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- ========================
- = DirectX 2 SDK Readme =
- ========================
- To install the DirectX SDK and/or DirectX, please run SETUP.EXE from the root
- directory.
- Overview
- --------
- Welcome to the DirectX 2 SDK. If you did a full installation,
- you will find a number of directories:
- DEBUG - Debug version of DirectX redistributable components
- DOCS - Readme files for each of the DirectX components
- EXTRAS - Contain drivers that have not completed the Microsoft QA process
- FOXBEAR - Fox & Bear sample demo of DirectDraw/DirectSound
- HELP - Help files
- IKLOWNS - Immortal Klowns sample demo of DirectDraw/DirectSound
- LICENSE - License agreement
- REDIST - DirectX redistributable components
- ROCKEM - Direct3D sample demo
- SAMPGAME - A sample demo which uses DirectX redistributable components
- SDK - DirectX SDK. Contains sample code, libraries, include files,
- and debug versions of the DirectX components
- Please see the readme file for each component (DirectDraw, Direct3D,
- DirectSound, and DirectPlay) for more information. These readme files
- can be found in the DOCS directory.
- Release Notes
- -------------
- 1) The readme file for all Direct3D samples can be found in the
- 2) There is an EXTRAS directory that contains drivers that have not completed
- the Microsoft QA process. We include the drivers on the SDK as a
- convenience for you. Please see the license.txt file in the EXTRAS
- directory for the license agreements pertaining to these components.