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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 3.0 KB | 139 lines |
- /**
- *
- * Asteroid.java
- * @author Mark G. Tacchi (mtacchi@next.com)
- * @version 0.8
- * Mar 11/1996
- *
- * A generic Asteroid class which handles varying sizes of asteroids. Images
- * should have filenames with corresponding S, M, L, and G appended to them
- * (example asteroidM.gif).
- * This Actor collides with Bullets and Ships. It is responsible for creating
- * an explosion object.
- *
- */
- import java.applet.Applet;
- import java.lang.Math;
- import com.next.gt.*;
- public class Asteroid extends Actor {
- //
- // Size of the Asteroid.
- //
- public static final int SMALL_SIZE= 0,
- int size;
- //
- // The filename prefix.
- //
- String name;
- Asteroid(Gamelet theOwner, Asteroid explodee, String theName, int theSize) {
- super();
- String[] theImageName= {"S", "M", "L", "G"};
- java.awt.Image theImage;
- owner= theOwner;
- size= theSize;
- name= theName;
- if (theSize==LARGE_SIZE) {
- x= (Math.random()*512);
- y= (Math.random()*512);
- velocity_x= (double)((int)Gamelet.randBetween(0.5,1.5)*2 - 1) * Gamelet.randBetween(8.,32.);
- velocity_y= (double)((int)Gamelet.randBetween(0.5,1.5)*2 - 1) * Gamelet.randBetween(8.,32.);
- }
- else {
- x= explodee.x;
- y= explodee.y;
- velocity_x= explodee.velocity_x * Gamelet.randBetween(0.6,1.4);
- velocity_y= explodee.velocity_y * Gamelet.randBetween(0.6,1.4);
- }
- theImage = owner.getImage(owner.getCodeBase(), "images/" +theName + theImageName[theSize] + ".gif");
- setImage (theImage, 4, 32);
- currentFrame= (int)Gamelet.randBetween(0, numFrames);
- } /*Asteroid()*/
- /**
- * Explode asteroid.
- */
- public void explode()
- {
- Explosion anExplosion;
- //
- // create explosion if smallest asteroid
- //
- if (size==SMALL_SIZE) {
- anExplosion= new Explosion(owner, this);
- owner.actorManager.addActor(anExplosion);
- }
- else {
- owner.play(owner.getCodeBase(), "sounds/explode1.au");
- }
- //
- // split off into smaller bits
- //
- if (size==LARGE_SIZE) {
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- owner.actorManager.addActor(new Asteroid(owner, this, name, MEDIUM_SIZE));
- ((Boinkaroids)owner).badGuyCount++;
- } /*next_i*/
- }
- else if (size==MEDIUM_SIZE) {
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- owner.actorManager.addActor(new Asteroid(owner, this, name, SMALL_SIZE));
- ((Boinkaroids)owner).badGuyCount++;
- } /*next_i*/
- }
- //
- // give credit for hitting me, increase score
- //
- owner.scoreManager.addToScore((2-size) * 200 + 100);
- //
- // i'm dead, i should schedule to be removed
- //
- owner.actorManager.removeActor(this);
- //
- // tell the gamelet that there is one less bad guy
- //
- ((Boinkaroids)owner).badGuyCount--;
- } /*explode*/
- /**
- * Handle collision with an actor.
- */
- protected void collideWithActor (Actor theActor)
- {
- String theActorClassName= theActor.getClass().getName();
- if (theActorClassName.equals("Bullet") ||
- theActorClassName.equals("Ship") ) {
- explode();
- } /*endif*/
- } /*collideWithActor*/
- } /*Asteroid*/