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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 10.2 KB | 414 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)PlayerInfo.java
- */
- package games.Battle.shared.comm;
- import games.Rating.Rating;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * PlayerInfo records all of the information about a particular player for
- * the client and the server. Since the PlayerInfo structure contains a
- * password, the server must be careful to only send you copies of your
- * own PlayerInfo structure: the derived WhoInfo is used to transmit info
- * about other players.
- *
- * @version 1.00
- * @author Alex Nicolaou
- * @author Jay Steele
- */
- public class PlayerInfo extends BattlePacket
- {
- /**
- * A separator used for storing this packet as a string, and for parsing
- * the string representation.
- */
- final static String FIELDSEP = "|";
- /**
- * The user's login ID, which may be any unique login id they choose.
- */
- String handle;
- /**
- * The user's real name, which hopefully is actually their real name.
- */
- String name;
- /**
- * The user's email address (optional).
- */
- String mail;
- /**
- * The user's password. This should be transmitted and stored in encrypted
- * forms, but encryption was forbidden for use for the Java Cup
- * International, no doubt a side effect of the US Governments' definition
- * of encryption algorithms as munitions of war. Next time Canada invades
- * the US you can bet we won't be able to understand each other which will
- * hopefully prolong the war, as any good encryption algorithm should be
- * able to do, proving that encryption must be secret. Which way to the
- * border again?
- */
- String pass;
- /**
- * A wizard bit for the player. Wizards are allowed to shutdown the server
- * cleanly, but have no other interesting powers yet.
- */
- boolean wizard;
- /**
- * The player's rating.
- */
- Rating rating;
- /**
- * The player's preference for whether the client should use sound or not.
- */
- boolean sound;
- /**
- * The player's preference for whether the client should use 3D style
- * graphics or not.
- */
- boolean arcade;
- /**
- * Constructs a player info from the information usually given on the
- * registration screen.
- */
- public PlayerInfo(String handle, String name, String mail, String pass) {
- this.handle = handle;
- this.name = name;
- this.mail = mail;
- this.pass = pass;
- rating = new Rating();
- sound = true;
- arcade = true;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a player info object from complete information on the
- * player.
- */
- public PlayerInfo(String handle, String name,String mail, String pass, boolean wizard, Rating rating, boolean sound, boolean arcade) {
- this.handle = handle;
- this.name = name;
- this.mail = mail;
- this.pass = pass;
- this.wizard = wizard;
- this.rating = rating;
- this.sound = sound;
- this.arcade = arcade;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a PlayerInfo object from a string representation that was
- * obtained by calling toString() on a previous PlayerInfo object.
- * Currently convenient for writing and reading the player file.
- * @param stringRep the string representation of this user
- */
- public PlayerInfo(String stringRep) {
- StringTokenizer data = new StringTokenizer(stringRep, FIELDSEP, true);
- handle = data.nextToken();
- data.nextToken();
- name = data.nextToken();
- data.nextToken();
- mail = data.nextToken();
- if (mail.equals("|"))
- mail = "";
- else
- data.nextToken();
- pass = data.nextToken();
- data.nextToken();
- String wiz = data.nextToken();
- if (wiz.charAt(0) == 't')
- wizard = true;
- else
- wizard = false;
- data.nextToken();
- String rstring = data.nextToken();
- rating = new Rating(rstring);
- data.nextToken();
- String snd = data.nextToken();
- if (snd.charAt(0) == 't')
- sound = true;
- else
- sound = false;
- data.nextToken();
- String arc = data.nextToken();
- if (arc.charAt(0) == 't')
- arcade = true;
- else
- arcade = false;
- }
- /**
- * Construct an empty player info object, ready to be read from an input
- * stream.
- */
- public PlayerInfo() {
- }
- /**
- * Converts this PlayerInfo to an array of bytes for
- * transmission.
- */
- protected byte[] makeBytes(String s) {
- // java.lang.String doesn't give us a way to know how many bytes
- // we're going to get back; kludge: use knowledge of internal
- // implementation to make the correct size array
- // as an aside, it really ought to give us two bytes per char?
- byte bytes[] = new byte[s.length() + 1];
- int stringLength = s.length();
- // max we allow is 254 characters
- if (stringLength > 255)
- stringLength = 254;
- bytes[0] = (byte)stringLength;
- s.getBytes(0, stringLength, bytes, 1);
- return bytes;
- }
- /**
- * catBytes takes a vector of byte arrays and concatenates them into
- * one long byte aray which is then returned to the caller.
- * @param strings the vector of byte arrays to be glued together
- */
- protected byte[] catBytes(Vector strings) {
- Enumeration e = strings.elements();
- int totalLen = 0;
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- byte b[] = (byte[])e.nextElement();
- totalLen += b.length;
- }
- byte b[] = new byte[totalLen];
- int pos = 0;
- e = strings.elements();
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- byte subarray[] = (byte[])e.nextElement();
- for (int i = 0; i < subarray.length; i++) {
- b[pos] = subarray[i];
- pos++;
- }
- }
- return b;
- }
- /**
- * return a byte array that represents this packet.
- */
- protected byte[] toBytes() {
- Vector strings = new Vector(4);
- strings.addElement(makeBytes(handle));
- strings.addElement(makeBytes(name));
- strings.addElement(makeBytes(mail));
- strings.addElement(makeBytes(pass));
- byte[] data = new byte[6];
- data[0] = (byte)255;
- int r = (int)rating.getRating();
- int rd = (int)rating.getRatingDeviation();
- data[1] = (byte)((r & 0xff00)>>8);
- data[2] = (byte)((r & 0x00ff));
- data[3] = (byte)((rd & 0xff00)>>8);
- data[4] = (byte)((rd & 0x00ff));
- data[5] = 0;
- if (wizard)
- data[5] |= 0x01;
- if (sound)
- data[5] |= 0x02;
- if (arcade)
- data[5] |= 0x04;
- strings.addElement(data);
- return catBytes(strings);
- }
- /**
- * Takes in a concatenated list of byte arrays and produces a vector
- * of strings from it. A sentinel is used to distinguish the byte
- * arrays from the rest of the PlayerInfo packet.
- * @param data the byte array that contains data for this packet
- */
- protected Vector getStrings(byte[] data) {
- int pos = 0;
- Vector strings = new Vector();
- while (pos < data.length) {
- int stringLength = data[pos];
- // check for 255 because on IRIX this test fails.
- // perhaps netscape compiles with signed chars on IRIX
- // but unsigned chars on other platforms?
- if (stringLength == -1 || stringLength == 255) {
- return strings;
- }
- pos++;
- String s = new String(data, 0, pos, stringLength);
- strings.addElement(s);
- pos += stringLength;
- }
- return strings;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given array of bytes into a particular
- * PlayerInfo.
- * @param data the array of data to be converted
- */
- protected void fromBytes(byte[] data) {
- Vector strings = getStrings(data);
- Enumeration e = strings.elements();
- handle = (String)e.nextElement();
- name = (String)e.nextElement();
- mail = (String)e.nextElement();
- pass = (String)e.nextElement();
- wizard = sound = arcade = false;
- if ((data[data.length-1]&0x01) != 0)
- wizard = true;
- if ((data[data.length-1]&0x02) != 0)
- sound = true;
- if ((data[data.length-1]&0x04) != 0)
- arcade = true;
- int r = makeInt(data[data.length-4], data[data.length-5]);
- int rd = makeInt(data[data.length-2], data[data.length-3]);
- rating = new Rating(r, rd);
- }
- /**
- * takes two bytes and produces an integer from them. Sure, two bytes
- * are only long enough for a short, but we want an integer anyway.
- */
- int makeInt(byte b0, byte b1) {
- int i0 = (int)b0 & 0x00ff;
- int i1 = (int)b1 & 0x00ff;
- return (i1<<8)|i0;
- }
- /**
- * return true if the ID's are identical ignoring case.
- */
- public boolean sameId(PlayerInfo other) {
- return handle.equalsIgnoreCase(other.handle);
- }
- /**
- * return true if the passwords are identical.
- */
- public boolean samePass(PlayerInfo other) {
- return pass.equals(other.pass);
- }
- /**
- * produce text output for this PlayerInfo
- */
- public void asciiDump() {
- System.out.println("handle: " + handle);
- System.out.println("name: " + name);
- System.out.println("mail: " + mail);
- System.out.println("pass: " + /* pass */ "<SECRET>");
- }
- /**
- * return the handle of this player.
- */
- public String getHandle() { return handle; }
- /**
- * return the password of this player.
- */
- public String getPassword() { return pass; }
- /**
- * return the real name of this player.
- */
- public String getName() { return name; }
- /**
- * return the email address of this player.
- */
- public String getMail() { return mail; }
- /**
- * set the password of this player.
- */
- public void setPassword(String newpass) { pass = newpass; }
- /**
- * set the real name of this player.
- */
- public void setName(String newname) { name = newname; }
- /**
- * set the email address of this player.
- */
- public void setMail(String newmail) { mail = newmail; }
- /**
- * convert to a string representation where all the data is in fields
- * separated by the FIELDSEP character.
- */
- public String toString() {
- return handle + FIELDSEP + name + FIELDSEP + mail + FIELDSEP + pass
- + FIELDSEP + wizard + FIELDSEP + rating + FIELDSEP
- + sound + FIELDSEP + arcade;
- }
- /**
- * return the player's rating.
- */
- public Rating getRating() {
- return rating;
- }
- /**
- * returns true if the player is a wizard (administrator)
- */
- public boolean isWizard() {
- return wizard;
- }
- /**
- * returns true if the player wants the client to use sound.
- */
- public boolean useSound() {
- return sound;
- }
- /**
- * returns true if the player wants the client to be arcade-style (3D).
- */
- public boolean useArcade() {
- return arcade;
- }
- /**
- * sets the user's sound preference (on or off)
- */
- public void setSound(boolean b) {
- sound = b;
- }
- /**
- * sets the user's arcade (3D look) preference (on or off)
- */
- public void setArcade(boolean b) {
- arcade = b;
- }
- }