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- *** Direct3D Notes ***
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- Last updated Apr 30, 1996
- Any DirectDraw surface that is to be used as a Direct3DDevice, must be
- created with the new DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE cap. This is new behaviour and is
- strictly enforced.
- - dwSize fields are validated!
- We must enforce size fields so that if we choose to grow the structure
- in the future, we can still allow old applications to run.
- Reality Lab name change
- =======================
- The Reality Lab retained mode portion of the Direct3D API has been renamed
- to Direct3DRM.
- The name changes affect both the COM interfaces and objects, and the types.
- The use of the interfaces in the examples have also been modified to be in
- the same style as all of DirectX.
- For example, where you would have used IRealityLabDevice*, you would now
- use LPDIRECT3DRMDEVICE. The following list details all of the changes:
- Old interface name New name Usage
- ------------------ -------- -----
- IRealityLab IDirect3DRM DIRECT3DRM
- IRealityLabDevice IDirect3DRMDevice DIRECT3DDEVICE
- IRealityLabObject IDirect3DRMObject DIRECT3DRMOBJECT
- IRealityLabViewport IDirect3DRMViewport DIRECT3DRMVIEWPORT
- IRealityLabFrame IDirect3DRMFrame DIRECT3DRMFRAME
- IRealityLabVisual IDirect3DRMVisual DIRECT3DRMVISUAL
- IRealityLabMesh IDirect3DRMMesh DIRECT3DRMMESH
- IRealityLabMeshBuilder IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder DIRECT3DRMMESHBUILDER
- IRealityLabFace IDirect3DRMFace DIRECT3DRMFACE
- IRealityLabLight IDirect3DRMLight DIRECT3DRMLIGHT
- IRealityLabTexture IDirect3DRMTexture DIRECT3DRMTEXTURE
- IRealityLabWrap IDirect3DRMWrap DIRECT3DRMWRAP
- IRealityLabMaterial IDirect3DRMMaterial DIRECT3DRMMATERIAL
- IRealityLabAnimation IDirect3DRMAnimation DIRECT3DRMANIMATION
- IRealityLabAnimationSet IDirect3DRMAnimationSet DIRECT3DRMANIMATIONSET
- IRealityLabUserVisual IDirect3DRMUserVisual DIRECT3DRMUSERVISUAL
- IRealityLabShadow IDirect3DRMShadow DIRECT3DRMSHADOW
- IRealityLabDeviceArray IDirect3DRMDeviceArray DIRECT3DRMDEVICEARRAY
- IRealityLabFaceArray IDirect3DRMFaceArray DIRECT3DRMFACEARRAY
- IRealityLabViewportArray IDirect3DRMViewportArray DIRECT3DRMVIEWPORTARRAY
- IRealityLabFrameArray IDirect3DRMFrameArray DIRECT3DRMFRAMEARRAY
- IRealityLabVisualArray IDirect3DRMVisualArray DIRECT3DRMVISUALARRAY
- IRealityLabPickedArray IDirect3DRMPickedArray DIRECT3DRMPICKEDARRAY
- IRealityLabLightArray IDirect3DRMLightArray DIRECT3DRMLIGHTARRAY
- IWinRealityLabDevice IDirect3DRMWinDevice DIRECT3DWINDEVICE
- All structure names have been trivially renamed replacing RL with D3DRM.
- The header files have also changed name:
- irlwin.h becomes d3drmwin.h
- irlobj.h becomes d3drmobj.h
- irlapi.h becomes d3drm.h
- rltypes.h becomes d3drmdef.h
- Other notes
- ===========
- There is now a new object type: the user visual (IDirect3DRMUserVisual).
- This allows the user to specify their own method for rendering a user
- defined visual. For example you can use Direct3D's immediate mode to
- specify geometry and then render it yourself at the appropriate time.
- You provide Direct3DRM with a CanSee (is it visible?) and rendering methods.
- See the "uvis" sample for an example on how to use this new feature.
- You can now control whether to Z buffer or not using the
- IDirect3DRMFrame::SetZbufferMode() API to control the use of Z buffering
- for a frame hierarchy.
- You can now constrain the way lights affect a scene by constraining a lights
- effect to a particular frame hierarchy using the
- IDirect3DRMLight::SetEnableFrame() API.
- Direct3D
- ========
- Direct3D's immediate mode types have been converted to hungarian notation.
- The IDirect3DTexture interface has a new member: PaletteChanged. This
- informs Direct3D that the application has modified the DirectDraw palette
- associated with the texture.
- Notes on the software emulation drivers
- =======================================
- Wireframe and point fill methods have now been enabled in both the RAMP and
- RGB software drivers. For both drivers points and lines can be rendered
- in all the modes that the filled polygons support.
- Z Test primitives have been enabled. This is the ability to test a given
- list of primitives against the Z buffer. This allows for fast bounding box
- rejection of occluded geometry. This feature is used by the retained mode
- API for all meshes which contain more than a few hundred triangles.
- RAMP driver support
- ===================
- Optional Z buffering.
- Color key and stippled transparency.
- Mono interpolated rasterization only.
- Point sampled perspective correct textures.
- Flat and Gouraud shade modes.
- Performance notes for the RAMP driver
- =====================================
- Texture mapping performance is heavily gated by the speed of memory.
- There are a number of ways of maximizing the cache performance of your
- textures. The smaller the textures are, the better chance they have of being
- maintained in the secondary cache. This is crucial for keeping performance
- high. Also, changing the texture per primitive will thrash the cache. Try
- and keep polygons grouped in order of the textures they use.
- When using Z buffering and texturing, rendering your scene from front to
- back will increase performance. The textured Z buffered primitives
- pre-test the Z buffer on a scanline basis. If a scanline is hidden by a
- previously rendered polygon it is trivially rejected. If this is the case, Z
- buffering performance can exceed non-Z performance.
- The retained mode API automatically orders its scenes from front to back
- to facilitate this optimization.
- In it often a good idea to use the D3DTest program to verify performance
- results with different drivers, especially where hardware is involved.
- RGB driver
- ==========
- The RGB driver now supports bilinear filtering for texturing.
- Capabilities
- ============
- The D3DDEVICEDESC structure now includes two new members:
- 1. dwDeviceRenderBitDepth describes the bit depths supported as a rendering
- target.
- 2. dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth describes the supported Z-buffer bit depths.
- Known Issues
- ============
- When using RGB software rasterisation, D3DRMMATERIALMODE_FROMFRAME
- does not work correctly if the object is unlit.
- It is not currently possible to load data from resources if the code
- resides in a dll.
- Background depth images do not double buffer correctly in the retained
- mode api (page flipping scenario). Use IDirect3DRMViewport::ForceUpdate()
- to force the dirty region to be updated.
- If you try to add a IDirect3DRMMesh to an IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder using
- AddMesh or indirectly via AddFrame (where the frame hierarchy contains
- mesh visuals), the mesh's texture coordinates (and vertex colors) do
- not get copied to the MeshBuilder.
- Line rendering in software emulation does not take the
- D3DRENDERSTATE_LASTPIXEL render state into account.
- IDirect3D::FindDevice() zeros the dwSize field in the return result.
- The following issues is not made clear in the documentation:
- 1) SetOrientation overrides any previous shear or scale applied to a
- frame.
- 2) Texture Transparency. If the retained mode API has to sample down
- the colors used in a texture in order to, for example, palettize it,
- the colour you're using as the transparent color may get remapped to
- another close color and transparency will no longer work. In order to
- stop this happening, pick a colour to use for transparency that is not
- close to any other colour in the texture.
- The Matrox Millenium driver does not render correctly fullscreen
- unless Clear is called at least once. Since the Millenium does not
- support texture mapping, this will not affect the types of application
- which do not use Clear. A workaround for this issue is to call Clear
- in your application once before entering the rendering loop.
- IDirect3DRMViewport::Configure is not functional in this release. A
- workaround for this is to destroy the old viewport and create a new
- one at the new position and size.