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Windows Setup Table File | 1995-04-16 | 5.7 KB | 117 lines
App Name IWIA.EXE App Version (Z release) Setup Version Frame Bitmap "wordweb.dll, 100" Frame Caption Microsoft Internet Assistant Setup Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Internet Assistant Usage String Usage: Setup About Box String Microsoft Internet Assistant\nCopyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. Check Modules "winword, Microsoft Word" MSAPPS Mode local Inf File Name acmsetup.inf Maximum Object ID 100 Floppy Mode Root Object ID 5:01 Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 6:01 Suppress Serial Number Dialog Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Description Object Type Object Data Bitmap Id Vital Attribute Shared Attribute Configurable Directory Destination Directory Check Directory Installed By Install Data 1 Microsoft Word CustomAction """WORDWEB.DLL"", ""NotifyMe"", ""Required, C:\WINWORD, WINWORD.EXE,, WINWORD6.INI, Microsoft Word, INI-PATH, YES, 2""" 2 Search for 6.x SearchDrives fixed 4 5 yes Floppy Installation Floppy AppMainDlg 9 vital Yes %1\INTERNET 6 yes Maintenance Installation Maintenance Group 18 22 23 24 92 93 26 33 44 45 46 55 57 58 61 68 84 7 8 ==== Install Options ==== 9 &Continue Choose this option to install Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word 6.0 Group 11 14 80 90 74 75 76 "wordweb.dll, 101" yes %5 10 11 Display License CustomAction """wordweb.dll"", ""ReadLicense"",""""" 12 13 === Install Program Files==== 14 html Group 54 68 61 18 19 22 23 24 84 92 93 %5 15 16 17 18 htmlsupp CopySection """htmlsupp""" %W 19 htmlflt Group 26 33 43 20 htmlcnv Group 39 21 22 htmlint CopySection """htmlint""" 23 Merge Registry CustomAction """WORDWEB.DLL"", ""MergeRegister"", ""IWIA.REG""" 24 Update Registry AddRegData """IWIA.Document\protocol\StdFileEditing\server"", ""%s\IWIA.EXE""" 25 26 GIFFLT Group 27 28 29 27 InstallShared """Graphics Filters"", ""gifimp"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""CompuServe GIF(.GIF)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT""" 28 CompanionFile "27 : ""Graphics Filters"", ""iffgif""" %27 29 AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""CompuServe GIF(.GIF)"", ""%s\GIFIMP.FLT,GIF""" %27 30 31 32 JPEGFLT 33 Group 34 35 36 34 InstallShared """Graphics Filters"", ""jpegimp"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""JPEG(.JPG)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT""" 35 CompanionFile "34 : ""Graphics Filters"", ""jpegflt""" %34 36 AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""JPEG(.JPG)"", ""%s\JPEGIMP.FLT,JPG""" %34 37 38 HTMLCNV 39 Group 40 41 40 InstallShared """Word Text Converters"", ""htmlcnv"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""HTML"", ""1"", ""TEXTCONV""" 41 AddIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""MS Text Converters"", ""HTML"", ""Word Tools for the WEB, %s\HTMLCONV.CNV, doc""" %40 42 43 htmlconv Group 44 45 46 48 50 51 44 CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""SetPath"",""Microsoft Word;INI-PATH""" 45 CopySection """Text Converters""" %44 46 AddIniLine """WINWORD6.INI"", ""MSWord Text Converters"", ""WordHTML"", ""HyperText Markup Language (HTML), %s\HTMLCONV.CNV, htm""" %44 47 wordhtml.ini updates 48 AddIniLine """WORDHTML.INI"", ""MISC"", ""startdoc"", ""%22\DEFAULT.DOC""" %18 50 AddIniLine """WORDHTML.INI"", ""MISC"", ""hotlist"", ""%22\FAVORITE.DOC""" %18 51 AddIniLine """WORDHTML.INI"", ""MISC"", ""wordhtml.hlp"", ""%22\wordhtml.hlp""" %18 52 53 CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""DependAction"",""""" 54 Depend 53 ? 55 56 57 58 55 CopyFile """htmlbrowse"",""IWIAEXE""" %22 56 InstallSysFile """htmlbrowse"",""MFCOLEUI""" %M 57 CopyFile """htmlbrowse"",""IWPSREG""" 58 CopyFile """htmlbrowse"",""IWPSDLL""" %M 59 60 == Set Template Dir == CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""GetDirectory"",""Microsoft Word;USER-DOT-PATH""" 61 Depend 60 ? 63 : 62 62 htmldot CopySection """htmldot""" %1 63 Group 64 65 64 CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""SetPath"",""Microsoft Word;USER-DOT-PATH;CHECKIO""" 65 htmldot CopySection """htmldot""" %64 66 67 STARTUP-PATH CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""GetDirectory"",""Microsoft Word;STARTUP-PATH""" 68 Depend 67 ? 70 : 69 69 htmlwll CopySection """htmlwll""" %1 70 Group 71 72 71 CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""SetPath"",""Microsoft Word;STARTUP-PATH;CHECKIO""" 72 htmlwll CopySection """htmlwll""" %71 73 74 Remove HTMLWLL.WLL RemoveFile """Remove"", ""htmlremove""" %71 75 Remove HTMLWLL.WLL RemoveFile """Remove"", ""htmlremove""" %1 76 Remove HTMLWLL.WLL RemoveFile """Remove"", ""htmlremove""" 77 78 79 80 Launch Word CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""ExitFunction"",""README.DOC""" %D 81 82 83 Detect for 96 dpi files CustomAction """wordweb.dll"",""DetectResolution"",""96""" 84 yes Depend 83 ? 85 : 88 85 CopySection """dpi96""" 86 87 88 Install 120 dpi files CopySection """dpi120""" 89 90 Check Directory CustomAction """wordweb.dll"", ""DirAccessCheck""" 91 92 Update Registry AddRegData """CLSID\{9339DFF1-33B2-11CE-9ECB-524153480000}\DefaultIcon"", ""%s\IWIA.EXE""" 93 Update Registry AddRegData """CLSID\{9339DFF1-33B2-11CE-9ECB-524153480000}\LocalServer"", ""%s\IWIA.EXE""" 94 95 96 97 98 99 100