122 Create undisplayed Title and related Head elements <TITLE>
123 Load HTML File
124 HTML files (*.htm)!*.htm!!
125 Insert Image
126 Compuserve (*.gif)!*.gif!JPEG (*.jpg)!*.jpg!!
127 Select File to Link
128 HTML and Word Document files!*.htm;*.doc!All Files (*.*)!*.*!Rich Text Format (*.rtf)!*.rtf!Text Files (*.txt)!*.txt!!
129 Show <HEAD> information.
130 Unknown error.
131 Command ID is invalid.
132 Parameter block has an odd number of bytes.
133 Command is not available.
134 Too many or too few arguments.
135 Internal data-handling error.
136 Parameter block doesn't have an acceptable number of bytes.
137 Non-function called as a function.
138 Parameter type passed or expected is wrong.
139 String is longer than 255 characters.
140 Pointer for output is nil.
141 Can't lock global handle.
142 Can't allocate global handle.
143 Command has no dialog box.
144 CAPI is out of memory.
145 Too many parameters passed to function.
146 FieldID not in dialog box.
147 Handle has not been allocated.
148 Parameter takes an array only.
149 Too many dimensions for array.
150 Parameter passed was not a short, long, or numberic type.
151 Parameter passed was not a string type.
152 Parameter value was out of an acceptable range.
153 String type requested for numeric-only field.
154 Numeric type requested for string-only field.
155 Buffer for return string is too small.
156 String array buffer is too small.
157 Dialog-box command string buffer is too small.
158 BufferTooSmall bit set on input.
159 String passed can't be parsed.
160 Bad pointer in message.
161 CAPI command failed.
162 Document reference number (DocID) is invalid.
163 Minimum stack not available.
164 0 (zero) was passed as string pointer.
165 Error returned from Word CAPI.
166 to
167 Error Parsing HTML File.
168 At or near: %s
169 Unexpected end tag: %s
170 Unknown tag: %s
171 File read error.
172 File open error for file %s.
173 Error %d:
174 Missing required attribute for tag: %s
175 Tag '%s' out of context.
176 Unparseable HTML.
177 Command: %d, Error: %d.
178 [Image Not Loaded]
179 View World Wide Web (WWW) documents.
180 Setup HTML authoring mode.
181 Setup WWW reader mode.
182 Close HTML authoring mode.
183 Close WWW reader mode.
184 Switch to Web Browse view.
185 Show/Hide HTML information in Word fields.
186 Open
187 Prev
188 HyperLink
189 Image
190 Next
191 Map
192 Title
193 View
194 Hidden
195 Execute HTML form reset button.
196 Create a bookmark name for a Hyperlink to a bookmark <A Name=>
197 Bookmark
198 Insert horizontal rule.
199 Rule
200 Input HTML Markup.
201 Direct
202 List all URLs in document.
203 Link List
204 Go back one jump.
205 Go Back
206 <<HTML Markup>>
207 Close all HTML documents.
208 Close All
209 Help for HTML authoring and reading.
210 Help
211 Create document with InternetWorks object.
212 <<Unknown HTML Tag>>
213 Heading 1
214 Files Linked to
215 List Number
216 Insert RESET button in form.
217 Reset
218 Insert SUBMIT button in form.
219 Submit
220 Execute HTML form submit button.
221 Show all places visited recently.
222 History
223 Add link to this document to favorite list.
224 Add Favorite
225 Open document of links to favorite places
226 Open Favorite
227 Go forward one jump.
228 Go Forward
229 Open a document on the World Wide Web
230 URL
231 Create a bulleted list <UL>
232 Bullets
233 Create a numbered list <OL>
234 Numbering
235 Top of Form
236 Bottom of Form
237 Switch to HTML edit view.
238 Edit
239 Return to home page.
240 Home
241 Insert an HTML style hypertext link
242 HyperLin&k...
243 Load &Images [on]
244 Load &Images [off]
245 Save the current document or template
246 Save
247 Unable to Complete Download
248 Error code: %lx
249 Copy URL for current document to clipboard
250 Copy HyperLink
251 Click right mousebutton in object to view options.
252 Do you want to save changes to %s?
253 Microsoft Word
254 Cancel document download.
255 Stop
256 Downloading
257 &Web Browse
258 Finds the specified text or the specified formatting
259 Find
260 Opens an existing document or template
261 Open
262 Right Click to Edit
263 Internet Assistant has detected an unsupported language version of Word for Windows. This version of Internet Assistant is compatible only with English, French, and German versions of Word for Windows 6.0a or later.
264 Internet Assistant
273 Bookmark not found:
274 Cannot Jump to Bookmark
275 Increase the size of selected text by one level.
276 GrowFont
277 Decrease the size of selected text by one level.
278 ShrinkFont
279 The selected text is at the maximum font size.
280 The selected text is at the minimum font size.
281 No text is selected. Cannot increase font size.
282 No text is selected. Cannot decrease font size.
283 Op&en URL...
284 Internet Assistant is not available under Word Mail.
285 The Internet Assistant is proud to present: your file!
286 Above Selected Table
287 Below Selected Table
288 Borders and shading are limited to tables. Move your selection point into a table and retry.
289 &Picture
290 &Video
291 &Options
292 FileOpen
293 PageOpen
294 MouseOver
295 Default
298 This document must be saved before you can preview. Do you want to save?
299 This document has been modified. You must save it before previewing the changes.
300 Insufficient memory for current operation.
301 Invalid argument passed to InternetWorks.
302 User aborted download.
303 %s\nCannot find this file.\n \nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
304 P&roxy...
307 Default
308 Left
309 Right
310 Top
311 TextTop
312 Middle
313 AbsMiddle
314 Baseline
315 Bottom
316 AbsBottom
317 Only text is allowed in marquees. If you continue, your selection will be replaced. Do you want to continue?
318 Error executing WWW browser. Error code =
319 Preview in Browser
320 There is no WWW browser installed with which to preview your document.\n\nMicrosoft Internet Explorer may be downloaded from:\n\n http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/iexplorer.htm
321 Cannot find file.
322 Word is currently running in an environment where Internet Assistant features are not available.