home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1995 ATI Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: foxbear.h
- * Content: main include file
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __FOXBEAR_INCLUDED__
- #define __FOXBEAR_INCLUDED__
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <ddraw.h>
- #include <dsound.h>
- #include "gfx.h"
- #include "fbsound.h"
- #include "gameproc.h"
- #include "fastfile.h"
- #include "dsutil.h"
- int getint(char**p, int def);
- #define QUOTE(x) #x
- #define QQUOTE(y) QUOTE(y)
- #define REMIND(str) __FILE__ "(" QQUOTE(__LINE__) "):" str
- /*
- * keyboard commands
- */
- enum
- {
- KEY_STOP = 1,
- };
- /*
- * global data
- */
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpFrontBuffer;
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpBackBuffer;
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpStretchBuffer;
- extern DWORD lastKey;
- extern BOOL bModeX; // we are in a modex mode
- extern BOOL bColorFill; // device supports color fill
- extern BOOL bTransDest; // we should use dest color key
- extern BOOL bColorFill; // device supports color fill
- extern int nBufferCount; // buffer count
- extern int CmdLineBufferCount; // buffer count
- extern BOOL bStretch; // stretch
- extern BOOL bFullscreen; // run in fullscreen mode
- extern BOOL bStress; // just keep running
- extern BOOL bUseEmulation; // dont use HW use SW
- extern RECT GameRect; // game is here
- extern SIZE GameSize; // game is this size
- extern SIZE GameMode; // display mode size
- extern UINT GameBPP; // the bpp we want
- extern DWORD dwColorKey; // the color key
- extern HWND hWndMain; // the foxbear window
- extern RECT rcWindow; // where the FoxBear window is.
- extern BOOL bIsActive; // we are the active app.
- extern BOOL bPaused; //
- extern BOOL bWantSound; // Set the default action in DSEnable
- /*
- * list of display modes
- */
- struct {int w, h, bpp;} ModeList[100];
- int NumModes;
- /*
- * map a point that assumes 640x480 to the current game size.
- */
- #define MapDX(x) (((x) * GameSize.cx) / C_SCREEN_W)
- #define MapDY(y) (((y) * GameSize.cy) / C_SCREEN_H)
- #define MapX(x) (GameRect.left + MapDX(x))
- #define MapY(y) (GameRect.top + MapDY(y))
- #define MapRX(x) ((GameSize.cx == C_SCREEN_W) ? x : MapDX(x)+1)
- #define MapRY(y) ((GameSize.cy == C_SCREEN_H) ? y : MapDY(y)+1)
- void PauseGame(void);
- void UnPauseGame(void);
- /*
- * fn prototypes
- */
- /* ddraw.c */
- extern BOOL DDEnable( void );
- extern BOOL DDDisable( BOOL );
- extern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE DDCreateSurface( DWORD width, DWORD height, BOOL sysmem, BOOL trans );
- extern BOOL DDCreateFlippingSurface( void );
- extern BOOL DDClear( void );
- extern DWORD DDColorMatch(IDirectDrawSurface *pdds, COLORREF rgb);
- extern void Splash( void );
- extern LPVOID CMemAlloc( UINT cnt, UINT isize );
- extern LPVOID MemAlloc( UINT size );
- extern void MemFree( LPVOID ptr );
- #ifdef DEBUG
- extern void __cdecl Msg( LPSTR fmt, ... );
- #else
- #define Msg ; / ## /
- #endif
- LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE ReadPalFile( char *fname );
- #endif