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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 3.2 KB | 159 lines |
- package como.commlet.userlist;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import como.util.*;
- import como.awt.*;
- import como.sys.*;
- import como.commlet.*;
- public class UserList extends WindowCommlet
- {
- UserPanel userpanel = null;
- Button kickbutton = null;
- List userlist = null;
- Hashtable users = null; // String listentry -> Integer id
- int idshown = -1;
- Image map;
- public UserList()
- {
- }
- public String getCommletName()
- {
- return("UserList");
- }
- public String getCommletInfo()
- {
- return("UserList, V 1.0, Jan Kautz & Ulrich Gall");
- }
- public void init()
- {
- super.init();
- map = com.loadImage("worldmap");
- if (map == null) new SmartFrame("UserList was unable to load a map image");
- userpanel = null ;
- userlist = new List();
- setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
- kickbutton = new Button( "Kick User" );
- if( !com.iAmMaster() )
- kickbutton.disable();
- add( "West", userlist );
- // add( "South", kickbutton );
- idshown = com.getMyID();
- updateList();
- updateUserPanel();
- resize(400,400);
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt,Object arg) {
- if (evt.arg instanceof User)
- {
- User user = (User)evt.arg;
- if (user.containsKey(User.ID))
- {
- if (((Integer)user.get(User.ID)).intValue() == com.getMyID())
- com.setLocalUser(user);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) {
- if (super.handleEvent(evt)) return true;
- if (evt.target == userlist) {
- String sel = userlist.getSelectedItem();
- if (sel != null) {
- idshown = ((Integer)users.get(sel)).intValue();
- }
- updateUserPanel();
- return true;
- }
- if( evt.target == kickbutton ) {
- // TODO: do sth.
- }
- return false;
- }
- private void updateList() {
- // Known Bug under Win 95: userlist.clear(); does not work correct!
- userlist.delItems( 0, userlist.countItems()-1 );
- Vector getusers = com.getUsers();
- users = new Hashtable();
- Enumeration userenum = getusers.elements();
- while (userenum.hasMoreElements()) {
- String name;
- User u = (User)userenum.nextElement();
- name = u.getName()+" (#"+u.getID()+")";
- userlist.addItem(name);
- if (u.getID() == idshown) userlist.select(userlist.countItems()-1);
- users.put(name,u.get(u.ID));
- }
- }
- private void updateUserPanel() {
- if (idshown >= 0)
- {
- String ok;
- if (idshown == com.getMyID()) ok = "Send Update" ; else ok = "";
- // remove the old user-panel!
- if( userpanel != null )
- remove( userpanel );
- userpanel = new UserPanel(com.getUser(idshown),ok,map);
- add("Center",userpanel);
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- }
- else {
- userpanel = null;
- }
- }
- public boolean handleMsg(Msg msg)
- {
- /* Thought it is not a good idea to let every UserList kick people.
- if (msg.type == Msg.NEW_MASTER) {
- if( !com.iAmMaster() )
- kickbutton.disable();
- else
- kickbutton.enable();
- }
- */
- if (msg.type == Msg.NEW_USER_INFO) {
- if (idshown == ((User)msg.arg).getID()) updateUserPanel();
- updateList();
- }
- else if (msg.type == Msg.USER_LEFT) {
- if (idshown == ((Integer)msg.arg).intValue()) {
- idshown = com.getMyID();
- updateUserPanel();
- }
- updateList();
- }
- else if (msg.type == Msg.ADD_USER) {
- updateList();
- }
- return false; // since this "handling" does not really count
- }
- }