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INI File | 1995-11-06 | 5.7 KB | 241 lines |
- [General]
- useddraw=1
- doublebuffer=1
- ; Sound Modes: 0=DirectSound, 1=waveOut, 2=sndPlaySound
- soundmode=0
- dlls=krusty.dll,misc.dll
- datapath=data
- ; If two-players on one machine, character for second klown
- SecondKlown=Klown2
- ; If one-player, computer generated klown...
- RoboKlown=Klown2
- ; If n-players, character for remote klowns
- RemoteKlown=Klown2
- ; if ForceProfile is given, real machine is ignored & this profile is used
- ;ForceProfile=Full
- [Profiles]
- ; processor, bus type, min system memory, min vid memory, video software
- ; see cgglobals.h for definitions of values
- Full=3,3,8,1,1
- Med=3,0,8,1,1
- Low=0,0,0,0,1
- aggression=5
- mobility=15
- fastklown=0
- fastvel=200
- debugout=0
- piespeed=200
- pierange=600
- MouseSensitivity=75
- JoystickSensitivity=33
- RunThreshold=50
- RemoteUpdateInterval=1000
- RemoteTimeout=30
- [Levels]
- Rumble=1
- [Rumble]
- Full=RumbleFull
- Med=RumbleMed
- Low=RumbleLow
- Bare=RumbleBare
- ; NOTE: must always have a Default
- Default=RumbleGDI
- [IntroScreens]
- Bitmap=credits.BMP,instruct.BMP
- Delay=4
- [OptionScreens]
- TextRect=150,100,590,380
- DefaultColor=255,0,0
- DefaultShadow=149,149,149
- SelectColor=255,255,255
- SelectShadow=0,0,0
- FontFamily=SS_TIMES
- MouseSensitivity=75
- JoystickSensitivity=33
- Timeout=30
- [CreditScreens]
- TextRect=100,5,590,475
- DefaultColor=255,255,0
- DefaultShadow=0,0,0
- FontFamily=SS_TIMES
- LinesPerScreen=12
- ScrollRate=2
- [LoadingScreens]
- Bitmap=LOAD.BMP
- HotSpot=333,273
- DefaultColor=255,0,0
- DefaultShadow=0,0,0
- FontFamily=SS_TIMES
- TextRect=100,350,600,400
- SoundStart=blow1.wav,63,loop
- SoundUpdate=blow2.wav,63,noloop
- SoundEnd=bang.wav,127,noloop
- [RumbleFull]
- WorldX=1920
- WorldY=704
- StartX=-390
- StartY=-240
- Palette=iklowns.pal
- Graphics=RumbleGraphicsFull
- [RumbleMed]
- WorldX=1920
- WorldY=704
- StartX=-390
- StartY=-240
- Palette=iklowns.pal
- Graphics=RumbleGraphicsMed
- [RumbleLow]
- WorldX=1920
- WorldY=704
- StartX=-390
- StartY=-240
- Palette=iklowns.pal
- Graphics=RumbleGraphicsLow
- [RumbleBare]
- WorldX=1920
- WorldY=704
- StartX=-390
- StartY=-240
- Palette=iklowns.pal
- Graphics=RumbleGraphicsBare
- [RumbleGDI]
- WorldX=1920
- WorldY=704
- StartX=-390
- StartY=-240
- Palette=iklowns.pal
- Graphics=RumbleGraphicsLow
- ; graphics list for full profile (pentium, PCI, etc.)
- [RumbleGraphicsFull]
- Sky=Sky
- sidef=TiledImage,14,-960,-105
- foreg1=TiledImage,1,-960,115
- BigTBig=TiledImage,20,-400,-40
- RollCost=TiledImage,72,100,-5
- BigTop=TiledImage,60,200,30
- BigTSml=TiledImage,70,40,104
- sideb=TiledImage,15,-960,-40
- ground1=TiledImage,13,-960,80
- ; note: numbers are: zmin, zmax, xpos, ypos, numactions, preload, remote object name
- ; The actions MUST match the number of actions actually defined...
- Ferris=Character,128,128,-60,20,1,1
- Plane=Character,129,129,700,0,1,1
- Cloud1=Character,180,180,300,0,1,1
- Cloud2=Character,260,260,350,50,1,1
- Cloud3=Character,340,340,0,40,1,1
- Klown=Character,2,12,-210,30,32,1,Klown2
- Klown2=Character,2,12,210,30,32,0
- Pie=Character,255,255,500,0,2,0
- ; graphics list for med profile (same as full with no PCI)
- [RumbleGraphicsMed]
- Sky=Sky
- sidef=TiledImage,14,-960,-105
- foreg1=TiledImage,1,-960,115
- ;BigTBig=TiledImage,20,-400,-40
- ;RollCost=TiledImage,72,100,-5
- BigTop=TiledImage,60,200,30
- BigTSml=TiledImage,70,40,104
- sideb=TiledImage,15,-960,-40
- ground1=TiledImage,13,-960,80
- ; note: numbers are: zmin, zmax, xpos, ypos, numactions, preload, remote object name
- ; The actions MUST match the number of actions actually defined...
- StaticFerris=Character,128,128,-60,20,1,1
- Plane=Character,129,129,700,0,1,1
- Cloud1=Character,180,180,300,0,1,1
- ;Cloud2=Character,260,260,350,50,1,1
- ;Cloud3=Character,340,340,0,40,1,1
- Klown=Character,2,12,-210,30,32,1,Klown2
- Klown2=Character,2,12,210,30,32,0
- Pie=Character,255,255,500,0,2,0
- ; graphics list for low profile (dog slow machine)
- [RumbleGraphicsLow]
- Sky=Sky
- sidef=TiledImage,14,-960,-105
- ;foreg1=TiledImage,1,-960,115
- ;BigTBig=TiledImage,20,-400,-40
- ;RollCost=TiledImage,72,100,-5
- BigTop=TiledImage,60,200,30
- ;BigTSml=TiledImage,70,40,104
- sideb=TiledImage,15,-960,-40
- ground1=TiledImage,13,-960,80
- ; note: numbers are: zmin, zmax, xpos, ypos, numactions, preload, remote object name
- ; The actions MUST match the number of actions actually defined...
- StaticFerris=Character,128,128,-60,20,1,1
- ;Plane=Character,129,129,700,0,1,1
- Cloud1=Character,180,180,300,0,1,1
- ;Cloud2=Character,260,260,350,50,1,1
- ;Cloud3=Character,340,340,0,40,1,1
- Klown=Character,2,12,-210,30,32,1,Klown2
- Klown2=Character,2,12,210,30,32,0
- Pie=Character,255,255,500,0,2,0
- ; graphics list for bare profile (testing)
- [RumbleGraphicsBare]
- Sky=Sky
- ;sidef=TiledImage,14,-960,-105
- ;foreg1=TiledImage,1,-960,115
- ;BigTBig=TiledImage,20,-400,-40
- ;RollCost=TiledImage,72,100,-5
- ;BigTop=TiledImage,60,200,30
- ;BigTSml=TiledImage,70,40,104
- ;sideb=TiledImage,15,-960,-40
- ground1=TiledImage,13,-960,80
- ; note: numbers are: zmin, zmax, xpos, ypos, numactions, preload, remote object name
- ; The actions MUST match the number of actions actually defined...
- ;StaticFerris=Character,128,128,-60,20,1,1
- ;Plane=Character,129,129,700,0,1,1
- ;Cloud1=Character,180,180,300,0,1,1
- ;Cloud2=Character,260,260,350,50,1,1
- ;Cloud3=Character,340,340,0,40,1,1
- Klown=Character,2,12,-210,30,32,1,Klown2
- Klown2=Character,2,12,210,30,32,0
- Pie=Character,255,255,500,0,2,0
- [Ferris]
- Turn=0
- [Turn]
- SequenceFile=fw0.spr
- SequenceName=Turn
- Rate=15
- [StaticFerris]
- DontTurn=0
- [DontTurn]
- SequenceFile=fwstatic.spr
- SequenceName=DontTurn