home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- demo equ 1 ;set to 0 to make returnable demo
- develop equ 1 ;set to zero for assembling data blks
- ;or testing length of current data
- ;set to 1 for music development
- select_tunes equ 1
- ifne develop
- include c:sf2d/tspeech_driver.s
- ;music_data_blk
- ; dc.w 0,0,0,0,0
- ;fx_data_blk
- endc
- opt p+
- ;********************************************************************
- b1
- dc.w song_table-b1
- dc.w fxjump_table-b1
- ifeq develop
- ; ALL EQUs
- a00 equ 508*2
- bb00 equ 480*2
- b00 equ 453*2
- c00 equ 428*4
- db00 equ 404*4
- d00 equ 381*4
- eb00 equ 360*4
- e00 equ 339*4
- f00 equ 320*4
- gb00 equ 302*4
- g00 equ 285*4
- ab00 equ 269*4
- ;a00 equ 508*2
- ;bb00 equ 480*2
- ;b00 equ 453*2
- c01 equ 428*2
- db01 equ 404*2
- d01 equ 381*2
- eb01 equ 360*2
- e01 equ 339*2
- f01 equ 320*2
- gb01 equ 302*2
- g01 equ 285*2
- ab01 equ 269*2
- a01 equ 508
- bb01 equ 480
- b01 equ 453
- c02 equ 428
- db02 equ 404
- d02 equ 381
- eb02 equ 360
- e02 equ 339
- f02 equ 320
- gb02 equ 302
- g02 equ 285
- ab02 equ 269
- a02 equ 254
- bb02 equ 240
- b02 equ 226
- c03 equ 214
- db03 equ 202
- d03 equ 190
- eb03 equ 180
- e03 equ 170
- f03 equ 160
- gb03 equ 151
- g03 equ 143
- ab03 equ 135
- a03 equ 127
- bb03 equ 480*2
- b03 equ 453*2
- c04 equ 428*2
- db04 equ 404*2
- d04 equ 381*2
- eb04 equ 360*2
- e04 equ 339*2
- f04 equ 320*2
- gb04 equ 302*2
- g04 equ 285*2
- ab04 equ 269*2
- a04 equ 508
- bb04 equ 480
- b04 equ 453
- c05 equ 428
- db05 equ 404
- d05 equ 381
- eb05 equ 360
- e05 equ 339
- f05 equ 320
- gb05 equ 302
- g05 equ 285
- ab05 equ 269
- a05 equ 254
- bb05 equ 240
- b05 equ 226
- c06 equ 214
- db06 equ 202
- d06 equ 190
- eb06 equ 180
- e06 equ 170
- f06 equ 160
- gb06 equ 151
- g06 equ 143
- ab06 equ 135
- a06 equ 127
- bb06 equ 480*2
- b06 equ 453*2
- c07 equ 428*2
- db07 equ 404*2
- d07 equ 381*2
- eb07 equ 360*2
- e07 equ 339*2
- f07 equ 320*2
- gb07 equ 302*2
- g07 equ 285*2
- ab07 equ 269*2
- a07 equ 508
- bb07 equ 480
- b07 equ 453
- c08 equ 428
- db08 equ 404
- d08 equ 381
- eb08 equ 360
- e08 equ 339
- f08 equ 320
- gb08 equ 302
- g08 equ 285
- ab08 equ 269
- a08 equ 254
- bb08 equ 240
- b08 equ 226
- v equ 0
- no_loop equ 0
- loop equ 0
- chann1reg equ $dff0a0
- chann2reg equ $dff0b0
- chann3reg equ $dff0c0
- chann4reg equ $dff0d0
- dmacon equ $dff096
- int_bf_int equ $dff01e
- int_bf_w equ $dff09a
- vhposr equ $dff006
- in_line equ 0
- new_snd equ 4
- end_song equ 1
- end_patt equ 8
- new_env equ 12
- pbend equ 16
- iff equ 104
- hi: equ 223
- lo: equ 446
- r22 equ 134
- r20 equ 179 ;correctum
- r19 equ 150
- r18 equ 178
- r17 equ 200
- r16: equ 227 ;correctum
- r15: equ 249
- r14 equ 280
- r13: equ 305
- r12: equ 333
- r11: equ 361
- r10: equ 389
- r9: equ 419
- r8: equ 446
- r7: equ 446+112
- r6: equ 446+223
- r5: equ 446+223+112
- r4: equ 446*2
- r3: equ 446*3
- r2: equ 446*4
- r1: equ 446*8
- filter: equ $bfe001
- filter_on equ 44
- filter_off equ 48
- modon equ 20
- pboff equ 24
- modoff equ 28
- rest equ 32
- end_fxp equ 36
- end_fx3 equ 36
- end_fx4 equ 40
- acc equ 52
- repeat equ 56
- down equ 1
- up equ 2
- fx equ 0
- endc
- ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ;;; DATA
- song_table:
- dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- max_songs: dc.l 1
- fxjump_table:
- dc.l fx1-b1
- dc.l fx2-b1
- dc.l fx3-b1
- dc.l fx4-b1
- ;______________________________________________________________________
- ;------------------------
- iff equ 104
- fx_env dc.w 0,64,255
- fx_envq dc.w 0,44,255
- fx_envqq dc.w 0,34,255
- fx_envqqq dc.w 0,24,255
- fx_envqqqq dc.w 0,14,255
- ;**************************************************
- ;;THE FX SAMPLES ARE PULLED IN HERE...THis section can be anywhere
- ;; in lower memory,and in any order
- max_fx dc.l 5 ;number + 1 for test routines only
- ss1
- fx1d incbin c:sf2d/speech/guile_71
- ss2
- fx2d incbin c:sf2d/speech/guile_72
- ss3
- fx3d incbin c:sf2d/speech/guile_73
- ss4
- fx4d incbin c:sf2d/speech/guile_74
- es
- fx1_len equ ss2-ss1-iff
- fx2_len equ ss3-ss2-iff
- fx3_len equ ss4-ss3-iff
- fx4_len equ es-ss4-iff
- ;********************************************
- ; sample parameters
- fx1p
- dc.w 1
- dc.l (fx1d+iff)-b1
- dc.w fx1_len/2
- dc.l restd-b1
- dc.w 16/2
- fx2p
- dc.w 1
- dc.l (fx2d+iff)-b1
- dc.w fx2_len/2
- dc.l restd-b1
- dc.w 16/2
- fx3p
- dc.w 1
- dc.l (fx3d+iff)-b1
- dc.w fx3_len/2
- dc.l restd-b1
- dc.w 16/2
- fx4p
- dc.w 1
- dc.l (fx4d+iff)-b1
- dc.w fx4_len/2
- dc.l restd-b1
- dc.w 16/2
- fx1
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_env-b1
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fx1p-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx1_len*50)/6000
- dc.w end_fxp
- fx2
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_env-b1
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fx2p-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx2_len*50)/6000
- dc.w end_fxp
- fx3
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_env-b1
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fx3p-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx3_len*50)/6000
- dc.w end_fxp
- fx4
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_env-b1
- dc.w new_snd
- dc.l fx4p-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx4_len*50)/8000
- ;dc.w end_fxp
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_envq-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx4_len*50)/8000
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_envqq-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx4_len*50)/8000
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_envqqq-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx4_len*50)/8000
- dc.w new_env
- dc.l fx_envqqqq-b1
- dc.w r7,(fx4_len*50)/6000
- dc.w end_fxp
- restd:
- rest_data:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- endb1
- ;*************************************************
- end
- dc.w modon,1,1,8,8,6,6
- dc.w pbend,down,1,60000,32