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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 2.6 KB | 114 lines |
- package como.awt;
- import java.awt.*;
- import como.*;
- import como.util.Debug;
- public class SmartFrame extends java.awt.Frame {
- private Component notify = null;
- private Button okbutton = null;
- private Button cancelbutton = null;
- private Event okevent = null;
- private Event cancelevent = null;
- private boolean notifyall = false;
- /**
- * Constructs a new SmartFrame. This Frame only reacts to the
- */
- public SmartFrame() {
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new SmartFrame. If a notifier Component is given,
- * Events are posted there. Otherwise, this Frame only reacts to the
- */
- public SmartFrame(Component c) {
- notify = c;
- notifyall = true;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new SmartFrame with two Buttons: OK and Cancel. If OK is pressed,
- * Evt is sent to component. If Cancel is pressed, evtcancel is sent.
- * It is not pack()'ed or show()'n.
- */
- public SmartFrame(Component c,String ok,Event evtOk,String cancel,Event evtCancel) {
- notify = c;
- cancelbutton = new Button(cancel);
- cancelevent = evtCancel;
- cancelevent.target = this;
- okbutton = new Button(ok);
- okevent = evtOk;
- okevent.target = this;
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER ) );
- p.add(okbutton);
- p.add(cancelbutton);
- add("South",p);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new SmartFrame. The Frame will be shown.
- * The Component will be displayed in the Frame and an
- * OK-Button will be added.
- */
- public SmartFrame(Component comp, String ok) {
- notify = null;
- // This is interesting here. First I used a BorderLayout
- // with a componen in the North, and the OK-button
- // in the south. With Win95 the North was half offscreen!!!!
- setLayout( new VertLayout( VertLayout.STRETCH ) );
- Panel okpanel = new Panel();
- okpanel.setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER ) );
- okbutton = new Button( ok );
- okpanel.add( okbutton );
- add( comp );
- add( okpanel );
- setTitle( "Information" );
- pack();
- show();
- }
- /**
- * calls SmartFrame( new Label(msg), ok );
- */
- public SmartFrame(String msg, String ok) {
- this( new Label( msg, Label.CENTER ), ok );
- }
- /**
- * calls SmartFrame( msg, "OK" );
- */
- public SmartFrame(String msg) {
- this( msg, "OK" );
- }
- public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) {
- if (notify != null) {
- if (evt.target == okbutton) {
- notify.handleEvent(okevent);
- return true;
- }
- if (evt.target == cancelbutton) {
- notify.handleEvent(cancelevent);
- return true;
- }
- if (notifyall)
- if (notify.handleEvent(evt)) return true;
- }
- if (evt.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY || evt.target == okbutton) {
- hide();
- dispose();
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- }