Welcome to the demonstration version of Conflict Catcher 8. This version will work for 7 days, after that it will no longer function. If you are currently using Conflict Catcher 4, pay careful attention to the removal instructions in order to retain your existing Conflict Catcher 4 preferences.
Ñ Requirements
Conflict Catcher 8 requires System 7.5 - Mac OS 8.5.1. Conflict Catcher will work on any Macintosh except the Macintosh Plus, SE Series, Classic Series and PowerBook 100.
Ñ Installation Instructions
1) Run the "CC Installer¬" program
2) Click on "Continue"
3) Click on "Install"
4) Click on "Restart"
Ñ Removal Instructions
1) Run the "CC Installer¬" program
2) Click on "Continue"
3) Change "Easy Install" to "Easy Remove"
4) Click on "Remove" (When asked, be sure to keep the Conflict Catcher preferences if you plan on returning to Conflict Catcher 4 or 8)
Demonstration notes
Ñ Purchase Over the Internet
Purchase Conflict Catcher over the internet by selecting "Purchase Online╔" from the Apple menu while Conflict Catcher is open.
Ñ Clean-Install System Merge
This demonstration version of Conflict Catcher allows you to explore how the Clean-Install System Merge works. You will not be able to complete the merge. To perform a system merge, please purchase the full version of Conflict Catcher.
Ñ Getting Help
Conflict Catcher has a built-in help system available from the "Help" or "?" menu. This wealth of information will assist you in getting to know Conflict Catcher.
New Features in Conflict Catcher 8
Ñ Clean-Install System Merge
Merge the contents of your previous system folder into a newly installed system folder, saving you hours of work.
Ñ Improved Conflict Test
You can now save multiple tests, go backwards in a test, answer test questions from the Finder and view more information about the progress of the test.
Ñ Works with Mac OS 8.5 and 8.5.1
Conflict Catcher works with Mac OS 8.5 and 8.5.1 and takes advantage of its latest capabilities, including themes and new navigation services.
Ñ More Descriptions
We have included descriptions for over 4100 different files that may be in your System Folder. Conflict Catcher tells you what each one does, so that you can turn off the ones you don't need.
Ñ Get file descriptions while starting up
Click on an icon as it appears while the computer starts up and Conflict Catcher will tell you what it does and who makes it.
Ñ Contextual Menu Support
Contextual menus are available in Conflict Catcher's main window. To open a contextual menu, hold down the control key, point to an item and click and hold. This feature only works with Mac OS 8.0 and later.
Ñ Restricted User Level
Administrators can restricted users ability to change the startup environment. Combined with a security program that restricts access to the system folder, this effectively protects public computers.
Ñ Startup Menu
Startup menu displays system folders on their respective disks and allows you to choose which system you want to startup from.
Ñ List by Company Name
You can list your files by the name of the manufacturer.
Ñ Rebuild Desktop
You can rebuild your desktop databases (while saving your comments) from within Conflict Catcher.
Ñ Scan any folder for damage
Conflict Catcher now scans any folder for damage, including preferences.
Ñ Multiple columns
Conflict Catcher displays many columns, each of which can show unique information about your files. This feature is customizable according to your needs.
Ñ Fully PowerPC Native
Conflict Catcher is now a fat application which includes native code for both 68000 and PowerPC processors.
Known Problems
Ñ Rebuilding the desktop and Aladdin StuffIt Deluxe
Rebuilding the desktop database while the Mail Extension feature in StuffIt Deluxe v5.0 (or earlier) is on, will cause an empty desktop database to be created. This will result in generic icons being drawn in the finder.
To get around the problem:
1. Turn off MagicMenu, located in the True Finder Integration control panel, or
2. Remove the Mail Extension from the folder ":System Folder: Extensions: Aladdin: Magic Menu Extensions:"
The next release of StuffIt Deluxe should resolve the problem.
Ñ Startup menu and iMac
The Startup menu will be unable to select a different disk on an iMac. Choosing a different System Folder on the same disk will function correctly. We hope to correct this in a future update to Conflict Catcher.
Ñ Startup menu and partitioned APS Hard Drives
When using the startup menu to select a system folder on a partitioned APS hard drive, the first partition will always be selected by default. This happens with both the startup menu and Apple's Startup Disk control panel.
Ñ Purchase Over the Internet
Purchase Conflict Catcher over the internet by selecting "Purchase Online╔" from the Apple menu while Conflict Catcher is open.
Ñ Missing file descriptions
Is one of your files missing a description? Copy the file's information to the clipboard (Command-C in Conflict Catcher), and then paste the information into your email program. Send it to "ccdescriptions@casadyg.com".
Ñ Comments for the development team
If you have any comments/suggestions for the Conflict Catcher development team please send them to "conflictcatcher@casadyg.com".
Changes in 8.0.4
Ñ Added Mac OS 8.5.1 All and Base sets.
Ñ Updated the Clean-Install System Merge for Mac OS 8.5.1.
Ñ New Reference Library with descriptions for over 4100 files (including descriptions for Sherlock internet search sites).
Ñ Fixes several minor bugs.
Changes in 8.0.3
Ñ New Reference Library with descriptions for over 3900 files (including descriptions for Sherlock internet search sites).
Ñ Added Internet Search Sites (for Sherlock Internet searching) as a built-in folder.
Ñ When merging, Conflict Catcher will now correctly label original items in the new system folder.
Ñ Install rules for the Clean-Install System Merge have been updated.
Ñ Fixed an obscure bug involving Unicode and HFS Plus which could cause the system merge to fail when merging into Mac OS 8.1 or 8.5.
Ñ Fixes several minor bugs.
Changes in 8.0.2
Ñ New Reference Library with descriptions for over 3600 files.
Ñ Relaxes monitor requirements from 640 x 400 to 624 x 400.
- Allows Conflict Catcher to run on portrait displays.
Ñ Includes final Mac OS 8.5 System Merge information.
Ñ Fixes several minor bugs.
Ñ Provides several user interface improvements.
Changes in 8.0.1
Ñ Provides a minor fix for Conflict Testing group links.
C&G Information
Ñ Main Address
Casady & Greene, Inc.
22734 Portola Drive
Salinas, CA 93908-1119
(831) 484-9228
(831) 484-9218 (FAX)
Internet email: C&G@casadyg.com
Web address: www.casadyg.com
Ñ Technical Support
(831) 484-9228
Ñ Sales
(800) 359-4920
(800) 359-4264 (FAX)
(831) 484-9228
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Internet email: sales@casadyg.com
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