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- ##############################################################################
- #
- # Copyright (c) Dow Jones and Company. 1994,1995. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Io.mak
- #
- # Makefile for testing observable sections in an observable paper.
- #
- # Authors:
- #
- # rphall Rick Hall
- #
- # Version Ident:
- #
- # $Header: /PjJavaClient/src/pj/io/Io.mak 3 1/30/96 6:18p Rphall $
- #
- # History:
- #
- # 12/26/95 rphall initial creation
- #
- ##############################################################################
- # REQUIRED: define where master makefiles can be found.
- # (Make definition conditional so that it can be overridden on a command line.)
- !IF "$(JAVAMAKEDIR)" == ""
- !IF "$(CFG)" == ""
- CFG=Java Debug
- !IF "$(JAVACLASSDIR)" == ""
- JAVACLASSDIR=.\classes
- !IF "$(JAVADOCDIR)" == ""
- JAVADOCDIR=.\apidocs
- # Include default macro definitions and generalized rules
- !INCLUDE $(JAVAMAKEDIR)\defaults.mak
- # List your classes here, one per line, with a backslash for continuation
- CLASSES=CUP$$actions.class \
- DownloadProgressNotification.class \
- IncompatiblePaperStoryException.class \
- MalformedPaperStoryException.class \
- Paper.class \
- PaperSection.class \
- PaperStory.class \
- ParserThread.class \
- StoryContainer.class \
- StoryContainerNotification.class \
- StatefulStoryContainer.class \
- StoryScanner.class \
- StoryParser.class \
- StoryParserSymbols.class
- # List the classes you want documented, one per line, with backslashes
- APIDOCS=Packages-pj.io.html \
- pj.io.DownloadProgressNotification.html \
- pj.io.IncompatiblePaperStoryException.html \
- pj.io.MalformedPaperStoryException.html \
- pj.io.Paper.html \
- pj.io.PaperSection.html \
- pj.io.PaperStory.html \
- pj.io.ParserThread.html \
- pj.io.StoryContainer.html \
- pj.io.StatefulStoryContainer.html \
- pj.io.StoryParser.html \
- pj.io.StoryScanner.html
- # The default target for the build. (The first target is the project default.)
- for %f in ($(CLASSES)) do copy %f $(JAVACLASSDIR)
- documentation : $(JAVADOCDIR) $(JAVADOCDIR)/images $(APIDOCS)
- for %f in ($(APIDOCS)) do copy %f $(JAVADOCDIR)
- all : binary documentation
- # Include other targets
- !INCLUDE $(JAVAMAKEDIR)\dtargets.mak
- # List dependencies here (particularly private class dependencies)
- CUP$$actions.class : StoryParser.java
- DownloadProgressNotification.class : DownloadProgressNotification.java
- Paper.class : Paper.java \
- IncompatiblePaperStoryException.class \
- MalformedPaperStoryException.class \
- PaperStory.class \
- StoryContainer.class \
- PaperSection.class
- PaperSection.class : PaperSection.java \
- DownloadProgressNotification.class \
- IncompatiblePaperStoryException.class \
- MalformedPaperStoryException.class \
- PaperStory.class \
- StoryContainer.class \
- StoryContainerNotification.class
- PaperStory.class : PaperStory.java \
- MalformedPaperStoryException.class
- ParserThread.class : ParserThread.java \
- Paper.class \
- PaperSection.class \
- StoryContainerNotification.class \
- StoryParser.class
- StoryContainer.class : StoryContainer.java \
- IncompatiblePaperStoryException.class \
- MalformedPaperStoryException.class
- StoryContainerNotification.class : StoryContainerNotification.java
- StoryParser.class : StoryParser.java \
- CUP$$actions.class \
- StoryParserSymbols.class \
- StoryScanner.class \
- StoryContainer.class \
- PaperStory.class
- StoryScanner.class : StoryScanner.java \
- StoryParserSymbols.class \
- PaperStory.class
- pj.io.IncompatiblePaperStoryException.html : IncompatiblePaperStoryException.html
- pj.io.IOTest.html : IOTest.html
- pj.io.MalformedPaperStoryException.html : MalformedPaperStoryException.html
- pj.io.Paper.html : Paper.html
- pj.io.PaperSection.html : PaperSection.html
- pj.io.PaperStory.html : PaperStory.html
- pj.io.ParserThread.html : ParserThread.html
- pj.io.StatefulStoryContainer.html : StatefulStoryContainer.html
- pj.io.StoryContainer.html : StoryContainer.html
- pj.io.StoryParser.html : StoryParser.html
- pj.io.StoryScanner.html : StoryScanner.html