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- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CNFTEST sample for Microsoft ActiveX Conferencing
- Unpublished work.
- Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- MODULE: init.c
- PURPOSE: Performs application and instance specific initialization.
- This file initializes the application. It loads MSCONF.DLL
- into memory and assign pointers to the APIs. It creates the
- Main window with menus and toolbars. Once the application
- is initialized, it displays the window with the message
- "Application Initialized." From this point the window is
- ready to take input from the user. Selecting the menu items
- executes the API.
- VOID ReadPref(void)- Reads the current preferences
- VOID WritePref(void)- Writes the current preference
- VOID FCreateMsgWindow(void)- Creates the main message window
- BOOL FInitInstance(int nCmdShow)- Initializes the window data
- and register the window class
- BOOL FInitApp(LPSTR lpszCmd)-Initialize the application after
- checking command line
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "main.h" //includes the necessary header files
- static char _szAppTitle[] = "Microsoft Conferencing API Test Application";
- // string constants (no change for international)
- static char _szAppClassName[] = "MSCONFTEST";
- static char _szAppName[] = "CnfTest";
- static char _szIniName[] = "CnfTest.ini";
- // Section Names
- static char _szConfirm[] = "Confirm";
- static char _szLogFlags[] = "Log Flags";
- static char _szMainWnd[] = "MainWnd";
- static char _szSbar[] = "Show Status Bar";
- static char _szMsgFont[] = "Message Font";
- static char _szDefName[] = "Default Name";
- static char _szConferenceName[] = "Conference Name";
- static char _szAddrType[] = "Address Type";
- static char _szMediaType[] = "Media Type";
- static char _szGuid[] = "GUID";
- static char _szAppGuid[] = "AppName";
- static char _szCmdGuid[] = "CmdLine";
- static char _szDirGuid[] = "CurrDir";
- static char _szGuidRemote[] = "GUID Remote";
- static char _szFileName[] = "File Name";
- /* R E A D P R E F */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: ReadPref
- Reads the current preferences from the CnfTest.ini file.
- Calls GetIniBool(), GetIniInt(), GetIniStr(), and GetIniHex().
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID ReadPref(void)
- {
- LPSTR lpsz;
- ClearStruct(&gPref);
- gPref.fConfirm = GetIniBool(_szConfirm, fTrue);
- gPref.fSbar = GetIniBool(_szSbar, fTrue);
- gPref.grfLog = GetIniInt(_szLogFlags, LOG_ALWAYS);
- gPref.iAddrType = GetIniInt(_szAddrType, 0);
- gPref.dwMediaType = GetIniInt(_szMediaType, CONF_MT_DATA);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szDefName, "user1");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szDefName, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szConferenceName, "Default");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szConferenceName, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szFileName, "c:\\autoexec.bat");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szFileName, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- GetIniHex(_szMainWnd, &gPref.wpMain, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
- GetIniHex(_szMsgFont, &gPref.lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szGuid, "1234567890123456789012345679012");
- SzToGuid(lpsz, &gPref.guid);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szGuidRemote, "1234567890123456789012345679012");
- SzToGuid(lpsz, &gPref.guidRemote);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szAppGuid, "appname.exe");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szAppName, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szCmdGuid, "parameter");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szCmdLine, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lpsz = GetIniStr(_szDirGuid, "c:\\program files\\Meeting");
- lstrcpy(gPref.szCurrDir, lpsz);
- FreePlpv(&lpsz);
- lstrcpy(gPref.szData, "data");
- }
- /* W R I T E P R E F */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: WritePref
- Write the current preferences
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID WritePref(void)
- {
- WriteIniBool(_szConfirm, gPref.fConfirm);
- WriteIniBool(_szSbar, gPref.fSbar);
- WriteIniInt(_szLogFlags, gPref.grfLog);
- WriteIniStr(_szDefName, gPref.szDefName);
- WriteIniStr(_szConferenceName, gPref.szConferenceName);
- WriteIniInt(_szAddrType, gPref.iAddrType);
- WriteIniInt(_szMediaType, gPref.dwMediaType);
- if (ghwndMain != NULL)
- {
- gPref.wpMain.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
- GetWindowPlacement(ghwndMain, &gPref.wpMain);
- }
- WriteIniHex(_szMainWnd, &gPref.wpMain, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
- WriteIniHex(_szMsgFont, &gPref.lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- WriteIniStr(_szAppGuid, gPref.szAppName);
- WriteIniStr(_szCmdGuid, gPref.szCmdLine);
- WriteIniStr(_szDirGuid, gPref.szCurrDir);
- WriteIniStr(_szFileName,gPref.szFileName);
- {
- GuidToSz(&gPref.guid, sz);
- WriteIniStr(_szGuid, sz);
- GuidToSz(&gPref.guidRemote, sz);
- WriteIniStr(_szGuidRemote, sz);
- }
- }
- /* F C R E A T E M S G W I N D O W */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FCreateMsgWindow
- Create the main message window
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL FCreateMsgWindow(void)
- {
- ghwndMsg = CreateWindow("LISTBOX", NULL,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- ghwndMain, (HMENU) IDW_MSG, ghInst, NULL);
- if (ghwndMsg == NULL)
- return fFalse;
- // set the font for the window
- ghfontEntry = CreateFontIndirect(&gPref.lf);
- if (ghfontEntry == hfontNil)
- return fTrue;
- SendMessage(ghwndMsg, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) ghfontEntry, MAKELPARAM(fTrue, 0));
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* F I N I T I N S T A N C E */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FInitInstance
- Initialize the window data and register the window class
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL FInitInstance(int nCmdShow)
- {
- char szTitle[MAX_PATH];
- Assert(ghInst != NULL);
- ghAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_APPACCEL));
- LoadString(ghInst, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle));
- wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
- wc.hInstance = ghInst;
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_APP));
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1);
- wc.lpszClassName = _szAppClassName;
- // Register the window class and return FALSE if unsuccesful.
- if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
- return fFalse;
- // Create a main window for this application instance.
- ghwndMain = CreateWindow(_szAppClassName, szTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
- NULL, NULL, ghInst, NULL);
- if (ghwndMain == NULL)
- return fFalse;
- ghMenu = GetMenu(ghwndMain);
- if (!FCreateSbar() ||
- !FCreateMsgWindow())
- return fFalse;
- ShowHwnd(ghwndSbar, gPref.fSbar, IDM_VIEW_SBAR);
- if (gPref.wpMain.length != 0)
- SetWindowPlacement(ghwndMain, &gPref.wpMain);
- ShowWindow(ghwndMain, nCmdShow);
- UpdateWindow(ghwndMain);
- Log(LOG_ALWAYS, "Application Initialized"); // Successful and ready for input
- return fTrue;
- }
- /* F I N I T A P P */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: FInitApp
- Initialize the application after checking command line, etc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- BOOL FInitApp(LPSTR lpszCmd)
- {
- InitCommonControls();
- // Initialize stuff
- ReadPref();
- ClearBytes( &grhConfNotify, sizeof(grhConfNotify));
- return fTrue;
- }