home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // webber.odl : type library source for webber.exe
- // This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to
- // produce the type library (webber.tlb).
- [ uuid(3824BCD5-7042-11CE-8E17-0020AF9F9648), version(1.0) ]
- library webber
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- // Primary dispatch interface for CWebberAutomation
- [ uuid(8BBD4A72-661D-11CF-A3C4-00A024184692) ]
- dispinterface IWebber
- {
- properties:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_PROP(CWebberAutomation)
- methods:
- // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
- // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
- //{{AFX_ODL_METHOD(CWebberAutomation)
- [id(1)] long vtiCreateWeb(BSTR szServerURL, BSTR szWebName);
- [id(2)] void vtiRefreshWebFromServer();
- [id(3)] long vtiPutDocument(BSTR szFileName, BSTR szURL, boolean bBlockingRequest);
- [id(4)] long vtiPutWebMetaInfo(BSTR szNameValuePairs);
- [id(5)] void vtiSetWebRecalcDependencies(boolean bRecalcOn);
- [id(6)] BSTR vtiGetWebPageMetaInfo(BSTR szURL, BSTR szKeyName);
- [id(9)] void vtiBringToTop();
- [id(11)] BSTR vtiGetWebTitle();
- [id(12)] BSTR vtiGetWebURL();
- [id(13)] void vtiPromptOpenWeb();
- [id(14)] long vtiRemoveWeb(BSTR szWebName);
- [id(15)] boolean vtiIsPageInWeb(BSTR szURL);
- [id(17)] BSTR vtiGetWebMetaInfo(BSTR szKey);
- [id(18)] BSTR vtiGetPageList(long lType);
- [id(19)] boolean vtiPutDocuments(BSTR szFileList, BSTR szUrlList);
- [id(20)] void vtiCancelRequests();
- [id(21)] boolean vtiOpenWeb(BSTR pszServer, BSTR pszWebName, BSTR pszUser);
- [id(22)] long vtiEditWebPage(BSTR pszPageURL);
- [id(23)] long vtiPutWebPageMetaInfo(BSTR pszURL, BSTR pszNameValuePairs);
- [id(24)] long vtiGetDocToFile(BSTR pszUrl, BSTR pszFilename);
- };
- // Class information for CWebberAutomation
- [ uuid(8BBD4A70-661D-11CF-A3C4-00A024184692) ]
- coclass CWebberAutomation
- {
- [default] dispinterface IWebber;
- };
- };