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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 4.0 KB | 140 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)Command.java
- */
- package games.Battle.shared.comm;
- /**
- * A command is issued from the game client to the game server,
- * and represents a request from a player to the game engine
- * to modify his/her state on the game board. There are a variety
- * of possible commands, which are detailed in the Battle.sys.Symbols
- * class. When the game server receives a command from
- * the client, it can choose to execute it, or to ignore it, if
- * the command was not legal.
- *
- * @version 1.00 02/02/96
- * @author Jay Steele
- * @author Alex Nicolaou
- */
- public class Command extends BattlePacket {
- byte player;
- short id;
- byte cell;
- short mouse;
- /**
- * convert to a string representation
- */
- public String toString() {
- return getClass().getName() + "[player=" + player + ",id=" + id
- + ",r="+getRow()+",c="+getCol()+",x="+getX()+",y="+getY()
- + "]";
- }
- /**
- * Creates a default command which can then be filled using the
- * readFrom(is) method. The server will probably be the only
- * user of this method.
- */
- public Command() {
- player = (byte)0;
- id = (short)0;
- cell = (byte)0;
- mouse = (short)0;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a command based on the given data, which it can then
- * send to a data stream using the writeTo(os) method. The client
- * is probably the only user of this method.
- * @param player who issued this command
- * @param id what command does this represent
- * @param row what row on the game board did this command come from
- * @param col what column on the game board did this command come from
- * @param x what x-position within the given cell did the command come from
- * @param y what y-position within the given cell did the command come from
- */
- public Command(int player, short id, int row, int col, int x, int y) {
- this.player = (byte)player;
- this.id = id;
- this.cell = (byte)(row << 4 | (col & 0x000f));
- this.mouse = (short)(x << 8 | (y & 0x00ff));
- }
- /**
- * Dump a text version of this command, for debugging.
- */
- public void asciiDump() {
- System.out.print("Command <");
- System.out.print((int)player+", ");
- System.out.print(id+", ");
- System.out.print("("+getRow()+", "+getCol()+"), ");
- System.out.print("("+getX()+", "+getY()+")>");
- System.out.println();
- }
- /**
- * Return the player id for this command.
- */
- public final int getPlayer() { return (int)player & 0x000f; }
- /**
- * Return the command id for this command.
- */
- public final short getId() { return id; }
- /**
- * Return the row this command represents. This data may or may
- * not be relevant for every command.
- */
- public final int getRow() { return (cell >> 4) & (byte)0x0f; }
- /**
- * Return the column this command represents. This data may or
- * may not be relevant for every command.
- */
- public final int getCol() { return cell & (byte)0x0f; }
- /**
- * Return the x position within a cell this command originated from.
- * This data may or may not be relevant for every command.
- */
- public final int getX() { return (mouse >> 8) & (short)0x00ff; }
- /**
- * Return the y position within a cell this command originated from.
- * This data may or may not be relevant for every command.
- */
- public final int getY() { return mouse & (short)0x00ff; }
- /**
- * Convert this Command to an array of bytes for transmission.
- */
- protected byte[] toBytes() {
- byte[] buffer = new byte[6];
- buffer[0] = player;
- buffer[1] = (byte)((id >> 4) & 0x000f);
- buffer[2] = (byte)(id & 0x000f);
- buffer[3] = cell;
- buffer[4] = (byte)((mouse >> 8) & 0x00ff);
- buffer[5] = (byte)(mouse & 0x00ff);
- return buffer;
- }
- /**
- * With the given array of bytes, fill this command object
- * with data.
- * @param data the data to fill the command with.
- */
- protected void fromBytes(byte[] data) {
- if (data.length != 5) {
- // raise exception ?
- }
- player = data[0];
- id = (short)(((int)data[1] << 4) | ((int)data[2] & 0x000f));
- cell = data[3];
- mouse = (short)(((int)data[4] << 8) | ((int)data[5] & 0x00ff));
- }
- }