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- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1995 ATI Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: bmp.c
- * Content: Bitmap reader
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "foxbear.h"
- /*
- * gfxLoadBitmap
- */
- GFX_HBM gfxLoadBitmap(LPSTR szFileName)
- {
- HFASTFILE pfile;
- GFX_HBM hbm;
- BOOL trans = FALSE;
- pfile = FastFileOpen( szFileName );
- if( pfile == NULL )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- pbf = (BITMAPFILEHEADER *)FastFileLock(pfile, 0, 0);
- pbi = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)(pbf+1);
- if (pbf->bfType != 0x4d42 ||
- pbi->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
- {
- Msg("Failed to load");
- Msg(szFileName);
- FastFileClose( pfile );
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * TOTAL HACK for FoxBear, FoxBear does not use any masks, it draws
- * sprites with transparent colors, but the code still loads the masks
- * if a mask exists the sprite is transparent, else it is not, so
- * you cant get rid of the masks or nothing will be transparent!!
- *
- * if the code tries to load a mask, just return a non-zero value.
- */
- if( pbi->biBitCount == 1 )
- {
- Msg("some code is still using masks, stop that!");
- FastFileClose( pfile );
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * ANOTHER TOTAL HACK for FoxBear, some of the bitmaps in FoxBear
- * are a solid color, detect these and dont waste VRAM on them.
- */
- if( !bTransDest && pbi->biBitCount == 8 )
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE c;
- BYTE UNALIGNED *pb = (LPBYTE)pbi + pbi->biSize + 256 * sizeof(COLORREF);
- RGBQUAD UNALIGNED *prgb = (RGBQUAD *)((LPBYTE)pbi + pbi->biSize);
- c = *pb;
- for(y=0; y<(int)pbi->biHeight; y++ )
- {
- for( x=0; x<(int)pbi->biWidth; x++ )
- {
- if (c != *pb++)
- goto not_solid;
- }
- pb += ((pbi->biWidth + 3) & ~3) - pbi->biWidth;
- }
- rgb = RGB(prgb[c].rgbRed,prgb[c].rgbGreen,prgb[c].rgbBlue);
- hbm = gfxCreateSolidColorBitmap(rgb);
- FastFileClose( pfile );
- return hbm;
- }
- not_solid:
- /*
- * figure out iff the bitmap has the transparent color in it.
- */
- if( pbi->biBitCount == 8 )
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE UNALIGNED *pb = (LPBYTE)pbi + pbi->biSize + 256 * sizeof(COLORREF);
- DWORD UNALIGNED *prgb = (DWORD *)((LPBYTE)pbi + pbi->biSize);
- for(y=0; y<(int)pbi->biHeight && !trans; y++ )
- {
- for( x=0; x<(int)pbi->biWidth && !trans; x++ )
- {
- if (prgb[*pb++] == 0x00FFFFFF)
- trans=TRUE;
- }
- pb += ((pbi->biWidth + 3) & ~3) - pbi->biWidth;
- }
- }
- hbm = gfxCreateVramBitmap(pbi, trans);
- if( hbm == NULL )
- {
- FastFileClose( pfile );
- return GFX_FALSE;
- }
- #if 0
- {
- DDSCAPS ddscaps;
- IDirectDrawSurface_GetCaps(((GFX_BITMAP *)hbm)->lpSurface, &ddscaps);
- if( !(ddscaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY) )
- {
- Msg( "%s is in system memory", szFileName );
- }
- }
- #endif
- FastFileClose( pfile );
- return hbm;
- } /* gfxLoadBitmap */