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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 3.4 KB | 156 lines |
- package como.commlet.chat;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import como.sys.*;
- import como.util.*;
- import como.awt.*;
- import como.commlet.*;
- public class Chat extends WindowCommlet
- {
- TextArea dialog;
- TextField input;
- Hashtable usernames;
- public Chat() {
- usernames = new Hashtable();
- }
- public String getCommletName()
- {
- return "Basic Chat Commlet";
- }
- public String getCommletInfo()
- {
- return
- "(c) 1996 Ulrich Gall & Jan Kautz\n"+
- "\n";
- }
- public void init()
- {
- // always call super.init() here!!!
- super.init();
- input = new TextField();
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- add("South",input);
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- p.add("West",new Label("Current Topic: "));
- p.add("Center",getTopicTextField());
- add("North",p);
- dialog = new TextArea();
- dialog.setEditable(false);
- add("Center",dialog);
- pack();
- print(getCommletName());
- print(getCommletInfo());
- print("Ready, waiting for messages...");
- }
- /** new user handling
- */
- public void addUser(int TheNewUser)
- {
- print(com.getUserName(TheNewUser) + " has joined the conversation.");
- usernames.put(new Integer(TheNewUser),com.getUserName(TheNewUser));
- }
- /** a userLeft
- */
- public void userLeft(int RankWhoLeft)
- {
- print(com.getUserName(RankWhoLeft) + " has left the conversation.");
- }
- /** if you override this, you have to call super.stop() at the end!
- */
- public void stop()
- {
- com.sendToAll(new Msg(Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING,"bye bye..."));
- super.stop();
- }
- void print(String s)
- {
- int width = dialog.size().width;
- Font font = dialog.getFont();
- FontMetrics fm = null;
- if( font != null ) fm = dialog.getFontMetrics(font);
- if( fm != null ) {
- width -= fm.stringWidth( "MMMM" ); // just like that.
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s, " " );
- StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer();
- while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
- String next = st.nextToken();
- if( fm.stringWidth( line.toString()+next+" " ) < width )
- line.append( " "+next );
- else
- {
- dialog.insertText(line+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- line = new StringBuffer( " "+next );
- }
- }
- dialog.insertText(line+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- }
- else
- dialog.insertText(s+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- // move the textfield down!
- int l = dialog.getText().length()-2;
- dialog.select( l, l );
- }
- /** This gets called if a message arrives.
- */
- public boolean handleMsg(Msg msg)
- {
- if (super.handleMsg(msg)) return true;
- if (msg.arg == null) msg.arg = "";
- if (msg.type == Msg.NEW_USER_INFO)
- {
- String newname = com.getUserName(msg.from);
- User newuser = com.getUser(msg.from);
- if (!usernames.get(new Integer(msg.from)).equals(newname))
- {
- print(usernames.get(new Integer(msg.from)) + " is now known as "+newname);
- usernames.put( new Integer(msg.from), newname );
- }
- if (((User)newuser).containsKey(User.COMMENT))
- if (((User)newuser).get(User.COMMENT).toString().length() < 1)
- print(newname + "'s new comment: "+((User)newuser).get(User.COMMENT));
- return true;
- }
- if (msg.type == Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING)
- {
- print(com.getUserName(msg.from) + "> " + msg.arg);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt,Object what)
- {
- if (evt.target == input)
- {
- com.sendToAll(new Msg(Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING,input.getText()) );
- ((TextField)evt.target).setText("");
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }