Labels:text | font | screenshot | number | document OCR: VIRUS Minimum Requirements o+0 CD ROM, Windows 3.x, Mouse, COMPATIBLE VGA Monitor, 640K RAM FREE Installation Instructions for Windows 3.x 1. To install this CD select the "File" menu in Program Manager. 2. then select the "Run" menu item 3. Type in your CD ROM letter followed by :\mojoinst (e.g.D:\mojoinst) Installation Instructions for Windows 95 1. Click on "Start" 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in your CD ROM letter followed by :\mojoinst (e.g.D:\mojoinst) Easy installation - Mojo Graphical Menu Systems makes installation a breeze Save space on your hardrive - Most of the software on this disc will run directly from the CD-ROM Drive Every program is carefully selected and tested for bugs and viruses Trouble Shooting Some of the games on this CD will run well directly from the CD. Some should be installed to the hard drive, Particularly those games which have a save game feature. Occasionally, you may encounter a game which is best run directly from DOS. In this case, exit from windows and run the game at the DOS prompt. Should you encounter problems in running any game, please refer to the authors details in the menu window. MADE IN (0) mojosoftware K WINDOWS AUSTRALIA AND DOS PROUD OF IT CD-ROM