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/ The Net: Ultimate Internet Guide / WWLCD1.ISO / pc / frntpage.sdk / cgi / hello / hello.mdp (.txt) < prev    next >
Microsoft Developer Studio Project  |  1996-05-31  |  33.5 KB  |  167 lines

  1. vcbks40.mvb
  2. Tile &Horizontally
  3. &Tile Vertically
  4. Close Al&l
  5. F&ull Screen
  6. &Windows...
  7. &Contents
  8. &Search...
  9. &Keyboard...
  10. &Use Extension Help
  11. Ti&p of the Day...
  12. &Technical Support
  13. &About Developer Studio...
  14. &Define Subset...
  15. Set Default Su&bsets...
  16. &Open Information Title...
  17. &Next Highlight
  18. \cgi\hello\h
  19. F&ull Screen
  20. &Windows...
  21. &Contents
  22. &Search...
  23. &Keyboard...
  24. &Use Extension Help
  25. Ti&p of the Day...
  26. &Technical Support
  27. &About Developer Studio...
  28. &Define Subset...
  29. Set Default Su&bsets...
  30. &Open Information Title...
  31. &Next Highlight
  32. \cgi\hello\h
  33. @    Control-C
  34. Control-Break
  35. Datatype Misalignment
  36. Access Violation
  37. In Page Error
  38.     No Memory
  39. Illegal Instruction
  40. Noncontinuable Exception
  41. Invalid Disposition
  42. Array Bounds Exceeded
  43. Float Denormal Operand
  44. Float Divide by Zero
  45. Float Inexact Result
  46. Float Invalid Operation
  47. Float Overflow
  48. Float Stack Check
  49. Float Underflow
  50. Integer Divide by Zero
  51. Integer Overflow
  52. Privileged Instruction
  53. Stack Overflow
  54. DLL Initialization Failed
  55. Microsoft C++ Exception
  56. Watch1
  57. Watch2
  58. Watch3
  59. Watch4
  60. &Keyboard...
  61. &Use Extension Help
  62. Ti&p of the Day...
  63. &Technical Support
  64. &About Developer Studio...
  65. &Define Subset...
  66. Set Default Su&bsets...
  67. &Open Information Title...
  68. &Next Highlight
  69. \cgi\hello\h
  70. @    Control-C
  71. Control-Break
  72. Datatype Misalignment
  73. Access Violation
  74. In Page Error
  75.     No Memory
  76. Illegal Instruction
  77. Noncontinuable Exception
  78. Invalid Disposition
  79. Array Bounds Exceeded
  80. Float Denormal Operand
  81. Float Divide by Zero
  82. Float Inexact Result
  83. Float Invalid Operation
  84. Float Overflow
  85. Float Stack Check
  86. Float Underflow
  87. Integer Divide by Zero
  88. Integer Overflow
  89. Privileged Instruction
  90. Stack Overflow
  91. DLL Initialization Failed
  92. Microsoft C++ Exception
  93. Watch1
  94. Watch2
  95. Watch3
  96. Watch4
  97. &Keyboard...
  98. &Use Extension Help
  99. Ti&p of the Day...
  100. &Technical Support
  101. &About Developer Studio...
  102. &Define Subset...
  103. Set Default Su&bsets...
  104. &Open Information Title...
  105. &Next Highlight
  106. \cgi\hello\h
  108. i/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Release/hello.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /c 
  109. /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" 
  110. /nologo /o"Release/hello.bsc" 
  111. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/hello.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/hello.exe" 
  112. E:\fpsdk\cgi\hello\hello.c
  113. foo - Win32 Release
  114. hello - Win32 Release    hello.mak
  115. CProject
  116. hello - Win32 Release
  117. hello - Win32 Release
  118. CTargetItem
  119. SSBR    .\hello.c
  120. CFileItem
  121. DJWInitialization Failed
  122. Microsoft C++ Exception
  123. Watch1
  124. Watch2
  125. Watch3
  126. Watch4
  127. &Keyboard...
  128. &Use Extension Help
  129. Ti&p of the Day...
  130. &Technical Support
  131. &About Developer Studio...
  132. &Define Subset...
  133. Set Default Su&bsets...
  134. &Open Information Title...
  135. &Next Highlight
  136. \cgi\hello\h
  138. i/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /Fp"Release/hello.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /c 
  139. /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" 
  140. /nologo /o"Release/hello.bsc" 
  141. kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"Release/hello.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"Release/hello.exe" 
  142. E:\fpsdk\cgi\hello\hello.c
  143. foo - Win32 Release
  144. hello - Win32 Release    hello.mak
  145. CProject
  146. hello - Win32 Release
  147. hello - Win32 Release
  148. CTargetItem
  149. SSBR    .\hello.c
  150. CFileItem
  151. DJWInitialization Failed
  152. Microsoft C++ Exception
  153. Watch1
  154. Watch2
  155. Watch3
  156. Watch4
  157. &Keyboard...
  158. &Use Extension Help
  159. Ti&p of the Day...
  160. &Technical Support
  161. &About Developer Studio...
  162. &Define Subset...
  163. Set Default Su&bsets...
  164. &Open Information Title...
  165. &Next Highlight
  166. \cgi\hello\h