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- ------------------------------------------------------------
- README for Microsoft(R) NetMeeting(TM) 1.0
- Beta 2
- July l996
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996
- This document provides complementary or late-breaking information
- to supplement any existing documentation.
- ------------------------
- ------------------------
- To view Netmeet.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.
- To print Netmeet.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor,
- then use the Print command on the File menu.
- ========
- To Run Microsoft NetMeeting
- To Uninstall Microsoft NetMeeting
- Using Advanced Calling
- Calling a Conferencing Service Provider
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- ========
- Microsoft NetMeeting is a set of application and network components
- that enable real-time audio and data communication over the
- Internet. Our vision is of a device that combines the capabilities
- of a telephone with a rich set of data features, such as application
- sharing, file transfer, conference Whiteboard, and conference Chat.
- In order to use Microsoft NetMeeting, you must have the following
- configuration:
- - 486/66 with 8MB of RAM (Pentium with 16MB of RAM recommended)
- - Microsoft Windows 95
- NetMeeting does not run on Windows NT(R) or Windows 3.1(R).
- This version of NetMeeting runs only on English (United States)
- versions of Microsoft Windows 95.
- - Microsoft NetMeeting works best with a fast Internet connection
- (28.8-baud modem or local area network)
- - Sound card, speakers, and microphone are required for use of Audio
- For this beta release, do not run NetMeeting on a computer
- running PictureTel Live50, Live100, Live200, LiveLAN, or LiveShare
- Plus. The final version of NetMeeting will work with these products.
- This product replaces the PDC alpha release of Microsoft Conferencing
- and the Beta 1 release of Microsoft NetMeeting. It is strongly
- recommended that you uninstall earlier versions of Microsoft NetMeeting
- before installing the Beta 2 release.
- To Run Microsoft NetMeeting
- ---------------------------
- 1. After the installation is finished, if a dialog box appears
- asking if you want to restart your computer, click Yes.
- 2. Start Microsoft NetMeeting as follows:
- - Click the Start button, and then point to Programs.
- - Click Microsoft NetMeeting.
- 3. When you open Microsoft NetMeeting for the first time, a wizard
- appears that helps you get ready to use NetMeeting. If you cancel
- this wizard, you will not be able to use NetMeeting.
- To Uninstall Microsoft NetMeeting
- ---------------------------------
- 1. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- 2. Click the Install/Uninstall tab.
- 3. Click Microsoft NetMeeting, and then click Add/Remove.
- 4. If a dialog box appears asking if you want to restart
- your computer, click Yes.
- ==========================
- - Only the most recent Beta version of Internet Explorer 3.0 works
- with NetMeeting Beta 2
- - When you first run Microsoft NetMeeting, a setup wizard prompts
- you for the name of the User Location Server (ULS) you want to
- use. Microsoft maintains a User Location Server on the Internet
- at uls.microsoft.com.
- - Whenever you run Microsoft NetMeeting after you have completed
- the setup wizard, you are automatically logged on to the ULS you
- specified. This server maintains a list of the people currently
- running Microsoft NetMeeting and their IP addresses. You can use
- this service to locate people to conference with by clicking the
- directory button, or you can type the person's computer name,
- IP address, e-mail address, or modem phone number in the Place
- A Call field.
- - To use the User Location Server to find people running Microsoft
- NetMeeting on the Internet:
- 1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
- 2. Click the My Information tab.
- 3. Select the User Location Service Name check box, and then
- type uls.microsoft.com.
- NOTE: You will not be able to use uls.microsoft.com to locate
- people on the Internet if you connect to the Internet
- through a proxy server. For information about setting up
- your own User Location Server, see the Microsoft NetMeeting
- SDK.
- - NetMeeting will not work if you choose Close All Programs and Log
- on as Another User from the shutdown dialog box. In order to use
- NetMeeting again, you will need to shutdown and restart your computer.
- - Audio works only over TCP/IP between two people. Data conferences
- can include multiple people and work over TCP/IP, modems, and IPX.
- - For this release, the maximum recommended conference size is six
- people.
- - If you try to make a TCP/IP call and MSN displays a connection
- dialog box, double-click the Internet icon in Control Panel and
- make sure that AutoDial is not selected.
- - Sharing of DirectX, MS-DOS, and graphic-intensive games and AVIs
- does not work well and is not supported.
- - If different computers have different screen resolutions during
- a conference, the shared windows can be as large as the highest
- resolution desktop allows. Users with lower resolution desktops
- will have to scroll to view windows that don't fit their screens.
- - When you share an application, remote users can use the File Open
- and File Save dialog boxes in your application to access files on \
- your computer or network.
- - Some software installation programs will not function properly
- while Microsoft NetMeeting is running.
- - You must have a 32-bit TCP/IP stack and Windows Sockets interface
- to run Microsoft NetMeeting. Microsoft NetMeeting has been tested
- with the 32-bit TCP/IP and Windows sockets built into Windows 95.
- - If you want to use an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to place
- NetMeeting calls, you must be connected to the ISP before starting
- Microsoft NetMeeting.
- - Both Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft NetMeeting currently use
- the same file type (.cnf).
- - If you want to call someone by using a modem, and you must dial a 9
- to get an outside line, make sure you type a "-" in front of the 9 at
- the beginning of the phone number. If you do not, NetMeeting assumes
- the phone number is the IP address for the remote computer, and tries
- to connect over the local area network by using the TCP/IP protocol.
- For example, you might specify the following number:
- -9,7034501
- - Application sharing, Whiteboard, and Chat may not work properly
- between computers with different language settings and keyboard
- layouts.
- ==============
- You can place Microsoft NetMeeting calls to multiple users. Any
- person in a conference can place Microsoft NetMeeting calls to
- other people. In addition, other people can join a Microsoft
- NetMeeting call in progress by calling one of the participants.
- When you run Microsoft NetMeeting, you are automatically logged
- on to a User Location Server. This server maintains a list of the
- people currently running Microsoft NetMeeting and their IP addresses.
- You can use this service to locate people to conference with by
- choosing Call, then Directory; or you can use the main NetMeeting
- window to type either their computer name or modem phone number.
- Using Advanced Calling
- ----------------------
- If Microsoft NetMeeting cannot determine what type of address you
- entered, the Advanced Calling dialog box is displayed. You can then
- specify additional information to help NetMeeting place the call.
- You can open the Advanced Calling dialog box by clicking the Call
- menu, and then clicking Place Advanced Call.
- Calling a Conferencing Service Provider
- ---------------------------------------
- A conferencing service provider supplies a conferencing bridge that
- everyone in a conference can connect to for a data-only conference.
- To use a conferencing service provider, carry out the following
- steps:
- 1. On the Call menu, click Place Advanced Call.
- 2. In the Call Using box, click Modem.
- 3. Type the phone number of the Conferencing Service Provider.
- 4. Select the Call A Conferencing Service check box.
- 5. Type the name of the conference you want to join. If you leave
- this field blank, Microsoft NetMeeting will display a list of
- public conferences on the conferencing service provider.
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- -----------------------
- - Audio calls can be made only over TCP/IP and can include only
- two people.
- - If you cannot connect to someone by using their computer name,
- try using their IP address.
- - IPX conferences can be run if both nodes in the conference do
- the following:
- - Have Microsoft IPX/SPX-Compatible Protocol installed.
- - Call using the Advanced Calling dialog box, choosing the IPX
- transport and entering into the Address field the full 8:12
- net number and Ethernet address of the intended recipient of
- the call--for example, 00002702:112233445566.
- - NetMeeting does not work over a direct cable connection between
- computers.
- - NetMeeting SpeedDials record only the name and address of
- the person to call.
- - Microsoft NetMeeting currently does not work with the Motorola
- Bitsurfer Pro ISDN modem.
- - It is not possible to join an audio-only call in progress.
- - Microsoft NetMeeting cannot place calls using a modem on a computer
- that has two modems installed.
- ================
- You are ready to receive an incoming call if you are currently
- running Microsoft NetMeeting.
- ======================
- Any person in a conference can share an application with the other
- conference participants. When you share an application, other people
- can see the application. When you Collaborate, other people can see
- and use the application.
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- -----------------------
- - You cannot share the entire desktop.
- - Sharing one Windows Explorer window shares all of them. If you
- run a program while the Windows Explorer is shared, it will also
- be shared. You cannot stop sharing the Explorer by closing all explorer
- windows, instead, click Tools, click Share Application, and uncheck
- one of the shared explorer windows.
- - When you share an application and collaborate, remote users can use
- the File Open and File Save dialog boxes in your application to
- access or delete files on your computer or network. To stop someone
- from using your shared program while you do not have control of the
- cursor, press ESC. To stop someone from using your shared program
- while you do have control of the cursor, click the Work Alone button.
- ==========
- The Whiteboard enables you to draw simultaneously with other users.
- Everyone in the conference can see what is drawn on the Whiteboard.
- When one person in a conference runs Whiteboard, it appears on
- everyone's screen.
- ====
- Chat enables you to type messages for other users to see. When one
- person in a conference runs Chat, it appears on everyone's screen.
- =============
- Files dragged onto the listing of people in the conference will be
- sent to all the people in the conference. To send a file to a
- particular user, right click on their icon in the list of people
- in the conference and choose Send File. To send a file to everyone in the conference,
- click the Tools menu, and then click Send File.
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- -----------------------
- - Received files show up in the Windows Explorer before they are
- successfully received.
- - If you try to send a shortcut to a file, the shortcut will be
- resolved and the file will be sent instead.
- - If you hang up while file transfer is in progress, file transfer
- will not complete successfully.
- - If one user in a multi-point conference hangs up while file transfer
- is in progress, file transfer will not complete successfully and
- may hang NetMeeting on other user's computers.
- - Files larger than 600K may not be completely Sent/Received over
- Internet Service Providers. You can use click Cancel Send in the
- tools menu to end file transfer.
- ===================
- By default, audio communication is enabled for TCP/IP calls. To
- place an audio-only or data-only call, you must open the Advanced
- Calling dialog box, select TCP/IP as your transport, and choose the
- appropriate option.
- Audio is supported only over TCP/IP and between no more than two
- people.
- Sound quality can vary significantly depending on your sound card
- and microphone. Use the Audio Tuning Wizard to automatically adjust
- your settings.
- Warnings and Known Bugs
- -----------------------
- - Pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE might disconnect the audio connection.
- - If you join a conference, or call a person who has selected
- Conference Host in the Call menu, you will not be able to use
- the audio features in your conference.
- - The Audio Tuning Wizard works only when you are not on a call.
- - If you are experiencing choppy full-duplex sound quality, try
- switching Microsoft NetMeeting to half-duplex sound quality.
- To do this, carry out the following steps:
- 1. Make sure that you are not on a NetMeeting call.
- 2. Click the Tools menu, and then click Options.
- 3. Click the Audio tab.
- 4. Clear the Enable Full Duplex Audio check box.
- - Full duplex cards for Creative Labs sound cards are available at
- http://www.creaf.com/creative/drivers/sb16awe/sbw95up.exe
- ==========
- When you hang up, you will disconnect anyone you have called or
- anyone who called you. If the disconnected users have invited or
- accepted other users into the conference, they will also be
- disconnected.
- ============
- - You cannot run ReachOut 5.0 on computers where Microsoft NetMeeting
- is installed.
- - To find the name that NetMeeting uses as your NetBIOS name, carry
- out the following steps:
- 1. In Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
- 2. Click the Identification tab. The Computer Name is displayed.