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- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CNFTEST sample for Microsoft ActiveX Conferencing
- Unpublished work.
- Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- MODULE: test.c
- PURPOSE: This file calls the Scrapi APIs to establish the
- meeting connection and to perform other operations such as
- information exchange. Selecting function names from the menu
- or using the toolbar buttons tests each function.
- COMMENTS: Following structures are used by the function.
- CONFADDR: Describes the meeting connection address.
- CONFINFO: Describes the meeting settings.
- CONFERECDIR: Describes the default receive directory
- for transferred files.
- CONFNOTIFY: Describes the notification callback.
- CONFUSERINFO: Describes a user within a meeting.
- Log1, Log2, Log3, Log4 are all macros defined in global.h
- These functions call the Log function to print the messages
- to the message window.
- LONG CALLBACK MyNotifyProc()- Callback function will take
- care of the meeting events by the notification codes
- VOID CmdCancelTransfer()- Cancel a file tranfer action.
- Calls ConferenceCancelTransfer
- VOID CmdConnect()- Establishes the connection. Calls
- ConferenceConnect.
- VOID CmdDisconnect()- Disconnects the meeting. Calls
- ConferenceDisconnect.
- VOID CmdGetInfo()- Calls ConferenceGetInfo
- VOID CmdLaunchRemote()- Calls ConferenceLaunchRemote
- VOID CmdListen()- Calls ConferenceListen
- VOID CmdRemoveNotify()- Calls ConferenceRemoveNotify
- VOID CmdSendData()- Calls ConferenceSetInfo
- VOID CmdSendFile()- Calls ConferenceSendFile
- VOID CmdSetInfo()- Calls ConferenceSetInfo
- VOID CmdSetNotify()- Calls ConferenceSetNotify
- VOID CmdShareWindow()- Calls ConferenceShareWindow
- VOID CmdUnShareWindow()- Calls ConferenceShareWindow
- with the CONF_WINDOW_UNSHARED code
- VOID CmdIsWindowShared()- Calls ConferenceShareWindow with
- the CONF_SW_IS_SHARED code
- VOID CmdEnumUser()- Calls ConferenceGetInfo
- VOID CmdEnumConf()- Calls ConferenceGetInfo
- VOID CmdSetGuid()- Calls ConferenceSetInfo
- VOID MyNotifyProc()- The notification procedure
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "main.h"
- // Static Strings
- static char _szCancelTransfer[] = "CancelTransfer";
- static char _szConnect[] = "Connect";
- static char _szDisconnect[] = "Disconnect";
- static char _szGetInfo[] = "GetInfo";
- static char _szLaunchRemote[] = "LaunchRemote";
- static char _szListen[] = "Listen";
- static char _szRemoveNotify[] = "RemoveNotify";
- static char _szSetInfo[] = "SetInfo";
- static char _szSetNotify[] = "SetNotify";
- static char _szSendData[] = "SendData";
- static char _szSendFile[] = "SendFile";
- static char _szShareWindow[] = "ShareWindow";
- static char _szUnShareWindow[] = "UnShareWindow";
- static char _szIsWindowShared[] = "IsWindowShared";
- static char _szSetGuid[] = "SetGuid";
- static char _szEnumUsers[] = "EnumUsers";
- static char _szEnumConfs[] = "EnumConfs";
- LONG CALLBACK MyNotifyProc(HCONF hConf, DWORD dwCode, DWORD dwParam, LPVOID lpv1, LPVOID lpv2, DWORD dwUser);
- VOID DumpUserInfo(LPCONFUSERINFO lpUserInfo);
- VOID DumpConfInfo(LPCONFINFO lpConfInfo);
- /* C M D C A N C E L T R A N S F E R */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdCancelTransfer
- CmdCancelTransfer function executes when the user selects
- ConferenceCancelTransfer from the Test menu.
- This function stops the current file transfer (if one is running)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdCancelTransfer(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szCancelTransfer);
- dwResult = ConferenceCancelTransfer(gPref.hConf, gdwFileId);
- LogResult(_szCancelTransfer, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szCancelTransfer);
- }
- /* C M D C O N N E C T */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdConnect
- CmdConnect function executes when the user selects ConferenceConnect
- from the Test menu.
- This function reads the conference connection address from
- the user and takes the initial conference settings information
- and then calls the ConferenceConnect function to establish a
- meeting between two systems.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdConnect(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFADDR confAddr;
- CONFINFO confInfo;
- if (!DlgConferenceConnect())
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szConnect);
- return;
- }
- LogTestStart(_szConnect);
- InitStruct(&confAddr);
- confAddr.dwAddrType = gPref.iAddrType;
- confAddr.psz = gPref.szDefName; // default name
- switch (gPref.iAddrType)
- {
- case CONF_ADDR_IP:
- confAddr.dwIp = DwIpAddrFromSz(gPref.szDefName);
- Log4(LOG_ALWAYS, "IPAddr=%d.%d.%d.%d",
- HIBYTE(HIWORD(confAddr.dwIp)),
- LOBYTE(HIWORD(confAddr.dwIp)),
- HIBYTE(LOWORD(confAddr.dwIp)),
- LOBYTE(LOWORD(confAddr.dwIp)) );
- break;
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "Machine Name [%s]", confAddr.psz);
- break;
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "Telephone number [%s]", confAddr.psz);
- break;
- default:
- Log2(LOG_ALWAYS, "Unknown string [%s] (addrType=%d)",
- (confAddr.psz == NULL) ? "<null>" : confAddr.psz, gPref.iAddrType);
- break;
- }
- InitStruct(&confInfo);
- confInfo.dwMediaType = gPref.dwMediaType;
- lstrcpy(confInfo.szConferenceName, gPref.szConferenceName);
- dwResult = ConferenceConnect(&gPref.hConf, &confAddr, &confInfo, NULL);
- LogResult(_szConnect, 1, dwResult);
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "hConf = %08X", gPref.hConf);
- LogTestStop(_szConnect);
- }
- /* C M D D I S C O N N E C T */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdDisconnect
- This function executes when the user selects ConferenceDisconnect
- from the Test menu.
- Function disconnects the meeting by calling the
- ConferenceDisconnect function.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdDisconnect(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szDisconnect);
- dwResult = ConferenceDisconnect(gPref.hConf);
- LogResult(_szDisconnect, 1, dwResult);
- gPref.hConf = NULL;
- LogTestStop(_szDisconnect);
- }
- /* C M D G E T I N F O */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdGetInfo
- Returns information about the specified meeting.
- This example calls the ConferenceGetInfo API twice to
- display the current meeting name and number of users
- and to display the current receive directory for the local
- machine.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdGetInfo(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFINFO confInfo;
- CONFRECDIR confRecDir;
- LogTestStart(_szGetInfo);
- InitStruct(&confInfo);
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_ENUM_CONF, &confInfo);
- LogResult(_szGetInfo, 1, dwResult);
- if (CONFERR_SUCCESS == dwResult)
- {
- DumpConfInfo(&confInfo);
- }
- InitStruct(&confRecDir);
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_GET_RECDIR, &confRecDir);
- LogResult(_szGetInfo, 2, dwResult);
- if (CONFERR_SUCCESS == dwResult)
- {
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, " Receive Directory [%s]", confRecDir.szRecDir);
- }
- LogTestStop(_szGetInfo);
- }
- /* C M D L A U N C H R E M O T E */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdLaunchRemote
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdLaunchRemote(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFDEST confDest;
- CONFUSERINFO confUserInfo;
- BOOL fFound = fFalse;
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szLaunchRemote);
- if (!DlgLaunchRemote())
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szLaunchRemote);
- return;
- }
- InitStruct(&confDest);
- InitStruct(&confUserInfo);
- if(0 == lstrcmp("<everyone>", gPref.szUserName))
- confDest.dwUserId = 0;
- else
- {
- // scan the array of users and match the name to a UserId
- for( ; ; )
- {
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_ENUM_USER, &confUserInfo);
- if(dwResult != CONFERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- {
- Log1(LOG_ERROR, "ConferenceGetInfo returns %08x", dwResult);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(0 == lstrcmp(confUserInfo.szUserName, gPref.szUserName))
- {
- confDest.dwUserId = confUserInfo.dwUserId;
- fFound = fTrue;
- break;
- }
- }
- Assert(fFound);
- }
- confDest.guid = gPref.guidRemote;
- dwResult = ConferenceLaunchRemote(gPref.hConf, &confDest, 0);
- LogResult(_szLaunchRemote, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szLaunchRemote);
- }
- /* C M D L I S T E N */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdListen
- Launchs NetMeeting in the background.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdListen(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szListen);
- dwResult = ConferenceListen(0);
- LogResult(_szListen, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szListen);
- }
- /* C M D R E M O V E N O T I F Y */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdRemoveNotify
- Removes the specified callback routine
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdRemoveNotify(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- int i;
- LogTestStart(_szRemoveNotify);
- if (!DlgRemoveNotify())
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szRemoveNotify);
- return;
- }
- dwResult = ConferenceRemoveNotify(gPref.hConf, gPref.hConfNotify);
- LogResult(_szRemoveNotify, 1, dwResult);
- if(dwResult == CONFERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- Log1(LOG_NORMAL, "Removed hConfNotify %d", gPref.hConfNotify);
- // Walk array & remove the one we just killed
- for( i = 0; i < giCount; i++)
- {
- if(gPref.hConfNotify == grhConfNotify[i])
- {
- grhConfNotify[i] = grhConfNotify[giCount-1];
- giCount--;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- LogTestStop(_szRemoveNotify);
- }
- /* C M D S E N D D A T A */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdSendData
- Sends data to other meeting participants.
- This example uses the ConferenceSendData API to transmit
- application specific data to all other meeting members.
- Note: currently all members of a meeting will receive
- any data transmitted by this API.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdSendData(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFDEST confDest;
- LogTestStart(_szSendData);
- if (!DlgSendData())
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szSendData);
- return;
- }
- InitStruct(&confDest);
- confDest.guid = gPref.guid;
- confDest.dwUserId = gPref.dwRemoteId;
- dwResult = ConferenceSendData(gPref.hConf, &confDest,
- gPref.szData, CbSz(gPref.szData), 0);
- LogResult(_szSendData, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szSendData);
- return;
- }
- /* C M D S E N D F I L E */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdSendFile
- Sends a file to other meeting participants.
- This example uses the ConferenceSendData API to transmit
- application specific data to all other meeting members.
- Note: currently all members of a meeting will receive
- any data transmitted by this API.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdSendFile(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFDEST confDest;
- CONFUSERINFO confUserInfo;
- LogTestStart(_szSendFile);
- if (!DlgSendFile())
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szSendFile);
- return;
- }
- InitStruct(&confDest);
- InitStruct(&confUserInfo);
- if(0== lstrcmp("<everyone>", gPref.szUserName))
- confDest.dwUserId = 0;
- else
- {
- // scan the array of users and match the name to a UserId
- for( ; ; )
- {
- dwResult= ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_ENUM_USER, &confUserInfo);
- if(dwResult != CONFERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- {
- Log1(LOG_ERROR, "ConferenceGetInfo result=%d -- could not find UserId", dwResult);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(0 == lstrcmp(confUserInfo.szUserName, gPref.szUserName))
- {
- confDest.dwUserId = confUserInfo.dwUserId;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- dwResult = ConferenceSendFile(gPref.hConf, &confDest, gPref.szFileName, CONF_SF_NOWAIT);
- LogResult(_szSendFile, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szSendFile);
- }
- /* C M D S E T I N F O */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdSetInfo
- Set the file transfer receive directory on the local machine
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdSetInfo(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFRECDIR confRecDir;
- LogTestStart(_szSetInfo);
- InitStruct(&confRecDir);
- if (!FGetDirectory(confRecDir.szRecDir))
- {
- LogTestCancel(_szSetInfo);
- return;
- }
- dwResult = ConferenceSetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_SET_RECDIR, &confRecDir);
- LogResult(_szSetInfo, 1, dwResult);
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_GET_RECDIR, &confRecDir);
- LogResult(_szSetInfo, 2, dwResult);
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "Receive Directory [%s]", confRecDir.szRecDir);
- LogTestStop(_szSetInfo);
- }
- /* C M D S E T N O T I F Y */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdSetNotify
- Sets the notification callback routine
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdSetNotify(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFNOTIFY confNotify;
- HCONFNOTIFY hConfNotify;
- LogTestStart(_szSetNotify);
- InitStruct(&confNotify);
- confNotify.pfnNotifyProc = MyNotifyProc;
- confNotify.guid = gPref.guid;
- dwResult = ConferenceSetNotify(gPref.hConf, &confNotify, &hConfNotify);
- if( giCount < 10 )
- grhConfNotify[giCount++] = hConfNotify;
- LogResult(_szSetNotify, 1, dwResult);
- Log1(LOG_NORMAL, "Set hConfNotify %d", hConfNotify);
- LogTestStop(_szSetNotify);
- }
- /* C M D S H A R E W I N D O W */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdShareWindow
- Shares this test application with other meeting participants.
- The coolest API in the world! This example uses the
- ConferenceShareWindow API to share this test application
- with all other meeting participants.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdShareWindow(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szShareWindow);
- dwResult = ConferenceShareWindow(gPref.hConf, hwnd, CONF_SW_SHARE);
- LogResult(_szShareWindow, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szShareWindow);
- }
- /* C M D U N S H A R E W I N D O W */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdUnShareWindow
- Unshares this test application with other meeting participants.
- The 2nd coolest API in the world! This example uses the
- ConferenceShareWindow API to stop sharing this test application
- with all other meeting participants.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdUnShareWindow(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szUnShareWindow);
- dwResult = ConferenceShareWindow(gPref.hConf, hwnd, CONF_SW_UNSHARE);
- LogResult(_szUnShareWindow, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szUnShareWindow);
- }
- /* C M D I S W I N D O W S H A R E D */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdIsWindowShared
- Checks to see if the specified window has been shared successfully.
- This example uses the ConferenceIsWindowShared API to check the
- shared status of this test application. The ConferenceIsWindowShared
- API returns TRUE if the window is currently shared, FALSE if not.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdIsWindowShared(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- LogTestStart(_szIsWindowShared);
- dwResult = ConferenceShareWindow(gPref.hConf, hwnd, CONF_SW_IS_SHARED);
- LogResult(_szIsWindowShared, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szIsWindowShared);
- }
- /* C M D E N U M U S E R */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdEnumUser
- Walk the roster of meeting participants and display user info
- This example uses the ConferenceGetInfo API in a loop to display
- user information for all meeting attendees.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdEnumUser(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFUSERINFO confUserInfo;
- LogTestStart(_szEnumUsers);
- InitStruct(&confUserInfo);
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_ENUM_USER, &confUserInfo);
- if (CONFERR_SUCCESS != dwResult)
- {
- if (CONFERR_ENUM_COMPLETE != dwResult)
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "ConferenceGetInfo result=%d", dwResult);
- break;
- }
- DumpUserInfo(&confUserInfo);
- }
- LogTestStop(_szEnumUsers);
- }
- /* C M D E N U M C O N F */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdEnumConf
- Enumerate all conferences on the current machine.
- Not a very interesting example since we only allow one conference
- at a time right now. But this example shows how to list all
- conferences on the machine.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdEnumConf(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- CONFERR dwResult;
- CONFINFO confInfo;
- LogTestStart(_szEnumConfs);
- InitStruct(&confInfo);
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- dwResult = ConferenceGetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_ENUM_CONF, &confInfo);
- if (CONFERR_SUCCESS != dwResult)
- {
- if (CONFERR_ENUM_COMPLETE != dwResult)
- Log1(LOG_ALWAYS, "ConferenceGetInfo result=%d", dwResult);
- break;
- }
- DumpConfInfo(&confInfo);
- if (0 == confInfo.hConf)
- {
- Log(LOG_ALWAYS, "Null hConf field!");
- break;
- }
- }
- LogTestStop(_szEnumConfs);
- }
- /* C M D S E T G U I D */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: CmdSetGuid
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- VOID CmdSetGuid(HWND hwnd, WORD wCmd, WORD wNotify, HWND hwndCtrl)
- {
- DWORD dwResult;
- CONFGUID confGuid;
- LogTestStart(_szSetGuid);
- if (!DlgGuid())
- return;
- InitStruct(&confGuid);
- confGuid.guid = gPref.guid;
- confGuid.pszApplication = gPref.szAppName;
- confGuid.pszCommandLine = gPref.szCmdLine;
- confGuid.pszDirectory = gPref.szCurrDir;
- dwResult = ConferenceSetInfo(gPref.hConf, CONF_SET_GUID, &confGuid);
- LogResult(_szSetGuid, 1, dwResult);
- LogTestStop(_szSetGuid);
- }
- /* M Y N O T I F Y P R O C */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%Function: MyNotifyProc
- The conference notification handler.
- Currently this callback sinmply displays the notification messages
- and relevant information in the message window.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LONG CALLBACK MyNotifyProc(HCONF hConf, DWORD dwCode, DWORD dwParam, LPVOID lpv1, LPVOID lpv2, DWORD dwUser)
- {
- // print the text of the notification message
- Log4(LOG_ALWAYS, "[%s] [%08X] (%08X, %08X)", GetConfnString(dwCode), dwParam, lpv1, lpv2);
- // display user or meeting information in the message box.
- switch (dwCode)
- {
- DumpConfInfo(lpv2);
- break;
- DumpUserInfo(lpv2);
- break;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "Peer Added: dwUserId=%X (%d)", dwParam, dwParam);
- break;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "Peer Removed: dwUserId=%X (%d)", dwParam, dwParam);
- break;
- break;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "Data Send: [%s] %d bytes", lpv2, dwParam);
- break;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "Data Recv: [%s] %d bytes", lpv2, dwParam);
- break;
- gdwFileId = dwParam;
- break;
- {
- LPCONFFILEINFO lpFile = lpv2;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "File transfer: sent %d of %d bytes",
- lpFile->dwBytesTransferred,
- lpFile->dwFileSize);
- break;
- }
- gdwFileId = FileIdNil;
- break;
- gdwFileId = dwParam;
- break;
- {
- LPCONFFILEINFO lpFile = lpv2;
- Log2(LOG_NORMAL, "File transfer: received %d of %d bytes",
- lpFile->dwBytesTransferred,
- lpFile->dwFileSize);
- break;
- }
- gdwFileId = FileIdNil;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } /* dwCode */
- return 0;
- }