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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 14.2 KB | 602 lines |
- package como.commlet.superchat;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.AudioClip;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import como.sys.*;
- import como.util.*;
- import como.awt.*;
- import como.io.*;
- import como.commlet.*;
- import como.commlet.userlist.*;
- public class SuperChat extends WindowCommlet
- {
- public static final int MAX_USERS = 5;
- public static final int MSG_PLAY_SOUND = 10051;
- public static final int MSG_SUPERCHAT_EVENT = 10052;
- public static final int MSG_NEW_FACE = 10053;
- public static final int MSG_PRIVATE_CHAT = 10054;
- int numberOfUsers = 0;
- TextArea dialog;
- TextField input;
- FacePanel facepanel;
- ScrollPanel scrollpanel;
- Hashtable usernames;
- Button kickbutton;
- Button whisperbutton;
- Button audiobuttons[];
- AudioClip sounds[];
- AudioClip useraddedclip = null;
- AudioClip userleftclip = null;
- AudioClip lineclip = null;
- String soundnames[][] = {
- { "Laugh", "laugh.au", "laughs." },
- // just in case the SuperChat.sounds doesn't work :-)
- };
- public SuperChat() {
- usernames = new Hashtable();
- return;
- }
- public String getCommletName()
- {
- return "Super Chat Commlet, V1.0, (c) Jan Kautz & Ulrich Gall.";
- }
- public String getCommletInfo()
- {
- return
- "(c) 1996 Ulrich Gall & Jan Kautz\n"+
- "\n";
- }
- public void init()
- {
- super.init();
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- // NORTH
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- p.add("West",new Label("Current Topic: "));
- p.add("Center",getTopicTextField());
- add("North",p);
- Panel centerpanel = new Panel();
- centerpanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
- dialog = new TextArea();
- dialog.setEditable(false);
- centerpanel.add( "Center", dialog );
- Panel insidepanel = new Panel();
- insidepanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
- input = new TextField();
- insidepanel.add( "North", input );
- // sound...
- print("Loading soundfile...");
- loadSoundFile();
- audiobuttons = new Button[soundnames.length];
- Panel actionpanel = new Panel();
- actionpanel.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
- for( int i = 0; i < soundnames.length; i++ ) {
- actionpanel.add( audiobuttons[i] = new Button( soundnames[i][0] ) );
- }
- insidepanel.add( "South", actionpanel );
- centerpanel.add( "South", insidepanel );
- add( "Center", centerpanel );
- // WEST
- Panel westpanel = new Panel();
- Panel kickpanel = new Panel();
- westpanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout( 10, 10 ) );
- kickpanel.setLayout( new VertLayout( VertLayout.STRETCH ) );
- facepanel = new FacePanel( com, this );
- scrollpanel = new ScrollPanel( (Component)facepanel, (float)0.1 );
- kickpanel.add( kickbutton = new Button( "Kick user(s)" ) );
- if( !com.iAmMaster() ) kickbutton.disable();
- kickpanel.add( whisperbutton = new Button( "Whisper to user(s)" ) );
- westpanel.add( "Center", scrollpanel );
- westpanel.add( "South", kickpanel );
- add( "West", westpanel );
- pack();
- print(getCommletName());
- print(getCommletInfo());
- print("Ready, waiting for messages...");
- }
- public void loadSoundFile() {
- InputStream is = com.openInputStream( "SuperChat.sounds" );
- Vector lines;
- if( is == null )
- {
- sounds = new AudioClip[1];
- return; // could not find file
- }
- lines = StreamLine.loadLines( new DataInputStream( is ) );
- int nrlines = lines.size() - 3;
- soundnames = new String[nrlines][3];
- sounds = new AudioClip[nrlines];
- for( int i = 0; i < nrlines; i++ ) {
- String line = (String)lines.elementAt( i+3 );
- int first = line.indexOf( ':' );
- int second = line.indexOf( ':', first+1 );
- soundnames[i][0] = line.substring( 0, first-1 ).trim();
- soundnames[i][1] = line.substring( first+2, second-1 ).trim();
- soundnames[i][2] = line.substring( second+2 ).trim();
- // means has still to be loaded!
- sounds[i] = null;
- }
- useraddedclip = com.loadAudioClip( ((String)lines.elementAt(0)).trim() );
- userleftclip = com.loadAudioClip( ((String)lines.elementAt(1)).trim() );
- lineclip = com.loadAudioClip( ((String)lines.elementAt(2)).trim() );
- }
- public void loadSound( int i )
- {
- sounds[i] = com.loadAudioClip( soundnames[i][1] );
- }
- public void addUser( int TheNewUser )
- {
- if( useraddedclip != null )
- useraddedclip.play();
- print(com.getUserName(TheNewUser) + " has joined the conversation.");
- usernames.put(new Integer(TheNewUser),com.getUserName(TheNewUser));
- facepanel.addUser( TheNewUser );
- scrollpanel.redo();
- numberOfUsers++;
- }
- public void userLeft( int RankWhoLeft )
- {
- if( userleftclip != null )
- userleftclip.play();
- print(com.getUserName(RankWhoLeft) + " has left the conversation.");
- facepanel.removeUser( RankWhoLeft );
- scrollpanel.redo();
- numberOfUsers--;
- }
- public boolean isUserAdmitted( User who ) {
- // If you uncomment this, only MAX_USERS
- // will be permitted to join this channel!
- // if( numberOfUsers >= MAX_USERS ) return false;
- return true;
- }
- public void stop()
- {
- facepanel.stop();
- com.sendToOthers(new Msg(Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING,"bye bye..."));
- super.stop();
- }
- void print(String s)
- {
- int width = dialog.size().width;
- Font font = dialog.getFont();
- FontMetrics fm = null;
- if( font != null ) fm = dialog.getFontMetrics(font);
- if( fm != null ) {
- width -= fm.stringWidth( "MMMM" ); // just like that.
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s, " " );
- StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer();
- while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
- String next = st.nextToken();
- if( fm.stringWidth( line.toString()+next+" " ) < width )
- line.append( " "+next );
- else
- {
- dialog.insertText(line+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- line = new StringBuffer( " "+next );
- }
- }
- dialog.insertText(line+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- }
- else
- dialog.insertText(s+"\n",dialog.getText().length());
- // move the textfield down!
- int l = dialog.getText().length()-2;
- dialog.select( l, l );
- }
- public boolean handleMsg(Msg msg)
- {
- if( super.handleMsg(msg) ) return true;
- if( facepanel.handleMsg( msg ) ) return true;
- if( msg.arg == null ) msg.arg = "";
- if( msg.type == Msg.NEW_MASTER ) {
- if( com.iAmMaster() ) kickbutton.enable();
- else kickbutton.disable();
- // let it fall through
- return false;
- }
- if (msg.type == Msg.NEW_USER_INFO)
- {
- String newname = com.getUserName(msg.from);
- User newuser = com.getUser(msg.from);
- if (!usernames.get(new Integer(msg.from)).equals(newname))
- {
- print(usernames.get(new Integer(msg.from)) + " is now known as "+newname);
- usernames.put( new Integer( msg.from ), newname );
- }
- facepanel.newUserInfo( msg.from );
- // well perhaps some other people are interested!
- return false;
- }
- if (msg.type == MSG_PLAY_SOUND)
- {
- int nr = ((Integer)msg.arg).intValue();
- if( sounds[nr] == null )
- {
- loadSound( nr );
- }
- sounds[nr].play();
- return true;
- }
- if (msg.type == Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING)
- {
- if (lineclip != null) lineclip.play();
- print(com.getUserName(msg.from) + "> " + msg.arg);
- return true;
- }
- if( msg.type == MSG_SUPERCHAT_EVENT )
- {
- print( com.getUserName(msg.from) + " " + msg.arg );
- return true;
- }
- if( msg.type == MSG_PRIVATE_CHAT )
- {
- print( com.getUserName(msg.from)+" whispers to you: "+msg.arg );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt,Object what)
- {
- String text = input.getText();
- if (evt.target == input)
- {
- com.sendToAll( new Msg( Msg.CHAT_DIALOG_STRING, text ) );
- input.setText("");
- return true;
- }
- for( int i = 0; i < audiobuttons.length; i++ )
- {
- if( evt.target == audiobuttons[i] ) {
- com.sendToAll( new Msg( MSG_PLAY_SOUND, new Integer(i) ) );
- com.sendToAll( new Msg( MSG_SUPERCHAT_EVENT, soundnames[i][2] ) );
- return true;
- }
- }
- if( evt.target == facepanel ) {
- int id = ((Integer)evt.arg).intValue();
- // well if you need to know that a user was selected/
- // deselected, then you can do sth. here!
- }
- if( evt.target == kickbutton || evt.target == whisperbutton ) {
- Vector sel = facepanel.getSelectedUsers();
- Enumeration e = sel.elements();
- while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
- int id = ((Integer)e.nextElement()).intValue();
- if( evt.target == kickbutton )
- {
- print( "You kicked "+com.getUserName( id )+" (reason: "+text+")." );
- com.sendTo(new Msg( Msg.KICK_USER, id, text ) );
- }
- else if( evt.target == whisperbutton ) {
- print( "You whisper to "+com.getUserName( id )+": "+text );
- com.sendTo(new Msg( SuperChat.MSG_PRIVATE_CHAT, id, text ));
- }
- input.setText("");
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- class FacePanel extends Panel {
- static final int COLUMNS = 10;
- static final int IMAGESIZE = 60;
- Hashtable users;
- ComObj com;
- ImageButton myImageButton = null;
- TextField myNameField = null;
- TextField myCommentField = null;
- Hashtable cachedata;
- RemoteFileDialog rfd = null;
- Frame rfdframe = null;
- String currentFaceName = null;
- Component refresh;
- public FacePanel() {
- super();
- setLayout( new VertLayout( VertLayout.STRETCH ) );
- users = new Hashtable();
- }
- public FacePanel( ComObj com, Component refresher ) {
- this();
- this.com = com;
- this.refresh = refresher;
- // add Myself right now, also I don't know anything
- // about me! This is done, that the facepanel size
- // is correct from the beginning.
- cachedata = addUserToPanel( " ", " ", true );
- }
- public void addUser( int id ) {
- boolean isitme = (id == com.getMyID());
- if( isitme )
- {
- // well now I get the information about me!
- users.put( new Integer( id ), cachedata );
- newUserInfo( id );
- return;
- }
- Hashtable data = addUserToPanel( com.getUserName( id ), getUserComment( id ), false );
- users.put( new Integer( id ), data );
- if( currentFaceName != null )
- com.sendTo( new Msg( SuperChat.MSG_NEW_FACE, id, currentFaceName ) );
- }
- public Hashtable addUserToPanel( String name, String comment, boolean isitme ) {
- Panel smallpanel = new Panel();
- Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
- ImageButton imgbutton;
- TextField nametf;
- TextField commenttf;
- Panel infopanel = new Panel();
- infopanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
- infopanel.add( "North", nametf = new TextField( name, COLUMNS ) );
- infopanel.add( "Center", commenttf = new TextField( comment, COLUMNS ) );
- smallpanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout( 10, 10 ) );
- smallpanel.add( "West", imgbutton = new ImageButton( IMAGESIZE, IMAGESIZE, " " ) );
- smallpanel.add( "Center", infopanel );
- if( isitme ) {
- myImageButton = imgbutton;
- myNameField = nametf;
- myCommentField = commenttf;
- }
- else {
- nametf.setEditable( false );
- commenttf.setEditable( false );
- imgbutton.setSwitch( true ); // means use as a switch!
- }
- add( smallpanel );
- // I want the panel to be stretched, that the
- // new component fits on it! Here I don't want
- // to care about the parent-container (if
- // I'm too large it's ok!)
- resize( size().width, preferredSize().height );
- layout();
- smallpanel.paintAll( smallpanel.getGraphics() );
- data.put( "name", nametf );
- data.put( "comment", commenttf );
- data.put( "imagebutton", imgbutton );
- data.put( "panel", smallpanel );
- return data;
- }
- public void removeUser( int id ) {
- Integer user = new Integer( id );
- Hashtable data;
- data = (Hashtable)users.get( user );
- Panel panel = (Panel)data.get( "panel" );
- remove( panel );
- users.remove( user );
- validate();
- paint( getGraphics() );
- }
- public Vector getSelectedUsers() {
- Vector selectedlist = new Vector();
- Enumeration e = users.keys();
- while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
- Integer user = (Integer)e.nextElement();
- Hashtable data;
- data = (Hashtable)users.get( user );
- ImageButton imgbutton = (ImageButton)data.get( "imagebutton" );
- if( imgbutton.getState() == true && user.intValue() != com.getMyID() ) {
- // user is selected
- selectedlist.addElement( user );
- }
- }
- return selectedlist;
- }
- public void newUserInfo( int id ) {
- Hashtable data = (Hashtable)users.get( new Integer( id ) );
- TextField name = (TextField)data.get( "name" );
- TextField comment = (TextField)data.get( "comment" );
- name.setText( com.getUserName( id ) );
- name.select( 0, 0 );
- comment.setText( getUserComment( id ) );
- comment.select( 0, 0 );
- }
- public String getUserComment( int id ) {
- String commentstring = (String)((User)com.getUser( id )).get( User.COMMENT );
- if( commentstring == null ) return " ";
- else return commentstring;
- }
- public void newFace( int id, Image face ) {
- Integer user = new Integer( id );
- Hashtable data = (Hashtable)users.get( user );
- ImageButton imgbutton = (ImageButton)data.get( "imagebutton" );
- imgbutton.setImages( face, face );
- }
- public boolean action( Event evt, Object what ) {
- if( evt.target == myImageButton ) {
- if( rfdframe != null ) return true;
- rfd = new RemoteFileDialog( com, "SuperChat.images", this );
- rfdframe = new Frame();
- rfdframe.add( "Center", rfd );
- rfdframe.pack();
- rfdframe.setTitle( "Choose your face..." );
- rfdframe.show();
- return true;
- }
- if( evt.target == rfd && rfd != null ) {
- if( what != null )
- {
- currentFaceName = (String)what;
- com.sendToAll( new Msg( SuperChat.MSG_NEW_FACE, com.getMyID(), currentFaceName ) );
- }
- rfdframe.hide();
- rfdframe.dispose();
- rfdframe = null;
- rfd = null;
- return true;
- }
- if( evt.target == myNameField || evt.target == myCommentField )
- {
- User ego = com.getUser( com.getMyID() );
- ego.put( User.NAME, myNameField.getText() );
- ego.put( User.COMMENT, myCommentField.getText() );
- // also tells other people (and myself :-)!
- com.setLocalUser( ego );
- return true;
- }
- Enumeration e = users.keys();
- while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
- Integer user = (Integer)e.nextElement();
- Hashtable data;
- data = (Hashtable)users.get( user );
- ImageButton imgbutton = (ImageButton)data.get( "imagebutton" );
- if( evt.target == imgbutton ) {
- // clicked on me: tell the refresh guy!
- refresh.action( new Event( this, Event.ACTION_EVENT, user ), user );
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public void stop() {
- if( rfdframe != null )
- {
- rfdframe.hide();
- rfdframe.dispose();
- rfdframe = null;
- }
- }
- public boolean handleMsg( Msg msg )
- {
- if( msg.type == SuperChat.MSG_NEW_FACE )
- {
- Image image = com.loadImage( (String)msg.arg );
- newFace( msg.from, image );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }