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- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: d3dapp.h
- *
- * Header to be included in source using D3DApp. Contains D3DApp function
- * prototypes and defines.
- *
- * D3DApp is a collection of helper functions for Direct3D applications.
- * D3DApp consists of the following files:
- * d3dapp.h Main D3DApp header to be included by application
- * d3dappi.h Internal header
- * d3dapp.c D3DApp functions seen by application.
- * ddcalls.c All calls to DirectDraw objects except textures
- * d3dcalls.c All calls to Direct3D objects except textures
- * texture.c Texture loading and managing texture list
- * misc.c Miscellaneous calls
- */
- #ifndef __D3DAPP_H__
- #define __D3DAPP_H__
- #define INITGUID
- #include <ddraw.h>
- #include "d3d.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*
- */
- #define D3DAPP_WINDOWMINIMUM 50 /* smallest buffer size allowed */
- #define D3DAPP_DEFAULTWINDOWDIM 320 /* replaces window size if invalid */
- #define D3DAPP_MINBUFFERSIZE 15360 /* minimum "maximum buffer size" for a
- D3D driver to be accepted */
- #define D3DAPP_MINVERTEXCOUNT 320 /* minimum "maximum vertex count" for a
- D3D driver to be accepted */
- #define D3DAPP_MAXD3DDRIVERS 5 /* maximum Direct3D drivers ever expected
- to find */
- #define D3DAPP_MAXTEXTUREFORMATS 10 /* maximum texture formats ever expected
- to be reported by a D3D driver */
- #define D3DAPP_MAXMODES 20 /* maximum display modes ever expected to
- be reported by DirectDraw */
- #define D3DAPP_MAXTEXTURES 15 /* maximum number of textures that wil be
- loaded and managed */
- #define D3DAPP_MAXCLEARRECTS 30 /* maximum num. rectangles (ie extents)
- for clearing */
- #define D3DAPP_BOGUS -100 /* unused parameters accept this */
- #define D3DAPP_YOUDECIDE -25 /* Use this for certain parameters to
- have D3DApp decide an appropriate
- value for you */
- #define D3DAPP_USEWINDOW -24 /* Used in place of fullscreen mode */
- /*
- */
- /*
- * D3DAppD3DDriver structure
- * Describes a D3D driver
- */
- typedef struct tagD3DAppD3DDriver {
- char Name[30]; /* short name of the driver */
- char About[50]; /* short string about the driver */
- D3DDEVICEDESC Desc; /* D3DDEVICEDESC for complete information */
- GUID Guid; /* it's GUID */
- BOOL bIsHardware; /* does this driver represent a hardware device? */
- BOOL bDoesTextures; /* does this driver do texture mapping? */
- BOOL bDoesZBuffer; /* can this driver use a z-buffer? */
- BOOL bCanDoWindow; /* can it render to Window's display depth? */
- } D3DAppD3DDriver;
- /*
- * D3DAppTextureFormat stucture
- * Describes a texture format
- */
- typedef struct tagD3DAppTextureFormat {
- DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; /* DDSURFACEDESC for complete information */
- BOOL bPalettized; /* is this format palettized */
- int RedBPP; /* number of red, */
- int BlueBPP; /* blue, */
- int GreenBPP; /* and green bits per pixel */
- int IndexBPP; /* number of bits in palette index */
- } D3DAppTextureFormat;
- /*
- * D3DAppMode structure
- * Describes a display mode
- */
- typedef struct tagD3DAppMode {
- int w; /* width */
- int h; /* height */
- int bpp; /* bits per pixel */
- BOOL bThisDriverCanDo; /*can current D3D driver render in this mode?*/
- } D3DAppMode;
- /*
- * D3DAppInfo structure
- * Contains all the information D3DApp makes available to the application. A
- * pointer to the internal, read only copy is returned by the initializing
- * function.
- */
- typedef struct tagD3DAppInfo {
- HWND hwnd; /*handle of window being managed*/
- /*
- * Direct3D objects and information
- */
- LPDIRECT3D lpD3D; /* D3D object */
- LPDIRECT3DDEVICE lpD3DDevice; /* D3D device */
- LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT lpD3DViewport; /* D3D viewport, created by
- application */
- int NumDrivers; /* number of D3D drivers avail. */
- int CurrDriver; /* number of curr. D3D driver */
- D3DAppD3DDriver Driver[D3DAPP_MAXD3DDRIVERS]; /* avail. drivers*/
- D3DAppD3DDriver ThisDriver; /* description of this driver,
- identical to Driver[CurrDriver] */
- int NumTextureFormats; /* num texture formats avail*/
- int CurrTextureFormat; /* current texture format
- will only change if driver changes or when app changes it*/
- D3DAppTextureFormat TextureFormat[D3DAPP_MAXTEXTUREFORMATS];
- /* description of all avail. formats */
- D3DAppTextureFormat ThisTextureFormat; /* description of this format,
- identical to TextureFormat[CurrTextureFormat] */
- int NumTextures; /* number of textures loaded */
- char ImageFile[D3DAPP_MAXTEXTURES][50]; /* files */
- D3DTEXTUREHANDLE TextureHandle[D3DAPP_MAXTEXTURES]; /* handles */
- LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE lpTexture[D3DAPP_MAXTEXTURES]; /* texture objs */
- BOOL bTexturesInVideo; /* are textures in video
- memory? */
- /*
- * DirectDraw objects and information
- */
- LPDIRECTDRAW lpDD; /* DirectDraw object */
- BOOL bIsPrimary; /* Is this the primary DD device?
- If FALSE, we're using a hardware DD device that cannot
- display a window and so only fullscreen modes are available */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpFrontBuffer; /* front buffer surface */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpBackBuffer; /* back buffer surface */
- LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpZBuffer; /* z-buffer surface */
- BOOL bBackBufferInVideo; /* back buf in video mem? */
- BOOL bZBufferInVideo; /* is Z-buf in video mem? */
- int NumModes; /* number of available display modes */
- int CurrMode; /* number of current display mode (only
- when fullscreen) */
- D3DAppMode Mode[D3DAPP_MAXMODES]; /* desc avail modes */
- D3DAppMode ThisMode; /* description of this mode, identical
- to Mode[CurrMode] */
- BOOL bFullscreen; /* in fullscreen exclusive mode? */
- D3DAppMode WindowsDisplay; /* current Windows disply mode */
- SIZE szClient; /* dimensions of client win */
- POINT pClientOnPrimary; /* position of client win */
- BOOL bPaused; /* the app is paused */
- BOOL bAppActive; /* the app is active */
- BOOL bTexturesDisabled; /* textures are disabled */
- BOOL bOnlySystemMemory; /* all surfaces forced into
- system memory */
- BOOL bOnlyEmulation; /* no hardware DD or D3D
- devices allowed */
- BOOL bMinimized; /* app window is minimized */
- BOOL bRenderingIsOK; /* All objects etc. necessary
- for rendering are in ok */
- } D3DAppInfo;
- /*
- * D3DAppRenderState structure
- * The "render state" is the status of this collection of D3D options and
- * variables. This structure is used to get and set the render state. The
- * render state will only change during program initialization and when
- * the application sets it.
- */
- typedef struct tagD3DAppRenderState {
- BOOL bZBufferOn; /* Z buffer is on */
- BOOL bPerspCorrect; /* perspective correction is on */
- D3DSHADEMODE ShadeMode; /* flat, gouraud, phong? */
- D3DTEXTUREFILTER TextureFilter; /* linear or bi-linear texture filter */
- D3DTEXTUREBLEND TextureBlend; /* Use shade mode or copy mode? */
- D3DFILLMODE FillMode; /* solid, lines or points? */
- BOOL bDithering; /* dithering is on */
- BOOL bSpecular; /* specular highlights are on */
- BOOL bAntialiasing; /* anti-aliasing is on */
- BOOL bFogEnabled; /* fog is on */
- D3DCOLOR FogColor; /* fog color */
- D3DFOGMODE FogMode; /* linear, exp. etc. */
- D3DVALUE FogStart; /* begining depth */
- D3DVALUE FogEnd; /* ending depth */
- } D3DAppRenderState;
- /*
- */
- /*
- * D3DAppCreateFromHWND
- *
- * Call this before all other D3DApp functions (except AddTexture).
- * Initializes all DD and D3D objects necessary for rendering, enumerates the
- * available display modes and drivers and loads textures specified by prior
- * AddTexture() calls. Caller passes the handle of the window to be manged
- * and callback functions to execute for device creation and destruction.
- *
- * DeviceCreateCallback is executed AFTER the creation of D3D device and all
- * objects D3DApp created using the device. This allows an application to
- * reconstruct the scene and create any additional objects. The callback
- * must create and return (in the variable provided) the DIRECT3DVIEWPORT
- * from the given width and height. The returned pointer is stored in the
- * D3DAppInfo structure and used for clearing and setting the render state.
- * A NULL pointer is fine if D3DApp is not used for either of these
- * functions. The create callback will always be called before any calls to
- * the destroy callback. The boolean returned indicates success or failure.
- *
- * DeviceDestroyCallback is executed BEFORE the D3D device and objects
- * created by D3DApp using the device are released. This allows an
- * application to save data regarding the scene or release any objects
- * created from the device before it is destroyed. The DIRECT3DVIEWPORT
- * should be released in this callback. The boolean returned indicates the
- * success or failure.
- *
- * A pointer to the internal D3DAppInfo data structure is returned. This
- * should be READ ONLY!
- *
- * The DirectDraw device, Direct3D driver, display mode and texture format
- * will all be chosen by D3DApp. Hardware DD and D3D devices are prefered.
- * Mono lighting D3D drivers are prefered. Paletted texture formats are
- * prefered. If possible, the current window size will be used, otherwise
- * a fullscreen mode will be selected.
- *
- * Call AddTexture() to add textures to be loaded upon initialization.
- *
- * Valid flags:
- * D3DAPP_ONLYSYSTEMMEMORY Force all surfaces into system memory. Also
- * disables hardware DD and D3D drivers.
- * D3DAPP_ONLYD3DEMULATION Disable D3D hardware
- * D3DAPP_ONLYDDEMULATION Disable DD hardware
- */
- #define D3DAPP_ONLYSYSTEMMEMORY 0x00000001
- #define D3DAPP_ONLYD3DEMULATION 0x00000002
- #define D3DAPP_ONLYDDEMULATION 0x00000004
- BOOL D3DAppCreateFromHWND(DWORD flags, HWND hwnd,
- BOOL(*DeviceCreateCallback)(int, int,
- LPVOID lpCreateContext,
- BOOL(*DeviceDestroyCallback)(LPVOID),
- LPVOID lpDestroyContext,
- D3DAppInfo** D3DApp);
- /*
- * D3DAppWindowProc
- * To be truly effective, D3DApp should be allowed to trap incoming window
- * messages such as WM_SIZE. Call D3DAppWindowProc at the begining of the
- * application's main window WindowProc with the message information. If
- * bStopProcessing is set to TRUE, stop processing the message and return
- * lresult.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppWindowProc(BOOL* bStopProcessing, LRESULT* lresult, HWND hwnd,
- UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- /*
- * D3DAppFullscreen
- * Places the app in a fullscreen mode using the current driver.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppFullscreen(int mode);
- /*
- * D3DAppWindow
- * Places the application in windowed mode at the given client size. If w
- * and h are D3DAPP_YOUDECIDE, D3DApp will decide on a suitable client size.
- * If called while in fullscreen, restores the display mode and returns the
- * hooked window to the size it was before a call to D3DAppFullscreen or to
- * the size specified.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppWindow(int w, int h);
- /*
- * D3DAppChangeDriver
- * Changes the driver. If the current display mode is incompatible with the
- * driver, a new one will be selected and employed. A new texture format is
- * selected and textures are reloaded, hence their handles may change. By
- * default, paletted formats are prefered.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppChangeDriver(int driver, DWORD flags);
- /*
- * D3DAppAddTexture
- * D3DApp has an internal list of textures which it maintains. The image
- * files will be reloaded when necessary and the texture handles, objects and
- * surfaces will always be up to date and available in the D3DAppInfo
- * structure. D3DAppAddTextures adds the given PPM image file to this
- * list.
- *
- * This is the only function which can be called before CreateD3DAppFromHWND.
- * Use it to create a list of textures to load during this creation function.
- *
- * The handles and texture objects will change when the device or texture
- * format changes. To react to changes in the texture objects and surfaces,
- * use the callback for D3D device creation/release and make necessary
- * changes whenever calling D3DAppChangeTextureFormat.
- *
- * Image files are searched for in the current directory, D3DPATH env var,
- * and the "Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\4.0\D3D Path" registry entry.
- *
- */
- BOOL D3DAppAddTexture(const char* imagefile);
- /*
- * D3DAppChangeTextureFormat
- * Changes all textures to the given format. Texture handles and objects
- * will change.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppChangeTextureFormat(int format);
- /*
- * D3DAppDisableTextures
- * Disables the textures by turning handles to NULL. If the driver changes,
- * textures are not loaded until this state is toggled by another call with a
- * TRUE flag.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppDisableTextures(BOOL flag);
- /*
- * D3DAppSwapTextures
- * Swaps first texture with the second, second with third, etc. while keeping
- * the handles array the same.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppSwapTextures(void);
- /*
- * D3DAppSetRenderState
- * Uses a D3D execute buffer to set the render state. If lpState is NULL,
- * the current settings are reset.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppSetRenderState(D3DAppRenderState* lpState);
- /*
- * D3DAppGetRenderState
- * Returns the current render state.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppGetRenderState(D3DAppRenderState* lpState);
- /*
- * D3DAppShowBackBuffer
- * Blts or flips the back buffer to the primary surface. In the windowed
- * case, only the dirty portion of the front buffer is blt'ed over. The
- * dirty region of front and back buffers is maintained by calls to
- * D3DAppRenderExtents(). D3DAPP_SHOWALL will force the entire front buffer
- * to be updated.
- */
- #define D3DAPP_SHOWALL 0x00000001
- BOOL D3DAppShowBackBuffer(DWORD flags);
- /*
- * D3DAppRenderExtents
- * Tells D3DApp the extents of all regions updated on the back buffer as a
- * list of D3DRECTs (no more than D3DAPP_MAXCLEARRECTS). Call this before
- * clearing the back buffer. If the D3DAPP_CLEARALL flag is set, the extents
- * are ignored and the entire back buffer is assumed to have changed.
- */
- #define D3DAPP_CLEARALL 0x00000001
- BOOL D3DAppRenderExtents(DWORD dwCount, LPD3DRECT extent, DWORD flags);
- /*
- * D3DAppClearBackBuffer
- * Clears the back buffer and Z-buffer (if enabled). D3DAPP_CLEARALL can be
- * used to clear the entire back buffer.
- */
- #define D3DAPP_CLEARALL 0x00000001
- BOOL D3DAppClearBackBuffer(DWORD flags);
- /*
- * D3DAppCheckForLostSurfaces
- * Checks all surfaces D3DApp has allocated and restores them if necessary.
- * An error is returned on any type of failure, but it may be best to ignore
- * it since restoring surface can fail for non-fatal reasons and the app may
- * just want to spin.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppCheckForLostSurfaces(void);
- /*
- * D3DAppPause
- * Use D3DAppPause(TRUE) to pause the app and D3DAppPause(FALSE) to unpause.
- * When fullscreen, the menu bar is redrawn. bPaused is updated to reflect
- * the current status.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppPause(BOOL flag);
- /*
- * D3DAppErrorToString
- * Converts a DirectDraw, Direct3D or Direct3D RM error code to a string.
- */
- char* D3DAppErrorToString(HRESULT error);
- /*
- * D3DAppCreateSurface
- * Creates a surface described by ddsd. Will force the surface into
- * systemmemory if D3DApp was initialized with D3DAPP_ONLYSYSTEMMEMORY.
- */
- /*
- * D3DAppLastError
- * D3DAppLastErrorString
- * Returns the last D3DApp error as a string and HRESULT.
- */
- HRESULT D3DAppLastError(void);
- char* D3DAppLastErrorString(void);
- /*
- * D3DAppDestroy
- * Destroys all objects including Direct Draw. Call before program
- * termination.
- */
- BOOL D3DAppDestroy(void);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- };
- #endif
- #endif // __D3DAPP_H__