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- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: rmfull.cpp
- *
- * Each of the Direct3D retained mode (D3DRM) samples may be linked with
- * this file. It contains the code which allows them to run in the Windows
- * environment as a window or fullscreen. It is a modified version of
- * d3dmain.cpp. Comparing these two files is instructive.
- *
- * A window is created using rmfull.res which allows the user to select the
- * Direct3D driver to use and change the render options. The D3DApp
- * collection of functions is used to initialize DirectDraw, Direct3D and
- * keep surfaces and D3D devices available for rendering.
- *
- * Frame rate and a screen mode information buffer is Blt'ed to the screen
- * by functions in rmstats.cpp.
- *
- * Individual samples are executed through two functions, BuildScene and
- * OverrideDefaults, as described in rmdemo.h. Samples can also read
- * mouse input via ReadMouse.
- */
- #include "rmfull.h"
- /*
- */
- D3DAppInfo* d3dapp; /* Pointer to read only collection of DD and D3D
- objects maintained by D3DApp */
- rmfullglobals myglobs; /* collection of global variables */
- LPDIRECT3DRM lpD3DRM; /* Direct3DRM object */
- /*
- */
- static BOOL AppInit(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine);
- static BOOL CreateD3DApp(LPSTR lpCmdLine);
- static BOOL BeforeDeviceDestroyed(LPVOID lpContext);
- static BOOL AfterDeviceCreated(int w, int h, LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT* lpViewport,
- LPVOID lpContext);
- void CleanUpAndPostQuit(void);
- static void InitGlobals(void);
- static BOOL AppPause(BOOL f);
- void ReportD3DAppError(void);
- static BOOL RenderLoop(void);
- static BOOL RestoreSurfaces();
- long FAR PASCAL WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam );
- extern "C" void ReadMouse(int*, int*, int*);
- extern "C" char* D3DRMErrorToString(HRESULT error);
- BOOL CreateD3DRM(HWND win);
- BOOL SetRenderState(void);
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* WinMain */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Initializes the application then enters a message loop which calls sample's
- * RenderScene until a quit message is received.
- */
- int PASCAL
- WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow)
- {
- int failcount = 0; /* number of times RenderLoop has failed */
- MSG msg;
- HACCEL hAccelApp;
- hPrevInstance;
- /*
- * Create the window and initialize all objects needed to begin rendering
- */
- if(!AppInit(hInstance, lpCmdLine))
- return FALSE;
- hAccelApp = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, "AppAccel");
- while (!myglobs.bQuit) {
- /*
- * Monitor the message queue until there are no pressing
- * messages
- */
- if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
- if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) {
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- }
- if (!myglobs.hWndMain || !TranslateAccelerator(myglobs.hWndMain,
- hAccelApp, &msg)) {
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the app is not minimized, not about to quit, not paused and D3D
- * has been initialized, we can render
- */
- if (d3dapp->bRenderingIsOK && !d3dapp->bMinimized && !d3dapp->bPaused
- && !myglobs.bQuit) {
- /*
- * If were are not in single step mode or if we are and the
- * bDrawAFrame flag is set, render one frame
- */
- if (!(myglobs.bSingleStepMode && !myglobs.bDrawAFrame)) {
- /*
- * Attempt to render a frame, if it fails, take a note. If
- * rendering fails more than twice, abort execution.
- */
- if (!RenderLoop()) {
- ++failcount;
- if (failcount == 3) {
- Msg("Rendering has failed too many times. Aborting execution.\n");
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Reset the bDrawAFrame flag if we are in single step mode
- */
- if (myglobs.bSingleStepMode)
- myglobs.bDrawAFrame = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return msg.wParam;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* D3DApp Initialization and callback functions */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * AppInit
- * Creates the window and initializes all objects necessary to begin rendering
- */
- static BOOL
- AppInit(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine)
- {
- DWORD flags;
- Defaults defaults;
- /*
- * Initialize the global variables
- */
- InitGlobals();
- myglobs.hInstApp = hInstance;
- /*
- * Register the window class
- */
- wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
- wc.hInstance = hInstance;
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( hInstance, "AppIcon");
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
- wc.lpszMenuName = "AppMenu";
- wc.lpszClassName = "Example";
- if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Initialize the global variables and allow the sample code to override
- * some of these default settings.
- */
- InitGlobals();
- defaults.bNoTextures = myglobs.bNoTextures;
- defaults.bConstRenderQuality = myglobs.bConstRenderQuality;
- defaults.bResizingDisabled = FALSE;
- lstrcpy(defaults.Name, "D3DRM Example");
- OverrideDefaults(&defaults);
- myglobs.bNoTextures = defaults.bNoTextures;
- myglobs.bConstRenderQuality = defaults.bConstRenderQuality;
- /*
- * Create the window
- */
- if (defaults.bResizingDisabled)
- else
- /*
- * Create a window with some default settings that may change
- */
- myglobs.hWndMain = CreateWindowEx(
- "Example",
- defaults.Name,
- flags,
- NULL, /* parent window */
- NULL, /* menu handle */
- hInstance, /* program handle */
- NULL); /* create parms */
- if (!myglobs.hWndMain){
- Msg("CreateWindowEx failed");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Display the window
- */
- ShowWindow(myglobs.hWndMain, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- UpdateWindow(myglobs.hWndMain);
- /*
- * Create the D3DRM object which are initialized only when the program
- * starts
- */
- if (!CreateD3DRM(myglobs.hWndMain))
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Call D3DApp to initialize all DD and D3D objects necessary to render.
- * D3DApp will call the device creation callback which will initialize the
- * viewport and the sample's execute buffers.
- */
- if (!CreateD3DApp(lpCmdLine))
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Create the scene to be rendered by calling this sample's BuildScene
- */
- if (!BuildScene(myglobs.dev, myglobs.view, myglobs.scene, myglobs.camera))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * CreateD3DRM
- * Create main D3DRM objects which are only initialized once.
- */
- CreateD3DRM(HWND win)
- {
- HRESULT rval;
- /*
- * Create the D3DRM object
- */
- rval = Direct3DRMCreate(&lpD3DRM);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to create Direct3DRM.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Create the master scene frame and camera frame
- */
- rval = lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(NULL, &myglobs.scene);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to create the master scene frame.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- rval = lpD3DRM->CreateFrame(myglobs.scene, &myglobs.camera);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to create the camera's frame.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- rval = myglobs.camera->SetPosition(myglobs.scene, D3DVAL(0.0), D3DVAL(0.0), D3DVAL(0.0));
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to position the camera in the frame.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * CreateD3DApp
- * Create all DirectDraw and Direct3D objects necessary to begin rendering.
- * Add the list of D3D drivers to the file menu.
- */
- static BOOL
- CreateD3DApp(LPSTR lpCmdLine)
- {
- HMENU hmenu;
- int i;
- LPSTR option;
- BOOL bOnlySystemMemory, bOnlyEmulation;
- DWORD flags;
- /*
- * Parse the command line in seach of one of the following options:
- * systemmemory All surfaces should be created in system memory.
- * Hardware DD and D3D devices are disabled, but
- * debugging during the Win16 lock becomes possible.
- * emulation Do not use hardware DD or D3D devices.
- */
- bOnlySystemMemory = FALSE;
- bOnlyEmulation = FALSE;
- option = strtok(lpCmdLine, " -");
- while(option != NULL ) {
- if (!lstrcmp(option, "systemmemory")) {
- bOnlySystemMemory = TRUE;
- } else if (!lstrcmp(option, "emulation")) {
- bOnlyEmulation = TRUE;
- } else {
- Msg("Invalid command line options given.\nLegal options: -systemmemory, -emulation\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- option = strtok(NULL, " -");
- }
- /*
- * Set the flags to pass to the D3DApp creation based on command line
- */
- flags = ((bOnlySystemMemory) ? D3DAPP_ONLYSYSTEMMEMORY : 0) |
- ((bOnlyEmulation) ? (D3DAPP_ONLYD3DEMULATION |
- /*
- * Create all the DirectDraw and D3D objects neccesary to render. The
- * AfterDeviceCreated callback function is called by D3DApp to create the
- * viewport and the example's execute buffers.
- */
- if (!D3DAppCreateFromHWND(flags, myglobs.hWndMain, AfterDeviceCreated,
- NULL, BeforeDeviceDestroyed, NULL, &d3dapp)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Add the the list of display modes D3DApp found to the mode menu
- */
- hmenu = GetSubMenu(GetMenu(myglobs.hWndMain), 2);
- for (i = 0; i < d3dapp->NumModes; i++) {
- char ach[80];
- wsprintf(ach,"%dx%dx%d", d3dapp->Mode[i].w, d3dapp->Mode[i].h,
- d3dapp->Mode[i].bpp);
- AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING, MENU_FIRST_MODE+i, ach);
- }
- /*
- * Add the list of D3D drivers D3DApp foudn to the file menu
- */
- hmenu = GetSubMenu(GetMenu(myglobs.hWndMain), 0);
- for (i = 0; i < d3dapp->NumDrivers; i++) {
- InsertMenu(hmenu, 6 + i, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING,
- MENU_FIRST_DRIVER + i, d3dapp->Driver[i].Name);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * AfterDeviceCreated
- * D3DApp will call this function immediately after the D3D device has been
- * created (or re-created). D3DApp expects the D3D viewport to be created and
- * returned. In this case, we will return NULL because we only have a D3DRM
- * viewport. This is fine as long as we don't use any of the D3D viewport
- * functionality of D3DApp.
- */
- static BOOL
- AfterDeviceCreated(int w, int h, LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT* lplpViewport, LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- HRESULT rval;
- rval = lpD3DRM->CreateDeviceFromD3D(d3dapp->lpD3D, d3dapp->lpD3DDevice,
- &myglobs.dev);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Creation of D3DRM device failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Create the D3DRM viewport using the camera frame. Set the background
- * depth to a large number. The width and height may be slightly
- * adjusted, so get them from the device to be sure.
- */
- w = myglobs.dev->GetWidth();
- h = myglobs.dev->GetHeight();
- rval = lpD3DRM->CreateViewport(myglobs.dev, myglobs.camera, 0, 0, w,
- h, &myglobs.view);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to create the D3DRM viewport.\n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- RELEASE(myglobs.dev);
- return FALSE;
- }
- rval = myglobs.view->SetBack(D3DVAL(5000.0));
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Failed to set the background depth of the D3DRM viewport.\n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- RELEASE(myglobs.dev);
- RELEASE(myglobs.view);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Set the render quality, fill mode, lighting state and color shade info
- */
- if (!SetRenderState())
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Return NULL for the viewport
- */
- *lplpViewport = NULL;
- /*
- * Create and initialize the surfaces containing the frame rate and
- * window information
- */
- InitFontAndTextBuffers();
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * BeforeDeviceDestroyed
- * D3DApp will call this function before the current D3D device is destroyed
- * to give the app the opportunity to destroy objects it has created with the
- * DD or D3D objects.
- */
- static BOOL
- BeforeDeviceDestroyed(LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- RELEASE(myglobs.view);
- RELEASE(myglobs.dev);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Rendering loop */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * RenderLoop
- * Render the next frame and update the window
- */
- static BOOL
- RenderLoop()
- {
- int count;
- HRESULT rval;
- static BOOL b = FALSE; // Clear the second buffer on also
- /*
- * If all the DD and D3D objects have been initialized we can render
- */
- if (d3dapp->bRenderingIsOK) {
- /*
- * Restore any lost surfaces
- */
- if (!RestoreSurfaces()) {
- /*
- * Restoring surfaces sometimes fails because the surfaces cannot
- * yet be restored. If this is the case, the error will show up
- * somewhere else and we should return success here to prevent
- * unnecessary error's being reported.
- */
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Force an update of the entire client window if the resized flag is set
- */
- if (myglobs.bResized || b)
- myglobs.view->ForceUpdate(0, 0, d3dapp->szClient.cx, d3dapp->szClient.cy);
- /*
- * Use b to makesure the second buffer is cleared also
- */
- if (b)
- b = FALSE;
- if (myglobs.bResized)
- b = TRUE;
- /*
- * Calculate the frame rate
- */
- if (!CalculateFrameRate())
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Tick the scene
- */
- rval = myglobs.scene->Move(D3DVAL(1.0));
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Moving scene failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Clear the viewport
- */
- rval = myglobs.view->Clear();
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Clearing viewport failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Render the scene to the viewport
- */
- rval = myglobs.view->Render(myglobs.scene);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Rendering scene failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Blt the frame rate and window stat text to the back buffer
- */
- count = 0;
- if (!DisplayFrameRate(&count, &extents[0]))
- return FALSE;
- for (;count;--count)
- myglobs.view->ForceUpdate(extents[count-1].x1, extents[count-1].y1,
- extents[count-1].x2, extents[count-1].y2);
- /*
- * Update the window
- */
- rval = myglobs.dev->Update();
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Updating device failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Blt or flip the back buffer to the front buffer. If this fails,
- * don't report an error.
- */
- D3DAppShowBackBuffer(myglobs.bResized ? D3DAPP_SHOWALL : NULL);
- /*
- * Reset the resize flag
- */
- myglobs.bResized = FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * AppPause
- * Pause and unpause the application
- */
- static BOOL
- AppPause(BOOL f)
- {
- /*
- * Flip to the GDI surface and halt rendering
- */
- if (!D3DAppPause(f))
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * When returning from a pause, reset the frame rate count
- */
- if (!f) {
- ResetFrameRate();
- myglobs.bResized = TRUE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * RestoreSurfaces
- * Restores any lost surfaces. Returns TRUE if all surfaces are not lost and
- * FALSE if one or more surfaces is lost and can not be restored at the
- * moment.
- */
- static BOOL
- RestoreSurfaces()
- {
- HRESULT d3drval;
- /*
- * Have D3DApp check all the surfaces it's in charge of
- */
- if (!D3DAppCheckForLostSurfaces()) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Check frame rate and info surfaces and re-write them if they
- * were lost.
- */
- if (myglobs.lpFrameRateBuffer->IsLost() == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
- d3drval = myglobs.lpFrameRateBuffer->Restore();
- if (d3drval != DD_OK) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!WriteFrameRateBuffer(0.0f, 0))
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (myglobs.lpInfoBuffer->IsLost() == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
- d3drval = myglobs.lpInfoBuffer->Restore();
- if (d3drval != DD_OK) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!WriteInfoBuffer())
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- Windows message handlers
- *************************************************************************/
- /*
- * AppAbout
- * About box message handler
- */
- FAR PASCAL AppAbout(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- switch (msg)
- {
- case WM_COMMAND:
- if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK)
- EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
- break;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * WindowProc
- * Main window message handler.
- */
- long
- FAR PASCAL WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam )
- {
- int i;
- BOOL bStop;
- LRESULT lresult;
- /*
- * Give D3DApp an opportunity to process any messages it MUST see in order
- * to perform it's function.
- */
- if (!D3DAppWindowProc(&bStop, &lresult, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * If bStop is set by D3DApp, the app should not process the message but
- * return lresult.
- */
- if (bStop)
- return lresult;
- switch( message ) {
- /*
- * Record the mouse state for ReadMouse
- */
- myglobs.mouse_buttons = wParam;
- myglobs.mouse_x = LOWORD(lParam);
- myglobs.mouse_y = HIWORD(lParam);
- break;
- AppPause(TRUE);
- break;
- AppPause(FALSE);
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- myglobs.hWndMain = NULL;
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- /*
- * Check and enable the appropriate menu items
- */
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_STEP, (myglobs.bSingleStepMode) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_GO, (myglobs.bSingleStepMode) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_PHONG, MF_GRAYED);
- if (!myglobs.bConstRenderQuality) {
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_LIGHTING, (myglobs.RenderQuality & D3DRMLIGHT_MASK) == D3DRMLIGHT_ON ? MF_CHECKED : MF_GRAYED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FLAT, (myglobs.RenderQuality & D3DRMSHADE_MASK) == D3DRMSHADE_FLAT ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_PHONG, (myglobs.RenderQuality & D3DRMSHADE_MASK) == D3DRMSHADE_PHONG ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_PHONG, MF_GRAYED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_POINT, (myglobs.RenderQuality & D3DRMFILL_MASK) == D3DRMFILL_POINTS ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_SOLID, (myglobs.RenderQuality & D3DRMFILL_MASK) == D3DRMFILL_SOLID ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- } else {
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_LIGHTING, MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FLAT, MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_GOURAUD, MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_PHONG, MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_POINT, MF_GRAYED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_SOLID, MF_GRAYED);
- }
- if (!myglobs.bNoTextures && d3dapp->ThisDriver.bDoesTextures) {
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_POINT_FILTER, (myglobs.TextureQuality == D3DRMTEXTURE_NEAREST) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_LINEAR_FILTER, (myglobs.TextureQuality == D3DRMTEXTURE_LINEAR) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- } else {
- }
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_DITHERING, (myglobs.bDithering) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_ANTIALIAS, (myglobs.bAntialiasing) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- if (d3dapp->bIsPrimary) {
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FULLSCREEN, d3dapp->bFullscreen ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FULLSCREEN, d3dapp->bFullscreen && !d3dapp->ThisDriver.bCanDoWindow ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_NEXT_MODE, (!d3dapp->bFullscreen) ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_PREVIOUS_MODE, (!d3dapp->bFullscreen) ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED);
- } else {
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_NEXT_MODE, MF_GRAYED);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < d3dapp->NumModes; i++) {
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FIRST_MODE + i, (i == d3dapp->CurrMode) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- EnableMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FIRST_MODE + i, (d3dapp->Mode[i].bThisDriverCanDo) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < d3dapp->NumDrivers; i++) {
- CheckMenuItem((HMENU)wParam, MENU_FIRST_DRIVER + i, (i == d3dapp->CurrDriver) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED);
- }
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case MENU_ABOUT:
- AppPause(TRUE);
- DialogBox(myglobs.hInstApp, "AppAbout", myglobs.hWndMain, (DLGPROC)AppAbout);
- AppPause(FALSE);
- break;
- case MENU_EXIT:
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- case MENU_STEP:
- /*
- * Begin single step more or draw a frame if in single
- * step mode
- */
- if (!myglobs.bSingleStepMode) {
- myglobs.bSingleStepMode = TRUE;
- myglobs.bDrawAFrame = TRUE;
- } else if (!myglobs.bDrawAFrame) {
- myglobs.bDrawAFrame = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case MENU_GO:
- /*
- * Exit single step mode
- */
- if (myglobs.bSingleStepMode) {
- myglobs.bSingleStepMode = FALSE;
- ResetFrameRate();
- }
- break;
- case MENU_STATS:
- /*
- * Toggle output of frame rate and window info
- */
- if ((myglobs.bShowFrameRate) && (myglobs.bShowInfo)) {
- myglobs.bShowFrameRate = FALSE;
- myglobs.bShowInfo = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if ((!myglobs.bShowFrameRate) && (!myglobs.bShowInfo)) {
- myglobs.bShowFrameRate = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- myglobs.bShowInfo = TRUE;
- break;
- if (d3dapp->bFullscreen) {
- /*
- * Return to a windowed mode. Let D3DApp decide which
- * D3D driver to use in case this one cannot render to
- * the Windows display depth
- */
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Enter the current fullscreen mode. D3DApp may
- * resort to another mode if this driver cannot do
- * the currently selected mode.
- */
- if (!D3DAppFullscreen(d3dapp->CurrMode)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * Lighting toggle
- */
- myglobs.RenderQuality ^= D3DRMLIGHT_ON;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- /*
- * Fill mode selection
- */
- case MENU_POINT:
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMFILL_MASK) | D3DRMFILL_POINTS;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMFILL_MASK) | D3DRMFILL_WIREFRAME;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- case MENU_SOLID:
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMFILL_MASK) | D3DRMFILL_SOLID;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- /*
- * Shade mode selection
- */
- case MENU_FLAT:
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMSHADE_MASK) | D3DRMSHADE_FLAT;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMSHADE_MASK) | D3DRMSHADE_GOURAUD;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- case MENU_PHONG:
- myglobs.RenderQuality = (myglobs.RenderQuality & ~D3DRMSHADE_MASK) | D3DRMSHADE_PHONG;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- myglobs.bDithering = !myglobs.bDithering;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- myglobs.bAntialiasing = !myglobs.bAntialiasing;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- /*
- * Texture filter selection
- */
- if (myglobs.TextureQuality == D3DRMTEXTURE_NEAREST)
- break;
- myglobs.TextureQuality = D3DRMTEXTURE_NEAREST;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- if (myglobs.TextureQuality == D3DRMTEXTURE_LINEAR)
- break;
- myglobs.TextureQuality = D3DRMTEXTURE_LINEAR;
- SetRenderState();
- break;
- /*
- * Enter the next usable fullscreen mode
- */
- i = d3dapp->CurrMode;
- do {
- ++i;
- if (i >= d3dapp->NumModes)
- i = 0;
- if (!d3dapp->Mode[i].bThisDriverCanDo)
- continue;
- else {
- if (!D3DAppFullscreen(i)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- }
- break;
- }
- } while(i != d3dapp->CurrMode);
- break;
- /*
- * Enter the previous usable fullscreen mode
- */
- i = d3dapp->CurrMode;
- do {
- --i;
- if (i < 0)
- i = d3dapp->NumModes - 1;
- if (!d3dapp->Mode[i].bThisDriverCanDo)
- continue;
- else {
- if (!D3DAppFullscreen(i)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- }
- break;
- }
- } while(i != d3dapp->CurrMode);
- break;
- }
- && d3dapp->CurrDriver != LOWORD(wParam) - MENU_FIRST_DRIVER) {
- /*
- * Change the D3D driver
- */
- if (!D3DAppChangeDriver(LOWORD(wParam) - MENU_FIRST_DRIVER,
- NULL)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- }
- }
- if ( LOWORD(wParam) >= MENU_FIRST_MODE
- && LOWORD(wParam) < MENU_FIRST_MODE+100) {
- /*
- * Switch to the selected fullscreen mode
- */
- if (!D3DAppFullscreen(LOWORD(wParam) - MENU_FIRST_MODE)) {
- ReportD3DAppError();
- CleanUpAndPostQuit();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Whenever we receive a command in single step mode, draw a frame
- */
- if (myglobs.bSingleStepMode)
- myglobs.bDrawAFrame = TRUE;
- return 0L;
- }
- return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Additional Functions */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * ReadMouse
- * Returns the mouse status for interaction with sample code
- */
- void
- ReadMouse(int* b, int* x, int* y)
- {
- *b = myglobs.mouse_buttons;
- *x = myglobs.mouse_x;
- *y = myglobs.mouse_y;
- }
- /*
- * SetRenderState
- * Set the render quality, dither toggle and shade info if any of them has
- * changed
- */
- SetRenderState(void)
- {
- HRESULT rval;
- /*
- * Set the number of buffers so D3DRM can keep track of extents properly
- */
- rval = myglobs.dev->SetBufferCount(d3dapp->bFullscreen &&
- d3dapp->bBackBufferInVideo ? 2 : 1);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Setting the buffer count failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Set the render quality (light toggle, fill mode, shade mode)
- */
- if (myglobs.dev->GetQuality() != myglobs.RenderQuality) {
- rval = myglobs.dev->SetQuality(myglobs.RenderQuality);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Setting the render quality failed.\n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set dithering toggle
- */
- if (myglobs.dev->GetDither() != myglobs.bDithering) {
- rval = myglobs.dev->SetDither(myglobs.bDithering);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Setting dither mode failed.\n%s", D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set the texture quality (point or linear filtering)
- */
- if (myglobs.dev->GetTextureQuality() != myglobs.TextureQuality) {
- rval = myglobs.dev->SetTextureQuality(myglobs.TextureQuality);
- if (rval != D3DRM_OK) {
- Msg("Setting texture quality failed.\n%s",
- D3DAppErrorToString(rval));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set shade info based on current bits per pixel
- */
- switch (d3dapp->ThisMode.bpp) {
- case 1:
- if (FAILED(myglobs.dev->SetShades(4)))
- goto shades_error;
- if (FAILED(lpD3DRM->SetDefaultTextureShades(4)))
- goto shades_error;
- break;
- case 16:
- if (FAILED(myglobs.dev->SetShades(32)))
- goto shades_error;
- if (FAILED(lpD3DRM->SetDefaultTextureColors(64)))
- goto shades_error;
- if (FAILED(lpD3DRM->SetDefaultTextureShades(32)))
- goto shades_error;
- break;
- case 24:
- case 32:
- if (FAILED(myglobs.dev->SetShades(256)))
- goto shades_error;
- if (FAILED(lpD3DRM->SetDefaultTextureColors(64)))
- goto shades_error;
- if (FAILED(lpD3DRM->SetDefaultTextureShades(256)))
- goto shades_error;
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
- shades_error:
- Msg("A failure occurred while setting color shade information.\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Initialization, error reporting and release functions. */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * InitGlobals
- * Called once at program initialization to initialize global variables.
- */
- static void
- InitGlobals(void)
- {
- d3dapp = NULL;
- memset(&myglobs, 0, sizeof(myglobs));
- myglobs.bShowFrameRate = TRUE;
- myglobs.bShowInfo = TRUE;
- myglobs.RenderQuality = D3DRMLIGHT_ON | D3DRMFILL_SOLID |
- myglobs.TextureQuality = D3DRMTEXTURE_NEAREST;
- }
- /*
- * CleanUpAndPostQuit
- * Release all D3D objects, post a quit message and set the bQuit flag
- */
- void
- CleanUpAndPostQuit(void)
- {
- if (myglobs.bQuit)
- return;
- if (!D3DAppDestroy())
- ReportD3DAppError();
- RELEASE(myglobs.scene);
- RELEASE(myglobs.camera);
- myglobs.bQuit = TRUE;
- PostQuitMessage( 0 );
- }
- /*
- * ReportD3DAppError
- * Reports an error during a d3d app call.
- */
- void
- ReportD3DAppError(void)
- {
- Msg("%s", D3DAppLastErrorString());
- }
- /* Msg
- * Message output for error notification.
- */
- void __cdecl
- Msg( LPSTR fmt, ... )
- {
- char buff[256];
- wvsprintf(buff, fmt, (char *)(&fmt+1));
- lstrcat(buff, "\r\n");
- AppPause(TRUE);
- if (d3dapp && d3dapp->bFullscreen)
- SetWindowPos(myglobs.hWndMain, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- MessageBox( NULL, buff, "D3D Example Message", MB_OK );
- if (d3dapp && d3dapp->bFullscreen)
- SetWindowPos(myglobs.hWndMain, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- AppPause(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * D3DRMErrorToString
- * Allows the samples to return error strings.
- */
- char*
- D3DRMErrorToString(HRESULT error)
- {
- return D3DAppErrorToString(error);
- }