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- /*===========================================================================*\
- |
- | File: linklist.cpp
- |
- | Description:
- | Class to maintain a doubly linked list.
- |
- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |
- | Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- |
- | Written by Moss Bay Engineering, Inc. under contract to Microsoft Corporation
- |
- \*===========================================================================*/
- #include "linklist.h"
- #define NULL 0L
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLinkedList constructor - initialize to empty
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- CLinkedList::CLinkedList()
- {
- pHead = pTail = pCurPosition = NULL;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // CLinkedList destructor - free each node
- // Note: we do not free the app data pointed to by each node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- CLinkedList::~CLinkedList()
- {
- LPNODE pCur, pNext;
- pCur = pHead;
- pHead = pTail = pCurPosition = NULL;
- // Go thru list and free each node
- while (pCur != NULL)
- {
- pNext = pCur->pNext;
- delete(pCur);
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetFirst - return app data for first entry in list and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetFirst()
- {
- pCurPosition = pHead;
- if (pCurPosition == NULL)
- {
- return(NULL);
- }
- return(pCurPosition->pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetLast - return app data to last entry in list and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetLast()
- {
- pCurPosition = pTail;
- if (pCurPosition == NULL)
- {
- return(NULL);
- }
- return(pCurPosition->pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetNext - return next app data entry in list and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetNext()
- {
- LPNODE pNext;
- // check for empty list or already at end of list.
- if ((pCurPosition == NULL) || (pCurPosition->pNext == NULL))
- {
- return(NULL);
- }
- pNext = pCurPosition->pNext;
- pCurPosition = pNext;
- return(pNext->pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetFirst - return app data that follows a given entry and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetNext(void *pData)
- {
- pCurPosition = Find(pData);
- return(GetNext());
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetPrev - return app data for previous entry in list and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetPrev()
- {
- LPNODE pPrev;
- // check for empty list or already at start
- if ((pCurPosition == NULL) || (pCurPosition->pPrev == NULL))
- {
- return(NULL);
- }
- pPrev = pCurPosition->pPrev;
- pCurPosition = pPrev;
- return(pPrev->pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetFirst - return app data that preceeds a given entry and make it
- // the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::GetPrev(void *pData)
- {
- pCurPosition = Find(pData);
- return(GetPrev());
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Add - create a new node and put it at the start of the list and
- // make it the current node.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Add(void *pData)
- {
- LPNODE pNew = new NODE;
- // setup node and prepare it for its role as the new head of the list
- pNew->pData = pData;
- pNew->pNext = pHead;
- pNew->pPrev = NULL;
- // The old head of list (if any) should point to new node)
- if (pHead != NULL)
- pHead->pPrev = pNew;
- // Make new node the head and current position
- pHead = pNew;
- pCurPosition = pNew;
- // Check to see if new node is also the tail (ie. only list entry)
- if (pTail == NULL)
- pTail = pNew;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Append - create a new node and put it at the end of the list.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Append(void *pData)
- {
- LPNODE pNew = new NODE;
- // setup node and prepare it for its role as the new tail of the list
- pNew->pData = pData;
- pNew->pPrev = pTail;
- pNew->pNext = NULL;
- // The old tail of list (if any) should point to new node.
- if (pTail != NULL)
- pTail->pNext = pNew;
- // Make new node the tail
- pTail = pNew;
- // Check to see if new node is also the head (ie. only list entry)
- if (pHead == NULL)
- {
- pHead = pNew;
- pCurPosition = pNew;
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find - private method to find the node with the specified app data
- // attached to it.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- LPNODE CLinkedList::Find(void *pData)
- {
- LPNODE pCur;
- // go thru list until we reach end or we find the right node.
- for (pCur=pHead; (pCur != NULL) && (pCur->pData != pData); pCur= pCur->pNext);
- return(pCur);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Insert - create a new node and put it in front of the current
- // position node and make it the current position.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Insert(void *pData)
- {
- LPNODE pNext, pPrev;
- LPNODE pNew = new NODE;
- pNew->pData = pData;
- // check to be sure that there is a current node
- if (pCurPosition != NULL)
- {
- // get pointers of current position
- pPrev = pCurPosition->pPrev;
- pNext = pCurPosition->pNext;
- // set new nodes pointers for insertion into the list
- pNew->pPrev = pPrev;
- pNew->pNext = pCurPosition;
- // Set the node in front of new node (if any) to point to it
- if (pPrev != NULL)
- {
- pPrev->pNext = pNew;
- // No node in front -> new node is at head
- } else {
- pHead = pNew;
- }
- // make new node the current node
- pCurPosition = pNew;
- // No current node, just Add to front
- } else {
- Add(pData);
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Insert - create a new node and put it in front of the specified
- // node and make it the current position.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Insert(void *pData, void *pBefore)
- {
- // simply make the specified node current and insert the new
- // node.
- pCurPosition = Find(pBefore);
- Insert(pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remove - remove a specified node from the list.
- // Note: we do not delete the app data attached to the node!
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Remove()
- {
- LPNODE pCur, pNext, pPrev;
- pCur = pCurPosition;
- if (pCur != NULL)
- {
- // save a copy of the links
- pPrev = pCur->pPrev;
- pNext = pCur->pNext;
- // Is there a node ahead of us?
- if (pPrev != NULL)
- {
- // yes -> update it to not point to us.
- pPrev->pNext = pNext;
- } else {
- // no -> update head to not point to us.
- pHead = pNext;
- pCurPosition = pNext;
- }
- // Is there a node behind us?
- if (pNext != NULL)
- {
- // yes -> update it to not point to us.
- pNext->pPrev = pPrev;
- pCurPosition = pNext;
- } else {
- // no -> update tail to not point to us.
- pTail = pPrev;
- pCurPosition = pPrev;
- }
- delete(pCur);
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Remove - remove a specified node from the list.
- // Note: we do not delete the app data attached to the node!
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void CLinkedList::Remove(void *pData)
- {
- pCurPosition = Find(pData);
- Remove();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveFirst - remove the first node in the list and return the
- // app data associated with it.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::RemoveFirst()
- {
- LPNODE pCur, pNext;
- void *pData = NULL;
- pCur = pHead;
- // is there a node at the head?
- if (pCur != NULL)
- {
- // take first node out of list.
- pNext = pCur->pNext;
- pHead = pNext;
- pCurPosition = pNext;
- // are there any nodes after us?
- if (pNext != NULL)
- {
- // yes -> make it the new head
- pNext->pPrev = NULL;
- } else {
- // no -> the list is now empty
- pTail = NULL;
- }
- // get app data for node and then delete it
- pData = pCur->pData;
- delete(pCur);
- }
- return(pData);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveLast - remove the last node in the list and return the
- // app data associated with it.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- void * CLinkedList::RemoveLast()
- {
- LPNODE pCur, pPrev;
- void *pData = NULL;
- pCur = pTail;
- // is there a node at the tail?
- if (pCur != NULL)
- {
- // take last node out of list.
- pPrev = pCur->pPrev;
- pTail = pPrev;
- // are there any nodes ahead of us?
- if (pPrev != NULL)
- {
- // yes -> make it the new tail node
- pPrev->pNext = NULL;
- } else {
- // no -> list is now empty
- pHead = NULL;
- pCurPosition = NULL;
- }
- // get app data for node and then delete it
- pData = pCur->pData;
- delete(pCur);
- }
- return(pData);
- }