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DOS Batch File
74 lines
@echo off
rem The LCDCtl is specified in the environment variable LCDCTL
rem The default LCDCtl is FBFFFBFF, for the 3D SPEX glasses.
rem The port is specified in the LCDPORT environment variable.
rem The default port is LPT1.
rem The port can be specified as LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4,
rem or an actual port number, in 4 character hex (i.e. 03F8).
rem A labelled port (LPTx, COMx) is passed as it's own parameter. An
rem actual port is passed on the LCDPORT variable
rem %NVPARMS% is a tool to be used by a programmer to provide for more
rem than the standard 9 parameters. Set NVPARMS to some of the
rem parameters. The remaining can be passed as %1, ..., %9.
rem Just be sure that there is enough environment space.
if "%1"=="" goto syntax
if not "%LCDPORT%"=="" goto ported
rem Default port is used, still need to check the LCDCTL variable
if "%LCDCTL%"=="" goto defpdefc
rem Default port, actual ctl
LCDBIOS /LPT1 /LCDCtl:%LCDCTL% /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
rem Default port, default ctl
LCDBIOS /LPT1 /LCDCtl:FBFFFBFF /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
rem The port is specified. Need to identify which port, and which variable
rem is used
if "%LCDPORT%"=="LPT1" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="LPT2" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="LPT3" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="COM1" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="COM2" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="COM3" goto portlabel
if "%LCDPORT%"=="COM4" goto portlabel
rem Actual port is specified, check if LCDCtl is provided
if "%LCDCTL%"=="" goto actpdefc
rem Actual port, default ctl
LCDBIOS /LCDPORT:%LCDPORT% /LCDCtl:%LCDCTL% /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
LCDBIOS /LCDPORT:%LCDPORT% /LCDCtl:FBFFFBFF /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
rem Port is labeled, check if LCDCtl is provided
if "%LCDCTL%"=="" goto lblpdefc
rem Labelled port, actual ctl
LCDBIOS /%LCDPORT% /LCDCtl:%LCDCTL% /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
rem Labelled port, default ctl
LCDBIOS /%LCDPORT% /LCDCtl:FBFFFBFF /lockflip /fastint:1 /LCDRun:%1 %NVPARMS% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
echo The command to be run by LCDBIOS is missing.
echo Example: LCDGLASS 3dgame
echo assuming that 3dgame is a valid executable, command, or batch file.
echo Typically, LCDGLASS is run from another batch file.