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Microsoft Developer Studio Project | 1996-01-15 | 39.0 KB | 358 lines |
- vcbks40.mvbcP,
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- Open &Workspace...
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- &Delete Pane
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- Title Tips
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- story...05Z
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- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
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- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- Close Wor&kspace
- &Add Pane...
- &Delete Pane
- Add &Folder...
- Add &Sub-folder...
- Add &Node...
- Title Tips
- Title Bar
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- rsion.
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- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- @ Control-C
- Control-Break
- Datatype Misalignment
- Access Violation
- In Page Error
- No Memory
- Illegal Instruction
- Noncontinuable Exception
- Invalid Disposition
- Array Bounds Exceeded
- Float Denormal Operand
- Float Divide by Zero
- Float Inexact Result
- Float Invalid Operation
- Float Overflow
- Float Stack Check
- Float Underflow
- Integer Divide by Zero
- Integer Overflow
- Privileged Instruction
- Stack Overflow
- DLL Initialization Failed
- Microsoft C++ Exception
- Watch1
- Watch2
- Watch3
- Watch4
- kk+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cpp
- a+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cppI
- Title Tips
- Title Bar
- &Get Latest Version...
- Title Bar
- Check &Out...
- rsion.
- Check &In...
- &Out..
- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- <not controlled>
- D:\inetwiz
- D:\inetwiz
- @ Control-C
- Control-Break
- Datatype Misalignment
- Access Violation
- In Page Error
- No Memory
- Illegal Instruction
- Noncontinuable Exception
- Invalid Disposition
- Array Bounds Exceeded
- Float Denormal Operand
- Float Divide by Zero
- Float Inexact Result
- Float Invalid Operation
- Float Overflow
- Float Stack Check
- Float Underflow
- Integer Divide by Zero
- Integer Overflow
- Privileged Instruction
- Stack Overflow
- DLL Initialization Failed
- Microsoft C++ Exception
- Watch1
- Watch2
- Watch3
- Watch4
- kk+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cpp
- a+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cppI
- Title Tips
- Title Bar
- &Get Latest Version...
- Title Bar
- Check &Out...
- rsion.
- Check &In...
- &Out..
- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- t controlled>
- D:\inetwiz
- D:\inetwiz
- @ Control-C
- Control-Break
- Datatype Misalignment
- Access Violation
- In Page Error
- No Memory
- Illegal Instruction
- Noncontinuable Exception
- Invalid Disposition
- Array Bounds Exceeded
- Float Denormal Operand
- Float Divide by Zero
- Float Inexact Result
- Float Invalid Operation
- Float Overflow
- Float Stack Check
- Float Underflow
- Integer Divide by Zero
- Integer Overflow
- Privileged Instruction
- Stack Overflow
- DLL Initialization Failed
- Microsoft C++ Exception
- Watch1
- Watch2
- Watch3
- Watch4
- kk+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cpp
- a+D:\Drg\VContainer\VContain\VContainView.cppI
- Title Tips
- Title Bar
- &Get Latest Version...
- Title Bar
- Check &Out...
- rsion.
- Check &In...
- &Out..
- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"WinDebug/vfpcgi.pch" /YX /Fo"WinDebug/" /Fd"WinDebug/" /c
- /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
- /nologo /o"WinDebug/vfpcgi.bsc"
- kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:yes /pdb:"WinDebug/vfpcgi.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /out:"WinDebug/vfpcgi.exe"
- D:\inetwiz\mycgi.c
- h/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"WinRel/vfpcgi.pch" /YX /Fo"WinRel/" /c
- /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
- /nologo /o"WinRel/vfpcgi.bsc"
- kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"WinRel/vfpcgi.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"WinRel/vfpcgi.exe"
- D:\inetwiz\mycgi.c
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- vfpcgi.mak
- CProject
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- mycgi - Win32 Debug
- CTargetItem
- SSBR .\mycgi.c
- CFileItem
- DJW8B-
- Title Bar
- Check &Out...
- rsion.
- Check &In...
- &Out..
- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...
- C/C++
- /D "
- D:\inetwiz\mycgi.c
- CTextDocTemplate
- vfpcgi.bsc"
- kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:yes /pdb:"WinDebug/vfpcgi.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /out:"WinDebug/vfpcgi.exe"
- D:\inetwiz\mycgi.c
- h/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"WinRel/vfpcgi.pch" /YX /Fo"WinRel/" /c
- /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
- /nologo /o"WinRel/vfpcgi.bsc"
- kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"WinRel/vfpcgi.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"WinRel/vfpcgi.exe"
- D:\inetwiz\mycgi.c
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- vfpcgi.mak
- CProject
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- mycgi - Win32 Release
- mycgi - Win32 Debug
- CTargetItem
- SSBR .\mycgi.c
- CFileItem
- DJW8B-
- Title Bar
- Check &Out...
- rsion.
- Check &In...
- &Out..
- &Undo Check Out...
- &Add to Source Control...
- eck Out...
- Re&move from Source Control...
- Show &History...
- story...05Z
- Show &Differences...
- Source Control &Properties...
- Shar&e from Source Control...
- &Refresh Status
- &Source Code Control...
- Check Out...
- Save &Resources
- Resource S&ymbols...
- Resource I&ncludes...
- &Resource...
- R&esource Copy...
- Insert
- &Open
- Open &Binary Data
- I&mport...
- &Export...