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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 17.5 KB | 669 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)PackerLayout.java 1.0 95/11/10 Daeron Meyer
- *
- * Author: Daeron Meyer
- * Copyright (c) 1995 by The Geometry Center.
- * Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.
- *
- */
- import java.lang.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * PackerLayout is used to lay out widget components.
- *
- * @version 1.0, 95/11/10
- * @author Daeron Meyer
- *
- * Based heavily on the work of John Ousterhout, creator of the Tk Toolkit.
- *
- */
- public class PackerLayout extends Object implements LayoutManager {
- Hashtable compinfo;
- Hashtable nameinfo;
- Component firstcomp, lastcomp;
- public static final String initText =
- "PackerLayout (c) 1995 by Daeron Meyer\n";
- static final String F_ANCHOR = "anchor";
- static final String F_EXPAND = "expand";
- static final String F_FILL = "fill";
- static final String F_FILLX = "fillx";
- static final String F_FILLY = "filly";
- static final String F_IPADX = "ipadx";
- static final String F_IPADY = "ipady";
- static final String F_PADX = "padx";
- static final String F_PADY = "pady";
- static final String F_SIDE = "side";
- static final String F_NAME = "name";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_N = "n";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_NE = "ne";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_E = "e";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_SE = "se";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_S = "s";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_SW = "sw";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_W = "w";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_NW = "nw";
- static final String ANCH_TOK_CENTER = "center"; // default value
- static final int ANCHOR_N = 0;
- static final int ANCHOR_NE = 1;
- static final int ANCHOR_E = 2;
- static final int ANCHOR_SE = 3;
- static final int ANCHOR_S = 4;
- static final int ANCHOR_SW = 5;
- static final int ANCHOR_W = 6;
- static final int ANCHOR_NW = 7;
- static final int ANCHOR_CENTER = 8; // default value
- static final String EXPAND_TRUE = "true";
- static final String EXPAND_FALSE = "false"; // default value
- static final String EXPAND_YES = "1";
- static final String EXPAND_NO = "0";
- static final String FILL_NONE = "none"; // default value
- static final String FILL_X = "x";
- static final String FILL_Y = "y";
- static final String FILL_BOTH = "both";
- static final String SIDE_TOP = "top"; // default value
- static final String SIDE_BOTTOM = "bottom";
- static final String SIDE_LEFT = "left";
- static final String SIDE_RIGHT = "right";
- static final String CHAR_SEMI = ";";
- static final String CHAR_EQUAL = "=";
- static final String CHAR_ALL = CHAR_SEMI + CHAR_EQUAL;
- static final String COMPONENT_NEXT = "next";
- static final String COMPONENT_PREV = "prev";
- static final int debug = 0; // set the debug level
- /**
- * Constructs a new Packer Layout.
- */
- public PackerLayout() {
- compinfo = new Hashtable();
- nameinfo = new Hashtable();
- firstcomp = null;
- lastcomp = null;
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified component to the layout.
- * @param name information about attachments
- * @param comp the the component to be added
- */
- public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {
- String realname = null;
- String tok, val;
- Hashtable packtable = new Hashtable();
- try {
- if (comp == null) return;
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, CHAR_ALL, true);
- realname = new String(st.nextToken());
- // Set default values for each component:
- packtable.put(F_ANCHOR, new Integer(ANCHOR_CENTER));
- packtable.put(F_EXPAND, new Boolean(false));
- packtable.put(F_FILLX, new Boolean(false));
- packtable.put(F_FILLY, new Boolean(false));
- packtable.put(F_IPADX, new Integer(0));
- packtable.put(F_IPADY, new Integer(0));
- packtable.put(F_PADX, new Integer(0));
- packtable.put(F_PADY, new Integer(0));
- packtable.put(F_SIDE, SIDE_TOP);
- nameinfo.put(realname, comp);
- compinfo.put(comp, packtable);
- packtable.put(F_NAME, realname);
- while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
- if (st.nextToken().equals(CHAR_SEMI)) {
- if (st.hasMoreTokens())
- tok = st.nextToken();
- else
- return;
- if (!st.nextToken().equals(CHAR_EQUAL))
- throw new NoSuchElementException();
- if (tok.equals(F_ANCHOR)) {
- val = st.nextToken();
- if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_N))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_N));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_NE))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_NE));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_E))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_E));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_SE))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_SE));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_S))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_S));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_SW))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_SW));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_W))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_W));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_NW))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_NW));
- else if (val.equals(ANCH_TOK_CENTER))
- packtable.put(tok, new Integer(ANCHOR_CENTER));
- else throw new NoSuchElementException();
- } else if (tok.equals(F_EXPAND)) {
- val = st.nextToken();
- if (val.equals(EXPAND_TRUE) || val.equals(EXPAND_YES))
- packtable.put(tok, new Boolean(true));
- else
- if (val.equals(EXPAND_FALSE) || val.equals(EXPAND_NO))
- packtable.put(tok, new Boolean(false));
- else throw new NoSuchElementException();
- } else if (tok.equals(F_FILL)) {
- val = st.nextToken();
- if (val.equals(FILL_NONE)) {
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLX), new Boolean(false));
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLY), new Boolean(false));
- } else if (val.equals(FILL_X)) {
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLX), new Boolean(true));
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLY), new Boolean(false));
- } else if (val.equals(FILL_Y)) {
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLX), new Boolean(false));
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLY), new Boolean(true));
- } else if (val.equals(FILL_BOTH)) {
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLX), new Boolean(true));
- packtable.put(new String(F_FILLY), new Boolean(true));
- } else throw new NoSuchElementException();
- } else if (tok.equals(F_IPADX) || tok.equals(F_IPADY)
- || tok.equals(F_PADX) || tok.equals(F_PADY)) {
- val = st.nextToken();
- packtable.put(tok,Integer.valueOf(val));
- } else if (tok.equals(F_SIDE)) {
- val = st.nextToken();
- if (val.equals(SIDE_TOP) || val.equals(SIDE_LEFT)
- || val.equals(SIDE_RIGHT) || val.equals(SIDE_BOTTOM)) {
- packtable.put(tok, val);
- } else throw new NoSuchElementException();
- }
- } else throw new NoSuchElementException();
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- if (realname != null) {
- System.out.println("PackerLayout: Syntax error in component: "
- + realname);
- nameinfo.remove(realname);
- compinfo.remove(comp);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (firstcomp == null) {
- firstcomp = comp;
- lastcomp = comp;
- } else {
- Hashtable opack = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(lastcomp);
- opack.put(COMPONENT_NEXT, comp);
- packtable.put(COMPONENT_PREV, lastcomp);
- lastcomp = comp;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes the specified component from the layout.
- * @param comp the component to remove
- */
- public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {
- Component prev, next;
- Hashtable opack = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(comp);
- prev = (Component) opack.get(COMPONENT_PREV);
- next = (Component) opack.get(COMPONENT_NEXT);
- if (prev == null) { // If we are removing the first component
- firstcomp = next;
- }
- if (next == null) { // If we are removing the last component
- lastcomp = prev;
- }
- if (prev != null) {
- Hashtable npack = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(prev);
- if (next != null)
- npack.put(COMPONENT_NEXT, next);
- else
- npack.remove(COMPONENT_NEXT);
- }
- if (next != null) {
- Hashtable npack = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(next);
- if (prev != null)
- npack.put(COMPONENT_PREV, next);
- else
- npack.remove(COMPONENT_PREV);
- }
- compinfo.remove(comp);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the
- * components in the specified target container.
- * @param target the component which needs to be laid out
- * @see Container
- * @see #minimumSize
- */
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) {
- Dimension dim = minimumLayoutSize(target);
- Dimension cdim = target.size();
- if (cdim.width < dim.width)
- cdim.width = dim.width;
- if (cdim.height < dim.height)
- cdim.height = dim.height;
- return cdim;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the
- * components contained in the specified target container.
- * @param target the component which needs to be laid out
- * @see #preferredSize
- */
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) {
- Insets insets = target.insets();
- Dimension dim = new Dimension(0, 0);
- Dimension d, dmax = new Dimension(0, 0);
- int nmembers = target.countComponents();
- for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
- Component m = target.getComponent(i);
- d = m.minimumSize();
- Hashtable ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(m);
- if (ptable == null)
- break;
- if (debug > 0) {
- String realname = (String) ptable.get(F_NAME);
- System.out.println(realname + " minimum size: "
- + String.valueOf(d.width) + "x"
- + String.valueOf(d.height));
- }
- int padx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADX)).intValue()*2;
- int pady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADY)).intValue()*2;
- int ipadx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADX)).intValue();
- int ipady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADY)).intValue();
- String side = (String)ptable.get(F_SIDE);
- d.width += padx + ipadx + dim.width;
- d.height += pady + ipady + dim.height;
- if (side.equals(SIDE_TOP) || side.equals(SIDE_BOTTOM)) {
- if (d.width > dmax.width)
- dmax.width = d.width;
- dim.height = d.height;
- } else {
- if (d.height > dmax.height)
- dmax.height = d.height;
- dim.width = d.width;
- }
- }
- if (dim.width > dmax.width)
- dmax.width = dim.width;
- if (dim.height > dmax.height)
- dmax.height = dim.height;
- dmax.width += (insets.left + insets.right);
- dmax.height += (insets.top + insets.bottom);
- if (debug > 0) {
- System.out.println("Insets: " + String.valueOf(insets.left) + " " +
- String.valueOf(insets.right) + " " +
- String.valueOf(insets.top) + " " +
- String.valueOf(insets.bottom));
- System.out.println("Container minimum size: "
- + String.valueOf(dmax.width) + "x"
- + String.valueOf(dmax.height));
- }
- return dmax;
- }
- /**
- * Lays out the container. This method will actually reshape the
- * components in target in order to satisfy the constraints.
- * @param target the specified component being laid out.
- * @see Container
- */
- public void layoutContainer(Container target) {
- Insets insets = target.insets();
- Dimension dim = target.size();
- int cavityX = 0, cavityY = 0;
- int cavityWidth = dim.width - (insets.left + insets.right);
- int cavityHeight = dim.height - (insets.top + insets.bottom);
- int frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight;
- int width, height, x, y;
- Component current = firstcomp;
- if (debug > 0) {
- System.out.println("Laying out container at size: " +
- String.valueOf(cavityWidth) + "x" +
- String.valueOf(cavityHeight));
- }
- while (current != null) {
- Hashtable ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(current);
- String side = (String)ptable.get(F_SIDE);
- int padx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADX)).intValue()*2;
- int pady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADY)).intValue()*2;
- int ipadx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADX)).intValue();
- int ipady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADY)).intValue();
- boolean expand =((Boolean)ptable.get(F_EXPAND)).booleanValue();
- boolean fillx =((Boolean)ptable.get(F_FILLX)).booleanValue();
- boolean filly =((Boolean)ptable.get(F_FILLY)).booleanValue();
- int anchor = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_ANCHOR)).intValue();
- String name = (String)ptable.get(F_NAME);
- current.layout();
- if (side.equals(SIDE_TOP) || side.equals(SIDE_BOTTOM)) {
- frameWidth = cavityWidth;
- frameHeight = current.preferredSize().height + pady + ipady;
- if (expand)
- frameHeight += YExpansion(current, cavityHeight);
- cavityHeight -= frameHeight;
- if (cavityHeight < 0) {
- frameHeight += cavityHeight;
- cavityHeight = 0;
- }
- frameX = cavityX;
- if (side.equals(SIDE_TOP)) {
- frameY = cavityY;
- cavityY += frameHeight;
- } else {
- frameY = cavityY + cavityHeight;
- }
- } else {
- frameHeight = cavityHeight;
- frameWidth = current.preferredSize().width + padx + ipadx;
- if (expand)
- frameWidth += XExpansion(current, cavityWidth);
- cavityWidth -= frameWidth;
- if (cavityWidth < 0) {
- frameWidth += cavityWidth;
- cavityWidth = 0;
- }
- frameY = cavityY;
- if (side.equals(SIDE_LEFT)) {
- frameX = cavityX;
- cavityX += frameWidth;
- } else {
- frameX = cavityX + cavityWidth;
- }
- }
- // Now that we have the frame size find out the actual component size
- width = current.preferredSize().width + ipadx;
- if (fillx || (width > (frameWidth - padx)))
- width = frameWidth - padx;
- height = current.preferredSize().height + ipady;
- if (filly || (height > (frameHeight - pady)))
- height = frameHeight - pady;
- padx /= 2; pady /= 2;
- switch (anchor) {
- case ANCHOR_N:
- x = frameX + (frameWidth - width)/2;
- y = frameY + pady;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_NE:
- x = frameX + frameWidth - width - padx;
- y = frameY + pady;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_E:
- x = frameX + frameWidth - width - padx;
- y = frameY + (frameHeight - height)/2;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_SE:
- x = frameX + frameWidth - width - padx;
- y = frameY + frameHeight - height - pady;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_S:
- x = frameX + (frameWidth - width)/2;
- y = frameY + frameHeight - height - pady;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_SW:
- x = frameX + padx;
- y = frameY + frameHeight - height - pady;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_W:
- x = frameX + padx;
- y = frameY + (frameHeight - height)/2;
- break;
- case ANCHOR_NW:
- x = frameX + padx;
- y = frameY + pady;
- break;
- default:
- x = frameX + (frameWidth - width)/2;
- y = frameY + (frameHeight - height)/2;
- break;
- }
- if (debug > 0) {
- System.out.println("Component size: "
- + String.valueOf(width) + "x"
- + String.valueOf(height));
- }
- current.reshape(insets.left + x, y + insets.top, width, height);
- current = (Component) ptable.get(COMPONENT_NEXT);
- }
- }
- int XExpansion(Component current, int cavityWidth) {
- Hashtable ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(current);
- int numExpand, minExpand, curExpand;
- int childWidth;
- minExpand = cavityWidth;
- numExpand = 0;
- for (;current!=null;current=(Component)ptable.get(COMPONENT_NEXT)) {
- ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(current);
- int padx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADX)).intValue()*2;
- int ipadx = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADX)).intValue();
- boolean expand = ((Boolean)ptable.get(F_EXPAND)).booleanValue();
- String side = (String)ptable.get(F_SIDE);
- childWidth = current.preferredSize().width + padx + ipadx;
- if (side.equals(SIDE_TOP) || side.equals(SIDE_BOTTOM)) {
- curExpand = (cavityWidth - childWidth)/numExpand;
- if (curExpand < minExpand)
- minExpand = curExpand;
- } else {
- cavityWidth -= childWidth;
- if (expand)
- numExpand++;
- }
- }
- curExpand = cavityWidth/numExpand;
- if (curExpand < minExpand)
- minExpand = curExpand;
- if (minExpand < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return minExpand;
- }
- int YExpansion(Component current, int cavityHeight) {
- Hashtable ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(current);
- int numExpand, minExpand, curExpand;
- int childHeight;
- minExpand = cavityHeight;
- numExpand = 0;
- for (;current!=null;current=(Component)ptable.get(COMPONENT_NEXT)) {
- ptable = (Hashtable) compinfo.get(current);
- int pady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_PADY)).intValue()*2;
- int ipady = ((Integer)ptable.get(F_IPADY)).intValue();
- boolean expand = ((Boolean)ptable.get(F_EXPAND)).booleanValue();
- String side = (String)ptable.get(F_SIDE);
- childHeight = current.preferredSize().height + pady + ipady;
- if (side.equals(SIDE_LEFT) || side.equals(SIDE_RIGHT)) {
- curExpand = (cavityHeight - childHeight)/numExpand;
- if (curExpand < minExpand)
- minExpand = curExpand;
- } else {
- cavityHeight -= childHeight;
- if (expand) {
- numExpand++;
- }
- }
- }
- curExpand = cavityHeight/numExpand;
- if (curExpand < minExpand)
- minExpand = curExpand;
- if (minExpand < 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return minExpand;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the String representation of this class...
- */
- public String toString() {
- return getClass().getName();
- }
- }