Welcome to Calorie Counter ⌐1998 by Jonathan Scott
I╒m not really a programmer. I just needed a piece of software that would do this, so I made it. If you find that you like it, please pay the shareware fee.
This standalone hypercard stack is offered ╘as is╒ (no guarantees). I do it as a hobby, not professionally. I don╒t mind sharing my efforts with others. Therefore, I╒m making it available to you. And, heck, the shareware fee is only $5.
If you find that you like it, please send me $5. Here's my address:
Jonathan Scott
Haishi 10-18
799-1504, Japan
I haven╒t entered much food information into this database. It╒ll be your responsibility to purchase a book and enter the information on your own. There are many inexpensive and easy to use books that you can find at any bookstore (new or used). Please find one. You╒ll find that being forced to enter in the calorie, cholesterol and fat information in on your own will teach you many things about your eating habits that you might not learn otherwise.
Also, it is not important that you enter in every piece of information that you find in the book that you buy. If your eating habits are anything like mine, you╒ll find that you╒ll only eat maybe %5 of the foods listed in those books on a regular basis. Entering the other 95% of the information found in those books will just make your life extremely difficult for a while. Instead, as you eat foods, find out the information about them and enter it into the database. Your database will slowly grow and eventually you will rarely have to update it.
Lastly, only one user can use this software. If more than one person wants to use it, duplicate it on your hard drive and give each copy of it a different name. Example: Jon╒s Calorie Counter / Sayuri╒s Calorie Counter / Bob╒s Calorie Counter.
Once upon a time, I was fat. Then once upon another time I was skinny. Then later upon another different time, I was again fat. The next once upon a time later I was once again skinny. But my current once upon a time finds me once again fat. (You did understand all of that, right?) I╒m tired of hopping repeatedly in and out of so many different body types, and I definitely don╒t want my current one to be my final destination, so I╒m off to reduce one more, hopefully, last time. You╒re currently looking at how I plan to do it.
I really hate counting calories. I really do. I wanted to make my efforts to count calories as effortless as possible, so I made this. In the beginning all I intended it to do was to hold a large list of foods and help me do all the math associated with counting calories. But, it turned into something a little more full and helpful than that. I╒m enjoying using it.
(Jon╒s Really Cool Calorie Counter)
Please wait a few seconds for the software to fully load and then click on the ╥Click Me╙ button to actually get into the software.
The right half of the screen is where all of the food information is kept. The large scrolling window is where you will click to tell the software what foods you╒ve eaten on any particular day. After you click on a food, the software will ask you how many servings of the selected food you╒ve eaten. Once you enter the information, the left side of the screen (Daily Information) is updated. That╒s all you have to do to compile your daily records.
The button above the large scrolling screen that says ╥Add a New Food╙ is where you click if you want to enter in a food that is not yet in the database. You can delete information by ╥option-clicking╙ (hold down the option key as you click) on a food name. And you can edit information by ╥shift-clicking╙ (hold down the shift key as you click) on a food name.
The left half of the screen is where the daily information is displayed. The date blank towards the top of the screen shows the date of the information currently being displayed. If the large scrolling window on the left half of the screen is empty, it means that no information has been entered for that day. As you click on the food info window on the right half of the screen, foods are entered into the left half of the screen and automatically saved.
If you want to see the information for a different day, use the popup buttons at the top of the left half of the screen to change the month and day. The ╥+1╙ and ╥-1╙ buttons allow you to change the year. Once you╒ve set the date, if you click on a food on the right half of the screen the information will be added permanently to that day╒s record.
You can edit the servings eaten info in the daily record (large window on the left half of the screen) by clicking on an entry.
You can automatically go to the current date╒s info by clicking directly on the date window (not the popup buttons or other buttons, but the date itself).
Show Averages
Choosing this option will tell you the average number of calories, fat, and cholesterol you╒ve consumed daily from the date displayed in the date window up until the most current entry.
Export History
This will create a text file on your desktop that contains all informtion you╒ve entered into the database. It will also contain daily totals as well as monthly and yearly averages.
If you pay your shareware fee, thanks a bunch. Check my home page regularly for updates.
If you don╒t feel like paying the shareware fee, please write me and tell me why. I always appreciate criticism even though sometimes it may not look like it.