home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 7.4 KB | 288 lines |
- // Agent.java - Main CyberAgent program
- //
- // Copyright (C) 1996 by Dale Gass
- // Non-exclusive license granted to MKS, Inc.
- //
- import java.lang.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.net.*;
- import java.applet.*;
- // A status indicator which shows the current state of the program.
- class Status extends Label implements Runnable {
- final static int listing = 0;
- final static int layout = 1;
- final static int loading = 2;
- final static int camera = 3;
- Thread blinker;
- int which;
- final static String text[] = {
- "Please select one of the above listings",
- "Please select one of the floor layouts below",
- "Loading floor plans, please wait...",
- "Please select one of the blue cameras"
- };
- // Set current status
- public void setState(int which_) {
- which = which_;
- blinker.stop();
- setText(text[which]);
- }
- // Set blinking attribute
- public void setBlink(boolean state) {
- if (state == true) {
- blinker.start();
- } else {
- blinker.stop();
- setText(text[which]);
- }
- }
- // Do any blinking required
- public void run() {
- while (true) {
- setText(text[which]);
- try { blinker.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) { }
- setText("");
- try { blinker.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) { }
- }
- }
- // Status() constructor with initial state
- public Status(int initial) {
- setAlignment(Label.CENTER);
- setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 24));
- blinker = new Thread(this);
- setState(initial);
- }
- }
- // Agent - Main program applet class
- public class Agent extends Applet {
- HouseServer server = new HouseServer(); // Our server connection
- LabList price, area, beds, match; // Listboxes for selection
- PackerLayout toppack; // Top level layout
- Vector matchesV; // Vector of matching houses
- Panel work; // Main working area
- CardLayout worklayout; // Card stack for working area
- CheckboxGroup cg = new CheckboxGroup(); // Group for floor selection
- Checkbox mort, floors[]; // Checkboxes for floor select
- HouseView plans[]; // Loaded floor plans
- Mort mortCalc; // The mortgage calculator
- Status instruct; // Status and advistory text
- // Disable floor plan views
- void disableViews() {
- worklayout.show(work, "mort");
- mort.setState(true);
- for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
- floors[i].disable();
- }
- // Perform a server query
- synchronized void doQuery() {
- disableViews();
- matchesV = server.query(price.list.getSelectedIndexes(),
- area .list.getSelectedIndexes(),
- beds .list.getSelectedIndexes());
- // match.list.clear(); // This is broken in Win JDK Beta 2
- match.list.delItems(0, match.list.countItems()-1);
- instruct.setState(Status.listing);
- Enumeration e = matchesV.elements();
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- House h = (House) e.nextElement();
- match.list.addItem(h.toString());
- }
- }
- // Find the currently selected house
- House selectedHouse() {
- int i = match.list.getSelectedIndex();
- if (i == -1)
- return (null);
- return (House) matchesV.elementAt(i);
- }
- // Action upon picking one of the matching listings
- synchronized void doPick()
- {
- House h = selectedHouse();
- if (plans == null)
- plans = new HouseView[3];
- mortCalc.setAmount(h.getPrice());
- if (h.hasView()) {
- instruct.setState(Status.loading);
- instruct.setBlink(true);
- new Sound(Sound.drip);
- for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
- if (plans[i] != null)
- work.remove(plans[i]);
- work.add("floor" + i, plans[i] = new HouseView(this, h, i));
- floors[i].enable();
- }
- floors[1].setState(true);
- worklayout.show(work, "floor1");
- instruct.setState(Status.camera);
- } else {
- new Sound(Sound.doh);
- disableViews();
- instruct.setState(Status.listing);
- }
- }
- // Action upon selecting the mort. calc. or one of the floor plans
- void doView() {
- if (cg.getCurrent() == mort)
- worklayout.show(work, "mort");
- else if (cg.getCurrent() == floors[0])
- worklayout.show(work, "floor0");
- else if (cg.getCurrent() == floors[1])
- worklayout.show(work, "floor1");
- else if (cg.getCurrent() == floors[2])
- worklayout.show(work, "floor2");
- if (cg.getCurrent() == mort)
- instruct.setState(Status.layout);
- else
- instruct.setState(Status.camera);
- }
- // Main program event handler
- public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) {
- switch(evt.id) {
- case Event.LIST_SELECT:
- if (evt.target == match.list) {
- doPick();
- return true;
- }
- /* Fall through */
- case Event.LIST_DESELECT:
- if (evt.target == price.list ||
- evt.target == area.list ||
- evt.target == beds.list) {
- doQuery();
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case Event.ACTION_EVENT:
- if (evt.target instanceof Checkbox) {
- doView();
- return true;
- }
- break;
- // Key events don't seem reliable; not implemented yet...
- // case Event.KEY_PRESS:
- // case Event.KEY_RELEASE:
- // case Event.KEY_ACTION:
- // case Event.KEY_ACTION_RELEASE:
- // System.out.println(evt);
- // break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Main applet initialization - build the top-level U.I., etc.
- public void init() {
- Sound.init(this);
- setLayout(toppack = new PackerLayout());
- setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.BOLD, 14));
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.add(new DynaLabel("CyberAgent"));
- add("title;side=top", p);
- add("clock;side=top", new Clock());
- add("instruct;side=top",
- new Label("Please select search criteria below:"));
- Panel crit = new Panel();
- crit.setLayout(new PackerLayout());
- crit.add("price;side=left", price = new LabList("&Price:" , 5, true));
- crit.add("area;side=left", area = new LabList("&Area:" , 5, true));
- crit.add("beds;side=left", beds = new LabList("&Bedrooms:", 5, true));
- crit.add("sign;side=left", new Sign(this, new Dimension(200,160),
- "sign", 10));
- add("criteria;side=top", crit);
- add("matches;side=top;fill=x",
- match = new LabList("Listings &matching selected criteria:",
- 5, false));
- add("instruct;side=top;fill=x", instruct = new Status(Status.listing));
- Panel pick = new Panel();
- pick.setLayout(new PackerLayout());
- floors = new Checkbox[3];
- mort = new Checkbox("Mortgage Calculator", cg, false);
- floors[0] = new Checkbox("Basement plan", cg, false);
- floors[1] = new Checkbox("Main floor plan", cg, false);
- floors[2] = new Checkbox("Upstairs plan", cg, false);
- pick.add("radio1;side=left", mort);
- pick.add("radio2;side=left", floors[0]);
- pick.add("radio3;side=left", floors[1]);
- pick.add("radio4;side=left", floors[2]);
- add("pick;side=top", pick);
- add("work;side=top", work = new Panel());
- work.setLayout(worklayout = new CardLayout());
- work.add("mort", mortCalc = new Mort());
- work.resize(600, 350);
- mort.setState(true);
- price.addItems(server.enumPrices());
- area .addItems(server.enumAreas ());
- beds .addItems(server.enumBeds ());
- price.selectAll();
- area .selectAll();
- beds .selectAll();
- doQuery();
- }
- public void start() {
- new Sound(Sound.hey); // Startup sound
- show();
- }
- public void stop() {
- new Sound(Sound.out); // Termination sound
- hide();
- }
- }