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- //==========================================================================;
- //
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1992 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- // ActiveX system debugging facilities
- #define _WINDLL
- #include <streams.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <tchar.h>
- #ifdef DEBUG
- const INT iDEBUGINFO = 512; // Used to format strings
- const INT iMAXLEVELS = 5; // Maximum debug categories
- HINSTANCE m_hInst; // Module instance handle
- TCHAR m_ModuleName[iDEBUGINFO]; // Cut down module name
- DWORD m_Levels[iMAXLEVELS]; // Debug level per category
- CRITICAL_SECTION m_CSDebug; // Controls access to list
- DWORD m_dwNextCookie; // Next active object ID
- ObjectDesc *pListHead = NULL; // First active object
- DWORD m_dwObjectCount; // Active object count
- BOOL m_bInit = FALSE; // Have we been initialised
- HANDLE m_hOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Optional output written here
- DWORD dwWaitTimeout = INFINITE; // Default timeout value
- const TCHAR *pBaseKey = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Debug");
- const TCHAR *pGlobalKey = TEXT("GLOBAL");
- static TCHAR *pUnknownName = TEXT("UNKNOWN");
- /* For every module and executable we store a debugging level for each of
- the five categories (eg LOG_ERROR and LOG_TIMING). This makes it easy
- to isolate and debug individual modules without seeing everybody elses
- spurious debug output. The keys are stored in the registry under the
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Debug\<Module Name>\<KeyName> key values
- NOTE these must be in the same order as their enumeration definition */
- TCHAR *pKeyNames[] = {
- TEXT("TIMING"), // Timing and performance measurements
- TEXT("TRACE"), // General step point call tracing
- TEXT("MEMORY"), // Memory and object allocation/destruction
- TEXT("LOCKING"), // Locking/unlocking of critical sections
- TEXT("ERROR") // Debug error notification
- };
- TCHAR *TimeoutName = TEXT("TIMEOUT");
- /* This sets the instance handle that the debug library uses to find
- the module's file name from the Win32 GetModuleFileName function */
- void DbgInitialise(HINSTANCE hInst)
- {
- InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- m_bInit = TRUE;
- m_hInst = hInst;
- DbgInitModuleName();
- if (GetProfileInt(m_ModuleName, TEXT("BreakOnLoad"), 0))
- DebugBreak();
- DbgInitModuleSettings();
- DbgInitGlobalSettings();
- }
- /* This is called to clear up any resources the debug library uses - at the
- moment we delete our critical section and the object list. The values we
- retrieve from the registry are all done during initialisation but we don't
- go looking for update notifications while we are running, if the values
- are changed then the application has to be restarted to pick them up */
- void DbgTerminate()
- {
- if (m_hOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- EXECUTE_ASSERT(CloseHandle(m_hOutput));
- }
- DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- m_bInit = FALSE;
- }
- /* This is called by DbgInitLogLevels to read the debug settings
- for each logging category for this module from the registry */
- void DbgInitKeyLevels(HKEY hKey)
- {
- LONG lReturn; // Create key return value
- LONG lKeyPos; // Current key category
- DWORD dwKeySize; // Size of the key value
- DWORD dwKeyType; // Receives it's type
- DWORD dwKeyValue; // This fields value
- /* Try and read a value for each key position in turn */
- for (lKeyPos = 0;lKeyPos < iMAXLEVELS;lKeyPos++) {
- dwKeySize = sizeof(DWORD);
- lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle to an open key
- pKeyNames[lKeyPos], // Subkey name derivation
- NULL, // Reserved field
- &dwKeyType, // Returns the field type
- (LPBYTE) &dwKeyValue, // Returns the field's value
- &dwKeySize ); // Number of bytes transferred
- /* If either the key was not available or it was not a DWORD value
- then we ensure only the high priority debug logging is output
- but we try and update the field to a zero filled DWORD value */
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwKeyType != REG_DWORD) {
- dwKeyValue = 0;
- lReturn = RegSetValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle of an open key
- pKeyNames[lKeyPos], // Address of subkey name
- (DWORD) 0, // Reserved field
- REG_DWORD, // Type of the key field
- (PBYTE) &dwKeyValue, // Value for the field
- sizeof(DWORD)); // Size of the field buffer
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("Could not create subkey %s"),pKeyNames[lKeyPos]));
- dwKeyValue = 0;
- }
- }
- m_Levels[lKeyPos] = max(dwKeyValue,m_Levels[lKeyPos]);
- }
- /* Read the timeout value for catching hangs */
- dwKeySize = sizeof(DWORD);
- lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle to an open key
- TimeoutName, // Subkey name derivation
- NULL, // Reserved field
- &dwKeyType, // Returns the field type
- (LPBYTE) &dwWaitTimeout, // Returns the field's value
- &dwKeySize ); // Number of bytes transferred
- /* If either the key was not available or it was not a DWORD value
- then we ensure only the high priority debug logging is output
- but we try and update the field to a zero filled DWORD value */
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwKeyType != REG_DWORD) {
- dwWaitTimeout = INFINITE;
- lReturn = RegSetValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle of an open key
- TimeoutName, // Address of subkey name
- (DWORD) 0, // Reserved field
- REG_DWORD, // Type of the key field
- (PBYTE) &dwWaitTimeout, // Value for the field
- sizeof(DWORD)); // Size of the field buffer
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("Could not create subkey %s"),pKeyNames[lKeyPos]));
- dwWaitTimeout = INFINITE;
- }
- }
- }
- void DbgOutString(LPCTSTR psz)
- {
- if (m_hOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- UINT cb = lstrlen(psz);
- DWORD dw;
- WriteFile (m_hOutput, psz, cb, &dw, NULL);
- } else {
- OutputDebugString (psz);
- }
- }
- /* Called by DbgInitGlobalSettings to setup alternate logging destinations
- */
- void DbgInitLogTo (
- HKEY hKey)
- {
- LONG lReturn;
- DWORD dwKeyType;
- DWORD dwKeySize;
- TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = {0};
- static const TCHAR cszKey[] = TEXT("LogToFile");
- dwKeySize = MAX_PATH;
- lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle to an open key
- cszKey, // Subkey name derivation
- NULL, // Reserved field
- &dwKeyType, // Returns the field type
- (LPBYTE) szFile, // Returns the field's value
- &dwKeySize); // Number of bytes transferred
- // create an empty key if it does not already exist
- //
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwKeyType != REG_SZ)
- {
- dwKeySize = 1;
- lReturn = RegSetValueEx(
- hKey, // Handle of an open key
- cszKey, // Address of subkey name
- (DWORD) 0, // Reserved field
- REG_SZ, // Type of the key field
- (PBYTE)szFile, // Value for the field
- dwKeySize); // Size of the field buffer
- }
- // if an output-to was specified. try to open it.
- //
- if (m_hOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- EXECUTE_ASSERT(CloseHandle (m_hOutput));
- }
- if (szFile[0] != 0)
- {
- if (!lstrcmpi(szFile, TEXT("Console"))) {
- m_hOutput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
- if (m_hOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- AllocConsole ();
- m_hOutput = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
- }
- SetConsoleTitle (TEXT("ActiveX Debug Output"));
- } else if (szFile[0] &&
- lstrcmpi(szFile, TEXT("Debug")) &&
- lstrcmpi(szFile, TEXT("Debugger")) &&
- lstrcmpi(szFile, TEXT("Deb")))
- {
- m_hOutput = CreateFile(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE,
- NULL);
- if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hOutput)
- {
- static const TCHAR cszBar[] = TEXT("\r\n\r\n=====DbgInitialize()=====\r\n\r\n");
- SetFilePointer (m_hOutput, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
- DbgOutString (cszBar);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* This is called by DbgInitLogLevels to read the global debug settings for
- each logging category for this module from the registry. Normally each
- module has it's own values set for it's different debug categories but
- setting the global SOFTWARE\Debug\Global applies them to ALL modules */
- void DbgInitGlobalSettings()
- {
- LONG lReturn; // Create key return value
- TCHAR szInfo[iDEBUGINFO]; // Constructs key names
- HKEY hGlobalKey; // Global override key
- /* Construct the global base key name */
- wsprintf(szInfo,TEXT("%s\\%s"),pBaseKey,pGlobalKey);
- /* Create or open the key for this module */
- lReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Handle of an open key
- szInfo, // Address of subkey name
- (DWORD) 0, // Reserved value
- NULL, // Address of class name
- (DWORD) 0, // Special options flags
- KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // Desired security access
- NULL, // Key security descriptor
- &hGlobalKey, // Opened handle buffer
- NULL); // What really happened
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("Could not access GLOBAL module key")));
- return;
- }
- DbgInitKeyLevels(hGlobalKey);
- RegCloseKey(hGlobalKey);
- }
- /* This sets the debugging log levels for the different categories. We start
- by opening (or creating if not already available) the SOFTWARE\Debug key
- that all these settings live under. We then look at the global values
- set under SOFTWARE\Debug\Global which apply on top of the individual
- module settings. We then load the individual module registry settings */
- void DbgInitModuleSettings()
- {
- LONG lReturn; // Create key return value
- TCHAR szInfo[iDEBUGINFO]; // Constructs key names
- HKEY hModuleKey; // Module key handle
- /* Construct the base key name */
- wsprintf(szInfo,TEXT("%s\\%s"),pBaseKey,m_ModuleName);
- /* Create or open the key for this module */
- lReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Handle of an open key
- szInfo, // Address of subkey name
- (DWORD) 0, // Reserved value
- NULL, // Address of class name
- (DWORD) 0, // Special options flags
- KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // Desired security access
- NULL, // Key security descriptor
- &hModuleKey, // Opened handle buffer
- NULL); // What really happened
- if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("Could not access module key")));
- return;
- }
- DbgInitLogTo(hModuleKey);
- DbgInitKeyLevels(hModuleKey);
- RegCloseKey(hModuleKey);
- }
- /* Initialise the module file name */
- void DbgInitModuleName()
- {
- TCHAR FullName[iDEBUGINFO]; // Load the full path and module name
- TCHAR *pName; // Searches from the end for a backslash
- GetModuleFileName(m_hInst,FullName,iDEBUGINFO);
- pName = _tcsrchr(FullName,'\\');
- if (pName == NULL) {
- pName = FullName;
- } else {
- pName++;
- }
- lstrcpy(m_ModuleName,pName);
- }
- /* Displays a message box if the condition evaluated to FALSE */
- void DbgAssert(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine)
- {
- wsprintf(szInfo, TEXT("%s \nAt line %d of %s\nContinue? (Cancel to debug)"),
- pCondition, iLine, pFileName);
- INT MsgId = MessageBox(NULL,szInfo,TEXT("ASSERT Failed"),
- switch (MsgId)
- {
- case IDNO: /* Kill the application */
- FatalAppExit(FALSE, TEXT("Application terminated"));
- break;
- case IDCANCEL: /* Break into the debugger */
- DebugBreak();
- break;
- case IDYES: /* Ignore assertion continue execution */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Displays a message box at a break point */
- void DbgBreakPoint(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine)
- {
- wsprintf(szInfo, TEXT("%s \nAt line %d of %s\nContinue? (Cancel to debug)"),
- pCondition, iLine, pFileName);
- INT MsgId = MessageBox(NULL,szInfo,TEXT("Hard coded break point"),
- switch (MsgId)
- {
- case IDNO: /* Kill the application */
- FatalAppExit(FALSE, TEXT("Application terminated"));
- break;
- case IDCANCEL: /* Break into the debugger */
- DebugBreak();
- break;
- case IDYES: /* Ignore break point continue execution */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* When we initialised the library we stored in the m_Levels array the current
- debug output level for this module for each of the five categories. When
- some debug logging is sent to us it can be sent with a combination of the
- categories (if it is applicable to many for example) in which case we map
- the type's categories into their current debug levels and see if any of
- them can be accepted. The function looks at each bit position in turn from
- the input type field and then compares it's debug level with the modules.
- A level of 0 means that output is always sent to the debugger. This is
- due to producing output if the input level is <= m_Levels.
- */
- BOOL DbgCheckModuleLevel(DWORD Type,DWORD Level)
- {
- DWORD Mask = 0x01;
- // If no valid bits are set return FALSE
- if ((Type & ((1<<iMAXLEVELS)-1))) {
- // speed up unconditional output.
- if (0==Level)
- return(TRUE);
- for (LONG lKeyPos = 0;lKeyPos < iMAXLEVELS;lKeyPos++) {
- if (Type & Mask) {
- if (Level <= m_Levels[lKeyPos]) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- Mask <<= 1;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Set debug levels to a given value */
- void DbgSetModuleLevel(DWORD Type, DWORD Level)
- {
- DWORD Mask = 0x01;
- for (LONG lKeyPos = 0;lKeyPos < iMAXLEVELS;lKeyPos++) {
- if (Type & Mask) {
- m_Levels[lKeyPos] = Level;
- }
- Mask <<= 1;
- }
- }
- /* Print a formatted string to the debugger prefixed with this module's name
- Because the COMBASE classes are linked statically every module loaded will
- have their own copy of this code. It therefore helps if the module name is
- included on the output so that the offending code can be easily found */
- void DbgLogInfo(DWORD Type,DWORD Level,const TCHAR *pFormat,...)
- {
- /* Check the current level for this type combination */
- BOOL bAccept = DbgCheckModuleLevel(Type,Level);
- if (bAccept == FALSE) {
- return;
- }
- /* Format the variable length parameter list */
- va_list va;
- va_start(va, pFormat);
- lstrcpy(szInfo,m_ModuleName);
- wsprintf(szInfo + lstrlen(szInfo),
- TEXT("(tid %x) : "),
- GetCurrentThreadId());
- wvsprintf(szInfo + lstrlen(szInfo), pFormat, va);
- lstrcat(szInfo, TEXT("\r\n"));
- DbgOutString(szInfo);
- va_end(va);
- }
- /* If we are executing as a pure kernel filter we cannot display message
- boxes to the user, this provides an alternative which puts the error
- condition on the debugger output with a suitable eye catching message */
- void DbgKernelAssert(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine)
- {
- DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("Assertion FAILED (%s) at line %d in file %s"),
- pCondition, iLine, pFileName));
- }
- /* Each time we create an object derived from CBaseObject the constructor will
- call us to register the creation of the new object. We are passed a string
- description which we store away. We return a cookie that the constructor
- uses to identify the object when it is destroyed later on. We update the
- total number of active objects in the DLL mainly for debugging purposes */
- DWORD DbgRegisterObjectCreation(TCHAR *pObjectName)
- {
- /* If this fires you have a mixed DEBUG/RETAIL build */
- ASSERT(pObjectName);
- /* Create a place holder for this object description */
- ObjectDesc *pObject = new ObjectDesc;
- ASSERT(pObject);
- /* It is valid to pass a NULL object name */
- if (pObject == NULL) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Check we have been initialised - we may not be initialised when we are
- being pulled in from an executable which has globally defined objects
- as they are created by the C++ run time before WinMain is called */
- if (m_bInit == FALSE) {
- DbgInitialise(GetModuleHandle(NULL));
- }
- /* Grab the list critical section */
- EnterCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- /* If no name then default to UNKNOWN */
- if (pObjectName == NULL) {
- pObjectName = pUnknownName;
- }
- /* Put the new description at the head of the list */
- pObject->m_pName = pObjectName;
- pObject->m_dwCookie = ++m_dwNextCookie;
- pObject->m_pNext = pListHead;
- pListHead = pObject;
- m_dwObjectCount++;
- DWORD ObjectCookie = pObject->m_dwCookie;
- ASSERT(ObjectCookie);
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT("Object created %d (%s) %d Active"),
- pObject->m_dwCookie, pObjectName, m_dwObjectCount));
- LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- return ObjectCookie;
- }
- /* This is called by the CBaseObject destructor when an object is about to be
- destroyed, we are passed the cookie we returned during construction that
- identifies this object. We scan the object list for a matching cookie and
- remove the object if successful. We also update the active object count */
- BOOL DbgRegisterObjectDestruction(DWORD dwCookie)
- {
- /* Grab the list critical section */
- EnterCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- ObjectDesc *pObject = pListHead;
- ObjectDesc *pPrevious = NULL;
- /* Scan the object list looking for a cookie match */
- while (pObject) {
- if (pObject->m_dwCookie == dwCookie) {
- break;
- }
- pPrevious = pObject;
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- if (pObject == NULL) {
- DbgBreak("Apparently destroying a bogus object");
- LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Is the object at the head of the list */
- if (pPrevious == NULL) {
- pListHead = pObject->m_pNext;
- } else {
- pPrevious->m_pNext = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- /* Delete the object and update the housekeeping information */
- m_dwObjectCount--;
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT("Object destroyed %d (%s) %d Active"),
- pObject->m_dwCookie, pObject->m_pName, m_dwObjectCount));
- delete pObject;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* This runs through the active object list displaying their details */
- void DbgDumpObjectRegister()
- {
- /* Grab the list critical section */
- EnterCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- ObjectDesc *pObject = pListHead;
- /* Scan the object list displaying the name and cookie */
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT("")));
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT(" ID Object Description")));
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT("")));
- while (pObject) {
- wsprintf(szInfo,TEXT("%5d (%8x) %30s"),pObject->m_dwCookie, &pObject, pObject->m_pName);
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,szInfo));
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- wsprintf(szInfo,TEXT("Total object count %5d"),m_dwObjectCount);
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,2,TEXT("")));
- DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,szInfo));
- LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug);
- }
- /* Debug infinite wait stuff */
- DWORD DbgWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE h)
- {
- DWORD dwWaitResult;
- do {
- dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(h, dwWaitTimeout);
- ASSERT(dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- } while (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
- return dwWaitResult;
- }
- DWORD DbgWaitForMultipleObjects(DWORD nCount,
- CONST HANDLE *lpHandles,
- BOOL bWaitAll)
- {
- DWORD dwWaitResult;
- do {
- dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount,
- lpHandles,
- bWaitAll,
- dwWaitTimeout);
- } while (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
- return dwWaitResult;
- }
- void DbgSetWaitTimeout(DWORD dwTimeout)
- {
- dwWaitTimeout = dwTimeout;
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #ifdef _OBJBASE_H_
- /* Stuff for printing out our GUID names */
- GUID_STRING_ENTRY g_GuidNames[] = {
- #define OUR_GUID_ENTRY(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
- { TEXT(#name), { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } } },
- #include <uuids.h>
- };
- CGuidNameList GuidNames;
- int g_cGuidNames = sizeof(g_GuidNames) / sizeof(g_GuidNames[0]);
- TCHAR *CGuidNameList::operator [] (const GUID &guid)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < g_cGuidNames; i++) {
- if (g_GuidNames[i].guid == guid) {
- return g_GuidNames[i].szName;
- }
- }
- if (guid == GUID_NULL) {
- return TEXT("GUID_NULL");
- }
- // shouldn't this print the hex CLSID?
- return TEXT("Unknown GUID Name");
- }
- #endif /* _OBJBASE_H_ */
- /* CDisp class - display our data types */
- // clashes with REFERENCE_TIME
- CDisp::CDisp(LONGLONG ll, int Format)
- {
- // note: this could be combined with CDisp(LONGLONG) by
- // introducing a default format of CDISP_REFTIME
- li.QuadPart = ll;
- switch (Format) {
- case CDISP_DEC:
- {
- TCHAR temp[20];
- int pos=20;
- temp[--pos] = 0;
- int digit;
- // always output at least one digit
- do {
- // Get the rightmost digit - we only need the low word
- digit = li.LowPart % 10;
- li.QuadPart /= 10;
- temp[--pos] = (TCHAR) digit+L'0';
- } while (li.QuadPart);
- wsprintf(m_String, TEXT("%s"), temp+pos);
- break;
- }
- case CDISP_HEX:
- default:
- wsprintf(m_String, TEXT("0x%X%8.8X"), li.HighPart, li.LowPart);
- }
- };
- CDisp::CDisp(REFCLSID clsid)
- {
- WCHAR strClass[CHARS_IN_GUID+1];
- StringFromGUID2(clsid, strClass, sizeof(strClass) / sizeof(strClass[0]));
- ASSERT(sizeof(m_String)/sizeof(m_String[0]) >= CHARS_IN_GUID+1);
- wsprintf(m_String, TEXT("%ls"), strClass);
- };
- /* Display stuff */
- CDisp::CDisp(CRefTime llTime)
- {
- LPTSTR lpsz = m_String;
- if (llTime < 0) {
- llTime = -llTime;
- lpsz += wsprintf(lpsz, TEXT("-"));
- }
- llDiv = (LONGLONG)24 * 3600 * 10000000;
- if (llTime >= llDiv) {
- lpsz += wsprintf(lpsz, TEXT("%d days "), (LONG)(llTime / llDiv));
- llTime = llTime % llDiv;
- }
- llDiv = (LONGLONG)3600 * 10000000;
- if (llTime >= llDiv) {
- lpsz += wsprintf(lpsz, TEXT("%d hrs "), (LONG)(llTime / llDiv));
- llTime = llTime % llDiv;
- }
- llDiv = (LONGLONG)60 * 10000000;
- if (llTime >= llDiv) {
- lpsz += wsprintf(lpsz, TEXT("%d mins "), (LONG)(llTime / llDiv));
- llTime = llTime % llDiv;
- }
- wsprintf(lpsz, TEXT("%d.%3.3d sec"),
- (LONG)llTime / 10000000,
- (LONG)((llTime % 10000000) / 10000));
- };
- /* Display pin */
- CDisp::CDisp(IPin *pPin)
- {
- PIN_INFO pi;
- if (pPin) {
- pPin->QueryPinInfo(&pi);
- QueryPinInfoReleaseFilter(pi);
- #ifndef UNICODE
- WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, pi.achName, wcslen(pi.achName) + 1,
- #else
- lstrcpy(str, pi.achName);
- #endif
- } else {
- lstrcpy(str, TEXT("NULL IPin"));
- }
- m_pString = (PTCHAR) new TCHAR[lstrlen(str)+64];
- if (!m_pString) {
- return;
- }
- CLSID clsid;
- pi.pFilter->GetClassID(&clsid);
- wsprintf(m_pString, TEXT("%s(%s)"), GuidNames[clsid], str);
- }
- CDisp::~CDisp()
- {
- }
- CDispBasic::~CDispBasic()
- {
- if (m_pString != m_String) {
- delete [] m_pString;
- }
- }
- CDisp::CDisp(double d)
- {
- _stprintf(m_String, TEXT("%f"), d);
- }
- /* If built for debug this will display the media type details. We convert the
- major and subtypes into strings and also ask the base classes for a string
- description of the subtype, so MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565 becomes RGB 565 16 bit
- We also display the fields in the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure, this should
- succeed as we do not accept input types unless the format is big enough */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void DisplayType(LPSTR label, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtIn)
- {
- /* Dump the GUID types and a short description */
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("")));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("%hs M type %s S type %s"), label,
- GuidNames[pmtIn->majortype],
- GuidNames[pmtIn->subtype]));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Subtype description %s"),GetSubtypeName(&pmtIn->subtype)));
- /* Dump the generic media types */
- if (pmtIn->bTemporalCompression) {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Temporally compressed")));
- } else {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Not temporally compressed")));
- }
- if (pmtIn->bFixedSizeSamples) {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Sample size %d"),pmtIn->lSampleSize));
- } else {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Variable size samples")));
- }
- if (pmtIn->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
- /* Dump the contents of the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure */
- BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmi = HEADER(pmtIn->pbFormat);
- VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *)pmtIn->pbFormat;
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Source rectangle (Left %d Top %d Right %d Bottom %d)"),
- pVideoInfo->rcSource.left,
- pVideoInfo->rcSource.top,
- pVideoInfo->rcSource.right,
- pVideoInfo->rcSource.bottom));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Target rectangle (Left %d Top %d Right %d Bottom %d)"),
- pVideoInfo->rcTarget.left,
- pVideoInfo->rcTarget.top,
- pVideoInfo->rcTarget.right,
- pVideoInfo->rcTarget.bottom));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Size of BITMAPINFO structure %d"),pbmi->biSize));
- if (pbmi->biCompression < 256) {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("%dx%dx%d bit (%d)"),
- pbmi->biWidth, pbmi->biHeight,
- pbmi->biBitCount, pbmi->biCompression));
- } else {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("%dx%dx%d bit '%4.4hs'"),
- pbmi->biWidth, pbmi->biHeight,
- pbmi->biBitCount, &pbmi->biCompression));
- }
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("Image size %d"),pbmi->biSizeImage));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Planes %d"),pbmi->biPlanes));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("X Pels per metre %d"),pbmi->biXPelsPerMeter));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Y Pels per metre %d"),pbmi->biYPelsPerMeter));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT("Colours used %d"),pbmi->biClrUsed));
- } else if (pmtIn->majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio) {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT(" Format type %s"),
- GuidNames[pmtIn->formattype]));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT(" Subtype %s"),
- GuidNames[pmtIn->subtype]));
- if ((pmtIn->subtype != MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Packet)
- && (pmtIn->cbFormat >= sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT)))
- {
- /* Dump the contents of the WAVEFORMATEX type-specific format structure */
- WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx = (WAVEFORMATEX *) pmtIn->pbFormat;
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("wFormatTag %u"), pwfx->wFormatTag));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("nChannels %u"), pwfx->nChannels));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("nSamplesPerSec %lu"), pwfx->nSamplesPerSec));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("nAvgBytesPerSec %lu"), pwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("nBlockAlign %u"), pwfx->nBlockAlign));
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("wBitsPerSample %u"), pwfx->wBitsPerSample));
- /* PCM uses a WAVEFORMAT and does not have the extra size field */
- if (pmtIn->cbFormat >= sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("cbSize %u"), pwfx->cbSize));
- }
- } else {
- }
- } else {
- DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT(" Format type %s"),
- GuidNames[pmtIn->formattype]));
- // !!!! should add code to dump wave format, others
- }
- }
- #endif