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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 5.1 KB | 290 lines |
- /*
- *
- * Ship.java
- * @author Mark G. Tacchi (mtacchi@next.com)
- * @version 0.8
- * Mar 11/1996
- *
- * The ship is controlled by the user, it registers for specific keyboard
- * events to handle control.
- *
- * This Actor collides with Asteroids and Goobies. It is responsible for
- * creating an explosion object.
- *
- */
- import java.applet.Applet;
- import java.applet.AudioClip;
- import java.lang.Math;
- import java.awt.*;
- import com.next.gt.*;
- public class Ship extends Actor implements EventHandler{
- //
- // Limit number of bullets on the screen at once
- //
- private static int MAX_NUM_BULLETS= 5;
- public int numBullets= 0;
- //
- // Animation. ccw= 1, cw= -1
- //
- public int animationDirection= 1;
- public boolean isAnimating= true;
- //
- // Is thrusting
- //
- public boolean thrusting= false;
- Ship(Gamelet theOwner) {
- super();
- Image theImage;
- owner= theOwner;
- //
- // play warp in sound
- //
- owner.play(owner.getCodeBase(), "sounds/warp.au");
- x= (owner.size().width/2.0);
- y= (owner.size().height/2.0);
- velocity_x= 0;
- velocity_y= 0;
- String theImageName= "images/ship.gif";
- theImage= owner.getImage(owner.getCodeBase(), "images/ship.gif");
- setImage (theImage, 4, 24);
- isAnimating= false;
- int events[]= { Event.KEY_ACTION,
- Event.KEY_PRESS,
- };
- owner.eventManager.registerForEventNotification(this,events);
- } /*Ship()*/
- /**
- * Handle keyboard events that control ship.
- */
- public boolean handleRequestedEvent (Event theEvent) {
- switch(theEvent.id) {
- case Event.KEY_ACTION:
- switch(theEvent.key) {
- case Event.RIGHT:
- this.rotateRight(true);
- return true;
- case Event.LEFT:
- this.rotateLeft(true);
- return true;
- case Event.UP: //THRUST ON
- this.thrust(true);
- return true;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- break;
- switch(theEvent.key) {
- case Event.RIGHT:
- this.rotateRight(false);
- return true;
- case Event.LEFT:
- this.rotateLeft(false);
- return true;
- case Event.UP: //THRUST OFF
- this.thrust(false);
- return true;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- break;
- case Event.KEY_PRESS:
- switch(theEvent.key) {
- case 32:
- this.fire();
- return true;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- break;
- case Event.KEY_RELEASE:
- switch(theEvent.key) {
- case 32:
- return true;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- break;
- } /*endSwitch*/
- return false;
- } /*handleRequestedEvent*/
- /**
- * If ship is thrusting, then velocity is increasing. Use friction if
- * not thrusting.
- */
- public void calculateNewVelocity() {
- if (thrusting) {
- velocity_x+= Math.cos(currentFrame*2*Math.PI/numFrames + Math.PI/2)*10;
- velocity_y+= Math.sin(currentFrame*2*Math.PI/numFrames - Math.PI/2)*10;
- }
- else {
- velocity_x*= 0.99;
- velocity_y*= 0.99;
- }
- } /*calculateNewVelocity*/
- /**
- * Animation of the ship is based on theta, display accordingly.
- */
- public void calculateCurrentFrame() {
- if (isAnimating) {
- if (animationDirection== -1) {
- if (--currentFrame<=0) currentFrame= numFrames - 1;
- }
- else {
- if (++currentFrame>=numFrames) currentFrame= 0;
- }
- } /*endif*/
- } /*calculateCurrentFrame*/
- /**
- * Handle left rotation.
- */
- public void rotateLeft (boolean keydown) {
- if (keydown) {
- isAnimating= true;
- animationDirection= 1;
- }
- else {
- isAnimating= false;
- }
- } /*rotateLeft*/
- /**
- * Handle right rotation.
- */
- public void rotateRight (boolean keydown) {
- if (keydown) {
- animationDirection= -1;
- isAnimating= true;
- }
- else {
- isAnimating= false;
- }
- } /*rotateRight*/
- /**
- * Handle thrust.
- */
- public void thrust (boolean keydown) {
- if (keydown) {
- thrusting= true;
- }
- else {
- thrusting= false;
- }
- } /*thrust*/
- /**
- * Fire bullet.
- */
- public void fire() {
- if (numBullets<MAX_NUM_BULLETS) {
- Bullet aBullet;
- numBullets++;
- owner.play(owner.getCodeBase(), "sounds/bullet.au");
- aBullet= new Bullet(owner, this);
- owner.actorManager.addActor(aBullet);
- } /*endif*/
- } /*fire*/
- /**
- * Accessor methods (bullet uses this).
- */
- /**
- * Ship's angle.
- */
- public double getTheta() {
- return (currentFrame*2*Math.PI/numFrames + Math.PI/2);
- } /*getTheta*/
- /**
- * Ship's speed.
- */
- public double getSpeed() {
- return Math.sqrt(velocity_x*velocity_x + velocity_y*velocity_y);
- } /*getSpeed*/
- /**
- * Handle collision with an actor.
- */
- protected void collideWithActor (Actor theActor)
- {
- String theActorClassName= theActor.getClass().getName();
- if (theActorClassName.equals("Asteroid") ||
- theActorClassName.equals("Goobie") ||
- theActorClassName.equals("Bigoobie") ) {
- explode();
- } /*endif*/
- } /*collideWithActor*/
- /**
- * Explode ship.
- */
- public void explode()
- {
- Explosion anExplosion;
- //
- // Tell the ActorManager that I'm gone, and an Explosion Actor
- // should be added.
- //
- owner.actorManager.removeActor(this);
- anExplosion= new Explosion(owner, this);
- owner.actorManager.addActor(anExplosion);
- //
- // Lower ship counter.
- //
- ((Boinkaroids)owner).decrementShipCount();
- } /*explode*/
- } /*Ship*/