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Java Source | 1996-08-14 | 5.6 KB | 223 lines |
- package como.irc;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.Applet;
- import java.net.*;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import como.awt.*;
- import como.commlet.*;
- import como.util.*;
- import como.sys.*;
- public class ComoPageClient extends Applet implements ComoIRCFrontEnd {
- static int LOG_LINES = 4;
- static int MIN_NAME_LENGTH = 2;
- static int IRC_PORT = 6667;
- static int IRC_MAX_NICK_LENGTH = 9;
- static final String VERSION = "V0.01";
- static final String LOGOUT_BUTTON = "IMPORTANT: Please click here to LOG OUT";
- static int EVENT_INVITATION_ACCEPTED = 15015;
- static int EVENT_INVITATION_REJECTED = 15016;
- UserPanel loginuserpanel;
- Button logoutButton;
- User ego = null;
- ServerIRC server = null;
- String channel;
- String commlet;
- String topic;
- boolean autologout = false;
- boolean invitable = false;
- String name = null;
- int ircport = IRC_PORT;
- IrcChan ircchan = null;
- int commletsrunning = 0;
- String[][] params = {
- {"IRCPort","integer","Port to connect to"},
- {"Channel","String","If set, that channel will be joined if it exists"},
- {"Commlet","String","If set, the given channel will be opened with "+
- "this commlet if it doesn't exist"},
- {"Name","String", "If set, user gets name automatically. "+
- "This name begin with the given String. "+
- "Otherwise, user has to log in."},
- {"Invitable","String","If set, user may be invited by others"},
- {"Autologout","String","If set, user will be logged out when last Commlet Session ends."},
- {"Topic","String","Which topic to set if opening channel"}};
- public void init() {
- channel = getParameter("Channel");
- commlet = getParameter("Commlet");
- topic = getParameter("Topic");
- ircchan = new IrcChan(channel,commlet,topic);
- name = getParameter("Name");
- String s = getParameter("IRCPort");
- try {
- ircport = (new Integer(s.trim())).intValue();
- }
- catch (Exception e) { ircport = IRC_PORT; }
- invitable = (getParameter("Invitable") != null);
- autologout = (getParameter("Autologout") != null);
- }
- public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
- return params;
- }
- public String getAppletInfo() {
- return "ComoPageClient "+VERSION+" (c) Jan Kautz & Ulrich Gall Tel. +49-9131-201329";
- }
- /**
- * Called after user logged in
- */
- public void showLoggedIn() {
- removeAll();
- }
- /**
- * Displays a dialog that will let the user login in.
- */
- public void showLogin() {
- removeAll();
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- add("North",new Label("Please fill in the following information to log in:"));
- ego = new User(0,"");
- ego.put(ego.COMMENT,"");
- loginuserpanel = new UserPanel(ego,"Click here to log in!");
- add("Center",loginuserpanel);
- ego = null;
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- }
- private void clearStatus() {
- if (ego != null)
- showStatus(ego.get(User.NAME).toString() + "'s Como Session");
- else
- showStatus("");
- }
- public void logout() {
- // Ask the user if he wants to log out
- server.logout();
- showLogin();
- }
- public void stop() {
- }
- public void start() {
- if (ego == null) {
- if (name == null) {
- showLogin();
- }
- else {
- // automatically select a name
- ego = new User();
- int a = (new Date()).hashCode();
- if (a < 0) a = -a;
- ego.put(ego.NAME,name + a);
- try {
- server = new ServerIRC(ego,getDocumentBase().getHost(),ircport,this);
- } catch ( IOException e ) {
- removeAll();
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- return;
- }
- }
- if (channel != null) {
- server.joinChannel(ircchan);
- commletsrunning++;
- }
- }
- }
- public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) {
- if (super.handleEvent(evt)) return true;
- ((Frame)evt.target).dispose();
- return true;
- }
- log("Invitation to channel "+evt.arg.toString());
- server.joinChannel((IrcChan)evt.arg);
- commletsrunning++;
- ((Frame)evt.target).dispose();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean action(Event evt,Object what) {
- if (evt.target == logoutButton) {
- logout();
- }
- else if (evt.target == loginuserpanel) {
- ego = loginuserpanel.getUser();
- if (ego.get(ego.NAME).toString().trim().length() > MIN_NAME_LENGTH) {
- clearStatus();
- ego.put(ego.COLOR, new Color(ego.hashCode()));
- removeAll();
- add(new Label("Logging in, please wait..."));
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- layout();
- paintAll(getGraphics());
- try {
- server = new ServerIRC(ego,getDocumentBase().getHost(),IRC_PORT,this);
- } catch( Exception e ) {
- new SmartFrame( "No connection to server, try again later!" );
- }
- showLoggedIn();
- return true;}
- }
- return false;
- }
- // To implement ComoIRCFrontEnd
- public void noConnection() {
- logout();
- }
- public void handleInvitation(User u,IrcChan chan) {
- if (invitable) {
- SmartFrame f = new SmartFrame(this,
- "Yes, accept",new Event(this,EVENT_INVITATION_ACCEPTED,chan),
- "No, reject",new Event(this,EVENT_INVITATION_REJECTED,null));
- f.setTitle("Invitation received...");
- Panel p = new Panel();
- p.setLayout(new VertLayout(VertLayout.CENTER));
- String name = u.get(u.NAME).toString();
- String comment = u.get(u.COMMENT).toString();
- p.add(new Label("Invitation from "+name+"("+comment+")"));
- p.add(new Label("Would you like to join a "+chan.commletname+ " Session?"));
- p.add(new Label("Topic : "+chan.topic));
- f.add("North",p);
- f.pack();
- f.show();
- }
- }
- public void log(String s) {
- showStatus(s);
- }
- public void addUser(String nick) {
- }
- public void userLeft(String nick) {
- }
- public Applet getApplet() {
- return this;
- }
- public void leftChannel(IrcChan chan) {
- commletsrunning--;
- if ((commletsrunning == 0) && (autologout)) {
- server.logout();
- ego = null;
- }
- }
- }