cel1 dw 0 ;current event length
- csb2 db 0 ;current status byte
- cel2 dw 0 ;current event length
- run1 db 0 ;which channel currently running
- ch1_flag db 0 ;1 = channel playing fx
- ch1_pattp dw 0 ;offset pattern pointer for si/ch1
- ch1_intc dw 0 ;count in 1/50ths
- ch2_flag db 0 ;1 = channel playing fx
- ch2_pattp dw 0 ;offset pattern pointer for si/ch1
- ch2_intc dw 0 ;count in 1/50ths