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- ActiveMovie 1 (Build
- ===================================
- Introduction
- This software and information is considered pre-release (beta) software and is
- unsupported by Microsoft Product Support.
- Please read the LICENSE.DOC in the root of the CD, and EULA.DOC in the Runtime
- or SDK\Redist directories.
- This Beta of ActiveMovie is the latest update of the product previously
- code named Quartz.
- Please read the Feature Set section of this ReadMe for an outline of what is
- included, and the Known Problems section for any last minute issues and bugs.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CD Layout
- +---Docs Documents and articles in printable form
- +---Movies MPEG sample
- +---runtime Runtime setup for Windows NT and Windows 95
- +---sdk Software Developers Kit
- | +---help Help files (for the SDK)
- | +---Redist Redistributable runtime ("silent" setup)
- | +---_alpha
- | +---_directx
- | +---_mips
- | +---_ppc
- | +---_setup SDK setup, using the various _directories
- | \---_x86
- | +---vbfix Updated sample code for samples\vb\docs\ocx
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Feature Set
- - .AVI, .MOV and MPEG playback support
- - Indeo4-compressed AVI playback support
- - Callable from Visual Basic, including the ability to embed the ActiveMovie
- Control in a Visual Basic form
- - The GraphEdt visual graph builder tool is included with the SDK tools. It
- allows one to build, test and save filter graphs for subsequent reuse
- - DirectX 2 for Windows 95, providing DirectDraw support
- - MCI support for both 16 and 32-bit applications
- - Multiple setups:
- -- Full SDK with (user selectable) DirectX, samples, Help et cetera
- -- SDK setup of just the runtime and DirectX support
- -- Runtime only setup without DirectX
- -- Redistributable runtime without DirectX or any user informational pop-ups
- - Samples, headers and libraries for developers to use and modify
- - Additional developer tools
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installing ActiveMovie
- ActiveMovie requires Windows NT 3.51 or Windows 95 or higher.
- This beta should NOT be installed OVER previous Quartz/ActiveMovie betas.
- Please uninstall any previously installed Quartz or ActiveMovie betas by either
- double clicking on the Uninstall icon or using the Control Panel Add/Remove
- Programs selection on Windows 95 and Windows NT SUR Beta 1 or 2.
- Note that the Tee filter may show up in GraphEdt, but has been replaced
- by the InfTee filter. If you run the Quartz Beta 1 Refresh uninstall utility
- it will delete some of your MSVC files such as MFC30.DLL and MSVCRT20.DLL
- (which you may wish to reinstall).
- You may install this Beta in one of three ways:
- -- Via the SDK Setup, selecting Runtime and SDK
- In the \SDK directory type SETUP, and select the "Runtime and SDK (Custom)"
- option. You may then choose which components to install from the next screen
- and in which directory to install the samples if you wish to install them.
- -- Via the SDK Setup selecting Runtime only
- As above, selecting "Runtime only". This will provide the runtime without
- developer tools and samples and with DirectX installed automatically on Windows 95.
- -- Via the Runtime directory
- Select the \Runtime\AMovie<type>.exe for your platform type. AMovie.exe
- installs the x86 runtimes on either Windows NT or Windows 95, while AMovieA,
- AMovieM and AMovieP install on Windows NT Alpha, MIPS and PowerPC respectively.
- When installing via the SDK Setup if you choose "Runtime only" or "Runtime and
- SDK (Custom)" with the "DirectX 2 components" option you MUST reboot
- your system before using ActiveMovie.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using ActiveMovie
- To play an .AVI, .MOV or MPEG movie via ActiveMovie as an end-user you can do
- one of two things:
- 1. Double click on a movie (in File Manager on Windows NT or the Explorer on
- Windows 95) to play it via the ActiveMovie Control
- 2. Start MediaPlayer and select ActiveMovie from the Devices menu
- -==-
- If you install the SDK tools you also have the choice to use the ActiveMovie
- Graph Editor (GraphEdt) tool
- -- Start GraphEdt, and use File.Open to open media files such as .MPG and
- build your first filter graph automatically, or drag and drop files
- from File Manager or the Explorer onto the GraphEdt workspace.
- -- Press the Play, Pause, or Stop buttons to control the filter graph.
- -- Now right-click on the filters and the links between them to view each
- object's properties. (The properties dialogs are modeless.)
- -- Now insert more filters via Graph.Insert Filters, break some links using the
- Delete key, and create new links by dragging to connect in the new filters.
- Note: filters must agree to connect before the connection can occur. For
- example an audio filter will not connect to a video filter. GraphEdt displays
- an error if filters cannot connect.
- -- Use the "Infinite Pin Tee (InfTee)" filter on video. Insert the "Video
- Contrast (Contrast)" filter and suitable renderers. Use the "Contrast"
- property page while the movie is running.
- -- If you've still got CPU cycles left, insert two movie files and play them
- both sync'ed to the same clock.
- -- Choose File.New. Insert the "Bouncing Ball (Ball)" filter and the "Video
- Renderer" filter.
- -- You can right-click on un-linked output pins, and choose "Render" to
- attempt to auto-render, letting the mapper add and connect filters for you.
- MSVCRT40.DLL and MFC40.DLL have been provided and will be installed (if not
- already present) so that GraphEdt can be run without first having to install
- Microsoft Visual C++.
- Please note that the REG files that come with each sample filter are for your
- information, and should NOT be used with an installed system. Therefore please
- do NOT double click on a .REG file in any of the sample directories, as it may
- cause the related filter to work incorrectly.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Building the ActiveMovie Samples
- To build the samples, you will need to install Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.0
- or greater (for Windows 95 and for x86 and RISC Windows NT). Combined with the
- header files and libraries from this SDK this is sufficient to build all the
- samples.
- Versions of Visual C++ earlier than 4.0 are no longer sufficient to build the
- ActiveMovie samples.
- To build all the samples run NMAKE in the \SAMPLES directory. Debug versions
- will be built by default. To produce non-debug versions set the 'nodebug'
- environment variable (i.e. set nodebug=1), or type NMAKE NODEBUG=1.
- The samples shipped with previous releases of the Quartz SDK will NOT build
- with this release. Updated versions of all the samples ship with this SDK, so
- please delete any previous SDK samples, headers and libraries you may have on
- your computer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Known issues with this Beta release
- -- The Quartz Beta 1 uninstall utility will delete some of your MSVC files
- such as MFC30.DLL and MSVCRT20.DLL. These files will need to be replaced if
- you are using a version of Visual C++ earlier than 4.0.
- -- The "Runtime and SDK (Custom)" setup may fail on RISC machines running
- Windows NT SUR Beta (build 1234) or Beta 2 (build 1314). The "Runtime only"
- setup will work fine, but you will no be able to install the SDK on RISC
- systems for this release.
- -- Some of the properties exposed by the ActiveMovie Control for use by VB
- programmers are not fully functional.
- -- MOV files containing edit lists are not currently supported.
- -- MOV files containing two or more video streams will play each stream in a
- separate window.
- -- MOV files compressed in the RPZA format are not supported.
- -- MOV files do not play on NT PowerPC systems with this release.
- -- The VB sample installed in the <msamovdk>\samples\vb\docs\ocx directory on
- your hard drive is out of date for this release. An updated version can be
- found on the CD in the \sdk\vbfix directory. Just copy these updated files
- over the files installed by setup.
- -- The ActiveMovie SDK installation program does not currently correctly check
- for necessary disk space before installing. If you run low on disk space
- during the install, the setup program will abort. The full install requires
- around 35 MB.
- -- The EZRGB24 sample filter can cause hang in GraphEdt on NT 3.51 in some cases.
- -- The Dump sample filter doesnÆt dump the collected data until you close the running
- graph on Windows 95.
- -- The Effect sample filter is known to fault under certain graph configurations,
- especially in conjunction with the ball sample.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes from previous ActiveMovie Betas.
- -- ActiveMovie does not support DirectSound or MIDI in this release.
- -- ActiveMovie Streaming will be shipped separately.
- -- ActiveMovie is not currently the default player for .WAV files.
- -- The VideoMix sample has been withdrawn.
- Developer Issues:
- IMediaEvent has a new method, FreeEventParams. Be sure to call this after
- every event you receive or your app will leak memory.
- IMediaPosition has two new methods, CanSeekForwards and CanSeekBackwards.
- IVideoWindow has two new methods, HideCursor and IsCursorHidden.
- IReferenceClock::ConvertRealTime has been removed because of concerns that
- it was not possible to implement it accurately. In previous betas, all
- IReferenceClock implementations of this method returned E_NOTIMPL.
- IMemAllocator::GetBuffer now has a DWORD dwFlags parameter instead of the
- IGraphBuilder has two new methods to allow cancellation of lengthy
- graph building operations. These are used when building a graph involves reading
- a file over a slow network link. IGraphBuilder::Abort can be called by an
- application to request an abort. IGraphBuilder::ShouldOperationContinue
- should be checked from time to time by a filter that is performing a lengthy
- operation as part of a Connect request.
- A new interface IStreamBuilder has been defined to allow custom stream
- building. Pins that expose IStreamBuilder will be asked to complete the Render
- or RenderFile operation themselves. See the SDK documentation for more detail.
- There is a new interface, IMediaSeeking, that although not fully implemented
- in this release, will replace IMediaSelection in the next release.
- IMediaSelection will continue to be exposed to applications for backwards
- compatibility.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to invoke ActiveMovie setup from your application
- -==-
- Performing an ActiveMovie setup from within your product
- For x86 Windows NT and Windows 95 use the following command line:
- AMovie.exe /Q:1 /R:N /C:"amremove /setup_q"
- For Alpha, MIPS and PowerPC Windows NT use the following command line:
- AMovieA.exe /Q:1 /R:N /C"rundll32 amsetup.dll,Install QUIET"
- AMovieM.exe /Q:1 /R:N /C"rundll32 amsetup.dll,Install QUIET"
- AMovieP.exe /Q:1 /R:N /C"rundll32 amsetup.dll,Install QUIET"
- Please note that the parameters ARE case sensitive.
- /Q:1 disables the startup message
- /R:N disables automatic rebooting
- /C: passes the quoted command to the embedded setup to disable its interactive
- dialogs
- The self-installing cabinets are still under development, and these parameters
- may change for the final product.
- -==-
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thank you.
- "The ActiveMovie Team"