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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 3.9 KB | 209 lines |
- /**
- *
- * Boinkaroids.java
- * @author Mark G. Tacchi (mtacchi@next.com)
- * @version 0.8
- * Mar 27/1996
- *
- * Boinkaroids is an Asteroids type game developed for the purpose of showing
- * off the Gamelet Toolkit. It makes use of all of the features within the
- * Gamelet Toolkit.
- *
- */
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.net.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import com.next.gt.*;
- public class Boinkaroids extends Gamelet implements BonusHandler, EventHandler{
- //
- // Boinkaroids variables
- //
- public Ship player;
- public int numShips;
- public int badGuyCount;
- public int level;
- //
- // Should a player be created?
- //
- private boolean createNewPlayer;
- //
- // Score label.
- //
- private Label myLabel;
- //
- // This area that has to be clear for a ship to enter level.
- //
- private int SAFETY_ZONE_WIDTH= 128;
- private int SAFETY_ZONE_HEIGHT= 128;
- /**
- * Initialize.
- */
- public void init() {
- //
- // cache images
- //
- new ImageManager(this);
- //
- // initialize the score manager
- //
- scoreManager= new ScoreManager();
- scoreManager.registerForBonusNotification(this, 20000);
- myLabel= new Label("Score: 00000000" + " Ships: " + numShips
- + " Level: "+ level);
- add("South",myLabel);
- this.newGame();
- //
- // register for events
- //
- eventManager.
- registerForSingleEventNotification(this,Event.KEY_ACTION_RELEASE);
- //
- // paint background image
- //
- displayManager.setBackgroundTile (getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/background.gif"));
- } /*init*/
- /**
- * Set up the new game.
- */
- public void newGame() {
- scoreManager.setScore (0);
- numShips= 3;
- badGuyCount= 0;
- level= 0;
- player= null;
- actorManager.removeAllActors();
- this.createActors();
- } /*newGame*/
- /**
- * Advance levels.
- */
- public void newLevel() {
- level++;
- this.createActors();
- } /*newLevel*/
- /**
- * Create the actors for this scene.
- */
- public void createActors() {
- for (int i= 0; i< 2*level; i++) {
- actorManager.addActor (new Asteroid(this, null, "gumball", Asteroid.LARGE_SIZE));
- badGuyCount++;
- } /*nexti*/
- for (int i= 0; i< 0.5*level; i++) {
- actorManager.addActor (new Bigoobie(this));
- badGuyCount++;
- } /*next_i*/
- this.createPlayer();
- } /*createActors*/
- /**
- * Create the player object.
- */
- public void createPlayer() {
- if (player!=null) {
- actorManager.removeActor(player);
- } /*endif*/
- player= new Ship(this);
- actorManager.addActor (player);
- } /*createPlayer*/
- /**
- * Override tick to test for specific game events.
- */
- public void tick() {
- super.tick();
- if (badGuyCount <= 0) {
- this.newLevel();
- } /*endif*/
- if (createNewPlayer) {
- Rectangle myRectangle= new Rectangle((int)this.size().width/2 - SAFETY_ZONE_WIDTH/2,
- (int)this.size().height/2 - SAFETY_ZONE_HEIGHT/2,
- if (!actorManager.isActorIn(myRectangle)) {
- createNewPlayer= false;
- this.createPlayer();
- } /*endif*/
- } /*endif*/
- } /*tick*/
- /**
- * Handle keyboard events to restart game.
- */
- public boolean handleRequestedEvent (Event theEvent) {
- switch(theEvent.id) {
- switch(theEvent.key) {
- case Event.F1:
- this.newGame();
- return true;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- } /*endSwitch*/
- return false;
- } /*handleRequestedEvent8/
- /**
- * Override paint to display score bar.
- */
- public void paint(Graphics g) {
- super.paint(g);
- myLabel.setText("Score: " + scoreManager.score + " Ships: " + numShips
- + " Level: "+ level );
- } /*paint*/
- /**
- * Give bonus ship for getting a certain score.
- */
- public void didAchieveBonus() {
- numShips++;
- } /*didAchieveBonus*/
- /**
- * Player must have died, decrement ship count.
- */
- public void decrementShipCount() {
- if (numShips-- > 0) {
- createNewPlayer= true;
- player= null;
- } /*endif*/
- } /*decrementShipCount*/
- } /*Boinkaroids*/