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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 3.0 KB | 140 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)ClientAbortDialog.java
- */
- package games.Battle.client.ClientApplet;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.*;
- import java.lang.*;
- /**
- * A specialized dialog class used for shutting down the game
- * client in the event of a communication problem with the
- * game server.
- *
- * @author Alex Nicolaou
- * @author Jay Steele
- */
- public class ClientAbortDialog extends Frame {
- /**
- * The parent applet
- */
- Applet applet;
- /**
- * The thread which gets suspended and resumed to make
- * this dialog modal.
- */
- Thread thread;
- /**
- * The dialog box message.
- */
- TextArea message;
- /**
- * The Retry and Abort buttons panel.
- */
- Panel buttons;
- /**
- * The abort button.
- */
- Button abort;
- /**
- * The retry button.
- */
- Button retry;
- /*
- * Flag indicating which button has focus.
- */
- int focus = 0;
- /*
- * An array of all of the buttons.
- */
- Component[] fields;
- /**
- * Builds the dialog box, telling it which applet to kill
- * if the user requests it, and which thread to suspend
- * to make the dialog box appear modal. The suspended
- * thread is resumed when the dialog box is closed.
- * @param applet the applet to resume or kill
- * @param thread the thread to block on to give modal behaviour
- */
- public ClientAbortDialog(Applet applet, Thread t) {
- // super(null, "Time-out warning", true);
- super("Time-out warning");
- this.applet = applet;
- this.thread = t;
- setLayout(new BorderLayout(80, 10));
- if (message != null)
- message.removeNotify();
- message = new TextArea();
- message.setEditable(false);
- String msg;
- msg = "Warning!\n";
- msg = msg+"The client application does not seem to be communicating\n";
- msg = msg+"with the server. You can attempt to regain contact by\n";
- msg = msg+"pressing \"retry\" or you can kill this particular game\n";
- msg = msg+"client and try to connect again by pressing \"abort\".\n";
- message.appendText(msg);
- add("Center", message);
- if (buttons != null)
- buttons.removeNotify();
- buttons = new Panel();
- buttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 20, 10));
- buttons.add(retry = new Button("Retry"));
- buttons.add(abort = new Button("Abort"));
- add("South", buttons);
- pack();
- fields = new Component[2];
- fields[0] = retry;
- fields[1] = abort;
- focus = 0;
- retry.requestFocus();
- show();
- toFront();
- }
- /**
- * Processes the dialog box events
- * @param e the event being handled
- */
- public boolean handleEvent(Event e) {
- if (e.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY || e.arg == "Retry") {
- thread.resume();
- dispose();
- }
- else if (e.id == Event.KEY_RELEASE) {
- if ((char)e.key == '\t' || (char)e.key == '\n') {
- focus++;
- focus %= fields.length;
- fields[focus].requestFocus();
- }
- }
- else if (e.arg == "Abort") {
- Frame f = (Frame)(applet.getParent());
- f.dispose();
- dispose();
- thread.resume();
- applet.destroy();
- }
- return false;
- }
- }