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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 17.2 KB | 667 lines |
- package como.irc;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.Applet;
- import java.net.*;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import como.awt.*;
- import como.commlet.*;
- import como.util.*;
- import como.io.*;
- import como.sys.*;
- public class ComoIRCClient extends Applet {
- ComoIRCClientFrame comoframe;
- static int IRC_PORT = 6667;
- static final String VERSION = "V1.00";
- String[][] params = {
- {"IRCPort","int","IRC Server port to connect to"},
- {"HelpPage","http-address","A http-address of the help-page"}
- };
- public void init() {
- int ircport;
- URL helppage;
- String s;
- s = getParameter("IRCPort");
- try {
- ircport = (new Integer(s.trim())).intValue();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- ircport = IRC_PORT;
- }
- s = getParameter( "HelpPage" );
- if( s == null || !s.startsWith( "http://" ) )
- s = "http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/IMMD-IV/Projects/como/doc/como-irc-help.html";
- try {
- helppage = new URL( s );
- } catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
- helppage = null;
- Debug.msg( 9, "ComoIRCClient.init(): no helppage" );
- }
- comoframe = new ComoIRCClientFrame( this, ircport, helppage );
- }
- // start and stop methods not needed, we have our own frame!
- public void start() {
- return;
- }
- public void stop() {
- return;
- }
- public String getAppletInfo() {
- return "ComoIRCClient "+VERSION+" (c) Jan Kautz & Ulrich Gall Tel. +49-9131-201329";
- }
- public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
- return params;
- }
- }
- class ComoIRCClientFrame extends Frame implements ComoIRCFrontEnd {
- static int COMMLET_LINES = 7;
- static int USER_LINES = 8;
- static int CHANNEL_LINES = 6;
- static int MIN_NAME_LENGTH = 2;
- static int IRC_MAX_NICK_LENGTH = 9;
- static int IMGSIZE = 96;
- static final int COMMLET_NAME = 0;
- static final int COMMLET_ICON_NAME = 1;
- static final int COMMLET_DESCRIPTION = 2;
- static final String USER_CHOICE_ALL = "All Available Users";
- static final String USER_CHOICE_USER = "Users matching pattern";
- static final String USER_CHOICE_CHANNEL = "Users on channel";
- static int EVENT_INVITATION_ACCEPTED = 15015;
- static int EVENT_INVITATION_REJECTED = 15016;
- List userlist;
- User[] users;
- Button userupdate;
- Choice userchoice;
- TextField userpattern;
- Checkbox usercomoonly;
- Button commletstartbutton;
- Panel commletpanel;
- TextField commletdescriptionfield;
- ImageButton commletimagebuttons[];
- String commletnames[][];
- List channellist;
- IrcChan[] channels;
- Hashtable channelHT;
- Button channelupdate;
- TextField channelpattern;
- Checkbox channelcomoonly;
- Button channeljoinbutton;
- Button channelviewbutton;
- Button channelinvitebutton;
- MenuItem miquit;
- MenuItem mihelp;
- URL helppage;
- int ircport;
- Panel userpanel;
- Hashtable userHT;
- Panel channelpanel;
- TextField logTF;
- TextField nickTF;
- TextField nameTF;
- UserPanel loginuserpanel;
- SmartFrame loginNameTooShort;
- SmartFrame loginClickMap;
- User ego;
- ServerIRC server = null;
- Applet applet;
- Image map;
- public ComoIRCClientFrame( Applet applet, int ircport, URL helppage ) {
- super( "ComoClient Applet" );
- this.helppage = helppage;
- this.ircport = ircport;
- this.applet = applet;
- try {
- map = applet.getImage(new URL(applet.getDocumentBase(),"worldmap"));
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- map = null;
- }
- makeMenu();
- showLogin();
- pack();
- show();
- }
- /**
- * Displays a dialog that will let the user login in.
- */
- public void showLogin() {
- removeAll();
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new VertLayout(VertLayout.STRETCH));
- p.add(new Label("Please fill in the following information to log in:"));
- p.add(new Label("On the map, click at your current location"));
- add("North",p);
- ego = new User(0,"");
- ego.put(ego.COMMENT,"");
- ego.put(ego.LOCATION,new Integer(0)); // that way we will not set a default position
- loginuserpanel = new UserPanel(ego,"Click here to log in!",map);
- add("Center",loginuserpanel);
- ego = null;
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- }
- public void makeMenu() {
- MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar();
- Menu menfile = new Menu("File");
- Menu menhelp = new Menu("Help");
- miquit = new MenuItem("Quit");
- mihelp = new MenuItem("How to use Como");
- menfile.add( miquit );
- menhelp.add( mihelp );
- menubar.add( menfile );
- menubar.add( menhelp );
- // this will be the help menu!
- menubar.setHelpMenu( menhelp );
- setMenuBar( menubar );
- }
- private void showLists() {
- createUserPanel();
- createCommletPanel();
- createChannelPanel();
- setLayout(new VertLayout(VertLayout.STRETCH));
- removeAll();
- add(userpanel);
- add(commletpanel);
- add(channelpanel);
- logTF = new TextField();
- logTF.setEditable(false);
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- p.add("West",new Label("Status:"));
- p.add("Center",logTF);
- add(p);
- pack();
- layout();
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- }
- private void createUserPanel() {
- userpanel = new Panel();
- userpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- userlist = new List(USER_LINES,true);
- userpanel.add("Center",userlist);
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- userchoice=new Choice();
- userchoice.addItem(USER_CHOICE_ALL);
- userchoice.addItem(USER_CHOICE_USER);
- userchoice.addItem(USER_CHOICE_CHANNEL);
- p.add("West",userchoice);
- userpattern = new TextField("*");
- p.add("Center",userpattern);
- usercomoonly = new Checkbox("Como Users Only");
- usercomoonly.setState(true);
- // p.add(usercomoonly);
- userupdate = new Button("Update");
- p.add("East",userupdate);
- userpanel.add("North",p);
- updateuserlist();
- }
- private void createChannelPanel() {
- channelpanel = new Panel();
- channelpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- channellist = new List(CHANNEL_LINES,false);
- channelpanel.add("Center",channellist);
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- p.add("West",new Label("Available channels matching "));
- channelpattern = new TextField("*",10);
- p.add("Center",channelpattern);
- channelcomoonly = new Checkbox("Como channels Only");
- channelcomoonly.setState(true);
- // p.add(channelcomoonly);
- channelupdate = new Button("Update");
- p.add("East",channelupdate);
- channelpanel.add("North",p);
- channeljoinbutton = new Button ("Join this channel");
- channeljoinbutton.disable();
- channelviewbutton = new Button ("See who is on this channel");
- channelviewbutton.disable();
- channelinvitebutton = new Button("Invite selected Users");
- channelinvitebutton.disable();
- Panel q = new Panel();
- q.add(channelviewbutton);
- q.add(channeljoinbutton);
- q.add(channelinvitebutton);
- channelpanel.add("South",q);
- updatechannellist();
- }
- private synchronized void updatechannellist() {
- showStatus("Updating Channel List...");
- channellist.delItems(0,channellist.countItems()-1);
- channels = server.getChannels(channelpattern.getText(),channelcomoonly.getState());
- channelHT = new Hashtable();
- String s = null;
- for (int i = 0;i<channels.length;i++)
- {
- IrcChan c = channels[i];
- s = c.commletname + " session with topic '" + c.topic+"'";
- channellist.addItem(s);
- channelHT.put(s,new Integer(i));
- }
- channelinvitebutton.disable();
- channeljoinbutton.disable();
- channelviewbutton.disable();
- clearStatus();
- }
- private synchronized void updateuserlist() {
- showStatus("Updating User List...");
- userHT = new Hashtable();
- userlist.delItems(0,userlist.countItems()-1);
- String pattern = userpattern.getText().trim();
- boolean comoonly = usercomoonly.getState();
- if (userchoice.getSelectedItem() == USER_CHOICE_ALL)
- pattern = "*";
- users = server.getUsers(pattern,comoonly);
- for (int i = 0;i<users.length;i++)
- {
- User u = users[i];
- StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
- if (u.containsKey(u.NAME)) s.append(u.get(u.NAME).toString());
- if (u.containsKey(u.NICK)) s.append(" ("+u.get(u.NICK).toString()+")");
- /* if ((u.containsKey(u.COMOUSER)) && (u.get(u.COMOUSER) == Boolean.TRUE))
- s.append(" using Como as ");
- else
- s.append(" using IRC as "); */
- if (u.containsKey(u.COMMENT)) s.append(" ("+u.get(u.COMMENT).toString()+")");
- userlist.addItem(s.toString());
- userHT.put(s.toString(),new Integer(i));
- }
- clearStatus();
- if (commletstartbutton != null) commletstartbutton.disable();
- }
- private void clearStatus() {
- if (ego != null)
- showStatus(ego.get(User.NAME).toString() + "'s Como Session");
- else
- showStatus("");
- }
- private void createCommletPanel() {
- Vector lines;
- Panel commletbuttonpanel = new Panel();
- commletpanel = new Panel();
- commletpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- commletbuttonpanel.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
- try {
- URL url = new URL(applet.getDocumentBase(),server.PATH_COMMLET_LIST);
- lines = StreamLine.loadLines( new DataInputStream(url.openStream()) );
- } catch( Exception e ) {
- commletpanel.add("North",new Label("Sorry, could not load available commlets!"));
- commletpanel.add("South",new Label("Please try again later."));
- return;
- }
- int nrlines = lines.size();
- commletnames = new String[nrlines][3]; // CommletName, PicName, Description
- commletimagebuttons = new ImageButton[nrlines]; // ImageButtons for them
- for( int i = 0; i < nrlines; i++ ) {
- String line = (String)lines.elementAt(i);
- int first = line.indexOf( ':' );
- int second = line.indexOf( ':', first+1 );
- commletnames[i][COMMLET_NAME] = line.substring( 0, first-1 ).trim();
- commletnames[i][COMMLET_ICON_NAME] = line.substring( first+2, second-1 ).trim();
- commletnames[i][COMMLET_DESCRIPTION] = line.substring( second+2 ).trim();
- try {
- URL url = new URL( applet.getDocumentBase(), server.PATH_COMMLET_ICONS+commletnames[i][1] );
- Image image = applet.getImage( url );
- commletimagebuttons[i] = new ImageButton( image, image, IMGSIZE, IMGSIZE );
- }
- catch( Exception e ) {
- commletimagebuttons[i] = new ImageButton( IMGSIZE, IMGSIZE, commletnames[i][0] );
- }
- commletbuttonpanel.add( commletimagebuttons[i] );
- }
- commletdescriptionfield = new TextField();
- commletdescriptionfield.setEditable( false );
- commletpanel.add("North",new Label("Available Commlets"));
- commletpanel.add("Center", commletbuttonpanel );
- commletpanel.add("South", commletdescriptionfield );
- }
- public void logout() {
- // Ask the user if he wants to log out?
- if( server != null )
- server.logout();
- hide();
- dispose();
- // don't show the Login anymore.. (we did first)
- // showLogin();
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt,Object what) {
- if (evt.target == miquit) {
- logout();
- return true;
- }
- else if (evt.target == mihelp) {
- // At the moment just show it instead of the current page
- // This causes no problem, because we don't do anything in
- // the stop()-Method.
- if( helppage != null )
- applet.getAppletContext().showDocument( helppage, "_blank" );
- }
- else if (evt.target == loginuserpanel) {
- ego = loginuserpanel.getUser();
- if (ego.get(ego.LOCATION) instanceof Integer) {
- if ((loginClickMap == null) || (!loginClickMap.isVisible())) {
- loginClickMap = new SmartFrame("Please click on the map where you are from.");
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (ego.get(ego.NAME).toString().trim().length() <= MIN_NAME_LENGTH) {
- if ((loginNameTooShort == null) || (!loginNameTooShort.isVisible())) {
- loginNameTooShort = new SmartFrame("Your name must be at least "+
- (MIN_NAME_LENGTH+1)+" characters long.");
- }
- return true;
- }
- clearStatus();
- ego.put(ego.COLOR, new Color(ego.hashCode()));
- removeAll();
- setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
- add( "North", new Label("Logging in, please wait...") );
- layout();
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- if (loginNameTooShort != null) {
- loginNameTooShort.dispose();
- loginNameTooShort = null;
- }
- if (loginClickMap != null) {
- loginClickMap.dispose();
- loginClickMap = null;
- }
- try {
- server = new ServerIRC(ego,applet.getDocumentBase().getHost(),ircport,this);
- } catch( IOException e ) {
- new SmartFrame( "Couldn't connect to server, try again later" );
- noConnection();
- return true;
- }
- showLists();
- return true;
- }
- else if (ego != null) {
- for( int i = 0; i < commletnames.length; i++ )
- {
- if (evt.target == commletimagebuttons[i]) {
- // clicked on a commlet-button
- String commletname = commletnames[i][COMMLET_NAME];
- int[] selints = userlist.getSelectedIndexes();
- if( selints.length > 0 )
- {
- User[] u = new User[selints.length];
- for( int j=0; j < selints.length; j++ )
- u[j] = users[selints[j]];
- showStatus("Starting Commlet " + commletname + " with " + selints.length + " users");
- server.startCommunication(commletname,u,commletname + " started on " + (new Date()).toString());
- }
- else {
- new SmartFrame( "Select some users before starting a Commlet!" );
- }
- clearStatus();
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (evt.target == userlist) {
- // double clicked on a user -> show info about that user
- // (ask server)
- showStatus("Retrieving Information about "+evt.arg.toString());
- // User u = server.getUser(users[((Integer)userHT.get(evt.arg)).intValue()]);
- User u = users[((Integer)userHT.get(evt.arg)).intValue()];
- Frame f = new SmartFrame();
- f.setLayout(new VertLayout(VertLayout.STRETCH));
- f.add(new UserPanel(u,""));
- f.pack();
- f.setTitle( "User Information" );
- f.show();
- clearStatus();
- return true;
- }
- if ((evt.target == userupdate) || (evt.target==userpattern) || (evt.target == userchoice))
- {
- updateuserlist();
- }
- if ((evt.target == channelupdate)|| (evt.target==channelpattern))
- {
- updatechannellist();
- }
- if ((evt.target == channellist) || (evt.target == channelviewbutton))
- {
- IrcChan chan = null;
- if (evt.target == channelviewbutton) {
- if (channellist.getSelectedIndex() != -1)
- chan = channels[channellist.getSelectedIndex()];
- }
- else
- if (evt.arg != null) chan = channels[((Integer)channelHT.get(evt.arg)).intValue()];
- String s = "";
- if (chan != null) {
- s = "#"+chan.channel+"~"+chan.commletname;
- showStatus("Updating User List to display users on channel "+s);
- userpattern.setText(s);
- userchoice.select(2);
- updateuserlist();
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- if (evt.target == channeljoinbutton)
- {
- showStatus("Joining Channel "+channellist.getSelectedItem());
- server.joinChannel(channels[channellist.getSelectedIndex()]);
- }
- if (evt.target == channelinvitebutton)
- {
- int[] selints = userlist.getSelectedIndexes();
- showStatus("Inviting "+selints.length+" users to channel "+channellist.getSelectedItem());
- for (int i=0;i<selints.length;i++)
- server.sendInvitation(channels[channellist.getSelectedIndex()],users[selints[i]]);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public void handleInvitation(User u,IrcChan chan) {
- SmartFrame f = new SmartFrame(this,
- "Yes, accept",new Event(this,EVENT_INVITATION_ACCEPTED,chan),
- "No, reject",new Event(this,EVENT_INVITATION_REJECTED,null));
- f.setTitle("Invitation received...");
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new VertLayout(VertLayout.CENTER));
- String name = u.get(u.NAME).toString();
- String comment = u.get(u.COMMENT).toString();
- if( comment.length() > 0 )
- p.add(new Label("Invitation from "+name+" ("+comment+")"));
- else
- p.add(new Label("Invitation from "+name));
- p.add(new Label("Would you like to join a "+chan.commletname+ " Session?"));
- p.add(new Label("Topic : "+chan.topic));
- f.add("North",p);
- f.pack();
- f.show();
- }
- public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) {
- if (evt.id == Event.MOUSE_ENTER )
- {
- if( commletnames == null ) return false;
- // look if the mouse moved over a commlet-imagebutton
- for( int i = 0; i < commletnames.length; i++ )
- {
- if (evt.target == commletimagebuttons[i]) {
- commletdescriptionfield.setText( commletnames[i][COMMLET_NAME]+" : "+
- commletnames[i][COMMLET_DESCRIPTION] );
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (evt.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY ) {
- logout();
- return true;
- }
- ((Frame)evt.target).dispose();
- return true;
- }
- server.joinChannel((IrcChan)evt.arg);
- ((Frame)evt.target).dispose();
- return true;
- }
- if (evt.target == channellist) {
- if (channellist.getSelectedIndex() == -1) {
- channelviewbutton.disable();
- channeljoinbutton.disable();
- }
- else {
- channelviewbutton.enable();
- channeljoinbutton.enable();
- }
- }
- if ((evt.target == channellist) || (evt.target == userlist)) {
- if ((channellist.getSelectedIndex() != -1)
- && (userlist.getSelectedIndexes().length >0)
- && (server.isUserOnChannel(ego,channels[channellist.getSelectedIndex()]))) {
- channelinvitebutton.enable();
- }
- else {
- channelinvitebutton.disable();
- }
- }
- return super.handleEvent(evt);
- }
- public void log(String s) {
- if( logTF != null )
- {
- logTF.setText( s );
- logTF.select( 0, 0 );
- }
- }
- public void showStatus( String s ) {
- log( s );
- // applet.showStatus( s );
- }
- public synchronized void addUser(String nick) {
- if (userlist != null) updateuserlist();
- }
- public synchronized void userLeft(String nick) {
- updateuserlist();
- }
- public void noConnection() {
- showLogin();
- }
- public Applet getApplet() {
- return applet;
- }
- public void leftChannel(IrcChan chan) {
- return;
- }
- }