The Net: Ultimate Internet Guide
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Java Source
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* @(#)ServerIRC.java 1.0 96/03/03 Ulrich Gall & Jan Kautz
* Copyright (c) 1996 Ulrich Gall & Jan Kautz
* uhgall@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
* jnkautz@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
* Hofmannstr. 48, D-91052 Erlangen, Germany, Fax: +49-9131-201358
* Server-IRC - it is used to do connections and receive invitations.
* This Server-Implementation uses the IRC-protocoll
package como.irc;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import como.sys.*;
import como.awt.*;
import como.io.*;
import como.commlet.*;
import como.commlet.draw.*;
import como.commlet.chat.*;
import como.commlet.nicnacnoe.*;
import como.commlet.superchat.*;
import como.commlet.scheduler.*;
import como.commlet.classroom.*;
import como.util.*;
public class ServerIRC extends Thread {
static String PATH_COMO="como/";
static String PATH_COMMLET=PATH_COMO+"commlets/";
static String PATH_COMMLET_LIST = PATH_COMMLET + "commlets.txt";
static String PATH_COMMLET_ICONS = PATH_COMMLET + "icons/";
private IrcServerSocket waitSocket = null;
private User ego;
private Hashtable commlist;
private ConstantsIRC constantsirc = new ConstantsIRC();
CubbyHole UsersCubbyHole = new CubbyHole();
CubbyHole ChannelsCubbyHole = new CubbyHole();
ServerIRC( User e, String proxyhost, int port, ComoIRCFrontEnd cclient ) throws IOException {
String localhost;
try {
localhost = (InetAddress.getLocalHost()).getHostName();
} catch( Exception ex ) {
Debug.msg( 20, "Server(): Couldn't get local host Name: "+ex.toString() );
localhost = "localhost";
ego = e;
commlist = new Hashtable();
getConstantsIRC().setEgo( ego );
getConstantsIRC().setLocalHost( localhost );
getConstantsIRC().setProxyHost( proxyhost );
getConstantsIRC().setProxyIRCPort( port );
getConstantsIRC().setComoClient( cclient );
waitSocket = new IrcServerSocket( this );
// exception must be caught from outside!
// let's start our Thread
ConstantsIRC getConstantsIRC() {
return constantsirc;
public void run() {
Msg msg;
boolean stopped = false;
while( stopped == false )
msg = waitSocket.readMsg();
if( msg.type == Msg.PING || msg.type == Msg.NO_DATA )
stopped = handleMsg( msg );
public boolean handleMsg( Msg msg )
switch( msg.type )
Hashtable inv = (Hashtable)msg.arg;
IrcChan ch = (IrcChan)inv.get( "channel" );
User from = (User)inv.get( "from" );
String name = (String)from.get( User.NAME );
getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Invitation for "+ch.commletname+" '"+ch.topic+"' from "+name );
// ask user if user wants to accept invitation;
getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().handleInvitation( from, ch );
case Msg.ADD_USER:
// someone joined #como-main
Thread add = new UpdateThread( this, Msg.ADD_USER, (String)((User)msg.arg).get( User.NICK ) );
case Msg.USER_LEFT:
// someone left #como-main
Thread left = new UpdateThread( this, Msg.USER_LEFT, (String)msg.arg );
new SmartFrame( "Sorry, line to Server dropped." );
try {
} catch( Exception e ) { }
// now show the login.
return true;
Debug.msg( 43, "ServerIRC.handleMsg(): Unknown Message-Type: " + msg.type );
return false;
* startCommunication() starts a new commlet and invites the users[]
void startCommunication(String commletname, User users[], String topic ) {
IrcChan chan = new IrcChan( commletname, topic );
ConnectThreadIRC c = new ConnectThreadIRC( chan, this, ego, commlist, users );
* This here is a bad thing. We wanted to avoid it, but we
* can't instantiate a ClassLoader! Therefore we have to
* instantiate the Commlets by hand!
static Commlet loadCommlet( String commletname ) {
if( commletname.compareTo("Draw") == 0 )
return new Draw();
if( commletname.compareTo("NicNacNoe") == 0 )
return new NicNacNoe();
if( commletname.compareTo("Chat") == 0 )
return new Chat();
if( commletname.compareTo("SuperChat") == 0 )
return new SuperChat();
if( commletname.compareTo("Scheduler") == 0 )
return new Scheduler();
if( commletname.compareTo("ClassRoom") == 0 )
return new ClassRoom();
Debug.msg( 98, "ServerIRC.loadCommlet(): "+commletname+" not found!" );
return null;
* Send an invitation for a specific channel to the user 'who'.
public void sendInvitation( IrcChan chan, User who )
Hashtable inv = new Hashtable();
inv.put( "channel", chan );
inv.put( "from", getConstantsIRC().ego );
waitSocket.writePrivMsg( who, new Msg( Msg.INVITATION, (Object)inv ) );
* Join the Channel 'chan'. Done asynchronously with a new thread.
void joinChannel( IrcChan chan ) {
ConnectThreadIRC c = new ConnectThreadIRC( chan, this, ego, commlist );
/* Called from ComoIRCFrontEnd. It stopps all ComObjs and
* closes the Socket to the ircd.
* This is called if the user presses "log out from como"
public void logout() {
// let's stop the main thread
try {
} catch( Exception e ) {
// noone cares here anymore
// now stop all commlets/comobjs
* Stops all ComObjs and their commlets.
private void stopComObjs() {
Enumeration e = commlist.keys();
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
ComObjIRC c = (ComObjIRC)e.nextElement();
// will be removed from the list by commlet.destroy();
// which calls server.loggedout( comobj, channel )
* Called by a ComObjIRC that quitted (user closed it).
* It just tells this the ServerIRC (me).
public void loggedout( ComObjIRC c, IrcChan chan ) {
if( commlist.get( c ) != null )
commlist.remove( c );
getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().leftChannel( chan );
Debug.msg( 33, "ServerIRC().loggedout(): Commlet #"+chan.ircName()+" already stopped." );
* Return all users using our Programm, i.e. all that are connected
* to the IRCServer and who are in "pattern"
synchronized User[] getUsers( String pattern, boolean como_only ) {
Vector users;
waitSocket.send( "WHO "+pattern, true );
users = (Vector)UsersCubbyHole.get();
User u[] = new User[users.size()];
Enumeration e = users.elements();
int i = 0;
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
u[i] = (User)e.nextElement();
if( ((String)u[i].get( User.NAME )).startsWith( IrcSocket.NICK_PREFIX ) )
u[i].put( User.COMOUSER, new Boolean(true) );
return u;
* Return all users on the specified channel
User[] getUsersOnChannel( IrcChan ch ) {
return getUsers( "#"+ch.ircName(), false );
* Return all the channels (matching pattern)
synchronized IrcChan[] getChannels( String pattern, boolean como_only ) {
Vector channels;
waitSocket.send( "LIST ", true );
channels = (Vector)ChannelsCubbyHole.get();
IrcChan c[] = new IrcChan[channels.size()];
Enumeration e = channels.elements();
int i = 0;
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
c[i] = (IrcChan)e.nextElement();
return c;
* Let's see if a user is on a channel.
synchronized public boolean isUserOnChannel( User user, IrcChan channel ) {
Enumeration e = commlist.elements();
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
IrcChan c = (IrcChan)e.nextElement();
if( channel.ircName().equals( c.ircName() ) )
return true;
return false;
* Return the Applet, that started all. This is necessary,
* because the ComObj wants to load pictures and sound.
Applet getApplet() {
return getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().getApplet();
* Update the display of ComoIRCClient.
class UpdateThread extends Thread {
int type;
String what;
ServerIRC server;
public UpdateThread( ServerIRC s, int t, String w ) {
type = t;
what = w;
server = s;
public void run() {
switch( type )
case Msg.ADD_USER:
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().addUser( what );
case Msg.USER_LEFT:
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().userLeft( what );
* Connect myself to an existing or a new channel.
class ConnectThreadIRC extends Thread {
private IrcChan chan;
private User ego;
private Hashtable commlist;
private ServerIRC server;
private User users[];
private boolean connecttoexisting = true;
ConnectThreadIRC( IrcChan c, ServerIRC s, User e, Hashtable cl ) {
chan = c;
ego = e;
commlist = cl;
server = s;
connecttoexisting = true;
ConnectThreadIRC( IrcChan c, ServerIRC s, User e, Hashtable cl, User u[] ) {
chan = c;
ego = e;
commlist = cl;
server = s;
users = u;
connecttoexisting = false;
public void run()
IrcSocket socket;
Commlet newcommlet;
ComObjIRC com;
User[] list = null;
Msg msg;
try {
com = new ComObjIRC( server, chan, (User)server.getConstantsIRC().ego.clone(), !connecttoexisting );
} catch( IOException e ) {
// oops no connection to Server
new SmartFrame( "Couldn't connect to server, try again later!" );
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Couldn't start Communication!" );
if( connecttoexisting )
list = server.getUsersOnChannel( chan );
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Starting Commlet "+chan.commletname );
* Is it really necessary to forbid an applet to create
* a ClassLoader. Netscape doesn't allow to read/write files
* to make sockets etc. No Class can do anything harmful.
* Then why can't I load a class over the net.
* I mean nothing else does netscape!!!! Why can't I???
* The whole advantage of JAVA is given away. Everybody
* says you just have to load those parts, that are needed.
* NICE IDEA. But this does not work. Neither with the
* appletviewer nor with Netscape!!!!
* Well then let's load some more Kb over the net just for fun!
try {
IRCClassLoader icl = new IRCClassLoader();
newcommlet = (Commlet)(new IRCClassLoader()).loadClass( chan.commletname, true ).newInstance();
catch( Exception e )
Debug.msg( 50, "ServerIRC.ConnectThread: Could not load Class over Net" );
// First load the Commlet
// then set the corresponding com-Obj in the commlet
// Then init() it. This sould work fine now. in
// init() the ego-user is already known. The ComObj
// does not deliver any messages before com.setCommlet()
// is done. -> During the init() now other method from
// the commlet will be called!
newcommlet = ServerIRC.loadCommlet( chan.commletname );
newcommlet.setCom( com );
com.setCommletName( chan.commletname );
com.setCommlet( newcommlet );
commlist.put( com, chan );
com.addMe( (User)server.getConstantsIRC().ego.clone() );
if( connecttoexisting == true )
if( list.length == 1 ) {
Msg newmastermsg = new Msg( Msg.NEW_MASTER, com.getMyID(), com.getMyID(),
new Integer(com.getMyID()) );
// tell comobj and commlet, that he is master then!
com.preHandleMsg( newmastermsg );
newcommlet.handleMsg( newmastermsg );
Vector users = com.getUsers();
boolean adduser;
// now add everyone who is already in this channel
// and leave those who are already in the ComObj (via ADD_USER-Msg)
for( int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
int id;
adduser = true;
Enumeration e = users.elements();
while( e.hasMoreElements() )
User test = (User)e.nextElement();
if( test.get(User.NICK).equals(list[i].get(User.NICK)) )
adduser = false;
if( adduser == false )
id = com.loginUser( list[i] );
if( id > 0 ) // only if user is allowed
com.addUser( id ); // also tells commlet
// i am the master -> i may set the topic -> i will set the topic
newcommlet.handleMsg( new Msg( Msg.NEW_TOPIC, com.getMyID(), com.getMyID(), chan.topic ) );
// invite the users[]
for( int i = 0; i < users.length; i++ )
server.sendInvitation( chan, users[i] );
HELP Classes used in Server.java
* This class does the main job here. It opens a connection back to the
* irc-server then joins a channel. Then it reads message from that channel
* and may write messages to that channel.
class IrcSocket {
final static int RPL_WHOREPLY = 352;
final static int RPL_ENDOFWHO = 315;
final static int RPL_NAMREPLY = 353;
final static int RPL_ENDOFNAMES = 366;
final static int RPL_LIST = 322;
final static int RPL_LISTEND = 323;
final static int RPL_MOTDSTART = 375;
final static int RPL_ENDOFMOTD = 376;
final static int ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME = 432;
final static int ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE = 433;
final static int ERR_NICKCOLLISION = 436;
final static int NO_MESSAGE = -1;
final static int CMD_JOIN = 10001;
final static int CMD_PART = 10002;
final static int CMD_QUIT = 10003;
final static int CMD_PRIVMSG = 10004;
final static String NICK_PREFIX = "c_";
String ret_user, ret_cmd, ret_msg, ret_channel, ret_address;
protected Socket socket;
DataInputStream input;
DataOutputStream output;
IrcChan chan;
String nick; // Someone must know the local nick name!
ServerIRC server = null;
* Constructor for IrcSocket.
* Go to the main Channel.
IrcSocket( ServerIRC s ) throws IOException {
boolean ok;
server = s;
ok = Login( server.getConstantsIRC().proxyhost, server.getConstantsIRC().proxyircport,
chan = new IrcChan( "como-main", "none", "Como Main Channel" ) );
if( !ok ) throw new IOException();
else {
// This is the NICK he finally got!
server.getConstantsIRC().ego.put( User.NICK, nick );
* Constructor for IrcSocket. Go to the the channel 'c'.
IrcSocket( ServerIRC s, IrcChan c ) throws IOException {
boolean ok;
server = s;
chan = c;
ok = Login( server.getConstantsIRC().proxyhost, server.getConstantsIRC().proxyircport, c );
if( !ok ) throw new IOException();
server.getConstantsIRC().ego.put( User.NICK, nick );
* Connect myself to the IRC-Server and join a channel.
private boolean Login( String host, int port, IrcChan chan ) {
String name = (String)server.getConstantsIRC().ego.get( User.NAME );
Socket s;
int number = 1;
number = ((int)(Math.random()*9000));
nick = NICK_PREFIX + number;
try {
socket = new Socket( host, port );
input = new DataInputStream( socket.getInputStream() );
output = new DataOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream() );
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 100, "IrcSocket(): " + e.toString() );
return false;
send( "USER "+nick+" "+host+" "+host+" :"+name, true );
send( "NICK "+nick, true );
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Waiting for Connection to Server." );
while( true )
String line;
int command;
try {
line = input.readLine();
// oh line dropped
if( line == null ) return false;
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 100, "IrcSocket.Login(): " + e.toString() );
return false;
command = parseIrcMessage( line );
if( command == ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME || command == ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE ||
// oh did not work let's try another one
nick = NICK_PREFIX + number;
send( "NICK "+nick, true );
else if( command == RPL_ENDOFMOTD ) break;
// All User visible please!!!
send( "MODE "+nick+" -i", true );
send( "JOIN #"+chan.ircName(), true );
while( true )
String line;
try {
line = input.readLine();
// this here seems to be a "LINE_DROPPED"
// message. *NO* IOException occures if the
// connection drops!!!!
if( line == null ) {
return false;
} catch( Exception e ) {
return false;
int command = parseIrcMessage( line );
if( command == RPL_ENDOFNAMES ) // OK, I joined the channel
server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Connected." );
return true;
* Read a message from the channel belonging to that IrcSocket.
* Handles also those IRC-specific messages and tells the server
* or comobj, if they are of interest (like user added/left...).
Msg readMsg() {
int from, to, type, len;
Object o;
boolean stoploop = false;
if( input == null ) return new Msg( Msg.NO_DATA );
try {
Vector users = new Vector();
Vector channels = new Vector();
while( !stoploop )
String line = input.readLine();
int command;
// ahh this means: Line Dropped!
// well then throw an Exception, that i will
// catch myself (see catch....)
if( line == null ) throw new IOException();
command = parseIrcMessage( line );
// read as long as I get a message that is usefull for me.
if( command == NO_MESSAGE ) continue;
switch( command )
case CMD_PART:
return new Msg( Msg.USER_LEFT, ret_user );
case CMD_QUIT:
return new Msg( Msg.USER_LEFT, ret_user );
case CMD_JOIN:
User user = new User();
user.put( User.NICK, ret_user );
// TODO:
// well it's a little bit ugly perhaps.
// but it works quite well
user.put( User.NAME, "User nicknamed "+ret_user );
return new Msg( Msg.ADD_USER, user );
User u = new User();
ret_msg = ret_msg.substring( 2, ret_msg.length() );
u.put( User.NICK, ret_user ); // is nick
u.put( User.NAME, ret_msg );
u.put( User.ADDRESS, ret_address );
users.addElement( u );
server.UsersCubbyHole.put( users );
users = new Vector();
case RPL_LIST:
IrcChan ch = null;
// TODO: Perhaps permit non-Como-Channels here
// If yes: then uncomment this!
// Otherwise: Every channel is a como-channel
// if( ret_channel.startsWith( "como" ) ) { // ok is a como-channel
if( true ) { // ok is a como-channel
if( ret_channel.charAt(4) == '-' ) // ok this is como-main
// Do not show the como-main-channel where everybody
// is in there! It is only for internal use!
// ch = new IrcChan( ret_channel, "none", " " );
ch = new IrcChan();
ch.fromString( ret_channel );
ch.topic = ret_msg;
else {
ch = new IrcChan( ret_channel, "IRC", " " );
if( ch != null ) channels.addElement( ch );
server.ChannelsCubbyHole.put( channels );
channels = new Vector();
if( ret_msg.startsWith( "COMO_" ) )
ret_msg = ret_msg.substring( 5, ret_msg.length() );
stoploop = true;
// TODO: Use as chat message!!!
// This is only necessary if non-Como-Channels
// are allowed!
Debug.msg( 30, "IrcSocket.readMsg(): got a irc-chat-message: "+ret_msg );
} catch( IOException e ) {
// server.getConstantsIRC().getComoClient().log( "Connection to Server dropped." );
Debug.msg( 1, "Exception: "+e );
return new Msg( Msg.LINE_DROPPED, e.toString() );
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( ret_msg, "!" );
from = (new Integer(st.nextToken())).intValue();
to = (new Integer(st.nextToken())).intValue();
type = (new Integer(st.nextToken())).intValue();
if( st.nextToken().compareTo( "Y" ) == 0 )
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
StringBufferInputStream stringstream = null;
String s;
Object object;
s = st.nextToken( "\n" ); // Till the end of line!
s = s.substring( 1, s.length() );
stringstream = new StringBufferInputStream( s );
ois = new ObjectInputStream( new IRCInputStream( stringstream ) );
try {
object = ois.readObject();
catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 50, "IrcSocket.readMsg(): could not convert Object! Printing Trace: "+e.toString() );
return new Msg( Msg.NO_DATA );
if( object == null )
Debug.msg( 70, "IrcSocket.readMsg(): read null-Object as arg!" );
return new Msg( type, from, to, object );
return new Msg( type, from, to, null );
* Write a message to all on that channel.
boolean writeMsg( Msg msg ) {
return writeMsg( msg, "#"+chan.ircName() );
* Write a message to one user on that channel.
boolean writePrivMsg( User to, Msg msg ) {
return writeMsg( msg, (String)to.get( User.NICK ) );
* Write a message to a user/all on that channel.
synchronized private boolean writeMsg( Msg msg, String to ) {
if( output == null ) return false;
try {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer( "PRIVMSG "+to+" :COMO_" );
message.append( msg.from );
message.append( "!" );
message.append( msg.to );
message.append( "!" );
message.append( msg.type );
message.append( "!" );
if( msg.arg != null )
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( new IRCOutputStream( output ) );
message.append( "Y!" );
output.writeBytes( message.toString() );
oos.writeObject( msg.arg );
else {
message.append( "N!" );
output.writeBytes( message.toString() );
output.writeBytes( "\n" );
return true;
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "writeMsg(): " + e.toString() );
return false;
* Parse a irc-message, but only parse those things that interest!
synchronized int parseIrcMessage( String line ) {
int colon, space, ex, pos, pos2;
int commandnumber = NO_MESSAGE;
int len;
char ch;
if( line.length() == 0 )
return NO_MESSAGE;
ch = line.charAt( 0 );
if( ch != ':' ) {
if( line.startsWith( "PING" ) ) {
String out = "PONG "+server.getConstantsIRC().localhost;
send( out.toString(), true );
return NO_MESSAGE;
// OK: Now it starts with ':'
len = line.length();
ex = line.indexOf( '!' );
colon = line.indexOf( ':', 1 );
space = line.indexOf( ' ' );
if( space < 0 ) return NO_MESSAGE;
pos = space+1;
ch = line.charAt( pos );
if( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) {
// Numeric Message
pos2 = line.indexOf( ' ', pos );
commandnumber = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(pos,pos2));
pos = line.indexOf( ' ', pos2+1 );
ret_user = line.substring( pos2+1, pos );
if( commandnumber == RPL_WHOREPLY ) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line, " " );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
String str = st.nextToken();
if( i == 5 ) ret_address = str;
if( i == 7 ) ret_user = str;
if( commandnumber == RPL_LIST ) {
pos2 = line.indexOf( ' ', pos+1 );
ret_channel = line.substring( pos+2, pos2 );
else {
// Has to be a message without numbers!!
if( ex > 0 )
ret_user = line.substring( 1, ex );
ret_user = line.substring( 1, pos );
pos2 = line.indexOf(' ',pos);
if( pos2 < 0 )
return NO_MESSAGE;
ret_cmd = line.substring( pos, pos2 );
if( ret_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase( "JOIN" ) )
commandnumber = CMD_JOIN;
else if( ret_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase( "PART" ) )
commandnumber = CMD_PART;
else if( ret_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase( "QUIT" ) )
commandnumber = CMD_QUIT;
else if( ret_cmd.equalsIgnoreCase( "PRIVMSG" ) )
commandnumber = CMD_PRIVMSG;
ret_msg = line.substring( colon+1, len );
return commandnumber;
* Send a String to this channel/IRC-Server.
* Used to send IRC-Commands.
synchronized void send( String out ) {
if( output == null ) return;
try {
output.writeBytes( out );
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "IrcSocket.send(): Exception: "+e.toString() );
* Send a String to this channel/IRC-Server.
* Used to send IRC-Commands.
void send( String out, boolean cr ) {
if( cr == true )
send( out+"\n" );
send( out );
* Close the connection.
void close() {
try {
} catch( IOException e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "IrcSocket.close() output.flush(): "+e.toString() );
try {
// wait a little bit!
// Sometimes the last message wasn't sent, when
// the socket was closed !!!
Thread.sleep( 150 );
} catch( Exception e ) {}
try {
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "IrcSocket.close() socket: "+e.toString() );
try {
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "IrcSocket.close() input: "+e.toString() );
try {
} catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg( 98, "IrcSocket.close() output: "+e.toString() );
input = null;
output = null;
socket = null;
* Do as if this would be a ServerSocket :-)
class IrcServerSocket extends IrcSocket {
IrcServerSocket( ServerIRC server ) throws IOException {
super( server );
* I use many Constants in this file. I don't want/can hardcode
* everything.
class ConstantsIRC {
User ego = new User();
String proxyhost = "proxyhost";
String localhost = "localhost";
int proxyircport = 6667;
ComoIRCFrontEnd comoclient = null;
void setEgo( User e ) {
ego = e;
void setProxyHost( String name ) {
proxyhost = name;
void setLocalHost( String name ) {
localhost = name;
void setProxyIRCPort( int p ) {
proxyircport = p;
void setComoClient( ComoIRCFrontEnd c ) {
comoclient = c;
ComoIRCFrontEnd getComoClient() {
return comoclient;
/* Does not work because of the SecurityManager
class IRCClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
Hashtable cache = new Hashtable();
IRCClassLoader() { }
private byte loadClassData(String name)[] {
byte b[];
b = ProxyDataLoader.load( ConstantsIRC.proxyhost, ServerIRC.PATH_COMMLET, name );
return b;
public synchronized Class loadClass( String name, boolean b ) {
Class c = (Class)cache.get(name);
if (c != null) return c;
try {
if ((c = findSystemClass(name)) != null) return c;
catch (Exception e) {
c = null;
byte data[] = loadClassData(name);
if( data == null ) return null;
cache.put(name, c = defineClass(data, 0, data.length));
return c;
class ProxyDataLoader {
ProxyDataLoader() {
static byte[] load( String host, String pfad, String name ) {
URL url;
try {
InputStream input;
byte b[];
int len;
url = new URL( "http:", host, pfad + name );
input = url.openStream();
len = input.available();
b = new byte[len];
if( input.read(b) != len )
Debug.msg(90,"ProxyDataLoader().load(): loaded less than "+len+" bytes!" );
return b;
catch( Exception e ) {
Debug.msg(90,"ProxyDataLoader().load("+name+"): " + e.toString() );
return null;