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- Europa README
- -------------
- Contents
- 0. Overview
- 1. Running the Server
- 2. Running the Client
- 3. Compiling the Source
- 4. Tested Platforms
- 5. Running without Symbolic Links
- 6. More Documentation
- 7. Feedback
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0. Overview
- This file contains directions for setting up and running Europa. Europa
- is a multi-player client-server game, so the instructions for running
- the server must be carried out first. These instructions are followed
- by technical details on how to compile the game if desired (it comes
- precompiled in the distribution) and a list of platforms that the game
- has been tested on. At the very end of this document are some special
- notes for those installing on a WindowsNT server or a Windows95
- computer, that explain how to set up the game without using symbolic
- links that are in the distribution tar file.
- The instructions assume the existence of a Korn Shell and some other
- standard UNIX-style tools. We used the MKS toolkit to test under
- Windows, and recommend it. If you don't have such tools you will have
- to read and understand the scripts to carry out what they do by hand.
- We have also assumed the existence of correctly installed TCP/IP network
- support.
- We compiled and tested using the Java Development Kit v1.0. We've made
- an effort to test on a variety of platforms, but the main platform used
- for testing was SunOS 5.4.
- Directories:
- README - this file
- bin - handy scripts for running the client & server
- classes - actual .class files
- html - WWW pages for the game, with rules & applet
- server - directory to run the server, with images/sounds/player file/logs
- src - source tree for the distribution
- 1. Running the Server
- The server must be started before the game can be played. You need to
- have java set up so that you can run applications using the java
- interpreter directly, and have Korn Shell installed in /bin/ksh for
- things to work without modification. On Windows 95, or Windows NT, we
- tested the distribution using the MKS Toolkit Korn Shell. The scripts
- for PCs have .ksh extensions and the UNIX scripts have no extension.
- Test your java installation by running a java applet out of the demo
- directory. For example, cd to java/demo/ArcTest and issue the command
- java ArcTest. If the ArcTest applet comes up the scripts for running
- the client and server should work without modification.
- To load the server, cd to the Europa/bin directory, and execute the
- startserver script. This will start the server, and the server log
- file will be placed in Europa/server/log. You can tail -f log to
- watch the log messages as they are entered into the server; a typical
- correct startup will look like:
- Wed Mar 27 04:32:41 EST 1996: log service started
- Wed Mar 27 04:32:41 EST 1996: finished reading player file
- Wed Mar 27 04:32:41 EST 1996: Starting server on port #5000
- Wed Mar 27 04:32:41 EST 1996: Max players = 128
- After 10 minutes the player file will be auto-saved, which will be the
- next log message if nobody logs in in that time. This script is simple
- and extensively tested. If you have a problem, make sure you can run
- ArcTest, and make sure you are running the script in Europa/bin.
- Once the server is running, you are ready to load the client.
- 2. Running the Client
- To begin with, test that everything is working by running the client on
- the same machine as the server. This can be done by running the europa
- script in the Europa/bin directory. It will start an applet viewer, and
- a login dialog. You can click "I'm new" to create a new player and the
- game selection screen will appear. From this screen just choose "Quit"
- to quit - the client is working and it is time to set it up from the
- web pages. Alternately, you can log in with the built in admin account,
- named admin, password admin. Naturally you should change this password
- using the "Change Info" button after you have logged on.
- Create a symbolic link from your web pages to the Europa/html/Europa
- directory. This will allow people to view the Europa pages to read the
- rules and play the game. Do not create a symbolic link to any directory
- above the Europa/server directory because the player file, complete
- with non-encrypted passwords, could be compromised if you do that
- (encryption is forbidden for contest entries; we'll add typical UNIX
- crypt encryption for a later release). Once the symlink is made you can
- load the pages into your java-capable WWW browser. Alternatively, you
- can use the browser's file..open menu (if it has it) to open the html
- files directly.
- Take a moment to browse the pages to be familiar with the game since it
- is quite complex and not necessarily intuitive if you do not know the
- controls. Then take the plunge, and load the log-in and play. Because the
- game runs in separate windows, you can always keep the controls instructions
- up while playing to refresh your memory at first.
- 3. Compiling the Source
- To rebuild the entire source hierarchy, cd Europa/src and run ./buildall
- which will recompile the entire client and server. If you have tested
- running the script to start the server then the buildall script should
- run without modification. The source should build without any errors.
- To compile an individual directory or file, use the -d option to the
- javac compiler to ensure that the .class files are placed in the
- Europa/classes directory. Also when compiling you need to ensure that
- the Europa/classes directory is in the CLASSPATH; this is done
- automatically by buildall but must be done by hand to compile an
- individual directory or file.
- 4. Tested Platforms
- We have made an effort to test the client and server under a variety of
- platforms. The server has been run on SunOS 5.5, Windows 95, and Windows
- NT 3.51. The client works on SunOS 5.5, IRIX 5.4, Linux (version unknown),
- Windows NT 3.51, and Windows 95. The game is designed to work well with
- even slow network connections; it is built around the assumption of that
- players will connect via PPP or SLIP over a slow modem link. We have tested
- under these conditions at length, perhaps because we're addicted.
- 5. Running without Symbolic Links
- Under Windows NT and Windows 95 you will need to copy the classes/games
- directory and the classes/win directory to the html/Europa/client
- directory. Under UNIX it is more efficient to leave the existing symbolic
- links. If you actually plan to modify any part of the client under NT,
- it is best to eliminate one of the classes directories and only use
- the other one to avoid confusion as to what classes are being loaded.
- Also, in the Europa/html/Europa directory, copy Europa.html to index.html.
- 6. More Documentation
- All of the classes have been prepared for processing by javadoc, the java
- utility for producing documentation from .java files. The resulting documents
- are in Europa/docs and provide a convenient reference to the classes. In
- addition, there is a small amount of casual documentation, which documents
- the thinking and development process behind the game, in Europa/html/casual.
- These pages aren't linked in off of the main WWW pages in Europa/html/Europa
- because they aren't intended for end user consumption.
- 7. Feedback
- The authors proud of this product and would welcome feedback that you may
- have, both positive and negative. You can reach us for help, to request new
- features, or just to say you like it/hate it, via our e-mail addresses. The
- addresses are on our home pages, which are referred to right off of the
- Europa pages. We hope you enjoy the game!