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- 201 Format Selection
- 202 Invalid clip percentage
- 203 Non RGB FOURCC codes supported
- 204 No FOURCC codes available
- 205 Total video memory
- 206 Free video memory
- 207 Max number of visible overlays
- 208 Current number of visible overlays
- 209 Number of FOURCC codes
- 210 Source rectangle alignment
- 211 Source rectangle byte size
- 212 Destination rectangle alignment
- 213 Destination rectangle size
- 214 Stride alignment
- 215 Min overlay stretch factor
- 216 Max overlay stretch factor
- 217 Min live video stretch factor
- 218 Max live video stretch factor
- 219 Min hardware codec stretch factor
- 220 Max hardware codec stretch factor
- 221 1 bit per pixel
- 222 2 bits per pixel
- 223 4 bits per pixel
- 224 8 bits per pixel
- 225 16 bits per pixel
- 226 32 bits per pixel
- 227 Changes may not take effect until the application is next started
- 228 (Surface capabilities)
- 229 (Emulation capabilities)
- 230 (Hardware capabilities)
- 231 Disconnected
- 232 DCI primary surface
- 233 Update ActiveMovie Status
- 250 DirectDraw
- 251 Display Modes
- 252 Quality
- 253 Performance
- 600 Audio Renderer
- 1001 AddFilter Failed!
- 1002 AddFilter done filter==%x
- 1003 Adding filter Clsid: 0x%08x...
- 1004 Backout! Disconnecting pin %x
- 1005 Backing out level %d
- 1006 Backout! Removing filter %x
- 1007 Now building the best-can-do graph...
- 1008 Best-can-do graph built.
- 1009 Connect Failed! hr==0x%08x
- 1010 Connecting...
- 1011 DISCONNECT (%d,%s)-(%d,%s)
- 1012 Found filter1 (%x)
- 1013 Found filter2 (%x)
- 1014 Found pin1 (%x)
- 1015 Found pin2 (%x)
- 1016 GetFilter failed! 0x%08x
- 1017 Original pin (%x)
- 1018 REMOVE Clsid: 0x%08x...
- 1019 Render file %ls
- 1020 RenderFile: Source filter added: Address=%x
- 1021 Render: Failed to AddFilter filter with CLSID 0x%08x... hr=0x%08x
- 1022 RenderFile: Failed to add source filter hr=0x%08x
- 1023 RenderFile: Built best-can-do for source pin %x
- 1024 RenderFile: Building best-can-do for source pin %x
- 1025 RenderFile: failed to build best-can-do for source pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 1026 Render: Output pin %x did not connect to pin %x on filter at %x
- 1027 Render: Connected output pin %x to pin %x on filter at %x
- 1028 Render: Added new filter. CLSID 0x%08x... has address %x, %ls
- 1029 Render PARTIALLY FAILED: pin %x
- 1030 Render SUCCEEDED pin %x
- 1031 Render TOTALLY FAILED: pin %x
- 1032 Render: Failed to find a media type for pin %x hr=0x%08x
- 1033 Render: Failed to load filter with CLSID 0x%08x...
- 1034 Render: Pin %x has major type 0x%08x...
- 1035 Render: No outputs found. Filter at address %x is a renderer
- 1036 Render: No more pins - FAILED to find a pin to use on filter %x
- 1037 Render: (the output pin %x reports that it needs its input connected)
- 1038 Render: Attempting to render output pin %x on filter at address %x
- 1039 Render: Failed to render output pin %x on filter at address %x
- 1040 Render: Failed to render all output pins on filter at address %x
- 1041 Render: Succeeded in rendering output pin %x on filter at address %x
- 1042 Render pin %x
- 1043 The Render operation failed to completely render all streams
- 1044 RenderFile: Failed to fully render source pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 1045 Render: pin %x is already connected
- 1046 Render: QueryInternalStreams FAILED. Filter at address %x
- 1047 RenderFile ended - return code %x
- 1048 Render: Examining filter at address %x for input pin to connect output pin %x to
- 1049 Render: Searching for any outputs to render from filter at address %x
- 1050 RenderFile: Render source filter pin %x
- 1051 Render: Error with persistent storage for filter with CLSID 0x%08x... hr=0x%08x
- 1052 Render: End of Search-And-Build: pin %x
- 1053 RenderFile Completely FAILED to render source pin: %x, hr=0x%08x
- 1054 Render: Trying filter at address %x
- 1055 Render: Trying new filter with CLSID 0x%08x...
- 1056 Render: Considering connecting output pin %x to pin %x on filter at address %x
- 1057 RenderFile: Best-can-do is worthless for source pin %x
- 1058 Render: FAILED to connect output pin %x to pin %x on filter at address %x
- 1059 RenderFile: Succeeded in rendering pin %x on source filter at address %x
- 1060 Backout! StreamBuilderfor pin %x
- 1061 RenderFile: StreamBuilding...
- 1062 RenderFile: StreamBuilding failed hr=0x%08x
- 1063 Found pin (%x)
- 1064 Found filter (%x)
- 2001 Connect: Trying to connect output pin %x to input pin %x
- 2002 Connect: Succeeded in connecting output pin %x to input pin %x
- 2003 Connect: FAILED to connect output pin %x to input pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2004 Connect: Search depth limit reached. Not attempting to connect output pin %x to input pin %x
- 2005 Connect: Trying direct connection from output pin %x to input pin %x
- 2006 Connect: Direct connection from output pin %x to input pin %x SUCCEEDED
- 2007 Connect: Output pin %x cannot connect to input pin %x without other connections made first
- 2008 Connect: Indirect connection from Output pin %x to input pin %x SUCCEEDED
- 2009 Connect: Indirect connection from Output pin %x to input pin %x FAILED, hr=0x%08x
- 2010 Connect: Trying indirect connection from pin %x to pin %x via new filter with class id 0x%08x
- 2011 Connect: FAILED to load filter with class id 0x%08x, hr=0x%08x
- 2012 Connect: Loaded filter with class id 0x%08x at address %x
- 2013 Connect: AddFilter FAILED for filter at address %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2014 Connect: Could not get a media type from pin %x, hr=%x
- 2015 Connect: Trying indirect connection from pin %x to pin %x via filter at address %x
- 2016 Connect: Searching filter at %x for a pin to connect pin %x to on way to pin %x
- 2017 Connect: Direct connection succeeded from pin %x to pin %x on filter at %x
- 2018 Connect: Direct connection failed from pin %x to pin %x on filter at %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2019 Connect: failed to connect from input pin %x through filter at %x to input pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2020 Connect: Completed connection from input pin %x through filter at %x to input pin %x
- 2021 Connect: QueryInternalConnections FAILED for pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2022 Connect: Trying to connect output pin %x on filter at %x to input pin %x
- 2023 Connect: Filter at %x has more than %d output pins. Only the first %d will be tried.
- 2024 Connect: Dead end. Filter at %x has no output pins
- 2025 Connect: Succeeded in connecting output pin %x on filter at %x to input pin %x
- 2026 Connect: FAILED to connect output pin %x on filter at %x to input pin %x, hr=0x%08x
- 2027 Connect: No more input pins to try on filter at %x
- 2028 Connect: No more output pins to try on filter at %x
- 2029 Connect: %d internal connections from pin %x on filter %x exceeds implementation limit of %d.
- 2500 Unknown file type - using AVI source filter as a default
- 2501 Failed to get a media type for the file, hr=0x%08x
- 2502 File has media type 0x%08x... Subtype 0x%08x...
- 2503 Source filter clsid is 0x%08x...
- 2504 Failed to CoCreateInstance fource filter, hr=0x%08x
- 2505 QueryInterface for IFileSourceFilter failed, hr=0x%08x
- 2507 Source filter failed to load source file, hr=0x%08x
- 2508 Source filter has loaded the source file
- 2510 AddFilter has failed to add the filter to the graph, hr=0x08x
- 2511 The filter has been added to the graph
- 2999 No Vendor Info Provided
- 4040 Picture Size: %d x %d\n
- 4041 Frame rate: %d.%2.2d frames/sec
- 4042 Bit rate: %d bits/sec\n
- 4044 No data available.
- 4046 MPEG Video Decoder
- 4047 MPEG Audio Decoder