YouΓÇÖre Player 1 (yellow), in the first seat at the top of the table. Your cards are dealt in a row across the top.
iPoker automatically continues where your last poker session left off, until you choose Reset Standings from the Rules menu.
Tired of 5-Card Draw? To play 79 other iPoker games, choose Open from the File menu (between deals). Game files are stored in the Games folder within the iPoker folder.
The Game Rules menu and Save Game Rules command are advanced features for creating variations of the games included with iPoker. (Save Game Rules does not save a poker-playing session.)
Install English Text-to-Speech from your Mac OS CD to enjoy the highest quality DealerΓÇÖs Choice voices (Agnes, Bruce and Victoria). iPoker is designed to make extensive use of synthesized speech.
If the action is too slow on your Mac, speed it up by setting Opaque Shadows in the Graphics dialog. Or, you can use the Speed menu in the Animation dialog.
You can play iPoker almost entirely from your numeric keypad. Use the enter key to follow iPokerΓÇÖs recommendations, or type in a bet or raise.
Click the deck (or type a P) to pause and resume the action. This is a good way to review hands during the showdown.
In DealerΓÇÖs Choice mode (see the Deal menu), each player chooses the game to deal. Turn it on between deals to have iPoker pick a game at random.
If you prefer to play only certain types of poker, you can preload up to ten games into the Deal menuΓÇÖs Favorites list by choosing Open from the File menu (between deals).
To delete a game from the Deal menuΓÇÖs Favorites list, hold down the option key and select the game to delete.
To limit the choice of games dealt while in DealerΓÇÖs Choice mode, turn on Favorites Only in the Deal menu. Then only the games in the Deal menu will be played.
If you prefer to sit back and observe the action a while, choose Leave Table from the Action menu. iPokerΓÇÖs shills will deal you out and continue playing.
To let iPoker simulate games while you use other applications, turn Play in Background on in the Deal menu. You might want to do this after creating a new game.
To track how youΓÇÖve done over the past 50 hands, choose Standings from the Window menu. Remember, youΓÇÖre Player 1 (yellow).
To clear the standings and give each player an even buy-in (between deals), choose Reset Standings from the Rules menu.
To quickly learn the rules of each poker game, choose Game Rules from the Window menu and leave the Game Rules window open.
To take on another persona, drag the face you want to be up to the first seat (between deals). YouΓÇÖll swap chips with that player as well.
Normally, your own hole cards are held up off the table so only you can see them. You can turn Peek at My Hand off in the Options menu, then click your hole cards to see them.
To see other playersΓÇÖ hands while youΓÇÖre not in the pot, turn on Peek at Other Hands in the Options menu. This is a good way to learn poker.
iPoker works best when your monitor is set to 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768. Otherwise, turn High Resolution Mode off in the Graphics dialog. Thousands of Colors is recommended.
Not sure how good a straight is in Baseball? Choose Hand Strengths in the Window menu and leave the Hand Strengths window open.
Double-click a computer playerΓÇÖs monitor to see his or her skill ratings.
Got an iMac? Go into the Graphics dialog and try the iMac-styled Player Monitors. They look best with the Apple Platinum Appearance theme or the Groovy iMac pattern.